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Rooster: A Secret Baby Sports Romance

Page 27

by Abbey Foxx

  I take her coffee over and sit on the edge of the bed with her.

  “That is almost certain.”

  “Are you having us rescued?”

  “I thought it might be best.”

  “And here I was getting used to my new life as an itinerant sailor.”

  “We can always come out again when we know what the weather is doing”, I say.

  “Let’s cross that bridge when we come to it.”

  She narrows her chocolate brown eyes at me and bites her lip.

  “Are you hungry?” I ask.

  “Don’t tell me you’ve been out already this morning to catch me a fish?”

  “I’ve not only caught you a fish, I’ve made you bread, poached you some eggs and picked wild asparagus.”

  “You really are a man of many talents.”

  “Just make sure you put that in the article.”

  I would love to slide back in bed alongside her but the moment doesn’t seem right and I don’t want to push it, or come across too eager too early. We’ve fucked, it was incredible, it’s likely we’ll fuck again, but I want to know that if we do, we do so because she really wants to. She’s had a taste, and I want her to come back begging for more. It won’t do me any favors to show her I can’t resist her, which is why I’ve got to hold myself off and wait for the signal.

  I made her unable to resist in the first place, now I’ve got to build on that and make it impossible for her to say no. This isn’t for my ego either, it’s because I really like this girl and I want to make sure I don’t fuck it up. The last thing I want is for her to get bored of me, or complacent, or, worst of all, able to predict what I want and control it.

  If she knows I can’t resist her, she’s going to be the one able to decide when and for how long to give it to me, and right now, at this stage of the relationship, or whatever is right to call it after four years of ignoring each other, five years in the shadows and two days unable to look anywhere else, that’s the most dangerous thing of all.

  I make a point of leaving the room to let her get dressed, because Lucy seems keen to play the same game I’m trying to play myself. She’s not exactly cold this morning, more conscious with her affection, flirtatious but careful of keeping distance, like she’s avoiding the subject she knows we’ll both be thinking about.

  I’m not going to be the first to refer to it directly, and it seems that Lucy’s happy not to either, and the result of that is a kind of cat and mouse conversation layered with deeper meaning and subtext, that on one level is as clear an attempt at flirting as any I’ve ever seen, while on another says more about how competitive we are than anything else. Whatever it is, the fact that we’re not saying what we really want to say to each other, not doing what we want to do, even though we’ve done it once, means that the sexual tension flying about the boat across breakfast is even thicker than it was during the storm last night. I don’t know about her, but this is turning me on.

  “So, what now?” she asks.

  “Now we go home, rest, carry on as normal.”

  “The Alex Vann Haden way?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Don’t you get bored? A big house, an even bigger island, nothing to do all day.”

  “I like the peace and quiet.”

  “Now I know you’re lying.”

  “Alright, you’ve got me, it’s fucking boring sometimes.”

  “Especially during the storms, right?”

  “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

  “I don’t know how you’ve managed to last for so long. I’d go out of my mind-.”

  “After only a week.”

  She smiles. “Exactly.”

  “You kind of get used to it, and it’s not like I spend the whole year here, I travel too.”

  “You travel?”

  “That surprise you?”

  “Yeah, it kinda does, actually. I wouldn’t have put you down as the traveling type.”

  “I told you, that shit that you read about me, that isn’t the real me.”

  “So where do you go?”

  “Wherever I can without being spotted.”

  “One of the most famous faces in America.”

  I give her my best shit-eating, paparazzi smile, the one I’ve never used before.

  “You could be good at this, you know. You can be charismatic when you want to be. You’re way more intelligent than the average football player”, she says.

  “Are you complimenting me?”

  “I didn’t say you were charismatic, I said you could be, and the average intelligence of a football player? Sorry, Alex, it’s not a great starting point.”

  “You are so delightful in the mornings.”

  “I told you I need a proper lie in.”

  I pour her more coffee.

  “Describe yourself in three words”, I say.

  “I told you this isn’t about me.”

  “Come on, humor me.”

  “Three words?”

  “Three words.”

  “You do it and I’ll tell you if I agree.”

  “That’s not how this works.”

  She’s stalling and it’s so obvious.

  “Alright, umm.”

  “You don’t like talking about yourself do you?” I say.

  “Wait, give me a minute to think.”

  “I’m waiting.”

  “I can’t think if you’re talking.”

  I hold my hands up passively. I drink coffee. I watch the world go by and clouds turn into objects in the sky.


  “Sleepy”, she says.


  She nods, lifts her coffee to those beautiful lips and looks out at me over the cup.

  “That it?”

  “For now.”

  “What do I get, one word an hour? And sleepy, that means lazy in real life.”

  “Some people need more sleep than others, especially women. I’m not lazy.”

  “What else?”

  “I don’t like this game.”

  “How else am I meant to get to know you if I don’t know how you see yourself?”

