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Page 17

by Paul Blades

  By the time Maddy had rounded the far turn, the other former women were far ahead of her. She plodded on desperately, knowing full well she was doomed to finish last and suffer whatever consequences that brought. As the white fence streamed by her, she thought momentarily of trying to jump it, to try to run away, but she knew she would only bring down further suffering on herself.

  When Maddy finally reached the end, the other ponygirls had already pretty much recovered their breaths. Maddy had to lean over to try and gain control of her heaving chest. She heard men around her laughing. The other ponies silently began the trek back to the barn. Maddy tried to join them but was waylaid by two pairs of strong hands. She was dragged over to a horizontal rail, about three feet off the ground and supported by two wooden posts. Her torso was pushed over the rail and a strap was attached to her collar then tied to a ring embedded in the ground between the two posts. Her legs were spread and tied off as well.

  Maddy realized she was about to be whipped. Nothing was done around here without a purpose, and her posture made her ass and legs ready for the whip. She could feel her bare labial lips spread wide and knew she couldn't expect to leave her post without its availability taken advantage of.

  The girl pledged to herself she wouldn't wail or cry when she was whipped. She would absorb the blows stoically, but when the first fiery trail was lashed across her buttocks, her resolve left her. "Please don't, please!" she tried to wail. Her words were stifled by her gag. Five sturdy strokes with a switch was the punishment for finishing last, and Maddy screamed and yelled at each blow. She had thought she had survived the worst yesterday, but now knew her travails could worsen at any moment. She also realized she would suffer many morning lashings until she was in shape enough to truly compete with the other ponygirls.

  When the five lashes had been administered, Maddy lay whimpering over the post. A hand slapped her rear then descended between her thighs. She stiffened as she felt a finger probe her naked slit. There was more laughter. The finger probed deeper into her gash, stroking it along its length, pushing past the tender lips. When the finger found her little bud of pleasure, Maddy whined, knowing what would soon follow. The finger tickled the little nubbin until Maddy's sex began to secrete its lubrication. When two fingers, soaked in her rising juices, pressed inward, Maddy couldn't suppress a moan.

  When the first cock entered her, Maddy felt a surge of revulsion and shame. Her head was pulled down and all she could see through the little holes in her hood were two khaki covered legs between hers. Hands she couldn't see grabbed her hips and used them to leverage their owner's cock deeper inside her. When her passage was fully flushed and relaxed, the cock began a steady rasp against her clit and the sides of her sex.

  Maddy hadn't yet reached her peak of pleasure when the first cock exploded its hot cream into her pussy. When the second cock began to throb and pulse, Maddy was in heat, rocking her hips to maximize her rising lust. It was when the third cock filled her that Maddy's need for climax became acute. She rocked her body back and forth on the post, frantically driving herself to pleasure. She began to moan and cry behind her gag. The men around her sensed her coming climax and urged on her assailant. As the third man jetted a stream of cum inside her, Maddy came, her pussy clamping down on its possessor, squeezing it tight. Wave after wave of pleasure went through her as she received the unknown man's hot flood.

  The fun must have gone out of the game, because no fourth cock assailed her dripping sex. She saw the legs of the men leaving as she tried to regain her breath. She became afraid the men would leave her there all day, but her fear grew to terror when she saw the face of her trainer lean down between her legs.

  Drabik had witnessed Maddy's abysmal performance on the track. He knew the consequences of finishing last and didn't interfere when the other trainers imposed the punishment. He waited until they had taken their pleasure with her, as was their right, before approaching his bent over charge. When he bent down, he stared menacingly at the two little holes in the hood. He reached out and grabbed the nipples of the ponygirl's downward pointing breasts and squeezed hard. Maddy felt a jolt of pain in her breasts that made her gasp. She had disappointed her trainer. Now he would inflict his own punishment.

  The man loosened Maddy's legs and drew them together. He bound the ankles with a leather strap. When he stood, he unraveled another long, thick strap. Without ceremony, he struck the ponygirl across the back of her joined thighs.

