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Page 13

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  I used more dramatic makeup than usual and put on a new pair of kitten heel pumps. Leaving my hair down, I was ready just as Levi knocked.

  “Hello there gorgeous,” Levi gaped at me unabashedly.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.” Levi looked great in a dress shirt and khakis.

  “You ready?”


  He took my hand as we boarded the elevator, smiling at me in a way that gave me chills.

  “Are you cold?”


  “Does that mean I’m the cause of the goose bumps?”

  “Maybe,” I said coyly.

  “Nice.” He gave me one of his devastating toothy grins.

  An older couple entered the elevator one floor down, disrupting our conversation.

  “Celebrating something special tonight?” the woman asked.

  “No, just a night out,” I answered.

  “There is always something worth celebrating,” she continued.

  “Right,” I said as the elevator door opened up at the lobby. “Have a nice night.”

  “You too,” she smiled.

  We walked out into the sticky heat of the night, headed for dinner.

  Levi squeezed my hand. “You were wrong, you know.”

  “About what?”

  “We are celebrating tonight.”

  “Oh yeah? What are we celebrating exactly?”

  “We’re celebrating you,” he stopped walking to place a hand over my heart, “and me, and an amazing summer.”

  “All things worth celebrating.”

  We walked the rest of the way to the restaurant in near silence, just enjoying each other’s company. Usually Levi felt the need to fill every second with conversation, and it was a nice change to just exist.

  The ambiance at Antoine’s was perfect. Seated at a corner table, I was struck by the beauty of the historic restaurant. With a menu of French-Creole food, Levi had picked the perfect place.

  The waiter approached our table shortly after we sat down. “Welcome to Antoine’s. Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Yes, we’ll have the 1982 Chateau Mouton Rothschild.” Levi ordered without glancing at the wine menu.

  “Nice choice, I will be back with it shortly.” By the expression on the waiter’s face I knew it must be really expensive.

  “So you know a lot about wine?” I asked.

  “You could say that.” He smiled.

  “What do you mean?”

  “My family is originally from France, and we still have some vineyards in Bordeaux.”

  “Oh, wow. That’s really cool.”

  “Yeah, it’s a very beautiful area; we’ll have to visit sometime.”

  The waiter returned with the wine and I watched as Levi got serious when he tasted it. “Yes, perfect, thank you.”

  This really was a different side of Levi, and I liked it.

  After the waiter retreated, Levi held up his glass reminding me of the night we toasted with coffee.

  “To a truly amazing summer and to many more celebrations,” Levi said lightly before we clinked glasses.

  He watched me intently as I took a sip. “What do you think?”

  “Wow, that’s really smooth.” Even with my limited experience with wine, I knew this was a good one.

  “I thought it was perfect for tonight.”

  I smiled, picking up a menu.

  “You don’t need that.” Levi took the menu from my hands placing it on the table next to me. The waiter appeared immediately.

  “Are you ready to order?”

  “Yes. We’ll start with the huîtres a la Rockefeller and escargot la bordelaise. Then we’ll both have the Chateaubriand.”

  Prepared to argue with his presumption that he could order for me, I stopped myself realizing that if he was even half as good at ordering dinner as he was at picking wine, I was in good hands.

  Finishing my first glass of wine right as the appetizers arrived, Levi refilled my glass.

  “Okay, the Oysters Rockefeller are incredible,” I said between bites.

  “The dish was invented here.”

  “Really? That’s cool.”

  The rest of the meal was equally as good. We shared an entrée designed for two, and there was something intimate about sharing with him that just added to the setting.

  “I have something for you.” Levi glanced at me nervously, an expression that looked wrong on his face. I didn’t like it.

  “Really? You didn’t have to get me anything.”

  “It’s actually a family piece but it was made for you.”

  “Levi… I can’t take anything like that.”

  “Shh. Just let me enjoy giving it to you, okay?”

  “Okay.” I smiled.

