Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition
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70 Ten mortal: CR, 12/22/14, 495. Galleries: WP, 12/23/14, 1.
71 Clark drunk: CT, 12/3/14, 1; NYT, 12/3/14, 1. Omit all: Hobson to Eugene Chafin et al., in RPHP, B35, F6.
71 Rucker, Mann: NYT, 12/23/14, 1. Morrison: CR, 12/22/14, 586.
72 Stacks: CT, 12/23/14. Postcards: Pittman, Navalist, 145. Sandwich: ms. by Grizelda Hull Hobson, in RPHP, B12, F4.
72 Hobson speech: CR, 12/22/14, 602 et seq.
73 Knight errant, lunatic: NYT, 12/3/14, 1.
73 Judgment day: CT, 12/22/14. Progressive Party: Timberlake, 172.
74 Not for results: Nation, 2/11/15, 286. Ecstasy: Quoted in Epstein, 24.
74 Last speech: CR, 1/12/15. Hobson in Atlantic City: Odegard, 157–58.
74 1915 convention speakers: NYT, 7/9/15, 20. Fighting Germans: Odegard, 157.
75 Onslaught, le delirium, drinking licenses: Atlantic Monthly, 12/15, 739–50. Trade regulations and sumptuary laws: Spinelli, xiv. German industrial, Norway, Finland: Weir, History, 254. Iceland: Jimerson et al., 214–16. Canada: Marrus, 63–64.
75 Russia: Cherrington, ASL Yearbook 1920, 250–52. Tens of thousands: Atlantic Monthly, 12/15, 739–50. Tacoma: Clark, Dry, 145. Lenin, 1923: Barnes, 227–33.
75 Randolph: Lerner, Dry, 35. IWW enemy: Clark, Dry, 145. Leaflets: Samuel S. White, letter to the editor, New Republic, 7/25/23.
76 I here announce: CR, 12/23/14, 602 et seq.; WP, 12/24/14, 6.
76 Tumulty: NYT, 3/28/26, E1. Mackerel: William Allen White, quoted in Lord, 290–91.
77 Wilson’s Scotch: Tribble, xvii. No open opposition: NYT, 3/28/26, E1.
77 Wine mess, Sir Josephus: Hanson Baldwin, 16005.
77 Futile distraction: Levine, 107–8. Grape juice: Bryan, Memoirs, 187, 351; NYT, 4/25/13, 1.
77 Russian ambassador: Bryan, Memoirs, 351. Grape juice diplomacy: DAB. Shaw: Kazin, 250.
78 Sporty: Volstead to Forrester, 12/23/21, in AJVP, B2. So-called: Murdock, 6. Water flowed: Anthony, First, 229.
78 Ten tons: Kerr, 151. Newspapers: Dotson, 15. Captains: Timberlake, 142. Expenditures: Nation, 7/7/26. Modern equivalents for this and other sums cited throughout were determined with the Bureau of Labor Statistics CPI Calculator, Russell activities: Rumbarger, 179. Water wagon: Jimerson et al., 336.
79 Trained lecturers: Kobler, 201–2, puts the figure at 50,000, but other sources indicate it was quite a bit lower. See Hogan, 152. By policy: Odegard, 191. Landrith, Taber: “Campaign Speakers,” 1918, in TPP/Ohio ASL. Do not beg: “Suggestions to Speakers,” 1914, in TPP/Cherrington, R82.
79 Ten speeches: Levine, 111. Ann Arbor, Philadelphia: Coletta, 66. A little easy: New Republic, 3/20/15, 165.
79 A great deal: Coletta, 70–71. Bryan, Hobson fees: Odegard, 203–4. Two million copies: Rosenfeld, 185–86. His strength: Grizelda Hull Hobson to J. A. White, 10/16/15, in RPHP, B36, F1.
