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Runner: The Fringe, Book 3

Page 27

by Anitra Lynn McLeod

“He read that I didn’t care who the father of your child was, because I was thoroughly in love with both of you.” Foster kissed her forehead and then her belly. “I wanted to be with both of you.”

  Relief and joy caused her eyes to water.

  “A boy needs a father.” He twined their fingers together. “My father was a good man. I never went hungry or lacked for anything, but he was never really there. Even when he was physically present, his head was still at work.”

  “My father was like that too.” She squeezed his hand. “If I had stayed on an IWOG world, I fear I would have been that way.” But here, she could have a fulfilling career and time for family. If she was very lucky, she could have it all.

  “I don’t want it to be like that for our kids. I want to be there.”

  “Kids?” Her heart skipped a beat.

  “Sure. Three or four. ’Course, I expect to be in on the ground floor for the rest.” Pulling her tight, he kissed her head. “Why? You don’t want any more?”

  “I do, I just—I guess I never thought of you as a family man. Especially not to another man’s child.”

  “Too much of a grunting Neanderthal, am I?” He laughed.

  “At least you’ve stopped carting me around over your shoulder.” Oddly, she missed being carried that way. It was arrogant, possessive, and surprisingly intimate.

  “Mainly because I don’t want to pop you.” Nuzzling her neck, he stood, taking her up with him. “Want to marry a very bad man who corrupted the IWOG lady right out of you?”

  “Did you ever think of it the other way around?” She trailed her hands up his chest, smoothing his blue T-shirt over his muscles. “That I corrupted the ruthless, brutal, vicious bastard right out of you?”

  His eyebrows rose. “Never thought of it that way. But you’re right. You sure enough did. So, what’s it going to be, lovely lady? Yes or no, stop or go.”


  Mindful of her belly, he spun her around in a happy circle. “You understand that I’ll never, ever, let you go?”

  “I wouldn’t expect any less from Never-Fail Nash.”

  About the Author

  Creating unique worlds is Anitra Lynn McLeod’s forte, combining unlikely genres such as historical, fantasy, futuristic and erotic into a steampunky—and steamy—brew. Reading, writing, and white-water rafting are the three things she enjoys the most.

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  Anitra Lynn McLeod

  PO Box 16631

  SLC, UT 84116-0631

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  Look for these titles by Anitra Lynn McLeod

  Now Available:

  The Fringe



  Onic Empire

  Wicked Empress

  Dark Empress

  Far Too Human

  His planet is his prison…and only she can set him free.


  © 2011 Anitra Lynn McLeod

  The Fringe, Book 2

  After a year, Michael “Overlord” Parker finally knows who’s been pilfering his black market goods. Astonishingly, the elusive Bandit of Taiga isn’t a man. It’s a woman, an infuriating spitfire who’s half in love with “Overlord,” Michael’s overly romanticized reputation.

  Remarkably Average Mary exudes an intoxicating scent that Michael can’t quite puzzle out, even with his unique ability. As long as she remains bound and blindfolded, he has the advantage—and the bonus of tormenting the bane of his existence.

  Mary’s deceptively innocent face has never failed her. Yet somehow she’s ended up at the mercy of a man she knows only as “Commander.” His demands are simple. Surrender her methods of banditry, or surrender her body. As his essence invades her intuitive ability—and her remaining senses—she becomes increasingly frantic to escape before she yields all that and more to her compelling captor.

  Their sensual sparring ignites, and Michael finds himself wanting to erase Overlord’s myth from her fantasies in favor of the real man. But first he has to foil the slippery little devil’s escape attempts. And find out who’s been using her to unknowingly help the empire wipe him off the face of his own planet.

  Warning: This futuristic romance contains a planet-owning alpha hero, a feisty heroine who can swear in over thirty languages, a side-kick with a crackleseed addiction, witty repartee, epic space battles, sensual karate, and tight black leather pants.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Overlord:

  Overlord eyed her speculatively. “You preach to me of not selling your honor, yet think I should walk away from one who steals from me, for you only steal a little bit. Would things be different if I were to steal only a little bit from you?”

