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Naughty Immy's Punishment

Page 5

by Carole Archer

  Her daddy’s next words made her blush deepen. Sighing, he said, “Oh, dear. Immy, someone’s been a naughty girl and not kept herself shaved down here for her daddy. You know Daddy likes you clean shaven at all times,” he scolded, tugging her short pubic hair. Imogen winced, berating herself for becoming so lax. She normally shaved herself in the shower a couple of times a week, but as her daddy had been too busy to play recently, she had started to sulk and decided that if he couldn’t be bothered to baby her, she wouldn’t bother to keep her pussy hair-free the way he liked it. As a result, she hadn’t shaved for almost two weeks.

  Imogen squirmed in distress as her daddy took a bar of wet soap and scrubbed it against her sex. “Nooooo,” she pleaded, trying desperately to break free from Uncle Mark’s grip, twisting from side to side and attempting to kick her legs, but her attempts were futile and she stilled once more, cringing as her daddy continued to rub the soap against her, building up the lather.

  She glanced up into Uncle Mark’s face, surprised when she heard him talking quietly to her, encouraging her. “Good girl, calm down,” he whispered, smiling as she obediently stopped fighting him. He immediately loosened his grip on her and lowered her legs slightly. Imogen smiled back at him, feeling some relief when her legs weren’t pulled so tightly back.

  Imogen’s eyes widened and she gasped with shock when her daddy started to rub the soap firmly against her clit, and a soapy finger suddenly slipped into her anus. “No, Daddy,” she begged, tears stinging her eyes as her daddy’s finger thrust firmly between her spread butt cheeks and into her tight bottom hole. “Please stop,” she whined, gasping as he applied firm pressure to her clit and slipped another finger into her pussy.

  Glancing up at Uncle Mark, who held her firmly in position as he gazed down towards her pussy, Imogen wailed in despair. Despite her best efforts not to become aroused, her pussy was responding to her husband’s touch and her hips bucked against his fingers. Her blush deepened as she literally humped her husband’s fingers, moaning with desire as he brought her closer to orgasm. Closing her eyes and raising her hips, she howled with despair when his fingers suddenly slipped out of her and moved away, leaving her bucking her hips in frustration. Tears spilled from her eyes as her body craved the orgasm that had been so close.

  “Naughty girl,” Adam scolded, his hand smacking down on her pussy.

  “Ouch,” squealed Imogen, bucking her hips frantically in an attempt to ease the sting. “Owwww,” she yelled, as another smack landed, this time between her spread buttocks, right on her anus.

  “Naughty, dirty little girl,” he scolded, smacking her bottom hole once more.

  Imogen howled in protest but could do nothing to stop his hand stinging her exposed hole several times. She was relieved when he moved his attention back to her pussy, giving her stinging anus some respite, but as his hand smacked down on her pussy three times in quick succession, Imogen found it impossible not to cry out. As the sting became unbearable, she tried her best to kick her legs, but her efforts were in vain as Uncle Mark was holding her too tightly. Instead she hammered her little fists against the floor and begged for mercy.

  “Good girls get orgasms,” Adam scolded her. “But naughty little girls don’t deserve them,” he told her sternly. “Let’s get this shaved off,” he stated, once more tugging at her short pubic hair. “Then you might remember that you’re Daddy’s little girl,” he said, patting her stinging pussy gently and soaping it thoroughly.

  Imogen closed her eyes when the razor blade was pressed against her sex, and she trembled as her daddy shaved her clean, using his fingers to pull her skin taut, scraping the cold metal again her skin. “That’s better,” he finally stated, patting her pussy.

  “Give me your hand, Immy,” he said, taking her hand and rubbing it against her shaven mound. Imogen gasped, her fingers moving cautiously over her sex. She loved the feeling when she was smooth down there, and she explored every inch, her fingers slipping between her folds.

  “What a naughty little girl,” her daddy suddenly scolded, slapping her hand away. “Little girls don’t touch themselves there like that,” he told her, smacking her pussy sharply.

  Imogen hollered loudly. “I’m sorry, Daddy, I couldn’t help it,” she said, glancing up into her daddy’s face.

  He shook his head and made a tutting noise. “Such a naughty girl, and in front of Uncle Mark,” he sighed. “Have you no shame?”