80 Lack the funds: Anna Gordon to Hobson, 1/18/15, in RPHP, B35, F7.
80 If both: CR, 12/11/13, 736. ASL officer: Odegard, 205.
81 We must: Hobson to Cherrington, 3/18/15, in RPHP, B35, F7.
81 Great cities: Carter, Decline, 35. Possible to re-district: Cherrington to Cannon, 3/26/15, in TPP/Cherrington, R77.
81 Terrified members: WP, 5/6/14. Make it safe: NYT, 3/28/26, E1.
82 We knew: NYT, 3/30/26, 27. Barrage: Merz, 17. Twenty-three states, would be submitted: NYT, 3/30/26, 27.
Chapter Six: Dry-Drys, Wet-Drys, and Hyphens
83 Candler: NYT, 3/14/29. Shubert: Lerner, Dry, 36.
83 Too busy: Batterberry, 197.
84 Lager’s amber: advertisement reproduced in Philip P. Mason, 26. Anti-Profanity: Dabney, 123. Start with hell: NYT, 5/25/96, obituary of Joseph Mitchell.
84 Blacklist, drunken darkies: Senate Judiciary 1919, 119, 144–50; NYT, 11/12/18.
85 Purchased newspapers: Lardner, 58; Drescher, 181; NYT, 9/20/18, 11/20/18; Senate Judiciary 1919, 70–71. We looked: Steuart, 126.
85 Busch family: Hernon and Ganey, 89–91.
85 Infidel foreign: Rose, American, 26. Staunchest friends: Andreae speech 10/3/13, reprinted in Senate Judiciary 1919, 349–59. Salary: Memorandum, 6/9/13, reprinted in Senate Judiciary 1919, 1127. Spokesman: USBA Minutes, 10/15/15, reprinted in Senate Judiciary 1919, 1073. Editorials: Senate Judiciary 1919, 472, 841. Bankrolled: Andreae to Charles J. Hexamer, 12/31/13, quoted in Senate Judiciary 1919, 900.
86 Oppose enactment: Drescher, 60–61. Arrests for speeding: Slanders Against Prohibition Refuted, 12.
86 99 percent: Woodward, 389. Never been told: Wolfe, 229. Bourbon-swilling: McGill, 131. Wife was daughter: Marni Davis, 189.
87 No quarrel: Wilson message to Congress, Senate document 5, Serial No. 7264, 65th Congress, 1st session. Watson (fn): MacLean, 120. Born under other: Kennedy, Over, 24.
87 Out-of-state shipper: Suitts, 185.
87 Cannon, generally: ANB, DAB. Beard, best brain: Virginius Dabney in NYT Book Review, 10/23/55. Merest wink: Dabney, 306.
88 I do not remember: Richmond Times-Dispatch, 11/6/28, quoted in Dabney, 100.
88 No young ladies: Dabney, 16. In 1914: DAB.
88 Interdenominational: ASL of Ohio stationery, in RAC, B44, F476. Democrat with Democrats: H. L. Mencken, “The Bishop Loquitir,” Baltimore Evening Sun, 10/12/31.
89 Back of a gnat: Florence Dickinson Stearns, quoted in Dabney, 333. Humorless: Golden, 124–25. Violent: Asbury, 322. Mother of ignorance: Baltimore and Richmond Christian Advocate, 12/17/06 and other dates, cited by Dabney, 181.
89 Gambling: Kobler, 186. Many were drunk: John Garland Pollard, quoted in Dabney, 183. Dry-drys: Mencken, American, 305. One of only three: NYT, 1/25/27.
89 Fondness for moonshine: Simon, 77; CT, 1/17/30, 1. Rest of his life: American Brewer, 3/18, 93. As they pray: NYT, 6/26/27, XX, 6.
90 Vestal virgins: CR, 12/22/14, 581. Not a square foot: Hamm, 230. Mother’s Day: Carnality, every county: CR, 12/17/17, 457–458.
91 No hearings: Hamm, 240. Single afternoon: Kyvig, Explicit, 222–23. No sumptuary action: CR, 12/22/14, 602 et seq. Choice of battleground: Hobson, “Brief on the Proposed Changes in the Wording of the National Prohibition Amendment Prepared for the Special Committee of Nineteen,” 8/20/15, in RPHP, B33, F8.
