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War of the Wizards

Page 6

by Ian Page

  If you wish to attack one of the Flying Snakes with your Staff at long range and you have 2 WILLPOWER points, turn to 88.

  If you wish to ignore them, turn to 103.

  [13] Although the term ‘Agarashi’ is not used anywhere else in the Grey Star books, it is used in other books as the collective term for the monstrous servants of Agarash the Damned.


  Close examination of the well reveals that the rope is rotten and likely to snap if you use the handles to draw up the receptacle attached to it. You decide, therefore, to haul up the rope by hand. You do this, drawing up a large, clay bowl, full of clear water.

  Turn to 25.


  The potion is mixed under the sun's rays and the light you have summoned from the Moonstone. You must fill one of your empty Vials with the fluid that is produced. (Delete one of your empty Vials from your Action Chart.) You have now created a Potion of Invulnerability. Mark this as an item on your Action Chart. It may be stored in your Backpack or in your Herb Pouch.

  Turn to 57.


  A swirl of colour passes before your eyes. Instinctively you reach for Tanith's hand and clasp it tightly. The walls of the circular chamber shimmer in and out of focus: the Shianti are transporting you from the Daziarn plane to the real world. A brilliant flash of light fills the room and you close your eyes involuntarily. When you next open them you look upon a vast plain of grass that undulates like the sea beneath a clear, sunlit sky. The journey is complete.

  The Moonstone is still in your hand. However, where once it shone with the purity of white light, it now glows a smoky grey. You can but guess at the meaning of this transformation.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 162.

  If you do not have this Power, or if you do not wish to use it, turn to 239.


  You lead the Simar steed slowly to allow him some rest. Stopping and shielding your eyes from the sun, you gaze into the distance. Suddenly something clutches at your feet and tries to drag you down. A small, green-skinned demon like a hairless ape has crawled through the knee-high grass. You have walked into a trap. More ape demons leap out of the grass around you, their eyes blazing with unreasoning hatred and you attempt to fend off the nearest of your foes who, even now, clutches at your legs. You cannot evade this combat. The demon is only three feet tall making it harder to hit him: deduct 1 from your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the fight.


  If you win the combat in three rounds or less, turn to 109.

  If you win the combat in four or more rounds, turn to 123.


  You skirt the edge of the valley, keeping a great distance between yourself and the hell below. You feel the burning heat of countless eyes concentrated on you. At last you reach the other end of the valley. You lift the Moonstone high in the air and point it at the gate. A hiss floats up from the valley. You allow the protective aura to fade and begin to concentrate your mind upon the Moonstone and the closing of the portal. The host creeps towards you. They seem to sense that the power of the Moonstone is now being diverted.

  If you wish to expend 2 WILLPOWER points in a long-range attack at the demons below with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 73.

  If you do not wish to attack them turn to 78.


  Taking Tanith by the hand, you stride forward. The demons retreat before you, gibbering with fear and cowering in the Moonstone's light. You come to the top of the stairs that lead into the hall.

  Turn to 30.


  It is a brave but foolish decision. How could you hope to stand against so many? After a valiant defence, in which many demons are slain, you are killed by the evil horde.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  Your heart is pounding as you teleport through the stone door. A sickening feeling is followed by absolute blackness, chill and silent. Then you appear on the other side: you have succeeded. The use of this spell has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points. Looking up, you see a long, thick rope trailing from an opening in the side of one of the doors. You reach out and pull.

  Turn to 32.


  A moving cloud in the sky attracts your attention as you stand panting over the last of the fallen beasts. It is a flock of Winged Demons, and they are heading straight towards you. At your back, the yammering horde draws ever closer.

  You sprint away again, travelling as fast as you can.

  Turn to 309.


  When the spell is cast and the protection complete, you turn and face Samu. ‘I am ready,’ you say. ‘Summon your men, we must make ready to leave.’

  ‘I have a gift for you, Grey Star,’ he replies.

  Turn to 29.


  Using your Power, you probe into the near future. You sense that there is danger nearby: the Masbaté is being used as bait for a trap, and the danger lies in venturing into the basin. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 1 WILLPOWER point.

  If you are versed in the Higher Magick of a Visionary and wish to use it to discover more before you make your choice, turn to 67.

  If you still wish to go to the aid of the Masbaté, turn to 97.

  If you prefer to leave the man to suffer and hide behind the ridge that overlooks the lake, turn to 116.


  You maintain your rapid pace and sit up in the saddle. The Flying Snake alters the course of its flight with precision and dives towards you at lightning speed. As it swoops over you, it rakes your shoulder with a sharp talon before climbing back into the sky. Both the snake and the horse were travelling so fast that there was no time to use your Staff in self defence. Your shoulder starts to bleed: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

  Turn to 42.