  Imogen blushed, having momentarily forgotten about Uncle Mark being with them. She glanced up at him and her cheeks reddened further as he grinned.

  “I think we’d better put a diaper on. That’ll stop you putting your hands where you shouldn’t,” her daddy announced.

  Imogen screeched loudly, but her protests were in vain as Uncle Mark pulled her legs further back, lifting her bottom up off the mat completely, allowing her daddy to slip the diaper under her. When she yelled once more, she was shocked when her daddy pushed a pacifier into her mouth. “Little girls should be seen and not heard,” he scolded her as he resolutely returned to his task.

  Imogen screwed her eyes tightly closed and sucked frantically at her pacifier as her daddy took a towel and rubbed her bottom and pussy briskly. She flinched as he covered her pussy and bottom with talc and rubbed it carefully into her. Her legs were finally lowered to the mat, and she breathed a sigh of relief and squirmed around, her legs aching after being held up in the air for so long.

  She cringed with dread when her daddy pulled the front of the diaper up between her legs and pressed it against her tummy. She watched with tear-filled eyes as he took hold of one side and pulled it up, pressing the tapes against the front, before taking hold of the other side and fastening her firmly into her diaper.

  “That’s better,” he smiled, pulling her up into a sitting position and lifting her up. “You be a good girl and sit on Uncle Mark’s lap while Daddy goes to get your bottle,” he told her, carrying her across to the sofa where Mark was making himself comfortable.

  Imogen blushed and chewed on her pacifier as she was lowered onto her Uncle Mark’s lap. She felt silly wearing just a nappy, and she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Hands on your head,” Uncle Mark scolded, and Imogen shook her head. “Now,” he said sternly, but she stubbornly shook her head and spat out her pacifier.

  “No,” she scowled, just as her daddy returned with her bottle. Imogen glanced up at him and swallowed nervously. “I’m sorry, Daddy,” she whined, lowering her eyes. “Uncle Mark was being a meanie,” she pouted.

  “Immy, stand up and put your hands behind your back,” her daddy ordered. Imogen sprung to her feet and obeyed instantly. She was disappointed that she seemed to have further angered her daddy. “Hold her wrists for me, Mark,” he said, and Imogen struggled as Uncle Mark’s big hands enclosed around her small wrists.

  “You don’t ever try to hide your body from Daddy or from Uncle Mark,” he told her, smacking his hand down sharply on her bare breast.

  Imogen shrieked and stamped her feet on the floor, tugging against the hands that bound her wrists behind her back. Her daddy’s hand landed on her other breast, and she tearfully begged him to stop. Her eyes widened as he raised both hands above her breasts and told her to stand still. Closing her eyes and leaning backwards, she gritted her teeth and waited for the inevitable pain. As his hands smacked down on both breasts at once, stinging her nipples, Imogen hollered loudly and stamped her feet, whimpering her apologies to her daddy and Uncle Mark.

  As her daddy walked across the room and sat down in his chair, Uncle Mark released Imogen’s wrists and she immediately reached up and rubbed her sore boobs. He turned her to face him and pulled her hands away.

  “Bend over my lap,” he told her sternly, and Imogen looked across at her daddy.

  “Do as you’re told, Immy,” he said, sighing and shaking his head.

  Pouting slightly, Imogen turned back to Uncle Mark and hesitantly lowered herself across his lap.

  Uncle Mark’s hand landed several times on her bottom, and although she felt the smacks, they didn’t really hurt because her diaper was giving her bottom quite a bit of protection. The spanking actually felt quite nice, and without realising what she was doing, she raised her bottom, inviting him to give her a few more smacks.

  “I think she’s enjoying that,” her daddy laughed, and she scowled towards him, thinking how mean he was being. She’d had no fun so far and she believed that she deserved a bit of a treat, as in her opinion, she’d been a very good girl. Her daddy and Uncle Mark might not agree. But that’s because they’re mean, she thought, pouting in her daddy’s direction.

