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Rooster: A Secret Baby Sports Romance

Page 7

by Abbey Foxx

  “I believe in equal rights”, I say.

  “I don’t doubt it.”

  Bigger than Brad in every respect, better than any I’ve ever had before and here he is again, sat across from me in a nothing bar in the center of my city. Sexual tension so thick you’d struggle to break through it with a jack-hammer. If I tell him about his son, maybe he’ll not want to fuck me at all

  “I’ve been inside for a year, what’s your excuse?”, he says. “As good as I am, I can’t believe you waited for me to come back here, on the off chance I might have been offered a contract in a completely different sport to my own.”

  “You’re not the only one who’s surprised to see you here”, I say.

  “You saw the army of fans outside the stadium?”

  “I saw a bunch of kids waiting for Kowalski to come out”, I joke.

  Rory can’t help but laugh at that, and his laugh makes me smile too.

  “Kowalski’s such a dick. He told me that what I was playing wasn’t ice hockey”, Rory says.

  “He has a point”, I say.

  “We still won.”

  “The crowd seemed to like it”, I offer.

  “Those fifty-odd kids?” Rory jokes.

  “Everyone’s got to start somewhere.”

  “So how come you’re into it? Or did you just come to see me play?” he asks.

  “I’m an official season ticket holder.”

  And I realize exactly what that means as soon as I say it.

  “My number one fan”, Rory says, a huge smile across his face.

  “Let’s not go that far.”

  “So this is going to be a regular thing then?” he asks.

  Rory leans back into his seat, massive arms crossed over one another, tattoos snaking across the skin, a wide cat that got the cream smile plastered across his face.

  “Depends on how well we get on”, I say.

  “Maybe you’d prefer a pint with Kowalski, he seems like a really interesting guy.”

  “Anyone but Kowalski.”

  “I still can’t believe you are here”, he says.

  “You are the one who shouldn’t be, remember”, I point out.

  “I had no choice.”

  “If that was your defense, I’m not surprised they sent you away.”

  Rory gives me a look that suggests I may be crossing the line, but also that if I am, he actually quite likes it.

  “I’m getting another pint”, he says, by way of avoiding the subject, which gives me a perfect opportunity to look a little bit more closely at his assets, before he returns to the table. I’ve never been an easy lay, but I’ve never met anyone like Rory before either. If I’m a real girl, then Rory is definitely a real man x 10™.

  “I might have had no choice too, if they offered me a million dollars”, I say.

  “Now I know why you’ve come to find me”, he says.

  “I’m not that shallow”, I lie.

  “And I haven’t been paid yet anyway, so even if you were you’d have to wait.”

  “Don’t worry, I didn’t come here to steal your money”, I say.

  “Good, because I need it to challenge my ban”, Rory says.

  “Hurling means that much to you, huh?”

  “As much as ice hockey does to Kowalski”, he says.

  “It must be hard not playing it then. I can’t imagine being told I’m not allowed to do something I love.”

  “Like you wouldn’t believe. It’s like ripping a child away from its mother.”

  Suddenly my heart stops, and my skin goes cold.

  “What happened?” I ask quickly, keen not to make it look like something has affected me.

  “I got banned for violent conduct, he says.

  “How come that doesn’t surprise me?”

  “It’s part of the game.”

  “If it’s part of the game, how come they banned you?” I ask.

  “Because it didn’t take part on the field.”

  “Oh”, I say.

  Rory gulps his drink down. “Yep.”

  “I should be worried about my safety.”

  “It wasn’t like that”, he says.

  “How was it like?” I ask.

  A year in prison, built like a fucking tank, tattoos all over his arms and chest and a smile that would stop a jet plane, there is no other word to describe Rory O’Connor but dangerous. I should be worried about my safety, I’ve seen what this man is capable of and I know just how powerful he can be, the thing is, I’m not. I’m intrigued, turned on, excited just to think about the possibilities. Scared? A little bit. Worried about what he’s capable of? Maybe. Worried enough to run away as fast as I can? No.

  “I did something I shouldn’t have done”, he says.

  Maybe I shouldn’t ask, but not asking is like being given a box with a big red button and trying not to press it.

  “What something?” I say.

  I’m not sure why but I’m super turned on right now. Even more turned on that I was when he first approached me over a year ago and said those magical, panty-dropping words.

  “I hurt someone because they were hurting someone I love”, he says.

  “Some people call those people heroes”, I offer.

  “Not everyone”, Rory says.

  “So what did you do?”

  “I made sure he wasn’t able to hurt her again.”


  It’s clear Rory isn’t comfortable talking about it, and definitely not proud of what he felt like he had to do.

  “Yeah, well, I made a choice”, he says.

  “And now you’re paying the consequences.”

  “Now I get to sit here and talk to you.”

  “Who was the girl?” I ask, worried for a moment I might have competition.

  Rory notices the look I give him and smiles, comfortable again with the situation. “The most beautiful woman in the world and the person I owe everything to”, he says.

  “Now I’m getting jealous.”