  He pulled out a small box from his pocket and my breath hitched, Levi didn’t seem like the jewelry type.

  He gently opened the box, pulling out a small ring covered in tiny rubies. Before I could even react, he slid the gorgeous ring on my left hand. “Perfect.” He smiled contently, all evidence of nerves gone.

  “Levi, it’s beautiful, but I can’t take it.” I moved to remove it from my finger, but he stopped me.

  “It looks perfect, doesn’t it? Do you like it?”

  “I love it. Red is my favorite color, you know.”

  “I know.”

  I wasn’t completely comfortable wearing a ring on my left ring finger but I didn’t want to insult him by moving it. It wasn’t like he had proposed or anything, it was just a gift and making a big deal out of it would just ruin the night.

  “Thank you. It’s beautiful and I’ll treasure it.”

  “I’m glad.”

  Overwhelmed by the gift I let the words on my mind slip out. “I can’t believe the summer is almost over, it went so fast.”

  “Entirely too fast.”

  “So what happens now? Or when I leave?” I bit my tongue, hoping I hadn’t just spoiled the evening.

  “We’ll make it work.”

  “You think?”

  “I know.”

  “I guess at least we don’t have to worry about airfare if you want to come to visit.” I laughed lightly.

  “Let’s not even think about it now. Just enjoy tonight.” He took my hand again, running a finger over the small stones of the ring.

  “You’re absolutely right.” As I said the words aloud, they echoed in my head. No matter what happened between Levi and me after I left, I was going to enjoy the time we had together. The heated look Levi gave me let me know he was thinking the same thing.

  “Do you want dessert?” he asked as the last of our dinner dishes were cleared away.

  I paused momentarily. “Maybe later.”

  “Good, I agree completely.”

  Signaling for the waiter, Levi never took his eyes off me. He paid the check and we headed out.

  The electricity between us sizzled as we walked hand in hand through Jackson Square. Without warning, Levi yanked my hand pulling me into Pirates alley, right off the square. Pushing me against the bars of the railing, he pinned one of my arms above my head. I held onto a bar with the other, steading myself as he moved his face close to mine. With his other hand, he pulled my body towards him.

  Shivering with anticipation, I didn’t let my eyes leave his gaze. When the kiss came it was as aggressive as the way he held me—unyielding. Without waiting, he pushed into my mouth, deepening the kiss quickly. Groaning, he pulled me even closer, his hands holding me possessively. I gave myself over to him completely, wanting him more than I thought possible. His hands roamed and as he broke the kiss, I opened my eyes slowly.

  His eyes held an unasked question and finding the answer he was looking for, he quickly unbuttoned his dress shirt, pulling it off to reveal a white tank. He started kissing me again, and I instinctively closed my eyes, barely registering us leaving the ground until we were on my balcony a near split second later.

  Levi pushed open the door and we stum
bled backwards into the room. Closing the door with his foot, Levi moved us toward my bedroom. I slipped off my shoes, dropping my bag.

  Never taking his eyes off me, he unzipped my dress, letting it fall to the floor. He kissed my neck as his fingers found the clasp of my bra. I pulled the shirt over his head, relieved to finally have his bare skin against mine. He tilted my head up towards him, kissing me again as my arms wound around his neck.

  All at once he intensified the kiss while picking me up. I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me over to the bed, placing me down gently before leaning over me with a faint smile that left nothing to the imagination.

  Chapter Fifteen

  There was something so natural about waking up in Levi’s arms. I snuggled into him as he kissed the top of my head. Rolling over I looked at him, enjoying the look of contentment on his face. I had a sudden feeling that this was the real Levi. Maybe it was his rumpled hair, or the sleepiness still evident in his eyes, but there was a rawness about him that made it hard to believe he was the same arrogant man I met at the beginning of the summer.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he said playfully, picking up a few strands of my hair where they lay on the pillow.

  “Good morning.” I smiled.