  “Is that right?” Uncle Mark said sternly, pulling her closer and tightening his grip around her waist, shuffling her further forward across his lap. “Let’s see how much you enjoy this, little girl,” he scolded, smacking his hand down sharply on her bare thigh. Imogen shrieked in protest, kicking her little legs frantically as her other thigh received an equally stinging smack. She kicked her legs hard as he smacked down the back of one leg, right the way down to the bottom of her thigh, where the smacks were particularly painful and made her howl. He then spanked up her other leg, finishing with a hard smack to the centre of her bottom.

  Imogen jumped to her feet as soon as Uncle Mark released her, and her hands went straight to her thighs, where she rubbed frantically in a desperate attempt to ease the awful stinging sensation. Tears pricked her eyes as she stood with her head lowered and her bottom lip once more pouting.

  “Come here, Immy,” her daddy said, offering his hand out to her and beckoning her towards him. He was holding a bottle of milk in his other hand, and she immediately walked over to him, settling herself down on his lap and eagerly taking the bottle in her mouth. She shuffled constantly, trying to take her weight off her stinging thighs, and as she suckled on the bottle, she smiled when Uncle Mark approached her and held out her blanket. It was a small piece of pink blanket he had given her during his first visit to play, which he told her some little girls found to be reassuring. Although she had turned her nose up at it at first, thinking it was just a tatty old rag, she had quickly discovered how comforting it was to hold onto it and even suck on it, especially when she was in real trouble with her daddy. It was nice to hold it close to her in bed whilst she waited for him to join her too.

  She smiled as she suckled on the teat, twisting her blanket in her hands, until finally the bottle was empty. Her bladder felt quite full, and she looked up at her daddy as he pulled the teat from her mouth. “I need to go potty, Daddy,” she smiled up at him, hoping her ordeal was now over.

  Imogen could barely believe it when her daddy pointed to the corner. “Go and stand in the corner, Immy. I want you to think about how naughty you have been today and how much trouble your silly actions could have caused Daddy.”

  “But, Daddy, I need to go potty now,” she shrieked, with growing urgency.

  “Immy, if you don’t move your naughty little bottom to that corner now, I’ll take your diaper off, put you across my knee, and give you a sound spanking with your hairbrush. And woe betide you if you have an accident across Daddy’s lap,” he warned her.

  Imogen immediately jumped to her feet. “Yes, Daddy,” she whimpered, her face paling as she knew that with her bladder so full, there was no way she could take a hairbrush spanking on her bare bottom without peeing all over her daddy. That would be just too humiliating, and the punishment for that would be even worse than what she had so far endured. So, with a heavy heart and a full bladder, she slowly trudged towards the corner, sniffling as she put her hands on her head and pressed her nose up against the wall.

  As she squirmed uncomfortably in the corner, doubling up each time her bladder pressed uncomfortably and begged for release, she jumped as a hand was laid gently on her shoulder. “Immy, be a good girl for Daddy and pee in your nappy,” he whispered into her ear, rubbing her back gently. “Be Daddy’s obedient little girl,” he said encouragingly, tugging on the end of her blanket that she gripped between her hands, which were pressed against the top of her head.

  When her daddy turned her to face him, Imogen twisted the blanket between her fingers and screwed her eyes shut, took a deep breath, and relaxed. Her cheeks coloured as very slowly a warm wetness started to spread between her legs. She felt the weight of her diaper droop between her legs as she filled it.

  “Good girl,” her daddy encouraged her, leaning forward to kiss her breast. Imogen gasped and tipped her head back as he took her nipple in his mouth and sucked gently, his hand reaching up and rolling her other nipple between his fingers. She blushed as her daddy put his hand between her legs and squeezed the sodden diaper. “Oh dear, let’s get my little girl out of this wet diaper,” he said kindly, leading her across the room to her changing mat.

  Lying down on the mat once more, she closed her eyes and shoved her thumb comfortingly into her mouth, wrapping the small length of blanket around her hand and twisting the end of it. She shuddered involuntarily as her daddy unfastened her diaper, hooked one arm behind the backs of her knees and lifted her up, pulling the wet diaper out from underneath her.

  Imogen’s heart was beating fast as she was lowered to the mat, her legs were pushed apart, and her daddy cleaned her thoroughly between her legs with baby wipes. Although she knew she was still in big trouble, her daddy was treating her in the caring way she was used to, and she knew that despite everything, his love for her was still as strong as ever.

