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Page 9

by Pepper North

  Again, Tony heard the lubricant being squeezed out and then, Dr. Richards’ large finger pressed relentlessly into his rectum. Tony felt it move smoothly in and out, examining his prostate thoroughly. Soon, it was too much. The doctor pressed strongly inside and pulled slightly on his testicles. Tony roared his orgasm as the edges of his vision even darkened. He lay there panting.

  After several seconds, he felt Dr. Richards’ finger leave his bottom, and he heard the squeak of the stool as the doctor sat down between his widely spread thighs. “Tony, you will feel an anal speculum enter your anus. Now, you’ll feel me open it to look at the inside of your rectum. This may be uncomfortable.”

  Tony groaned at the cold instrument. When he felt it widen to stretch his anus to the point of pain, he tried to reach between his legs, but his daddy caught his hands and held him in place.

  “Let the doctor examine you, Tony. If you don’t cooperate, I will not hesitate to spank you,” Rob said with steel in his voice.

  Tony felt a probe touching the inner walls of his rectum, and then the speculum was closed and withdrawn. He sighed in relief. Was he almost done? Tony thought to himself.

  Dr. Richards walked around the table to talk to Rob and Tony. “Tony needs to have a thorough examination of his colon. We’ll have to schedule that soon. I can perform the exam here, but Tony will have to prepare by eating sparsely from a selected food list and from having his colon flushed completely clean. Right now, we need to address his impacted bowels to make him more comfortable. I’m going to ask you, Rob, to give Tony a specific type of enema every evening for the next two weeks. I want you, Tony, to eat regularly and to eat a balanced diet. I’ll give you directions for each of these.

  “I’m also going to start Tony on a vitamin supplement as well as a medication that will help him poop more easily in his diaper. These suppositories should be placed in his rectum every morning when you change his diaper, Rob. I’ll draw some blood to see what should be included so we can fine-tune the vitamin but for now, a general supplement will help. I’m going to inject a bowel treatment into your bottom before you leave, Tony. I’ll place a plug in your rectum to hold it in place. This must stay inside his system for ten hours, Rob. It’s now eight o’clock. He can use the potty to eject any medicine that hasn’t been absorbed at six tomorrow morning. It has a sedation effect, Rob. Tony will get very sleepy and should sleep soundly tonight. I’ll mix up the medicine and get it started. Then, I’ll draw some blood samples for the lab,” Dr. Richards explained.

  After he gathered his medicinal ingredients and poured the thick liquid into the transparent enema bag, Dr. Richards attached a wide nozzle and pulled the medical stand over to Tony’s spread bottom. “Take a deep breath, Tony. In goes the nozzle,” he explained as he slid the nozzle inside, filling Tony’s tight passage. The doctor started the medicine, and it oozed slowly into Tony’s rectum. He moved to Tony’s side and inserted a needle, withdrawing the necessary tubes of blood.

  After fifteen minutes of the medical infusion, Tony’s eyes began to flutter shut, and he felt his legs lowered from the supports. He drifted in a zone between sleep and awareness, hearing the murmur of his daddy’s and Dr. Richards’ voices. At some point, he was urged to his feet, and a soft blanket was wrapped around his nude body. He remembered his daddy holding his hand as Rob drove home carefully and being tucked into his crib.

  Chapter 27

  “Good morning, honey,” Rob’s voice greeted him as he slid the crib railing down.

  Tony’s eyes fluttered open, and he yawned widely. “Morning,” Tony mumbled.

  “It’s time to get up, sleepy boy. How do you feel?” Rob asked as he helped his Little boy out of his crib.

  Tony rubbed his eyes and yawned again. “It’s awfully early,” he decided.

  “Come sit on Daddy’s lap. I have a bottle for you.” Rob pulled him over to the rocker and helped him lay down on his lap. Rob brushed the nipple against Tony’s lips and eased it inside when Tony opened his mouth. “That’s it, sweet boy. Just drink your milk and wake up slowly. Daddy loves having you in his arms.”