  You set a brisk pace for more than an hour but then the burning sun slows you down. Tanith, too, looks very weary. Your throat is parched. Neither you nor Tanith has seen a waterhole or anything that could yield nourishment or moisture and there has been no sign of any living creature. You are further disturbed by the sight of a lone figure heading towards you from the south. It is too distant for you to be able to distinguish any details, but it is moving at great speed. You peer into the shimmering heat and try to guess what it is that approaches.

  If you wish to stand your ground and wait for the figure to arrive, turn to 267.

  If you wish to advance against it, turn to 273.

  If you wish to try to evade it, turn to 286.


  With a dry swallow, you urge the white stallion down the slope and into the valley. You can feel its mighty heart thumping against its ribs, matching the speed of your own. With the Moonstone held high above your head you move through the ranks of the Demon host. Gibbering with fear, they shield their eyes from its pure, white light and back away, stumbling over one another. The sea of deformity parts like a tall swathe of grass to let you pass. Resolutely you stare ahead ignoring the hideous mass of malignancy that surrounds you; nothing must distract your gaze as you focus on the flaming archway that draws nearer with each tentative step of the stallion's hooves. Now, the moment of no return, of death or triumph, has come. You release your necromantic aura of protection and begin anew, focusing your mind on the Moonstone and on the closing of the portal. The demon horde wavers, but only for a moment: they are still spellbound by your presence and intimidated by the Moonstone.

  Illustration IV—You look upon a valley of fear crawling with the demon host.

  Turn to 112.


  Looking up, you see the forest some five hundred paces away. You put on a last desperate spurt in an attempt to reach the safety of the woods. Your body is racked with pain and exhaustion, your lungs feel as if they are on fire and your heart pounds relentlessly. You stumble. You are not sure if you have enough strength to succeed.

  Pick a number from the Random Numbe
r Table. Add this number to your current ENDURANCE total.

  If the total is 12 or more, turn to 71.

  If the total is less than 12, turn to 96.


  The rope is attached to a large, clay bowl, brim-full of clear water. You secure the handles so that the bowl does not drop to the bottom of the well. The well must stand over the site of an underground spring, for the water is fresh.

  Turn to 25.


  You take aim once more and send a bolt of magical flame rushing towards the Flying Snake. Once more your aim is true and the creature drops dead with a shrill cry of pain. The attack has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  Turn to 240.


  You raise your Staff and unleash a magical beam of fire at the toad demon, using 2 WILLPOWER points. It howls with pain and staggers back. Thick, black blood oozes from the wound you have inflicted in its side but it is not slain. It cowers before you, staring with malevolent hatred, pure evil visible in its small, red-veined eyes. With a tormented scream it vanishes and the remaining three advance on you. Suddenly Tanith's warning alerts you to something standing close behind you. You spin round, poised to strike, your staff held firmly in both hands and your body crouched in a combat stance, to see the injured demon leering down at you. It has barely completed its magical materialization when it moves to strike.

  Turn to 28.


  You are just about to unleash the power of your Staff when the Flying Snake abruptly changes direction, manoeuvring into a dive. It hurtles towards you at lightning speed, inflicting a raking claw wound on your shoulder as it passes, before climbing into the air. Both the Flying Snake and the horse were travelling so fast that you were unable to retaliate. You have lost 1 ENDURANCE point.

  Turn to 42.


  Taking the Moonstone in both hands, you gaze into it and concentrate with all your power. The stone is transformed into a whirlpool of spinning colours. Then, abruptly, it clears and you are looking upon Lake Dolani. Nearby lies the Masbaté, still bound and suffering. You struggle to extend the range of the image in the stone, and eventually your efforts are rewarded. A swarm of creatures comes into view. Moving along the base of a line of mountains is a monstrous horde of deformity: the demon plague. Each of the creatures has a different but equally misshapen form: weird toad beasts, their green hides glistening, crawl and flop along the ground; stumbling apes with stunted limbs shamble beside creeping reptiles with human heads. You are sure the demon plague is very near and you sweep the land once more, tracing the line of a river that fills a lake similar to Lake Dolani: this must be Lake Iss. Another group comes into view. It is a band of Masbaté warriors, moving swiftly along the line of the river and most certainly headed towards their fellow warrior and the trap laid by the demon horde. Your concentration begins to ebb. You can no longer maintain control of the Moonstone and you allow the image to fade. The use of this Power has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  Illustration V—Taking the Moonstone in both hands you concentrate on it with all your power.

  If you wish to go to the aid of the captured Masbaté, turn to 97.

  If you prefer to leave the man to suffer and hide behind the ridge that overlooks the lake, turn to 116.

  If you wish to head in the direction of Lake Iss and attempt to warn the Masbaté warriors of the trap that awaits them, turn to 89.