  Her bottom was once more lifted clear of the mat and it was cleaned and dried just as carefully as her pussy had been. She was lowered onto a towel and she relaxed as talc was sprinkled over her once more. She smiled as her daddy took his time rubbing the powder in before pulling a pair of panties up her legs.

  Imogen glanced down and on seeing a pair of trainer pants, she kicked her legs hard. “No, Daddy, I’m a big girl,” she protested. “I wear big girl panties.” She pouted and pressed her bottom down against the mat, determined her daddy would not put her into those humiliating diaper-like panties. There was something about them that was even more embarrassing than wearing a real diaper, and she stubbornly refused to let her daddy pull them up.

  “No, young lady,” her daddy responded angrily. “Immy’s a naughty little girl who’s being punished and should do as her daddy tells her, if she really is sorry,” he said, raising his eyebrows at her.

  Imogen scowled. She was sorry. Her daddy knew that, but she had hoped her punishment might be over, and the knowledge that it wasn’t distressed her. She bucked her hips and screeched as her daddy once more tried to manoeuvre the panties up her legs.

  “Hold her still,” he said crossly, looking over Imogen’s shoulder towards Mark, and before Imogen could even attempt to sit up, her daddy had grasped her ankles and pushed her backwards, once again into the humiliating diaper position, her trainer pants around her knees restraining her kicking legs.

  “Nooooo,” she shrieked, as Uncle Mark held her ankles firmly.

  Imogen struggled frantically, exhausting herself with her efforts. Uncle Mark was holding her too tightly and escape was impossible. Looking up, she was horrified to see her daddy walk back into the room with her commode.

  Her breathing quickened as she shook her head, unable to believe her eyes as she watched her daddy put the pink commode chair down in the centre of the room. To anyone else, it might look like a regular chair, with a padded seat and back rest, and rigid plastic armrests. But Imogen knew from experience that the removable seat hid a humiliating secret—a potty, which her daddy made her sit on when she had been a very naughty girl and she was not allowed to use the toilet. She still found it embarrassing to use this in front of her daddy, and she didn’t think she would ever feel comfortable with it, but the thought of Uncle Mark being present was more than she could bear, and tears started to roll slowly down her cheeks.

  She clutched her blanket in her hand, struggling once more in the hope her Uncle Mark wo
uld release her, but he continued to grip her ankles tightly, forcing her to look at her daddy through her own shamelessly widespread legs. Her cheeks reddened as her daddy removed the seat from the commode, exposing the potty beneath.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy. I’ll be a good girl,” she promised, but her daddy’s unnerving silence told her she had overstepped the mark yet again by refusing to let him put her trainer pants on. She watched him leave the room and anxiously wondered what he was doing. She felt a little calmer when he returned with a bowl of water, believing she was about to be washed once more. She could handle that.

  Without a word, her daddy knelt between her open legs and pressed against her exposed bottom hole. Imogen whimpered as he thrust his finger inside and thoroughly lubricated her tight hole.

  As he removed his finger moments later, she heard the unmistakeable sound of soapy water being sucked into the bulb syringe. As she looked down in alarm, she watched his hand disappear between her legs and felt him press the slim nozzle into her bottom hole. She screwed up her face, sobbing as the bulb was squeezed and the warm soapy solution squirted into her anus. She cried pitifully as he repeated this process.

  “I’ve had enough, Daddy,” she protested, as the syringe was pressed into her bottom for a third time. She yelped when more solution was pumped into her, well aware of what effect the soapy water would have on her bowels. “Please, Daddy,” she begged. “I need to go potty, please.”

  Imogen became further distressed when her daddy ignored her and continued to pump water into her bowels. After he had inserted a sixth bulb full of water into her twitching rectum, she was relieved when he stood up and walked away.

  “Sit her on the potty, Mark,” he asked as he disappeared into the kitchen.

  Imogen once more became frantic, her eyes wide as Uncle Mark lowered her legs to the floor and seconds later effortlessly lifted her up in his arms. Imogen kicked and bucked in his arms, screaming as he lowered her onto the potty. “Nooooo,” she yelled, thrashing her limbs wildly in panic, thrusting her hips upwards and raising her bottom from the seat as her Uncle Mark pressed down on her shoulders to keep her in the seat.


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