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Page 4

by Pepper North

  Today, the two men just ate a quick bowl of cereal. Rob laughed at Tony’s insistence on having two types of cereal in his bowl. “You really are just a kid at heart,” he teased. When Tony ate two big bowls of cereal, Rob decided that he would need to go to the grocery store that weekend.

  They worked companionably through the morning and sent many repaired cars home with their grateful owners. The highlight of the morning was a visit from a swarm of motorcyclists. The big group stopped at the garage to see if they had a mechanic who could look at one of their bikes that was shaking badly at highway speeds.

  Rob’s glance met Tony’s ice-blue eyes, and he answered the leader that he had just the mechanic for the job. Tony smiled widely and got to work. He was able to diagnose a wheel problem that was easily fixed quickly. The owner of the motorcycle took it for a ride around the block and returned to pronounce the bike fixed. The entire motorcycle club nodded their approval, and Rob knew they’d be back. Tony was now the official mechanic for that group.

  After lots of handshakes and thanks, Tony’s new group of friends left with a roar of engines and tailpipes. He shook his head in disbelief and walked back into the garage. There the reality of the day’s events consolidated in his mind. He’d done it. He’d brought motorcycle business to Rob’s garage. Tony started to dance around the garage. There was pure happiness in every smooth move.

  Clap! Clap! Clap! interrupted Tony’s celebration. “Is this the traditional celebratory dance that will occur in my garage each time you fix a bike?” Rob asked, laughing and clapping as he stood by the tool bench.

  Tony danced to Rob and wrapped his arms around him to hug him with delight. “We did it. The group was so happy. They all wanted my card. I didn’t have any, of course, but I gave them all the ones you have in the garage,” Tony said and then paused. “That was okay, wasn’t it?”

  “You could have given them my last roll of toilet paper with the number written on it. I’m proud of you, Tony. That was a lot of pressure with all those guys hanging over your shoulder. Hiring you may be my best decision yet!” Rob spanked Tony on the bottom. “But get to work. We need to get out of here at noon. I’ve got plans for this dancing machine.”

  Rob made a note to order more cards and to order some with Tony’s name with a designation of both car and motorcycle repairs. He had already ordered additional parts and supplies. They’d done so much work since Tony had begun that he needed to restock. Everything should be delivered on Monday.

  Chapter 11

  Time dragged for Tony. He was eager to see what Rob had planned for him. Tony was apprehensive about living as a Little, but he trusted Rob. Finally, the clock hands were both pointing straight up. Tony called to Rob who had been in the office doing some paperwork. “Hey, boss. It’s noon. Can I start closing up the garage?”

  “Go for it!” was the answer from Rob.

  Tony closed and locked the gate securing the cars waiting for service and closed the garage doors. He tidied up the garage, putting all the tools away and sweeping the floor. Finally, he turned out the overhead lights and walked to the office. “All closed and cleaned up, Rob.”

  Rob put one last paper in his filing system and turned to power off his computer. “I’m all done here, too. Let’s head upstairs and get cleaned up before lunch.” He stood back and let Tony climb the steps in front of him as he admired the view.

  Entering the kitchen, Rob warmed up some canned soup while placing cheese and crackers on the table. After a light but satisfying meal, the two men cleaned the kitchen quickly. Tony shuffled his feet and was uneasy waiting for whatever Rob had planned for him next.

  Calmly, Rob took Tony’s hand and led him to the bathroom. Rob squatted down to put the stopper in the tub and turn on the water, adjusting it until it was warm. He stood and began to unsnap Tony’s coveralls. “Let’s get this Little boy ready for his bath.”

  Tony felt his face flush with embarrassment. It felt so different to have someone undressing him. “I could just take a shower,” he suggested.

  “Little boys take baths to get clean,” Rob responded as he continued to unsnap the coveralls. When he reached Tony’s groin, the other man grabbed his hands to stop him. Rob looked into his eyes before leaning in to kiss him softly. “I know it’s hard to be a Little boy. You’re doing well. Just let Daddy take care of you. Don’t worry about anything. It’s just you and me here,” he gently said as he removed Tony’s hands and pressed them to his sides. “Daddy’s in charge.” He paused for several seconds and Tony finally relaxed his hands and nodded his head. “Good boy,” Rob praised him.