  The demon clings to the side of the stallion and, with a superhuman effort, you twist round and bring your Staff crashing down on its skull. The creature falls to the plain, spinning over and over again before coming to rest. Your heart lifts as you notice the growing frequency of trees and bushes dotting the land: the forest's edge is rushing towards you. The winged demons above are now unable to fly so low. The demon horde is still far behind. With a jubilant yell you enter the sanctuary of the wooded pass through the mountains and, swiftly, you dismount, wincing at the pain caused by your many cuts and bruises. The stallion is also injured and you lead the exhausted animal along the heart of the forest. Looking around furtively you eventually find a hidden clearing where you can rest for a few moments and plan the last stage of your task.

  Turn to 170.


  You take careful aim and unleash a bolt of destructive power from the tip of your Staff. A beam of incandescence banishes the shadows of the evening and spears the demonic creature before you. The force of the blast knocks the creature off its feet and inflicts a terrible wound in its side that oozes with viscous black blood. The attack has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points. The other creatures come to an abrupt halt, watching in amazement as the injured demon clambers to its feet. It stands at a distance, cowering and snarling. The other three imitate their leader, panic writhing in their ghastly faces.

  If you wish to charge them, turn to 232.

  If you wish to make another long-range attack, turn to 243.

  If you wish to stand your ground and await their next move, turn to 262.


  The pure white light of the Moonstone shines forth with a lambent glow. Bathed in the protective aura of the Moonstone, you ride on with speed. The miles are covered swiftly and the snow-white stallion maintains a tireless, unfaltering pace; you bless Samu for such an invaluable gift. At last you reach the River Dolani. The river is close to its source in the mountains and is consequently quite shallow; you are able to ford it easily. After crossing the river, you veer slightly to the northwest, towards the hills that lie southeast of Lake Tilos, where the portal of the demons of the Lissan Plain is situated. In the distance, you see a small group of figures heading towards you.

  If you wish to avoid this gathering, turn to 224.

  If not, turn to 231.


  With a last, painful effort you hurtle through the brush and undergrowth at the edge of the forest. Using the cover of the forest you soon leave the horde struggling behind you. Stumbling with fatigue, your robe tattered and torn, your body bleeding from a dozen small wounds, you tramp through the densely packed vegetation. At last you find a hidden glade and you stop to rest for a moment.

  Turn to 170.


  With a wide, scything stroke of your Staff, the demon is slain. Its ruined body crumples to the ground, staining the grass of the plain with thick, black blood. Suddenly a razor-sharp pincer grabs your arm, raking your shoulder to inflict a bloody wound (you lose 3 ENDURANCE points). The other three demons have crept up on you while you fought. Your attacker is the smallest of the three: a grotesque creature with an impossibly bent back and a bulbous purple body, shining like the shell of some gigantic beetle. With a cacophony of triumphal screeches they throw themselves at you. You cannot evade and must fight them to the death. All three fight as one enemy.

  Three Demons of the Plain: COMBAT SKILL 20 ENDURANCE 30

  If you win the combat, turn to 251.


  A cascading arc of fire flows from your Staff to rain death on the valley below. Two demons shriek and are silent; another scurries back and forth screaming as its body burns. Terror spreads through the horde and it advances no further. You have made a wise decision. This demonstration of your power has been sufficient to hold the beasts at bay. Deduct 2 WILLPOWER points for this magical attack.

  Turn to 112.


  At the expense of 2 WILLPOWER points, you throw a beam of fiery magic into the ranks of the demon horde. A ghoulish form with three arms and grey, mottled skin falls dead, followed by a strange, birdlike creature with the body of a worm. You begin to walk down the stairs towards the rest of the horde. Flinching at the Moonstone's light they back away. The power of your incantation is beginning to fade now but you feel sure that the horde is sufficiently frightened to allow you and Tanith to pass. As you reach the bottom of the stairs, you are disturbed to hear their moans of fear change to a gloating croon. They part before you to reveal a giant shadow at the far end of the hall.

nbsp; Turn to 270.


  You are given a horse and ride alongside Samu, who, like the rest of the Masbaté, does not ride. The Masbaté are too big to ride and use their Simar horses only to carry their supplies. Nevertheless, the Masbaté run like the wind and soon the River Dosar is far behind.

  When night comes, you make camp. Tomorrow, your southerly journey will take you to the Army of the Freedom Guild.

  Turn to 321.


  The horse maintains a steady, tireless pace and the miles pass by swiftly. Soon you reach the River Dolani. The river is very shallow at this point and you are able to ford it easily. Heading northwest you sight a line of demons coming towards you.

  If you possess a Potion of Invulnerability and wish to drink it, turn to 84.

  If you do not, turn to 90.


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