  He had a good point. Not that Mary was likely to admit it anytime soon, especially to him.

  “Honor is as honor does, is it not? Explain to me how you stealing from me is honorable, but me stealing from you isn’t.”

  Fidgeting in her chair, she flushed. “I guess the difference is, I steal because I have no other option. I’m a bandit by circumstance, not choice. If you could steal my honor, that would be one thing, but you seem to be of the mind you can buy it. That is what is insulting.”

  His sleek eyebrows rose, but he said nothing.

  “I’m sorry I stole from you. If I could give your goods back, I would, but I can’t because they’re gone. Keeping me prisoner isn’t going to get your goods back, and I’ll never tell you where they went or why.”

  His eyes narrowed, but still, he said nothing.

  “My honor may be a bit rusty, but my loyalty isn’t. If I tell you, it’s not my life that’s at risk. One person, me, for all the rest?” She shrugged. “I’m willing to make that sacrifice.”

  “Are you the leader?”

  She froze as she searched for a diversion.

  A slow, quirky grin slid across his face. “You are the leader.”

  “So what if I am?” She belied her trepidation by standing. “I don’t see how that helps you.”

  “Really?” He sat and rang the crystal bell with an insistent clink.

  The young girl popped her head out of the kitchen.

  “More wine, Clara, and dessert.” When the girl retreated, he pointed one massive finger. “Sit down and we’ll discuss the matter over dessert.”

  “I think I’ve had enough.”

  “Not yet you haven’t. Sit.” When she hesitated, he flung the fragile crystal bell to the floor, where it shattered into delicate fragments. “Sit down.”

  Mary did. His destruction of the fragile bell made it pretty damn clear she’d pushed him right to the edge. He was a man who few disobeyed and he’d tolerated enough of her insolence and defiance. “I won’t tell you—”

  “You don’t have to.”

  Clara brought in dessert and wine, then hurried away, the rubber wheels of the cart crunching through the remains of the crystal bell.

  Dessert looked like two big white eyes with red pupils staring up from her plate. Strawberries ringed the strange cartoon gaze. “What the hell is—”

  “Poached meringues with strawberry sauce.”

  “Freaking child’s nightmare.” She shoved the plate away. “Wouldn’t your life be a lot easier if you just let me go?”

  “Back to your life of crime? I don’t think so. If I have the ringleader, it’s unlikely the gang will continue to rob me.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Won’t cost me but a pittance to keep you around and find out for sure, now, will it?” He took a casual bite of his dessert.

  “Fine.” She shrugged. “Keep me here. Eventually you’ll get bored. Something else will come along, strike your fancy, and you’ll gladly
send me on my way without a second thought.”

  “I think you could keep me entertained for years. Just watching you eat is a spectacle.” He dabbed his mouth with a pristine red napkin. “You eat like an animal.”

  She gritted her teeth. “Feel like trading insults? Fine.” Saluting him with her glass, she deliberately wiped her mouth on her sleeve. “By the same token, I’m fascinated by you, a man who’s mastered feminine traits I’ve never even dreamed of.” She chugged her drink, belched slightly behind her hand, set the delicate glass on the table and refilled it. “I wouldn’t be surprised to see you in a dress, you pampered pansy.”

  His eyes narrowed dangerously and he spoke through gritted teeth. “You like playing with fire, don’t you?”

  “You obviously don’t. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have strapped a luller to my wrist.” She took another slug of liquid courage. “Since I can’t strike at you with my fist, you’d best get used to my mouth.”

  He leaned intimately close and whispered, “I could get used to your mouth, provided I’m the one keeping it occupied.”

  She wondered what he could possibly mean. When she figured it out, a flush crept into her cheeks. When the prospect of doing that to him excited her, she flushed harder.

  “You rape all your prisoners, or just the women?”