92 Coauthors: Odegard, 152. Telegram: Cherrington to Cannon, 3/27/17, in TPP/Cherrington, R77.
92 Maintain the balance: Odegard, 157–58.
92 Thirteen million gallons: Sexton, 114. Invested capital: U.S. Census Report, 1914, cited in Asbury, 111. Fifth largest: World’s Work, 7/17, 295–96. Bolsheviki: New Republic, 1/25/19, 359.
93 Sinned away: Pickett et al., 98. Garrett speech: CR, 12/22/14, 526.
93 Not a moral issue: quoted in Murray, Harding, 16. Scotch and soda: Anthony, Florence, 291–93. Owned stock: Mellon, 104. No mistaking: Downes, 280.
93 Harding-Wheeler negotiation: Russell, 299; Odegard, 172. Insult to private: Carter, Another, 102.
94 Alcoholic/intoxicating: B. E. Prugh to R. P. Hobson, 1/21/15, in RPHP, B35, F7; Wayne Wheeler to Louis Cramton, 3/23/27, Louis C. Cramton Papers, B1.
94 We are not willing: Wheeler to Baker, 2/28/18, in Steuart, 118–19.
Chapter Seven: From Magna Carta to Volstead
96 Sunday, generally: ANB. Wages: ANB. American Association, Sportsman’s: Nemec, 16, 22, 25. Recreation Park: Flamm, 61–63.
96 Across the street: Lindsay Denison, “Billy Sunday and His War on the Devil,” American Magazine, 9/07. Sentences, Gospel gun: Henry F. May, 126. Dibbly-dibbly: Hofstadter, Anti-Intellectualism, 116.
97 Flings: Francis Hackett, “Billy Sunday,” New Republic, 3/20/15. Worst enemy: Kobler, 12. I will fight: Philip P. Mason, 15.
97 Liquor interests hate: American Issue, quoted in SEAP. Tied with Carnegie, does not smite: Hofstadter, Anti-Intellectualism, 115, 119.
98 Officially denounced: Jimerson et al., 69. Passion for dollars: Levine, 118–20. Steadiness of nerve: Kerr, 201
98 Fisher group: “The Memorial for National Prohibition,” in Ernest Gordon, Wrecking, 265–67. Eleven million loaves: Kerr, 199–200. Wildly inflated: Fisher, in “The Case for War-Time Prohibition,” pamphlet, in Annenberg Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania. Five million: NYT, 11/3/18, 28. How can we: Levine, 118–20. Flap-jacks: Allsop, 29.
99 Grain production: Scott, 6697. Heatless days: Wheeler to Wilson, 4/1/18, quoted in Steuart, 106–7. Full-page ad: NYT, 11/3/18, 28.
99 At this point: Burner, Hoover, 218. Extremists: Morison and Blum, vol. 6, 1131. Particularly annoying: Morison and Blum, vol. 5, 699. When we must: Morison and Blum, vol. 8, 1259.
100 Seize railways: Merz, 25.
100 German enemies: Milwaukee Journal, 2/13/18, quoted in Cochran, 320.
100 Recruited, bankrolled: Wheeler to Purley A. Baker, 2/28/18, quoted in Steuart, 119. Mostly by slogans: Zeitz, 198. Important element: Barry, The Great, 127.
101 Ground glass: Leuchtenberg, Perils, 43–44. There are men: NYT, 8/16/17, 1. Speaking German: Kennedy, Over, 67–68. Beethoven: Drowne, 17. Execute the Huns: Michie and Ryhlick, 149.
101 Robert Prager: Kennedy, Over, 68.
102 Our German women: Alan P. Grimes, Puritan, 116. Membership two million: Plavchan, 139. Leaders urge: NYT, 11/9/17, 9.