  The impact of the broad leather belt striking Maddy's flesh made a large crack! Maddy seethed with pain. Another blow followed, this one higher up, at the base of her buttocks. It made another loud crack! Drabik waited patiently until the results of each blow subsided before applying another. Maddy was crying desperately. She tried to beg him to stop, to promise a better result tomorrow, to endeavor to do her best, but the words were just a jumble of sounds through her gag, interwoven with her moans and cries at the landing of each blow.

  Maddy didn't know how many times the man whipped her, but she was overwhelmed with relief when it ended. She felt her ankles unbound and the strap between her collar and the ring released. Drabik pulled her to an upward position by her ponytail. He quickly pushed her to her knees. The significance of his action was not lost on the ponygirl. She waited patiently as he released her gag and extracted his thick cock from his pants. She was to reward her tormentor. She meekly opened her mouth and seized on the tumescent flesh. Whipping a ponygirl always made Drabik hard.

  The stiff pole filled Maddy's mouth. She tightened her grip on it with her lips and pulled her head back, giving the man's cock a long, hot stroke. The freshly dehumanized ponygirl couldn't help be conscious of the increasing activity around them as men and women began to go about their daily business. She imagined in her mind what they could see as she ran her tongue around the tip of Drabik's dick – a faceless, supine, abject woman serving her master.

  Drabik allowed the ponygirl to suck him at her own pace. He rested his hands lightly on her head as she bobbed back and forth. The female had skills, he gave her that. Some of the new ponygirls had to be whipped and beaten until they learned to suck a cock right. This one knew her business. He moaned as her lips and tongue inflamed him. Her efforts were slow, but relentless. The warmth of her mouth spread through him. As his passion rose, he resisted the urge to press her head down, to force himself down her throat. He wanted all the effort to be hers.

  Maddy could feel the telltale signs of Drabik's climax approach. She withdrew her mouth and caressed the tip of his cock with her tongue. When she heard the man groan, she encircled the bulbous head of his manhood with her lips and urged on the orgasm with her tongue. She had just taken the end of his cock in her mouth when the first spurt of hot cum was released. She received his discharge dutifully, encouraging each pulse and spasm. As the cock began to spurt in earnest, she pressed her lips forward, taking the cock deep into her mouth, spreading the heat of her mouth over its length.

  Intense pleasure shot through Drabik's body as he enjoyed the benefits of Maddy's efforts. His grip on her head became hard as he groaned at each throbbing spurt of his cum. The ponygirl didn't relent in her efforts until his cock had concluded its pleasurable spasms and he had begun to soften in her mouth.

  Drabik recovered possession of his tool from the young female's mouth. "She's clever," he thought. "She thinks a good blow job will soften me." She was wrong, but she did set a high standard for herself. One by which future blow jobs would be measured. After restoring the gag, he grabbed the ring of her collar and pulled her to her feet. He said nothing to her, merely began to walk back to the barn. Maddy understood she was to follow and did so, the taste of his sperm still in her mouth.

  Maddy was fed and allowed to void, then taken back out to the sand pit for more exercise. Drabik had replaced the gag with her bit, and she grunted slightly as the pole tugged her forward. She had a new dedication to her task. She was determined to strengthen her legs, increase her endurance. Al
though it might take some time, she didn't intend to be last in the daily, ritual run, for long.

  Drabik watched the ponygirl add a spring to her step as she followed the lead of the mechanical pole. He watched her actually get ahead of it, creating slack in the chain that connected her to it. That wasn't good either. Ponygirls didn't think for themselves. Ponygirls obeyed. If the pace was a trot, then the ponygirl trotted. Drabik lashed out at Maddy's buttocks with the switch. She yelled as the lash bit her. She was mystified, at first, at what she had done wrong, but after the third remonstrance with the whip, she realized she was being ordered to maintain the pace of the lead and no more. Dutifully, she slowed until the pole began to tug at her bit.