  Tony rocked, cuddled in his daddy’s arms. He slowly started waking up and became aware that the rocking motion was stirring liquid inside his intestines. Urgency began to build. “Daddy,” Tony began, “I think I need to use the potty. Can I go now?”

  Rob helped him up and removed a section of the chair, opening it to allow Tony to use the potty. He quickly removed Tony’s wet diaper and the anal plug before letting him sit down. The last of the medicine burst out of Tony’s rectum. It had softened a lot of fecal material helping Tony begin to empty his clogged bowels. Dr. Richards had warned that he would be there for a while and to just let him take his time. The directions that had been sent home with Tony indicated a large cleansing enema that evening. His Little boy would be sitting on the potty a lot.

  Finally, Tony felt like he was ready to get cleaned up and dressed. Rob looked around when he kept hearing a whirring noise, but he couldn’t find an insect or something else causing the noise. He was too busy making sure that Tony was doing well that he didn’t investigate. As they went through the day, he heard the same noise when he was feeding Tony lunch in his highchair and when he changed his diaper frequently. Finally, Rob decided that he was going crazy and it was all in his mind. Unfortunately, it wasn’t.

  Chapter 28

  A familiar, red convertible pulled up, blocking the drive the next afternoon. Rob groaned to see Zora slither her way out of the car and stride purposefully into the garage. Tony heard the click of her heels and backed away from the car he was working on to see who had entered. He immediately joined Rob.

  “Zora,” Rob began firmly, “I think I told you I wouldn’t be able to work on your car.”

  Zora waved off his words with a swish of her hands. “I’m not here about my car. I’m here to let you know that a very special story is going to appear in the paper tomorrow highlighting the special relationship that you have with your employee. I have a feeling that the atmosphere around here is going to get too hot for you to stay around.”

  “What do you mean the atmosphere is going to get too hot? I know you think a lot of yourself, but surely, you don’t think you control the weather,” Rob said dismissively.

  Zora handed him a manila envelope. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked very satisfied. “I couldn’t figure out why you weren’t interested in me, Rob. Now, I know. Your interests lay in someone male, don’t they?”

  “Yes, Zora. I am gay,” Rob answered easily. “I don’t think that’s too shocking in today’s world.”

  “It is when not only are you gay but you’ve forced your employee to dress in diapers and act like a baby,” she retorted with disdain. “I can’t figure out if it is sexual harassment or borderline molestation.”

  Tony felt the color bleach out of his face. How could she know? he asked himself. How much does she know?

  “What are you talking about, Zora?” Rob demanded.

  “Look at the pictures, Rob. I think they say a picture is worth a thousand words.” Zora pursed her mouth at him. She was really enjoying this.

  Rob slowly opened the envelope and pulled out many grainy photos. They showed Rob caring for Tony in very intimate ways. They even included a picture of Rob distracting his Little from his uncomfortable enema last night by caressing his penis with his mouth.

  Tony let out a gasp of violation. Someone had positioned themselves on the small balcony outside the nursery and somehow taken pictures through the window. Tony was instantly concerned with Rob’s reputation and his business. He didn’t think about himself. He just didn’t want Rob to be hurt.

  “Thanks for the pictures, Zora. When you can’t make a living as a reporter, you might consider the paparazzi. They’re always looking for someone with no ethics or morals,” Rob said calmly.

  “What?” Zora screamed. “You’re accusing me of having no morals? All right. Let’s see what you think when my s
tory breaks tomorrow. Your business is done tomorrow. No one will be seen here.” Zora turned abruptly on her high heels, her stilettos clicking on the way back to the car. She slammed the car door and peeled out the entrance with the smell of burning rubber.

  “Rob, how did she get those pictures?” Tony was devastated. “I’m so sorry. If I’d never come here, you wouldn’t be in this position.”