  “Maybe you’ll just have to wait until I invite you to my private island for a week to write a story about me and then you can ask as many questions as you want”, she says and I get the hint.

  “Alright, what do you want to know?”

  “Positives and negatives.”

  “You know that’s a job interview question?”

  “My interview, my questions.”

  She’s loving this, which is great, because it’s fantastic to see a genuine smile on her for once. At the moment, she’s as calm as the sea around us.

  “I never give up”, I say.




  “It means I do everything I can to make sure I win.”

  “And positive?”


  “I can see that.”

  “No, I mean-. Funny in what way do you see?”

  “I don’t know, you’re super serious, which is kinda funny in its own way, you know, in an ironic way”, she says.

  “No, like how?”

  She’s laughing again. “Like now for instance.”

  “I’m being serious.”


  She can’t keep it down.

  “I’m glad I make you laugh”, I say.

  “It’s a good quality, believe me.”

  “You know, when you take the chopper back home after this is over, I’m going to ask you again, and then we’ll see.”

  “I already lost the bet remember, you don’t need to prove anything else.”

  There is a twinkle in her eye when she says that, as though remembering the night before.

  “Want to make another?” I say.

  “I’ve got nothing left to gamble with.”

  “Then we’ll just do it for sexual favors and you’ll know you
can’t lose either way.”

  She rolls her eyes but I know she’s heating up inside.

  “I bet you don’t want to go home.”

  “Back to my job when I could have this? Please.”

  “I thought you said you’d get bored.”

  “I’m adaptable.”

  “There you go, sleepy and adaptable. I can work with that.”

  “You’ll have to change the bet.”

  “Alright, I bet you don’t want to leave me.”

  Her mouth hangs open for a moment in mock appall. “When was that rescue coming again?”

  We spend the rest of the morning like that, teasing each other, back and forth, building a whole city of subtext, for us to spend the rest of our lives in. There is tension but neither of us breaks it, for fear of what we might think of the other if we do. Despite how close we got last night, we are cautious with displays of affection, and almost excessively careful not to be overly comfortable with how we treat each other. If I touch her on the arm, I do so neutrally and I don’t expect her to react as though I’ve done so in any other way. It’s odd, but it’s almost as if we haven’t fucked at all, as though the events of last night were nothing but a dream and that we didn’t actually wake up together at all, that she woke up alone and I was there always watching her, coffee in hand ready to deliver it to her bedside.

  At just after eleven, the rescue boat swings past, we load up with the gasoline they’ve brought with them - an excess quantity I’m sure just to rub in my face - I kick the motor into action and we head for home.

  On the way back, Lucy turns to me.

  “We’d never work anyway, you and I”, she says.


  Lucy shakes her head. “Conflicts of interest.”

  “Too many differences to overcome?”

  “Exactly. I mean, we’re from a totally different world.”

  “Opposites never attract.”


  “Always ends badly.”

  “Hearts broken.”

  “Smashed into a million pieces.”

  “Couldn’t have that.”

  “Best not to risk it.”



  We look at each other, out to the sea and then back to each other again.

  “Does this thing go any faster?” she asks.



  We shouldn’t. I know we shouldn’t, but there it is again, that hot burning sensation between my crotch and my throat that just won’t go away.

  Denial. Deny you like him, deny you fucked him and it’ll all go away. Compartmentalize, protect yourself, get the hell out of there as soon as you can and don’t ever look back. If I want to protect this already sloppily repaired heart that’s what I need to do, but I already know that’s going to be impossible.

  If he breaks it, or we break it together, the cogs have already begun to turn and I can’t now go and unturn them.

  Cogs that are too sexy for words. Cogs that are way bigger than any I’ve ever seen before. Cogs that I will do anything to have turn again.

  I might be pretending to play it cool but I know he can see all the way through my flimsy set up and do you know what? I don’t have that much experience at this. Part of me is yelling hard to not get sunk even deeper, while the other half is shouting as loud as it can, this is Alex Vann Haden.

  And then there was what he did to me last night.

  Never. Not once. Not in a million full moons and twelve thousand Haley’s comets have I felt the earth and every single drop of water in it shake and shiver to such an extent.

  That’s kind of special. The kind of special that can’t be overlooked, toyed around with, pushed to the side and left to fade away. I’m the kind of girl that needs to know, the kind that tests things twice before she buys, the kind that can’t walk away easily, even if walking away is the sensible option second only to playing it cool. You know, that blasé, laissez-faire, devil-may-care attitude I do so well.

  Fuck it. Once more won’t hurt will it? One more bite of the cherry. One more sip from the golden cup. It’s research after all. After that, I’ll be sated. I’ll be able to work, I’ll be able to concentrate on this article and everything else can fall by the wayside.

  Negatives? Uhuh. There aren’t any. Not a single one. Nothing can go wrong here, the plan is faultless. Infallible.

  Positives? Way too many to even describe.