  There wasn’t even an ounce of awkwardness between us. You would have thought we had been waking up next to one another for years. I laughed to myself remembering that this was actually the second time we’d awoken together.

  “You are so beautiful when you sleep,” he said quietly.

  “You watched me sleep?”

  “Yeah, I couldn’t resist. It’s not often I’m around you when you aren’t being all feisty and defensive. It was nice to see you completely peaceful for a change.”

  “I didn’t get to see you sleep… too bad.”

  “You can always watch tonight.”

  “Tonight? What makes you think this is ever going to happen again?”

  He raised an eyebrow “Sweetheart, you and I both know that there was nothing one time about last night.”

  I knew he was right and said nothing, realizing my silence was tantamount to agreement.

  “How about we just stay here all day?” he asked, pulling me up on top of him.

  I rolled off him. “Very funny. You know I have to meet Hailey for brunch.” I looked at the clock on the bed stand. “Wow, I need to meet her soon, we slept late.”

  “Yeah, I guess we did. You could always call and cancel.”

  “Cancel on Hailey?” I said skeptically

  “Okay, maybe not. She’ll blame me and I’ll be the one dealing with it.” He laughed.

  “Besides, you have plans this morning too, don’t you?”

  “As if I would choose basketball with the guys over this?”

  “Well, either way I’m going, so you need to leave.”

  “Fine. But we’re having dinner tonight. I have something to talk to you about.”

  “Dinner sounds good, but what do you need to tell me?” I asked curiously.

  “Relax, it’s a good thing.” Levi fingered the ruby ring. “This looks good on you.”

  “Thanks, I like it.” I had nearly forgotten the ring with such a whirlwind evening, but it looked just as beautiful in the morning.

  “I’m glad.” Levi watched as I slipped out of bed to find some clothes to throw on.

  “If you’re done staring, get dressed.” I tossed his pants at him.

  Catching them in one hand, he grudgingly got out of the bed and started dressing. “Okay, okay. Are you always this bossy in the morning?”

  “I’m not exactly used to having company this early.”

  “Too bad, you’re going to have to get used to it.” He winked, fishing his shirt off the floor.

  Pulling me into his arms, he trailed light kisses from my ear to my neck, almost making me forget how late I was running.

  I pushed him away. “You better stop that, or we’re never getting out of here.”

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  “Levi, come on.”

  “All right, I’m going. How about I meet you around six?”

  “Okay, I’ll see you then.”

  I walked Levi through the living area and to the door. With his hand on the doorknob he paused. “For the record, that was the best night ever. I’m going to spend the day thinking of ways to make tonight even better.”

  “Good-bye, Levi.”

  “Bye love, don’t miss me too much.”

  Shaking my head, I closed the door and headed to the shower, letting my giddiness surface now that Levi wasn’t there to watch.


  Parking on the street about half a block from the Columns Hotel, I walked briskly up the front steps. I scanned the dining room, my gaze settling on a small table where Hailey sat studying a menu.

  “I’m so sorry I’m late!” I apologized taking a seat across from her.

  “It’s okay. Have a good night?” she asked inquisitively.

  “A very good night.”

  “That sounds promising. Care to share?” She pursed her lips like she honestly expected me to hold back on her.

  “It was incredible. Every moment of the night was spot on. It was the most amazing date ever. And Levi wasn’t even Levi if that makes sense.”

  Hailey laughed. “Where did he take you?”

  “Antoine’s. The food and wine were fantastic.”

  “He was showing off. Feel very special, he never takes girls there.” She smiled.

  “How would you even know?”

  “I’m around him enough to notice those things. Anyway, did you guys do anything after? If he was trying that hard, there has to be more.”

  “No, not really,” I said, trying to change the conversation before we entered way too much information territory. I knew that Levi wasn’t Hailey’s brother, but I was pretty sure it would have the same weirdness for her.

  “Well, I’m glad things are working out with you two.”

  “Me too, although it’s going to make leaving even harder.”