102 Prophets: Ohlinger, “The Germans,” in Davis and Schwartz, 125. 250 years: Senate Judiciary 1919, 8. Before he had: Wheeler to Baker, 2/28/18, quoted in Steuart, 119. Gluttons: Sinclair, 117.
102 United States Brewers’ Association had funded: Senate Judicary 1919, 932. Implicitly supported: NYT, 12/4/18. Cabled cash, not mitigated: Hernon and Ganey, 91. Blacklist leaked: NYT, 11/21/18.
103 Removing German names: Plavchan, 135. Australia, Canada, flag: Hernon and Ganey, 91. Portraits removed: Wittke, 184–86. More substantively: Baron, 305.
103 Hypnotized: Senate Judiciary 1919, 63.
103 Does anyone: Rose, American, 165.
104 Fifteen minutes: NYT, 1/9/18.
104 Hobson had asserted: “Brief on the Proposed Changes in the Wording of the National Prohibition Amendment Prepared for the Special Committee of Nineteen,” 8/20/15, in RPHP, B33, F8.
104 Sailing-ship: F. L. Allen, Only, 18. Most important: Powe, 200.
104 New York statistics: Merz, 43. New Jersey statistics: U.S. census. Maryland statistics: Hacker, 23–24; U.S. census.
105 Missouri vote: Krebs, 139; Odegard, 175. Ohio: Odegard, 175; Kyvig, Repealing, 14.
105 Once ratified: “Brief . . . ,” 8/20/15, in RPHP, B33, F8. Catholic percentages: Odegard, 31. More than 80 percent: Dabney, 132.
106 Studebaker, invested: Johns, 9. Bryan passed: WJBP, B32. Truman: Truman to Wallace, 1/21/19,
106 Spokane: Clark, Dry, 130.
107 Avenue de Booze: Engelmann, Intemperance, 34. Detroit details: DN, 2/20/19–2/22/19. Billingsleys (fn): Blumenthal, 77–78. Boesky arrested (fn): DN, 2/21/19.
108 Resolution legalizing: CR, 12/22/14, 499. Quasi criminal: Taft to Allen B. Lincoln, 9/2/18, quoted in Post, 85.
108 Volstead, generally: ANB.
108 Few inferiors: Henry F. Pringle, “Obscure Mr. Volstead,” World’s Work, 7/29. Tobacco, chokecherry, tie: Carol L. James, 16, 30, 1. I have gazed: Senate speech, 8/18/21, quoted in United States Brewers’ Association, Year Book 1920–21, 48–50.
109 Never delivered, joined, vast movement: CR, 7/1/19, 2296. Twice put up: ANB.
110 Wheeler did, too loosely: Volstead to William F. Shea, 2/10/34, in AJVP, B3. Nearly as much: House Appropriations, 1922, 482. Only in part: DN, 7/3/26.
110 No user would: George Norris, cited by Hamm, 243. Hoover: Burner, Hoover, 218.
111 Amendment would have died: Wheeler to George Norris, 3/17/27, in George Norris Papers, B2, F7. No one who: House of Representatives Report 91, 66th Congress, 1st Session, 5. Sponge: CR, 7/19/19, 2869.
111 Surprising willingness: Wheeler in Current History, 2/24, 848. Much to the dismay: Rabbi Samuel M. Gup to Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, 12/13/21, in LFA; Central Conference, 116–18. Many hard-line: Dobyns, 289.
112 Jury to determine: NYT, 10/19/19, XX1. Corn juice: Sinclair, 169.
112 Conserve fruits: Senate Judiciary 1926, 855.
112 Filled with Wets: Volstead to Mrs. Joseph M. Gazzam, 2/2/22, AJVP, B2, F1. Muskrat pelts: NYT, 5/25/20.
113 As much deliberation: Frankfurter, “A National Policy for Enforcement of Prohibition,” in Walnut, 193. Pressure groups: Seeking to identify the origin of the term, William Safire, in the revised edition of Safire’s Political Dictionary (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), cites the Oxford English Dictionary, which traces it to the Nebraska State Journal, 1/16/24. However, Wheeler delivered a speech entitled “Pressure Groups” at Columbia University on 10/16/23, quoted in Steuart, 209. Lineal descendants: Wheeler Columbia speech, quoted in Steuart, 209.