  Rob unfastened Tony’s fly and discovered why Tony had reacted defensively. His penis was engorged and pressing at the zipper. Trying to be very clinical to reassure Tony, Rob ignored his erection and, finally, pushed his coveralls over his shoulders and down to the floor. Rob pulled Tony’s tee shirt over his head. He knelt and took off Tony’s athletic shoes and socks before having him lift each foot so that he could remove the coveralls from his legs. As Rob stood up, he ran caressing hands over the beautiful, body in front of him.

  “You are a very handsome, Little boy, Tony,” Rob said in a low voice thickened by emotion. “Come let Daddy take care of you.” He urged Tony to get in the large tub and turned off the water. Rob pulled out a new package of bath toys and opened them to begin dropping an assortment of floating objects into the tub. He played with several to encourage Tony to play. They had a competition of balancing floating animals on other toys. When Tony began to concentrate on the toys, Rob picked up a washcloth and the soap to begin washing Tony’s back.

  “Rob?” Tony questioned at the first stroke of the washcloth.

  “Just let Daddy get you clean,” came Rob’s answer.

  Tony shivered as the washcloth spread thick suds all over his back and chest before warm water rinsed him clean. Some places tickled, and he wiggled in reaction. Tony wasn’t sure what he should do. He decided to focus on the tub toys to try to adjust to letting Rob take care of him.

  “Close your beautiful, blue eyes, cutie,” instructed Rob before washing Tony’s face and rinsing it. Moving to his toes, feet, and legs, Rob cleaned his Little boy. As he approached Tony’s privates, he could feel Tony’s nervous energy. “It’s okay, Tony. Daddies touch their Little boys everywhere. You will get used to me touching you. Just relax,” he advised as he washed Tony’s groin, wrapping the sudsy cloth around his erect penis and rubbing the cloth up and down several times to clean it thoroughly.

  Groaning loudly, Tony spread his legs to help Rob touch all his sensitive areas. When the cloth wiped around his testicles, Tony’s hips automatically thrust upward. “Daddy,” he tried, feeling braver as the stimulation began to move him closer to an orgasm. “Daddy, please touch me.”

  “Daddy loves to wash his Little boy. I need you to stand up on your knees, Tony.” Rob nodded at the questioning look that he got from Tony. “Up on your knees, cutie.” He waited until Tony slid his legs underneath him and lifted out of the water. “Lean over. Put your hands on the sides of the tub, Tony. Daddy’s got one more area to clean.” He pressed Tony’s back until he was leaned over, the position spreading his buttocks naturally. He held one strong hand on Tony’s back as he began to clean between his buttocks. “No, Tony. You need to stay leaned over. Be a good boy. I don’t want to have to spank you.”

  Tony froze in position. He didn’t know why the threat of spanking caused a variety of images and feelings to careen around his brain. The thought of pain shouldn’t be erotic, but the thought of him laying over Rob’s lap with his hard hand spanking his bare bottom made his penis even harder. When he felt Rob’s hand take over cleaning his bottom and one large finger began to press into his anus, Tony clenched his muscles hard.

  Whack! Whack! Whack! came the sound of Rob’s hard hand on Tony’s wet bottom. “My finger is going into your bottom, Tony. Relax, so I don’t hurt you. Daddy needs to clean this spot carefully to keep his Little boy clean and

  Tony tried hard to relax, but the feel of Rob’s finger sliding deeper and deeper into his rectum was too much. The feel of his large finger invading combined with the sting of the soap was the final stimulation that he couldn’t deny. Tony yelled, “Aaaaahhhh!” as his penis erupted with a fountain of the fluid jetting into the water. The finger wiggled around inside him and pressed on his prostate causing a smaller eruption. “Daddy,” Tony moaned. “It’s too much,” he protested as he slumped forward.

  “It’s never too much, sweetheart,” Rob reassured him as one hand rubbed Tony’s heaving shoulders while his other hand’s index finger was pressed deep in the younger man’s bottom.

