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The Infected Box Set, Vol. 1 [Books 1-3]

Page 58

by Zuko, Joseph

  Sara was scream-crying at the gunmen, “You killed him! You killed Devon, you fuckers! You’re dead!”

  The four men huddled on their knees around the injured man. Two of the gunmen were using their hands to put pressure on their friend’s injuries.

  “Please, someone help him!” One of the men playing nurse begged.

  Troy stood between her and the five men. He did not know what to do, but he was not about to step aside and let this young lady gun these men down in cold blood.

  “Hold on! Hold on! We will figure this out!” Troy tried to calm her down.

  “There is nothing to figure out! They’ve got to die!” Frank stood by Sara’s side and was one hundred percent on board with her idea.

  “Guys, we don’t know what’s going on here. Try and calm down.” Leon chimed in.

  “Look at that car!” Sara pointed at the PT. “That’s Devon’s blood.” She pointed at her face. “This is Devon’s blood! He’s dead because of these assholes. What are you going to do call the cops? There are no cops!”

  “Big fella, step aside and let us take care of it.” Frank slid the bolt back on his rifle.

  “Don’t let them kill us! It wasn’t our idea! Talk to Eric! He’s inside!” One of them pleaded.

  “Just let us go and we will never come back. We promise! We’re sorry! It wasn’t our idea. Eric’s the one you want!” A second one begged.

  Jim stepped out of the house, “Eric’s dead. My wife killed him. It looks like she had a good reason.”

  The news of their fallen leader hit the five men hard.

  “Please let us go! We’re not bad people. We were just following orders.”

  Right when Jim was about to step back into the house and continue his reunion with his family he paused. Something was moving at an incredible speed across the front lawn. It was at the corner of his eye when he first noticed it. At first Jim was sure it was an infected coming to take a bite out of someone until he saw that it was carrying something.

  Without a word or even the slightest noise Cliff closed in on the five gunmen. The first one didn’t see it coming. Cliff chopped down onto the injured man’s chest. The saw blade drove through the man’s ribs and it was like a blood grenade had gone off. The four other gunmen were hosed with their friend’s blood. Cliff swung the saw like a maniac. Over and over again he hit them. The victim’s cries for help were cut short by his wicked blade.

  Leon leaped back and Troy stepped away quickly. Jim and his crew were caught completely off guard. They stood silent. No one moved. They just watched. Afraid if they tried to intervene that he would turn his blade on them. Once there was nothing left wiggling on the ground Cliff released the handle. The saw was stuck in the skull of his last kill. He took two steps back, turned away from his handy work and sat down on the grass. He sat quietly and stared off into the distance. It was only at that moment that the rest of them noticed the crime scene in the van.

  “Oh my god,” Jim said under his breath.

  The man’s actions were justified.

  Jim thought about what he would do if it was his family in that van. He didn’t need to see any more of this and began to head back inside. The thrill of holding his family tight to his chest was too great. He needed to feel their love before he lost his mind like his neighbor.

  He would cry for Devon later.

  He would mourn with Cliff later.

  He would make a plan for tomorrow later.

  He would worry about Brother Paul and his crazy followers later.

  Right now he had to patch up his wife and hold his children. He needed to tell them that he loved them a million times. The three females inside were the only things that mattered to him now. As Jim stepped across the doorway he heard a noise in the distance. It was a low rumble. It sounded like a fleet of dump trucks coming over the horizon. It was the sound of a thousand infected zombies stomping their way across Vancouver and heading straight for them.

  Just fucking fantastic! Thought Jim.

  The End.

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