Book Read Free

One Look

Page 31

by Harlow James

  “I love you so much, woman,” he whispers to me, resting his forehead on mine as we both close our eyes and soak in the feeling of being together again, finally.

  “I love you too, Jake. So much… I still can’t believe we’re here, together again.”

  “You’re never getting rid of me,” he says before urging me to stand and following me upstairs to bed.

  “I don’t plan on it.”

  We climb under the covers once we’ve brushed our teeth and changed our clothes, holding each other snuggly.

  Tonight isn’t about sex. Tonight is about savoring the fact that this day marks the beginning of the rest of our lives, a notion I never thought I would get to bask in again. Wrapped in Jake’s arms, I succumb to sleep while clutching my necklace, the compass that I’ve trusted to guide me on the right path since I was thirteen. And tonight, I know without a doubt— I have found my way home.

  Chapter 49


  Seven Months Later

  “I think I might throw up,” I speak nervously as Conner, Lochlin, and I take our seats in the stands.

  “You and me both sister, although mine would be for a different reason,” Lochlin adds, placing her hand over her barely visible belly. Rocky and Lochlin found out they were expecting three months ago, but haven’t announced anything yet. Her tiny bump is hidden well beneath her shirt, but I can see the changes starting to happen in her body.

  “I can’t believe it’s come down to game seven,” Conner adds as we take our seats. The bright lights of the stadium shine so radiantly, I can’t understand how the boys on the field can see past their beams. I guess the baseball hats would help block some of that out.

  “Who would have thought we would have made it to the World Series in the first place?” I counter, knowing the odds of this happening are slim to none. Yet I can’t help but feel that Gramps pulled some strings upstairs. He always wanted to believe each year would be the year the Rays would make it, and the fact that it happened this year isn’t lost on me.

  The crisp October air hits my skin and elicits goosebumps everywhere, even though I’m bundled tightly in Jake’s jacket and hat, my dark blue jeans covering my legs, yet I’m still rocking my flip-flops. I’m not entirely ready for the warm weather to leave us.

  This season has been a whirlwind, full of challenges and some of the best moments of my life so far. Being with Jake has exceeded every expectation I could have had. The man truly loves me and wants nothing more than to spend every available moment he has with me. Media attention has been insane but in a supportive way. Everyone wants to know about our story, from the beginning to how we found our way back to each other. We’ve done a few interviews here and there, but have somehow managed to keep the important details to ourselves.

  When the season got underway, the time away from each other was hard. The stretches when Jake was on the road were the hardest, but I visited when I had the opportunity and my job obligations allowed. Once summer hit and Conner was out of school, he joined me as Jake paid to fly us all across the country, or I had to attend away games for my responsibilities to the team. But we made our time together count and not let the distance come between us. Throughout the season, I’ve explored cities I never thought I’d see, tasted food and drinks that have enlightened my taste buds, and I got to experience it all beside the man that has changed my life in more ways than one.

  Being with Jake again has been more of an adventure this time. Even when we first met, I knew this man would make me look at life differently. He’s shown me what true love is. He’s taught me about patience and compromise. And everything Jake does is filled with so much passion; it’s amazing to witness and be the recipient of it most nights. From how he plays baseball to how he loves me… there is no doubt about how he feels about anything. He never refrains from letting me know where I stand in his life, which is the strongest feeling of contentment I’ve ever felt.

  “There are our boys!” Lochlin shouts as the Rays take the field, pulling me from my wandering thoughts about the man who stole my heart on this field over three years ago.

  I watch Jake jog to his spot at third base, the sight of him in the zone still affecting me the way it did that first night. The visual of him in his uniform, his strong body encased in the bright orange and white cotton, brings so many memories flooding back to me when I think about how fate brought us together in the first place.