  Chapter 12

  When Tony’s breath began to change back to normal, Rob slid his finger out of his Little’s bottom and rinsed off the last of the soapsuds. Helping the mind-blown young man out of the tub, Rob reached around him with a thick towel to dry his back. Immediately, Tony threw his arms around Rob and kissed him with tears running down his face. Rob sat down on the toilet lid and scooped Tony into his arms rocking the man from side to side and talking to him calmly.

  “You’re all right, Tony. Daddy’s taking care of you,” Rob repeated time after time. His Little boy was overcome with reaction to giving someone complete control and the immense orgasm that had just racked his body.

  In just a few minutes, Rob could tell that Tony was stabilizing. “Do you want to talk, Tony? I know it’s overwhelming the first time you let someone make the decisions. Do you have any questions?”

  “It feels like this should be wrong,” Tony sniffled as he stopped crying. “I shouldn’t like this so much.”

  “Why?” Rob asked simply. “Who is it hurting? Who is even here to witness it? Why does someone else get to judge what makes you happy? Just think, Tony. Did you enjoy giving control to someone else? Did you like being Little?”

  Rob could almost hear the wheels in Tony’s mind moving as he stopped and began thinking. “I didn’t ever think about that. Why does it matter to anyone else? It was really tough doing what you said instead of just doing it myself. But... I’ve never felt like that before. It was so good. And the funny thing is that we just met, but I don’t have any doubt that you are taking care of me because you care for me. And that feels even better.”

  “I’m glad, Tony. I do care about you. You’re my Little boy,” Rob said simply.

  “I’m your Little boy,” Tony repeated, shaking his head before leaning in to kiss Rob again. “I liked being your Little boy,” he confessed.

  “Let’s get you ready for a nap; you’ve had a stressful day. No, don’t argue. Daddy knows best. An hour or so and then we’ll go to the store to replenish the kitchen.” Rob helped Tony back on his feet and finished drying him off quickly. Leading him to the nursery, Rob told Tony to get up on the changing table and to lay down facing the wall.

  Tony tried to turn around when he heard the drawer below the padded top open, but Rob held him in place with a steel hand. Tony just had to imagine what was happening behind him as he heard a jar open and then, he felt Rob’s big hand lift his top buttock to reveal his anus while still holding him on his side. Soon, he felt a cold, round object being pushed through his anal ring deep into his rectum. Tony groaned.

  “I’m just taking your temperature, Tony. The thermometer will go in your bottom several times a day so Daddy can keep track of how you are feeling,” Rob said, loosening his restraining hand to run up and down Tony’s side. He began to move the thermometer in and out of Tony’s bottom and to rotate it. “Daddy’s got to find the perfect spot for your thermometer.”

  “Daddy...” Tony began to whine as he moved restlessly on the changing table.

  “Eight more minutes, Tony. Tell me, what’s your favorite animal? We need to decorate this room for you,” Rob asked to distract the wiggling Little boy.

  “I like hippopotamuses. Or hippopotami?” Tony said with his face scrunched up in thought.

  “What makes a hippopotamus your favorite animal?” Rob asked with a laugh.

  “They’re fat and kind of dopey-looking. I always imagine that the earth quakes as they move. They’re just fun and unique,” Tony answered smiling.

  “Those sound like perfect reasons to like them. What do you think likes to hang out with a hippopotamus?” Rob asked checking the clock. Five minutes left to go.

  A big yawn came from Tony’s mouth as he laid there quietly, no longer restless. “A fancy bird with fluffy white feathers on its head, of course!” he said with absolute conviction.

  “Really? How do you know that for sure?” Rob asked amused.

  “Something has to sit on that big head. I think it has to be a fancy bird. Otherwise, he’d be all alone,” Tony answered.

  Several minutes went past as the two men considered that idea. Finally, it was time to remove the thermometer. Tony softly moaned as Rob withdrew it slowly from his Little’s bottom. “Oh, no, Tony. There’s some poop on the thermometer. We’ll have to deal with that later. Now, it’s time for a nap. Roll on your back, cutie.” Despite Tony’s sleepy protests, Rob had him diapered and ready for his nap in just a few minutes. “All right, Tony. It’s time to take a little nap. Come with Daddy.”