  And him? Arrogant, conceited, confident to a fault. Everyone has their bad points. I know I shouldn’t let him, but I can’t resist. That’s not to say he’s irresistible, of course, I‘d never hear the end of it, it’s to say I can’t resist, which is empowering in its own way. I’m taking control of my feelings, not giving in to them. I’m taking what I’ve always wanted and I’m making Alex give it to me. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all wrong with that when the result is this good. I’ve already lost the bet, I might as well make the most of it.

  As soon as we get home, we can’t keep our hands off each other. Despite a morning of pleasantries and tactical evasion, neither one of us seems bothered by holding themselves back physically.

  Like I already said, this isn’t like me. Sleepy, adaptable and now timid, I don’t fuck on the first date, and I would be reluctant to do half of the shit Alex and I have already done even six months into a relationship.

  We fight our way through the front door, a tangle of kisses and skin, half naked and rabid with desire, and this time, there is even less ceremony about it. We are barely in the hallway before Alex thuds me against the wall, the sound of doors swinging closed at the far end of the corridor a sign of escaping staff members.

  Here, with my legs wrapped around his back, he pushes my panties to the side - not off completely, just displaced enough to allow him entry - and without even guiding his way inside me, he’s up deep before I have a chance to catch my breath.

  Fuck, it feels so good to have him back inside me, and as soon as he’s there it’s like a massive weight has been lifted from my shoulders. All morning wondering how I can broach the subject again, hoping that fuck wasn’t our one and only and right now availing myself so perfectly of his cock I can feel my thighs slick already with my juices.

  With a strength I can only imagine being in possession of, he pins me against the wall ferociously, his eyes narrowed in what seems like nothing more than animalistic intent, while I tear away at his T-shirt to get a look at the thing he’s sliding inside me.

  He does it slowly while I watch, the fatness of his shaft pushing me open, a froth of my cum collecting up to create a ring by his base.

  Never once taking his eyes off mine, which flicker back and forth from his to where we connect, like a light fusing, he fucks me to his full extent, pulling out only enough that my pussy hole begins to close around his rim and I’m greeted momentarily by the purple darkness of his glans and he begins the whole process again.


  So deep he makes me gasp and I hold on around his neck while the wave swings around and hits me full force in the face again. I feel like I haven’t come down at all since the first time. I feel like I’ve been circling it all night. Maddening dreams of volcanoes rising, heat bubbling within me hotter than the surface of the sun and my pussy too tender to even touch, aching for where he’s been, aching for him to be there again.

  I’m coming before I can stop it. Sharp stabs of acute pleasure riding the neural network of my spine like bolts of lightning. I have to fold myself into him, try to climb inside his skin and remain whole all in one go but it’s taking me hard and I can’t control it. This is fireworks in every single one of my atoms, a cascade of chemicals flooding my body like a wall of water, perfection and divinity rolled into one.

  This is animalistic, uncontrolled behavior and it’s nothing like me but I can’t get enough of it.

  I could stare into those gemstones all day. Those fucking gorgeous eyes that tell me I want you. No, w
ait, they tell me I’m making you mine. It’s intense. So intense I’m almost inclined to believe it’s true. I could certainly be fooled by the way he’s making me feel it.

  With one hand he holds me against the wall, my chest puffed out, expanding and contracting like a pair of bellows. Sweat drips down his face and I watch a bead roll along his temple before cutting into his jaw line and running towards his mouth. I want to lick it but I can’t move. My legs feel weak, my skin trembling.

  That was how to fuck quickly 1-0-1. That was thirst quenching, heart stopping, the very definition of a perfect fuck.

  Alex lets me go and I slide down the wall, barely able to stand on my own two legs. I right myself, pushing my panties back over my throbbing pussy, and my skirt down, while Alex tucks his still erect and now sticky-with-my-cum cock back inside his board shorts.

  He traps me with an arm either side, hands pressed against the wall behind me.

  “That what you wanted?” he moans.


  “You going to be alright now?”

  “For a while.”

  He lifts my chin with his index finger, tilts my eyes up towards his. I try and look away but I can’t.

  “You’re nothing like you were”, he says.

  “I’m everything like I was, you just never took a moment to find out.”

  “I’m glad you came.”

  “You kind of made it impossible not to.”

  “I guess it’s just because I’m hard.”

  “Are you more than that?”

  “You tell me.”

  “I might make you wait.”

  “Then give me a clue.”

  “You’re nothing like you were”, I say.

  “I’m everything like I was, you just never took a moment to find out.”

  “Then I’m glad I came.”

  “Will you come again?”

  Alex’s hand has been dancing up my thigh, pushing my legs apart and right now he guides his fingers to my clitoris, knowing exactly what he’s doing. I gasp and shut my thighs quickly, trapping his hand in place.

  “That depends on how well you behave”, I say.

  “I’m a gentleman, I promise.”

  “Oh, I can see that already.”

  He pulls his hand away slowly before lifting them both into the air passively.


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