  During the three hours that Drabik kept her at her paces, Maddy had much time to think. She appreciated the purpose of the daily race and the motivational beating and rape. It was working with her. She considered the alternative to obedience, the consequences of lagging in her efforts or refusal to react to commands, but her fear of pain was stronger than her urge for dignity. Wouldn't they just destroy her, ultimately, like they would an intractable horse? They would put her down, she surmised, and not humanely with a shot of some painless potion, or a bullet to the back of the head. She guessed that something significantly more painful and excruciating would be called for, then she would have to suffer all the torments and pain that would be inflicted in an effort to correct her attitude. No, she would obey. If avoidance of pain was not a sufficient motivator, she wanted to live. She refused to believe this was to be her permanent condition. Someday, she would escape. She felt it in her bones.

  Round and round the track she went. She trotted when the pole was slow, galloped when the pole went faster and sprinted when it reached its highest speed. Drabik watched the ponygirl put in her extra effort. There was a noticeable difference in her performance today than yesterday. She only fell once, and then, she lifted herself back up and resumed running. The ponygirl had spirit all right. She just might be a winner.

  When they broke for lunch, Maddy was taken back into the barn, showered and fed. Drabik leaned her against the board face down and massaged her legs. Maddy languished in the soothing sensations of the massage. She had done well – she knew it. She pledged to work harder that afternoon.

  After finishing the massage, Drabik stood Maddy up, her waist against the rail. He buckled her boots to rings in the floor and fastened a chain from her bit to the wall in front of her. He gently patted her on the rump, then left.

  The ponygirl wondered why she had been left there. Yesterday, they had resumed her exercise right after lunch break. Was something different going to happen today?

  While pondering this thought Maddy remembered the nose rings the other ponygirls wore. She cringed inwardly at the thought of being defaced in this manner. She knew it was inevitable and all the other ponygirls had suffered similar fates, but that didn't change her own horror at the prospect of bearing the dehumanizing appurtenance.

  While musing on her fate, Maddy went over the morning's events in her mind. It was the first real chance she had to examiner the bodies of the other ponygirls up close and she remarked now at what she had failed to remark then. It suddenly occurred to her that each ponygirl had some form of writing stenciled in blue upon their chests. Could it have been a tattoo? Maddy cursed the restrictions on her vision. She could barely see anything well. Her heart fell as she realized they must have been tattoos. Since the ponygirls all looked so much alike, they must tattoo their names on their chests. She nervously pulled at her ankle bindings and began to whine. She didn't want to be tattooed. She wanted to go home. She wanted to be released. Her few moments of tranquility, brought on by the natural endorphins from her intense exercise and her trainer's massage was destroyed. She didn't want to be a ponygirl. She began to cry.

  Drabik had in fact been making arrangements for Maddy's markings. Her limited vision had prevented her from noticing the rampant yellow wolf, the symbol from the Grobgy crest, tattooed on their loins, just above their sexes. It was the mark of their training estate. Each estate had its own distinctive mark. Grobgy had adopted the rampant wolf as a sign of his own ferocity. It was a symbol well deserved.

  The tattooist had a small building located on the edge of the circle of buildings that made up the Grobgy estate. As with others, the man had many functions, but tattooing ponygirls was one of them. He spoke briefly with Drabik, got his instructions for the tattoo of Maddy's new name and made his preparations. He then left to retrieve the new ponygirl.

  Maddy heard the door to her stall open. She felt her boots being released then saw a man dressed in a salmon colored work shirt and blue jeans step in front of her and disconnect the chain from the wall. As he began to lead her from her stall, Maddy pulled back on the leash. She was beside herself with fear. Wherever this man was taking her, she didn't want to go. The man grabbed her leash near to her neck and pulled it upward, causing Maddy to rise onto her toes. With his other hand, he pulled a quirt from his belt and struck Maddy in the legs three times. Maddy screamed and struggled to avoid the blows. When he was done, the man tugged her from her stall. Maddy gave up her resistance and followed him.