  His gaze traveled from her face, to the V of her shirt, then to the juncture of her thighs. “Is that what it would take?”

  Her body thrummed from fabulous food, glorious wine and the sexiest man in the Void. He could seduce any woman he wanted. Any woman he didn’t want. One wink, and women would swoon. One kiss, and pants would drop or skirts would lift.

  “Since you can’t buy me, now you think you can seduce me?”

  “Yes.” Cocky arrogance, probably well deserved, emanated from him.

  Mary didn’t know which would give out first—her loyalty, or her resistance to the erotic lust he’d awakened in her. Captive and captor. Each time she thought of the duality, her body shivered with fear and desire.

  Carefully crafted daydreams involving her shadowy hero, Overlord, always had an element of captivity and surrender. Here, clearly, was a man who could turn dark daydreams to vivid reality. More than loyalty held her back. Foolish, young-girl fantasies held her back. To him, sex was a game, a way to pass the time in an enjoyable pursuit. To her, intimacy held consequences. Not just to herself but also to everyone she fought to save.

  Days without food and sleep, her belly now full, and her mind rendered silly by very fine wine, she stood. “Whatever your plans for me, at least—you once offered me a day to rest—let me have a night to sleep.” Had he any honor at all, he would grant her such a minor request.

  “As I am a generous host, I will indulge you.” Seven feet of male uncoiled, reminding her she was no match for him physically.

  “Should I kowtow to you now or later?” She swayed, closing her eyes against his potent smile. If he didn’t take pity on her, she would fall asleep at his bare feet.

  “Follow me.”

  Stepping carefully around the shards of glass on the floor, he left the dining room and strode through the grand ballroom to one of the huge doors between the pillars.

  “House, this will be Mary’s room. Update and confirm.”

  “Yes, Commander. Record of Mary updated with new parameters.”

  The peach-colored door swung open.

  “Where’s the—” As soon as she entered the room, lights blazed. “Christ almighty! Turn them off!” Mary threw her hand up to shield her weary eyes.

  “House, set the lights to level three.”

  The glare dropped to a soothing, warm tone. She glanced around the huge room. A span of open floor space made the bed seem a mile away. Even so, the bed looked big enough for six people. Puffs of shimmering gauze draped the four towering posters of the bed. Carpet to covers were the same pinky-orange color, like carrots stored too long in the cold. Ruffles, lace and a strong, sweet stench of flowers marked this as a woman’s room.

  “Good night, Commander.” She faced him, making no effort to hide her crushing exhaustion. At this moment, she didn’t care if the room he offered came draped in black with gravestones decked about and a skull-and-crossbones flapping overhead. For a few uninterrupted hours of sleep, she’d take it.

  To her shock, he scooped her up into his arms. He smelled good—citrus and pine. He felt impossibly strong—all bones and muscle. Long strides later, he tucked her into the welcoming folds of the massive bed. Warm and soft as a dinner roll, so unlike her hard-tack cabin bunk, the bed gave way below her as she melted into its silk embrace.

  Being a prisoner suddenly didn’t seem so horrific. Her mind damn near stripped gears when he didn’t leave but hovered over her. All this luxury would come at a price.

  She cast a wary eye over the edge of the blanket. “Don’t tell me. Let me guess. This bed is your bed too?”

  “Would you like it to be?” Soft as the silk on her skin, his voice smoothed against her ear.

  Ever had one of those days?

  The King and I

  © 2011 Opal Carew

  Celestial Soul-Mates, Book 1

  Aria’s career fills the void that foster care left behind, and keeps her grounded in reality. But recently, steamy, erotic dreams make her think she’s working too hard.

  A free trip to a luxury resort is just the ticket. Until she’s ushered to a “VIP party” and abducted by an alien who insists she’s his king’s soul-mate. Love at first sight, let alone sight unseen, is a myth. Her increasing attraction to the ship’s captain, though, is weak-in-the-knees real.