  His daddy walked to him and pulled Tony into his arms to kiss him deeply. Raising his head, Rob said simply. “I love you, Tony. I plan to love you for a long time. I don’t care what people say, but if it gets too unpleasant for you, we’ll move. I’m not tied here. The only thing real that I have is you. The rest is easily moved or recreated.”

  Tears streamed down Tony’s face. “I love you, too, Rob. I can’t believe that I found you. I’m not ever letting you go either. Besides, no one in this town knows me except our age play friends. They’re not going to hate us.”

  Rob shook his head. Leave it to Tony to get to the crux of the threat. Their friends would not hate them. It would be all right, he promised himself.

  Chapter 29

  To distract his Little from worrying about Zora’s revenge, Rob took Tony to an adoption event hosted by the local animal shelter. The repair shop owner had wanted a dog for years and believed that all little boys needed a pet. To his delight, Tony fell in love with a raggedy, small mongrel who had obviously had a tough life before arriving at the shelter. At the event, they met a set of twins who owned a veterinarian clinic and were offering discounted services for newly adopted pets. Rob immediately liked the young women as Isabella, the technician, assured a nervous Tony that Sofia was a very gentle veterinarian. After asking Tony what he’d named his new friend, Sofia spent a few moments petting Muffin before giving her a quick but thorough exam. Rob had to bite back a grin when the only sound of discomfort came, not from Muffin, but from his Little boy as Sofia gave the dog a few shots.

  Muffin quickly became a beloved member of their family. The dog was delighted to have a home with two loving owners and did provide a welcome distraction as they waited for their story to be exposed in print.

  Three days later, Rob was still waiting for the bomb to drop. He’d bought a paper each morning just in case so he could read the article that would shut down his business. Each day, there was nothing: no story, no pictures. He and Tony had been on eggshells waiting to hear. On the third day, a large Bentley pulled into the entrance of the garage, ringing the alert signal. Curious, Rob walked over. He wiped his hands as he admired the luxury vehicle.

  “Can you work on that?” Tony asked quietly at his shoulder.

  Rob hadn’t been aware that Tony had joined him. He smiled gently at his Little boy. “Let’s see what they want first. Maybe, they’ve just heard we have really good root beer,” he joked, dropping his hand on Tony’s shoulder and rubbing it affectionately.

  The passenger door opened and a middle-aged man dressed in an expensive suit stepped out. He walked with the self-assurance of someone important to stand in front of them. “Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am Sterling Edgewater. I am the editor-in-chief of the Daily News. I am here to return something to you.” He held out and dropped into Rob’s hand a flash drive. “This holds the only copies of pictures that were taken illegally. I would like you to know that Zora has been sent to our sister newspaper in the remote city of Whittier, Alaska. She will not return to our town under threat of arrest and imprisonment. I would like to apologize for not meeting with you sooner, but I was embroiled in making certain arrangements. I hope that you will understand.”

  Rob answered immediately. “Thank you, Mr. Edgewater.”

  “Please, call me Sterling. I have a feeling that I will see you and Tony again in the future. After all, Tony and I have the same physician. Now, if you will excuse me, my mommy made me promise not to take up too much of your time.” The elegant car emitted a short, precise honk. The men looked over to see a very beautiful woman with raven hair standing with the passenger door open. Sterling nodded and hurried back to the car. She helped him in and fastened his seatbelt before closing the door and walking around the hood to re-enter the driver’s side. With a pleasant beep of their horn, the car reversed and pulled back onto the main road.

  “Who was that?” Tony asked astonished.

  “Victoria Stormington. That, my precious Little, is the owner of the Daily News and the most prominent lawyer in town. She is known for being very cutthroat and dangerous. She would not be a good person to cross. By all indications, she is also a mommy to Sterling. She would not respond positively to any threat to the age play community.”


  Tony was really upset. He was trying to convince Rob that he didn’t need to go for a checkup with Dr. Matt Richards. Rob was not having any excuses. He had already made the appointment. When Tony continued to argue, Rob sent him into the office to wait for him.