  Tony sat up and hopped off the changing table to face his twin bed. During the morning, it had been transformed back into a crib with the white railings running along all four sides. He looked at Rob with what looked like fear. “Is this what you were doing this morning when you disappeared? I don’t know if I can sleep in there.”

  “It’s okay, Tony. I know it looks a little strange to your adult eyes. Your Little eyes will come to love your crib. Don’t worry. Daddy will let you out after your nap. Crawl in your bed, and you’ll see it’s just the same as the bed you slept in last night. It’s just been made safer for my Little boy,” Rob said as he pulled Tony over to the bed. “That’s it, climb in. Daddy will stay with you while you settle down for your nap.” Rob pulled a soft blue blanket decorated with teddy bears and duckies up over Tony’s diapered body and began rubbing his back lightly. “Will you try something for Daddy?” he asked softly.

  Tony nodded cautiously, keeping an eye on the lowered crib railing in front. He didn’t know why he was worried about it being raised. He wasn’t scared of enclosed spaces. Maybe it was because it seemed to make this new lifestyle real. Can I do this? Tony asked himself as he heard Rob rustling to take something out of the package it was sealed in that had been hidden in a drawer. Tony looked up curiously as Rob returned to the crib with an adult-sized pacifier in his hand.

  “Open your mouth, Tony. This will feel a little weird at first, but I think it will help you relax. Suck on it and see what you think,” Rob suggested as he resumed rubbing Tony’s back. Rob watched the pacifier ring on the outside of Tony’s full lips rock as his Little boy tasted the pacifier and began sucking on it. He wasn’t surprised to see Tony’s eyes drift closed and flutter a few times before he felt Tony’s body relax into sleep. Rob quietly lifted the high railing to enclose his Little in his crib. Standing by the crib, Rob smiled at the peaceful look on Tony’s face. He knew how tiring it was for someone to work so hard at breaking all the rules that they had followed all their lives. Tony had been running on nervous energy since he’d gotten to the garage. He’d sleep for at least an hour easily and wake up feeling better. Rob would have to address his tummy impaction that evening, but Little boys needed their sleep before grocery shopping and home health treatments. I have no idea how I got so lucky to have this young man in this nursery, was Rob’s thought as he walked quietly to the door and closed it quietly.

  Chapter 13

  Ninety minutes later, Tony began rubbing his eyes to wake up. He sat up, and his attention went immediately to the bulky padded diaper that was wrapped around his hips. Tony touched the pouffy crotch between his crossed legs. He shook his head, promising himself that he’d never pee in the diaper. That thought alone made him suddenly need to use the bathroom u
rgently. Tony turned to stand up on his knees. He gripped the railing and started to rattle it. A minute later, Rob opened the door with a wide smile.

  “Hi, sleepyhead! Do you feel rested? Ready to go with Daddy to the store?” Rob asked as he walked across the nursery.

  “Rob, I need to go to the bathroom. No kidding. Let me out,” Tony said with desperation in his voice.

  “Tony, you need to call me Daddy. You’ve earned your first spanking. And over having to go to the bathroom. You already have your diaper on. Diapers are for Little boys to urinate. The only time you get to use the potty is after an enema. Do you want your enema now?” Rob asked seriously.

  “What? I don’t want an enema. I just want out of here. I don’t think I can do this, Rob. Please, let me out,” Tony asked with tears in his eyes.

  Slowly, as if regretting every move, Rob released the lower latch allowing the railing to move down. He stepped in front of Tony to stop him. “I’m going to step out of the way, Tony, so you can use the restroom if you wish. I just want you to think. Using the restroom will end our relationship. I will go back to being your employer only. Is the thought of using your diaper so repugnant that you will risk all that this could be?” Rob asked, motioning back and forth between them.

  Tony froze. His bladder was about ready to burst. “Rob, I...” Tony was stumbling over his words as they jumbled in his head. “I just don’t know if I can do this.” He hesitated a few minutes before adding, “Go to the bathroom in the diaper.”

  “The first time is the worst. Realize that I am not going to make fun of you. I want to take care of you. Will you let me help you?” Rob asked quietly. When Tony nodded “yes,” Rob leaned in and pulled Tony’s lips to his. As he kissed Tony, he reached down and pressed low on Tony’s abdomen to compress his full bladder.


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