  I wait for him to look up at me the same way he has at every home game, the glimmer in his eyes telling of everything I’ll ever need in this life. His ocean blue eyes find mine alongside his dazzling smile, and I return the favor, waving my fingers as he blows me his kiss. The jumbotron catches it, of course, a tradition that has never let up since opening day this year, and even before that when we dated in the beginning. The crowd goes wild in support of our love story that rekindled in the spring.

  Fans tell us all the time how our story has made them believe in love at first sight, which makes me laugh, but also completely agree that that’s what it was between us, even though we didn’t realize it back then.

  “Here we go!” Conner shouts as Eddie Salazar throws the first pitch. The game is underway as Lochlin and I eat through our nerves. I have my trusty nachos to comfort me, Lochlin takes solace in three churros and fresh lemonade, and Conner goes through three tubs of popcorn, so I’m sure he’s experiencing some of the same turmoil as us.

  Conner landed a spot on his varsity baseball team after his debut game, which increased his dedication to the sport that much more. When talk of scouts started between us and his coach, we knew he had the talent to go the distance. Now add on the fact that his older sister is dating a professional ballplayer, Conner has a great chance of making it to the MLB himself one day. Jake has worked with him one-on-one when time allows, helping Conner develop his talent even more and their bond. And his friendship with Jake and Rocky has been such a positive influence on him, giving him two stellar male role models to look up to and strive to mirror.

  I bite off all of my nails as the three of us struggle to watch the game that remains scoreless through the first four innings, a close-knit fight that keeps the fans on the edge of their seats, until Jake goes up to bat at the top of the fifth. I can see him struggling to compose himself as he’s been walked or struck out each time he’s seen the plate tonight.

  “Come on, Jake!” I cry as loud as I can, hoping he can hear me over the symphony of cheers coming from the stands. Given the game is on our home turf, it’s hard to see a Yankee’s fan amongst the sea of orange and white filling the stands, but you still know those fans are there. Luckily, in our part of the stadium, not one is to be found. Conner and I have remained true to sitting in our family’s seats, despite that I have access to private box suites with my position working for the team. It just doesn’t feel right to watch a game from anywhere other than here.

  Jake steps up to the plate and I feel my hands cramp as I squeeze the armrest of my chair in anticipation. Conner’s leg bounces up and down next to me as his nervousness latches on to me.

  Jake tucks his arm in tight to his body, his bat resting over his shoulder, his ass pressed out just perfectly to highlight the tight muscles of his butt while strengthening his stance. I think to myself, I can’t be the only one to admire that view.

  The pitcher winds up and throws a strike, making Jake back away in frustration.

  “Shit. He’s got to be so pissed right now,” I say as Conner and Lochlin nod.

  “Rocky’s probably on pins and needles too. This pitcher hasn’t given them anything decent to hit all night--- or at least anything they’ve swung at. God, I have to pee. I hope Jake hurries up,” Lochlin teases, which makes me laugh and feel an ounce of lighthearted relief.

  Conner interjects. “Jake just needs to be patient. That’s what he always tells me anyway,” he shrugs. “But that advice is easier said than taken, that’s for sure.”

  When Jake approaches the plate again, his fac
e laser-focused on the pitcher in front of him, I feel a breeze whiz past my face just as the crack of the bat hitting the ball echoes through the stadium.

  “Yes!” All three of us shout as we stand and watch the arch of the ball through the air, headed straight for centerfield. The outfielder runs like lightening to the fence, but nothing could have helped him as the ball soars past the fence and into the field behind the grass.

  “HOMERUN!!!!” We shout in unison as the crowd erupts in a frenzy, bouncing up and down in their seats and cheering so loudly you can barely hear yourself think.

  “Oh, my God! I can’t believe it!” I yell as I watch Jake circle the bases, pumping his fist in the air in celebration, a mile-wide grin plastered on his face. As he rounds third base, his eyes find mine and he winks, making me swoon harder for this man who already turns me inside out most days. If it wasn’t highly illegal, I would run down onto that field, whip his batting helmet off of his head, and smother him with my lips right now.

  His teammates greet him as he makes his way into the dugout, giving me one more look and a blown kiss before he retreats inside.