  Rob quickly checked in the car of the tech from their vet’s office, making sure that Isabella exited the garage to ride with her sister, the veterinarian, back to their clinic. He paused in the doorway to the office, listening as the younger man continued to complain about the appointment to a more sympathetic audience. Rob drew Tony up from where he’d been squatting to pet Muffin.

  “Little boy, I’ve heard enough whining about your doctor’s appointment. We both know how important it is. You’ve had several enemas in the last twenty-four hours to prepare your tummy, and you’ve only been able to eat foods from a very restrictive list. I know you’re hungry and grumpy. I’ve seen your bottom. I know it’s sore. You don’t really want to put this off. You just don’t want to go. I understand,” Rob said, wrapping his arms around Tony.

  “You don’t understand. I don’t want to go. I’m thinking that you probably can’t make me go,” Tony said, crossing his arms over his chest and stomping his foot.

  Before he could count to ten, Rob had bent Tony over his lap and stripped off his pants and diaper. The strict daddy began to spank his Little boy just as he knew that he needed to be punished. A sharp gasp drew Rob’s attention to the door. There stood the Isabella with her hand pressed to her lips. Within seconds, Sofia joined her at the door.

  “Ladies, I will be with you in just a minute. My Little boy has been very naughty today and has earned this spanking.” Rob continued to strike Tony’s bottom, waiting for his Little boy to decide to apologize.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy. I don’t want to go to the doctor, but I know it’s important. I should have listened to you. I’m so sorry,” sobbed Tony.

  Rob turned the repentant Little over on his lap and cuddled him to his chest. “I know you’re sorry, Tony. I also know that you don’t want to keep your appointment. But you need to go to the doctor. Can you be a brave boy for Daddy?” he softly asked as he rocked and kissed him.

  “Yes, Daddy,” Tony nodded seriously.

  “That’s my good boy. Now, I want you to go stand in the corner for ten minutes to come up with a list of at least three ways you could tell your daddy that you are upset without arguing and getting in trouble.” Rob helped him stand and waddle with his pants and diaper around his feet until he reached the empty corner of the office. Rob smiled fondly at the sight of his Little boy finishing his punishment with his nose against the wall and a red bottom on display.

  Glancing at the observers in the doorway, Rob walked slowly to escort them out of the office. “I’m sorry you had to see Tony be corrected for his bad behavior. I will understand if you would like me to take our dog to another clinic.”

  “Oh, no,” replied Sofia. “We love treating Muffin. Can I ask you a question?” When Rob nodded his head “yes,” Sofia hesitated before continuing shyly, “Do you and Tony share an age play relationship?” Feeling his stern look at her for prying, she rushed ahead, “I… We have some questions about age play. Could we ask you sometime?” Her face and her twin’s turned bright red in embarrassment.

  Rob looked very seriously at the two wom
en and said in a very daddy-like way, “I would always be glad to tell you both the truth about anything.” His eyes softened as he looked back in the office at the red-bottomed Tony standing in the corner. His voice decreased in volume, “Do you know an artist who specializes in painting hippopotami, or was that hippopotamuses? I never did check to see which one was correct. Maybe you know. You all are the animal experts.”

  A deep voice from the corner wafted out of the office to add, “Don’t forget the fancy bird with white, fluffy feathers on its head. A hippopotamus would be sad without his best friend.”

  Rob just laughed and nodded, smiling at Muffin who was curled up at Tony’s feet. His Little boy was right. Everyone needs to have their best friend with them. It was just sad to be alone.


  If you’ve enjoyed this story, it will make my day if you could leave an honest review on Amazon. Reviews help other people find my books and help me continue creating more Little adventures. My thanks in advance. I always love to hear from my readers what they enjoy and dislike when reading an alternate love story featuring age-play. You can contact me on

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  For your reading enjoyment, my other age-play stories are:

  Dr. Richards’ Littles

  A beloved age play series that features Littles who find their forever Daddies and Mommies. Dr. Richards guides and supports their efforts to keep their Littles happy and healthy.


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