  Once outside the barn, the man let the leash extend and pulled Maddy behind him as he walked. They were proceeding along a long path of reddish bricks. Maddy took the opportunity to take as good a look around as she could, as well as could be done given her restrictive collar that prevented her from moving her head from side to side without moving her torso and the tiny eyeholes in her hood. She saw the paddock and the track she had run on that morning, the magnificent house on the hill. There were stables for actual, real horses and a kennel for dogs. Vast fields of grass surrounded the buildings of the estate and a lone, gravel road led away from it and over a nearby hill. The estate was located in a small valley and rough terrain surrounded it on all sides. There was enough room for wheat and soybean fields, and a large grassy area, fenced in, so that the horses could run and exercise when not in use.

  Maddy saw the small building to which they were heading. It was made of brown clapboard with a peaked roof. She was led up three steps and through the white, windowless door. There were no windows in the building and it was dark inside. Maddy saw a chair sitting in the middle of the cabin's only room. The man who had led her there pushed Maddy down onto it.

  Maddy's eyes started to tear as she realized she was about to be subjected to some kind of procedure. She didn't resist, however, as the man strapped her into the chair. Tight straps went around her torso above and below her belly button. The back of her collar was locked into place by a clip to the ring there. More straps fixed her legs in place, spreading her legs widely and holding her thighs tightly against the sides of the chair. Her arms were pressed into the back of the chair beneath her. The man turned away from the ponygirl to a counter with various tools strewn about it.

  It was the man's habit to start with the tattooing. It was painful and tedious and so better to get it done first, when the female was still fresh. He went to work almost at once. Maddy recognized the tattoo gun. Her friend had one done once, a little bluebird on her shoulder blade. This tattoo, she knew, would be much more prominent.

  Maddy stiffened as the gun made its first puncture of skin. She tightened her teeth around her bit to fight off the pain. The man had insinuated himself between her widespread legs, and she could see the top of his head as he concentrated on his task. He was done with the chest in about thirty minutes. He then went back to his counter to add ink and pick up a stencil. He pulled a little stool between Maddy's legs and washed her stomach with alcohol. Maddy had no idea of what the man was up to. She squirmed slightly as the ink gun pierced the skin of her belly. The man sat back on the stool, looking her in the eye. He reached a hand down between her legs and grabbed her clit between forefinger and thumb, the same way Drabik had grabbed her. He squeezed hard. Maddy squirmed and moaned in pain. She nodded her head to signal her acquiescence in his procedure. Her
clit was released and the man continued his work.

  When he was finished, a large, rampant, yellow wolf adorned Maddy's stomach. This would mark her as one of Grobgy's ponygirls. Even if sold later, this mark would denote her as coming from his stables and a product of his training staff. The man admired the decorative scroll on Maddy's chest. "молния", "Lightning", Maddy's new name.

  Now came the difficult part. At least it would be difficult for Maddy. Her legs were spread wider and lifted up slightly and the back of the chair was lowered. The man didn't like the ponygirls to see what was to be done before he started and he concealed the nature of his tools from Maddy. Maddy's head was back now and the angle of her collar and the tiny holes in her hood prevented her from seeing what the man was doing. Suddenly, she felt a sharp, excruciating pain in her nether lip. Her whole body spasmed and she yelled out fiercely. A second, tearing type pain was felt by the former young woman and she shook and moaned. Two thick golden rings had been set onto piercings made in her labia. They were low enough not to interfere with the enjoyment of her cunt, designed mostly to provide an easy way to affix the ponygirl to a leash, or to bind her to a post.

  The man mopped up the blood with a cotton ball and applied styptic to the wounds he had opened. Maddy's eyes teared as she felt the sting of the astringent on her nether lips.

  Next came the nose ring. The man stepped from between Maddy's legs and took some pads from the counter. They locked in place on either side of Maddy's head, imprisoning it. Maddy knew what was coming and, involuntarily, began to whine. I am not an animal! she thought frantically. I am not an animal!


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