  Lochlin rushes to the restroom before Rocky goes up to bat, but Conner and I remain in the stands, shaking our heads back and forth in disbelief over that game-changing play.

  “That hit just changed the game,” Conner says, sitting back in his seat, adjusting his hat on his head. I eye him from the side, and I swear, in this moment, he looks just like Gramps. Sounds like Gramps right now, too.


  When Rocky takes the plate, he hits a double, which leads into the next player managing a hit, which then gives the Rays the momentum they needed to score two more runs. Jake’s home run definitely set the tone for the rest of the game.

  “Our men are on fire!” Lochlin shouts as the Rays make their way back out onto the field to defend their hard-earned lead.

  The Yankees manage to score two runs in the next three innings though, and the Rays fail to get one more score at the top of the ninth.

  It all comes down to the bottom of the ninth with the Rays still ahead 3-2, but the Yankees have got two players on base. Eddie Salazar is sweating bullets on the mound, the pressure clearly visible on his face.

  “Come on, Salazar!” Conner shouts as the entire crowd is on their feet.

  “Yup. I’m definitely going to throw up,” I state.

  “Keep it together, woman,” Lochlin chastises me, wrapping her arm around my shoulders as we hug each other in emotional support. “It’s almost over. They can do this,” she whispers, and God, I hope she’s right.

  I take a moment to peruse the stadium, soaking in the feeling of potentially witnessing history in the making. The first World Series Win for the OC Rays is only one batter away from being claimed. You could hear a pin drop in the stadium as we watch anxiously for Salazar to strike out the final batter at home plate.

  He winds up and throws a fastball straight across the plate, earning his first strike. The second pitch is declared a ball, and the third pitch is hit but fouls off along the first baseline. Eddie takes a deep breath and hurls the ball to home, but the batter connects and cracks the stitched leather up and over through the sky, arching towards right field. Jake and the right fielder sprint for the ball as Perry, the right fielder, calls it, just as the ball sinks into his glove, effectively ending the game and securing the win.

  “Oh, my God!!!!” I scream, jumping up and down higher than I knew I could manage. The rumble of the stadium from the fans bouncing up and down can be felt beneath our feet.

  “Holy shit! We won!” Lochlin yells beside me as she pulls me in for a hug. Tears start to fall as I watch the players on the field bombard each other in celebration. Jake’s smile lights up the field and my eyes when he turns to find me in the stands.

  “Jake!” I scream, even though I know he can’t hear me over the chaos and noise filling the stadium. My hands are covering my chest, the struggle to breathe is real as I bask in this fulfilling moment. Fans are going wild with excitement as the reality of the situation hits everyone in the building.

  Suddenly, Jake takes off for the stands, jumping over the fence that separates the seats from the field, past the dugout, eating up the steps two at a time before he’s standing right in front of me, out of breath but full of adrenaline.

  “Excuse me, Loch,” he says, as Lochlin slides away from me, pulling me up into his arms as my legs wrap around his waist.

  “Jake! You won!” I shout in his face, taking in his electric smile and sweaty brow. Even after playing a three-hour-long baseball game, he’s still just as jaw-droppingly handsome as ever.

  “I know, babe! We did it! I love you so much,” he says out of breath before kissing me with everything he has, and then placing me back down on my feet.

  Everything around me is a blur, partly from the tears filling my eyes, but also the fact that anything beyond Jake and I at this moment is inconsequential. The crowd is screaming, confetti is flying through the air, the music bounces out of the speakers, but all I see is him.

  I’m so proud of the man standing before me, his strength and talent amaze me every day. More importantly, I never doubt the love he has for me, or the love we have for each other.

  Jake smashes his lips to mine once more, wrapping me in his arms, soaking up the moment, as our mouths meld together and the crowd goes wild around us.

  When we part, I look up and realize that our kiss was displayed on the jumbotron. I rest my forehead on his chest, hiding the blush on my cheeks while getting as close to Jake as I can.