  Rory laughs. “Don’t be. I’m sure you feel the same way about your own mother.”

  “We have our ups and downs”, I say.

  “We do now too.”

  “Your father must have been a real dick”, I say.

  “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

  “Is that how you know how to fight?”

  “Everyone in Ireland knows how to fight”, Rory says.

  “Clearly some better than others.”

  Rory shifts in his seat, to lean over the table towards me. “I’m telling you because we’re getting to know each other and you have a right to know, and because you’re a season ticket holder, and I hope that means we’ll become friends with each other and talk a lot more about your life and mine”, he begins, “nobody else really knows, not the full details at least, anyway. I don’t want you to think I’m some kind of thug going around being violent with people without reason. Some people think that because they see what I’m like on the field, and because I’m big and strong, that’s what I’m like away from it too. My father was a bad man for a long time and it finally got to the point where I felt like enough was enough. My mother still hasn’t forgiven me, of course. How fucked up is that?”

  “It’s always different from the inside”, I offer

  “When you know somebody?” Rory asks.

  “Exactly”, I confirm.

  “Yeah, I guess that’s true. So there it is, I didn’t have a choice”, Rory says, leaning back into his seat. “Or I had a choice and I made it, and now I’ve got to suffer the consequences.”

  “A least you’ve had some time to think about me.”

  Rory smiles. “There is that I suppose”, he says.

  “My story is far less interesting.”

  “You mean that alleyway thing isn’t a regular event?” he asks.

  I look at him coyly.

  “You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to find people as committed”, I say.

  “Maybe you’re just look
ing in all the wrong places.”

  “Or those kind of things only happen once every blue moon.”

  “Just say the word”, he says.

  “It’ll never be as good the second time around, it never is”, I say wistfully, although I don’t really believe it, I just want to see how he reacts to it.

  “You can decide that after it happens”, he says.

  “That’s a very confident approach”, I say.

  “Practice makes perfect after all.”

  “Then that means we shouldn’t ever stop.”

  “Not until it’s perfect”, he says.

  “And how long is that likely to take?” I ask.

  “With me and you? Probably not very long at all.”

  “Then what will keep us coming back to each other after we’ve made it all the way there?” I say.

  “The same thing that brought you here today, the same reason I play hurling and the same reason you do anything you love. It’ll be impossible to resist.”

  Now I’m leaning across the table towards him, drinks pushed out of the way so I can give him my challenge without being impeded, chin rested in my hands and full on theatrical. A real girl, making sure.

  “And what if I’m unavailable?” I say.

  Rory sips at his drink and considers me.

  “Are you?” he says.

  “I might be.”

  I’m being purposely vague just to see what he says. There’s Brad, so technically I’m not lying, but the bigger lie is Oscar, and Brad has never been committed enough anyway for me to consider what we have exclusive. If there is a choice, I know exactly where I’ll place my bet.

  “I don’t know if you know this about me”, Rory says, “but I’m very competitive.”

  “Are you making a claim?” I ask.

  “That depends on what’s at stake.”

  I hold his gaze, sip my drink and fold back into the chair. I was going to come here, tell Rory about Oscar and work out some kind of agreement, but I’ve done none of that and I’m not entirely sure why. It could be those perfect eyes, that incredible smile the arms as thick as tree trunks I want wrapped around me, or it could be the possibility of what revealing that secret might mean to us both, now that he’s back here, on a much more permanent basis. I wasn’t looking for a relationship when Rory came up to me a year ago, I was looking for a fuck in a dirty alleyway. A lot changes in a year, though, and right now, with a little baby to look after, family has become a rather important word.

  Babies terrify the hell out of people, though, and if there is a chance of round two before Rory flips his lid and wants to be as far away from me as possible, maybe I should make sure I’ve got that in the bag before telling him. There’s no reason for him to know yet, after all. I’ve got just about enough money to last me until Christmas, which gives me and Mr. Perfect a month and a half to get to know each other before dropping my bombshell.

  It’s not exactly ethical, but ethics might not help me right now. The only tricky thing will be giving enough but not too much so he wants to come back to me and keeping Oscar a secret, while somehow getting enough free time to see Rory.

  It’s clear we both like each other too. I mean, there was definitely an instant attraction before, and if this continues to go the way it is already, Rory proving he can talk as well as he can fuck, things might finally be looking up for me.

  “Do you think this is how it starts”, I ask.

  “How what starts?” he says.

  “You and me.”

  Rory gives me his let me think about that for a moment face.

  “You and me started a year ago, this is where we continue”, he says.

  “And where do we end up?” I ask.

  “Where does anything end up? Our natural conclusion”, he says.

  “Ok, which is what?”

  Rory takes one last look at me before downing what’s left of his pint. “Come on, it’s time to go”, he says.

  I watch him stand up and hold out his hand for me to take it.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “We’re going back to mine to fuck and get drunk. I have a mini bar and a huge fucking bed.”

  I’m stuck for words so Rory fills in the spaces for me.

  “We’ve talked enough for now, which means we have to redress the balance.”