  Captain Tai Gaman’s mission was simple. Kidnap Aria and deliver her to wed his twin brother, King Zander. It must be the sibling psychic link that’s fueling his own blinding desire for the Earth woman. As the ship approaches his planet and her sexual hunger reaches unbearable heights, it must be simple compassion that won’t allow him to let her suffer. One night leaves him stunned, facing an emotional choice. Claim her as his own, or fulfill his duty to the king.

  After a lifetime believing love doesn’t exist, Aria finds her hands full with the love of two men. And considering the possibility there’s room in her heart for both…

  Warning: This book is full of red-hot sex and smoking hot alien studs (and one studette), along with their human abductees who don’t mind getting it on with one or more partners. With or without an audience. Watching the heroine find love and the hero lose his heart may cause a strong desire to be beamed up.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for The King and I:

  “You.” The uniformed woman pointed at Aria. “Come with me.”

  “We stay together,” Eva insisted as she stepped toward Aria protectively.

  “No, actually you don’t,” the woman responded.

  As the stranger grabbed Aria’s arm and dragged her to her feet, Terrien stepped in front of Eva, preventing her from rushing to Aria’s side. The uniformed woman led Aria to a door, which slid open as they approached. Aria glanced back to see her bewildered companions led out another door by Terrien and a couple of other uniformed men. Eva mouthed some words to Aria that she didn’t understand, then the door closed behind her.

  “Where are you taking me?” Aria couldn’t hide the quaver in her voice.

  “To meet the captain.” The woman’s heels clicked sharply on the floor as they marched along. “You should be honored.”

  Maybe she should be, but she wasn’t. In truth, she was frightened and confused.

  Despite that, thoughts of her steamy, nighttime adventures stirred within her and a sexual buzz quivered through her entire body. A part of her hoped this captain was a tall, dark, sinister hunk who wanted to have his way with her. She trembled in anticipation.

  Good God, where is my brain? This is real, not some sexual fantasy. Yet she felt heat flush through her, hotter and hotter, as they progressed.

  They stopped in front of a door and her captor pushed a button beside it.
A bleep sounded.

  “Send her in, Casey,” a deep voice said.

  The door slid open.

  “You heard the captain. Go on in.”

  Fear cooled her blood a little as Aria stepped through the doorway, peering ahead of her to see a sitting room but no captain. The door swooshed closed behind her. She stepped farther into the softly lit room, which looked like private quarters. A big, comfy-looking armchair and couch occupied most of the room. Not exactly how she’d pictured a spaceship.

  “Welcome.” A rich baritone voice came from her left.

  A tremor rippled along her spine. She spun around.

  At six foot four and all muscle, he was the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen. His dark, slightly wavy hair brushed his shoulders and his silver-gray eyes glittered like moonlight rippling on water. Her heartbeat accelerated at the sight of him. He would definitely be the star of any sexual fantasy. Her insides seemed to melt into a pool and her vagina tightened.

  Good heavens, she had to get a grip on herself. This man had kidnapped her!

  “Who are you?” she asked.

  “I’m Captain Tai Gaman. And you are Aria Jenkins.” He pointed to a chair. “Sit.”

  She perched on the edge of the chair, keeping a wary gaze on him. He strolled to the couch and settled onto it, his masculine aura filling the room.

  “I’m sure you’d like to know why we’ve brought you here.”

  “Yes, please.” With her hands folded in her lap, and her tight, prim words, she must look like a schoolgirl summoned to the principal’s office. She noticed her hands trembling, so she clasped them tighter.

  “Relax. I’m not going to bite.” Warmth emanated from his smile.

  Relax? Was he kidding?

  She stared at him with wide eyes, waiting. He leaned forward slightly.

  “There is a power in the universe that takes a hand in our lives—we call it nata’tai. It provides the means to keep us healthy, as individuals and as races. To stay healthy, a race must grow. It must embrace other cultures. It must open its gene pool to other races, otherwise it will stagnate. Physically, emotionally and culturally.”


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