  “You could always just stay here.”

  “No I can’t. I have to start school in a few weeks.”

  “I know; it was just wishful thinking. I ordered us champagne by the way,” she explained right before a waitress set down two flutes on the table.

  “Thank you.” I smiled at the waitress as she walked away. I was smiling at everyone.

  “Okay, let’s toast.”

  “What should we toast?” I asked.

  “To amazing dates and incredible friendships.”

  “All right.” I held up my champagne ready to clink glasses with Hailey but her glass never connected with mine.

  Hailey stilled. “Did Levi give you that ring?”

  “Yeah. He said it’s a family ring or something but he really wanted me to have it.”

  “Oh.” She bit her lip nervously.

  “What’s wrong? What aren’t you telling me?” I placed my glass on the table, starting to worry.

  “Levi didn’t explain its significance?”

  My stomach sank. “What significance?”

  “He wasn’t making up the family ring part. Except it’s more than that. It’s the ring. The future leader gives it to his intended.”

  “What!” I said louder than I meant to and people from the surrounding tables turned to stare. I lowered my voice. “What are you talking about? Future leader?”

  “Calm down. He must really like you, but you can always give it back.”

  I struggled to remove the ring from my finger but it wouldn’t budge. “What the hell? Hailey it won’t come off!”

  She paled. “When you said you had an amazing night, you didn’t mean that amazing of a night, right?” She looked at me questioningly and I was afraid of what she would ask next. “I mean you didn’t sleep with him, did you?”

  “What does that matter?”

  “Oh my god, you consummated it. Oh my god. Levi did that without telling you… unbelie

  “Consummated it? What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You can’t give the ring back, Allie. Spending the night with him kind of made it permanent.”

  “Permanent?” Heat flooded me and the room started to spin. I was terrified to hear her response.

  “As in you are now his mate and he can’t take another. There’ll have to be an official celebration… Wow I don’t even know what to say.”

  “You have got to be joking! I didn’t agree to this and why would Levi want to make me his… Uggh I can’t even say the word. Get this damn ring off me!”

  “It’s not going to come off, it’s permanent. You have to stay here with him now. Oh my god, I knew he was crazy about you, but I can’t believe he did this. Levi has done stupid things, but this is way beyond anything—”

  “Please tell me this is a joke. Please.” I started feeling hot.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I can’t do this. I can’t do this.” I stood up quickly, knocking over my glass of champagne. I had to get out of there.

  “Allie, wait!” Hailey called after me but I ran down the corridor.

  Dashing down the street, I jumped in the car, starting it without looking behind me. I had no idea where I was going, but I had to get away from the craziness. There was no way I was buying anything they were selling.

  Sitting at a stoplight I struggled with the ring again, using my nails to try to pry it off, but it did nothing. Tears nearly blinded me as I drove through the city haphazardly. There had to be a way to get the ring off, because there was no way I was spending time with anyone who would trick me like that. It just didn’t make sense. Levi could have any girl, why would he need to trap me?

  Still unsure of where to go, I knew I had to leave New Orleans. I couldn’t risk going back to the hotel and running into any Pterons. For all I knew, Natalie was in on it. I’d just have to buy the necessities I needed on the road.

  Memories of the summer flooded me as I tried to understand how I could have fallen under Levi’s spell. Maybe it was all part of him being supernatural. I hoped I was right because I didn’t want to believe it was my own mistake that got me into the mess.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The monotony of the interstate helped calm my nerves enough for me to make a plan. I was going home and getting as far away from Levi as possible. There had to be some way to remove the ring. I wanted to believe that Hailey had made it all up, but I knew she hadn’t. It all fit. Levi’s nerves before he gave me the ring, his comment about needing to talk to me that night—he was probably going to drop the bomb about what he’d done. What I couldn’t understand was why he would want to trap me. Sure, there was chemistry between us, but we had only known each other a few months. It didn’t make any sense.


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