  I don’t know what to say, but that’s fine because I know exactly what to do. I take Rory’s hand and let him pull me to my feet.

  “You’re unbelievable”, I finally manage to spit out. It’s not a criticism, but a happy observation.

  “I’m just saying what we’re both thinking”, he says.

  We are chest to chest, feet touching, my heart rate already increasing. I’m about to say something to him, but before I can, Rory puts his hand behind my neck and leans in towards me. I have hot wet lips on mine and I’m fighting my tongue into his mouth before I even stop to breath. Rory smiles when he pulls away, a cocky curl of lip at the end of his mouth that makes me gurgle inside.

  “I missed that”, he says, that intense look back in his eyes, that eagerness in the way he carries himself.

  “Dangerous”, I whisper, my lips still tingling.

  “Let’s go and find out”, he says.

  I’m not an easy lay, but with a man like Rory, it isn’t all that easy to refuse. I didn’t come here to do this, but I’m not going to turn down something that promises to be just as good as the first time I tried it, and perhaps even better because of the wait. If Rory is being honest about how much he’s been thinking about me, then this could be explosive in every single way.

  At least we talked for a bit longer this time, at least we made a concerted effort to get to know each other. Where this will end up, who knows? Who knows if that even matters right now?

  With heat rising from my pussy to my neck, anticipation so strong it’s making my pulse race and my hands tremble, with a desire so fierce to have him deep inside me again, and me pushing myself so hard down onto him I scream, it’s kind of hard to think about anything else.

  I’ve never felt so consumed by need before, never felt so addicted to one thing, which is exciting and troubling all in one go. If I need him this much now, what the hell is going to happen if and when the moment comes when he decides it’s time to leave?

  I don’t want to think about that now, so I won’t. I don’t have the answers so there’s no point in worrying about what they might be.

  All I’ve got right now is Rory, and we’ve got a whole year missing in our history to catch up on.


  The quickest way to the hotel is on foot, but even then, it’s still nowhere near as quick as either of us would like. The alleyway option is appealing, but right here in the center, we find ourselves out of luck.

  The receptionist barely has a chance to look up as we breeze past and into the elevator, just enough time between floors for us to begin to rip clothes from each other.

  Inside the room, I throw her down onto the bed, tear my T-shirt off and climb on top of her.

  “Luxury”, Izzy says, arms out like an angel, to test the Egyptian cotton sheets.

  “We can always go outside if you’d like”, I offer, half joking.

  “If you fuck me like you did then, we won’t need to”, she says.

  “You already know I’m going to fuck you like a man who’s spent a year in prison”, I say.

  “Is that a threat or a promise.”

  “You tell me afterward.”

  I can’t believe I get to do this again. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve willed this into existence, how many times I’ve imagined running my tongue over her incredible curves, filling her with kisses, tasting her sensitivity.

  The first time was an explosion of dirty passion and every time since then, I’ve imagined it a thousand different ways, every single one of them mind blowing. What I didn’t have that first time around was time, and over the last year, I’ve had nothing but it.

It’s exactly what I have now and I’m going to make use of it just in case our second round is also our last.

  Izzy may want a quick fuck like last time, especially if the way she’s throwing herself at me is anything to go by, but quick, she isn’t going to get. I’ve got a free schedule tonight and a whole year of build up I have no intention of wasting. I’m going to make this girl moan so hard she gives herself a headache. I’m going to make her pussy so wet I can slide inside both of her holes without holding onto my dick to guide it, and I’m going to make her come so intensely she forgets where she is. I’m going to make her mine because I’ve never felt so strongly that I need to.

  The cute little button-front dress she’s wearing shows little resistance. When I’ve got it splayed open like a cape, her perfection like the perfect Christmas present inside the wrapping, I cover her belly with kisses and then work my way from her panties up to her bra, teasing my way around the fabric as I go.

  She moans as I nibble her ear, tug lightly at her hair and fold my fingers into hers against the bounce of the mattress. I can fuck dirty if I want to, but I can be romantic too.

  Izzy has stripey stockings on that end just above the knee, I’m going to leave on when I fuck her. In all the times I imagined myself inside her, I never saw it like this, but that makes it even better. Stockings pulled up like a proper girl, bra thrown into the corner of the room, panties hanging off one ankle while her legs hang in the air high enough for me to see the knotted skin of her silky cunt.

  She’s shaved almost completely, which gives her pussy a stickiness my tongue can’t help but tremble with. Like a good girl, she lies back while I get to know her, my fingers just as eager as my tongue to test every single knot and curve, every dip and bend and swollen nub.

  I’m so hard I’m poking holes in my jeans, but that’s not much of a surprise. I’ve had a boner for this girl ever since I saw her come into the pub over a year ago. I’ve ejaculated more times thinking about Izzy than I have anyone else. She’s been with me more times that I’ve been with all of the other girls in my life put together, and even though we’ve only fucked once, I’ve never come as intensely as I have with her on my mind.

  “Horny?” I ask her, even though I don’t need to because I can already see it, but I want to hear her tell me anyway.


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