  Rocky rushes up into the stands now, the crowd of fans gathering around us snapping pictures, the screaming becoming insane.

  “We did it, bro!” Rocky pulls Jake into a hug, the two of them basking in the glory of their win, before pulling Lochlin into him and wrapping her in his arms.

  “Damn right we did,” Jake yells in agreement, turning to absorb the crowd of people that have rushed onto the field.

  Lochlin and Rocky lock lips as Jake and I follow their lead and claim each other once more before Jake leads us back onto the grass where his teammates and their loved ones are scattered around us, entranced in their own celebration.

  Once we all part, the boys lead us down the stairs and open the gate of the fence, ushering us out on the field covered in orange and white confetti. Cameras are flashing, more of the team rushes over to hug and congratulate each other, and the coaches get covered in Gatorade from the players. The scene is pure, beautiful chaos.

  “I want this,” Conner tells me as we walk through the sea of paper, the celebratory screams and chatter still deafening out on the field.

  “Keep working hard buddy, and you’ll get there,” Jake replies, pulling Conner in for a side hug as the three of us, trailed by Rocky and Lochlin, start to make our way to the clubhouse.

  Reporters and photographers are everywhere, capturing every moment between any of the players and their loved ones, interviewing the coaches and key team members scattered all over the field.

  “What an incredible night for the OC Rays!” Tim Donaldson shouts as he makes his way over to us on the grass, just before we find the tunnel leading off of the field.

  Jake reaches out to shake his hand. “I agree.”

  “Congratulations, gentleman! You’ve both been such a pivotal part of this team. You have earned this! I’m proud of our boys tonight,” he beams, surveying the excitement filling the stadium.

  “Me too, Tim. And thank you so much for your support through everything,” I say through the tears that won’t stop falling, even though my smile won’t leave my face either. I’m sure I look like a hot mess right now.

  “My pleasure. Have fun celebrating,” he winks before wandering off to congratulate more of the team.

  Jake’s family waits outside the locker room while he cleans himself up and gathers his things, pulling me and Conner in for celebratory hugs and greetings.

  “Oh my gosh, what a night!” Jak
e’s mom, Lindy, exclaims as she releases her hold on me. Jake’s family opted to watch the game from a box suite, completely understanding my reason for not joining them.

  “Right? I still can’t believe this,” I reply, tearing up as I realize how monumental this win is. Every MLB team has the same goal, and our Rays accomplished it.

  “I’m so glad you’re here for him to share this with,” she cries as Jake’s dad, brother, and sister all greet us with hugs. Jake’s family has been nothing but welcoming and supportive once we found ourselves back together. I’ve formed an incredible bond with his mom too, helping to fill that void created when I lost my own mother. His sister and I have also become fast friends, speaking on the phone frequently and seeing each other each time she’s in town. Jake’s brother and father have taken Conner under their wing as well.

  Conner and I have gone to being the only other family members we have, to two branches growing on a blossoming family tree. The Calhoun’s have given us a family to belong to again.

  “You and me both, Lindy,” I say as Conner puts his arms around me too, his tall frame now towering over me. The teenage growth spurts have hit him hard.

  “Hey guys,” Jake greets us as he walks up to where we’re all standing, finding me first and sealing our reunion with a kiss.

  “Jake! I can’t believe you just won the World Series! You did it!” Lindy shouts as she lunges forward and hugs us both.

  “Thanks, Mom. I still can’t believe this. I think I’m in shock. This is always the dream playing in the MLB, but now that it’s the reality, I can’t fathom that it’s real,” he jokes as our group heads out to the parking lot now that his press obligations have been fulfilled.

  “Oh, it’s real alright,” I tease him, sensing the heat in his gaze when he looks down at me. Seems our thoughts are in the same place.

  “We’ll call you guys tomorrow so we can do dinner before you have to go back home,” Jake explains to his family, which everyone agrees to. It’s been a long night, and he and I have our own celebrating to do.


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