113 Dumb stupor: LD, 3/8/19. Did not employ: Kyvig, Repealing, 10. Twenty cases: Cannadine, 275. Stepped up, cut sales: Plavchan, 230. Wet list: Ward, 420n.
113 Bronfman activity: Gray, Booze, 131–32; Prince, 24–26.
114 All laws: Kerr, 222–23.
Chapter Eight: Starting Line
117 First Congregational Church rally, generally: Commoner, 2/20. Luminaries: Union Signal, 1/22/20, 3; Coletta, 78. Equal Pay: Union Signal, 1/22/20, 7.
117 No man living: Kobler, 14. Obliterated: Bagby, 111. Delivering speeches: Commoner, 2/20, 12.
118 Broad vowels: Recordings of Bryan speeches in Vincent Voice Library at Michigan State University. Doxology, They are dead: Coletta, 78.
118 Stolen: CT, 1/18/20, 5.
118 Deaths, drunkenness: Slosson, 119. Muncie: Lynd and Lynd, 227. Holland House: Asbury, 191; William Grimes, 80–81.
119 Welch’s: Lender and Martin, 146. Grand Rapids: Survey, 11/6/20, 193. Chicago jail: Cherrington, ASL Year Book, 21. Elated: Addams, Forty, 220. I Never Knew: author’s collection.
119 All Liquor Stains: American Issue, 1/17/20, 1. Consumption: Miron and Zwiebel, 242.
119 We learned: Sann, 92.
119 Morrow: Leon Adams, OrH, CWH.
120 Goldwater: Barry Goldwater, in film Barry Goldwater: American Life (1991), cited in New Times (Phoenix, AZ), 10/19/2006. Kennedy sold: Amanda Smith, 8. Cellared: Goodwin, 441–42.
120 Union Club: NYT, 1/14/20, 17. Walter Parker: Parker to Pierre S. du Pont, 12/21/33, in PSdPP, F1023–48, B1537. Hennessy: Beauchamp, 95.
121 Chief pleasure: Jessup, 477–78. Financed Root’s: Kyvig, Repealing, 17.
121 Butler’s description: Jessup, 479–80.
121 Half to his house: NYT, 9/26/20.
122 Portable stills: Asbury, 157. Enough smuggled: quoted in Grant, 17–18. Infinitesimal: George W. Ashworth, quoted in Merz, 57.
122 Iron River episode, generally, including all quotations not otherwise identified: CT, 2/23/20–2/26/20; NYT, 2/23/20–2/27/20. Armed Invasion: St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 2/25/20.
122 Dago red, open revolt: Engelmann, Intemperance, 178–79.
123 Necktie, high school kids: eyewitness account in The Rum Rebellion, published by Iron County Museum, 2/20/70, 4, 18.
124 Father-in-law: Ashlee, 194.
124 900,000 cases: Engelmann, Intemperance, 72. Consumption math based on 1921 Canadian census figures. Ten bottles a day: Philip P. Mason, 38.
124 Honest inspector: NYT, 6/27/20, 27; CT, 6/7/20.
125 Suspicious gurgles: Boston Evening Transcript, 6/7/20, 2.
125 He was pleased: Steuart, 161. Fearing that: Ibid., 157.
126 Unanimously repealed: Elizabeth Anne Brown, 34. Necessary as coffee: SFC, 1/1/20, 13.
126 In communion: NYT, 7/5/20. Bourbon, small committees: Mencken, Heathen, 179. Samaritans: NYT, 6/9/20.
127 Plank modifying: Tumulty, 421. Private reasoning: Cannon, 297. Shrank from: NYT, 7/3/20.
127 Beerless: Kazin, 270. Several hundred: NYT, 6/9/20, 5. I put
an old coat: NYT, 3/26/26, 1.
127 Overwhelmed: NYT, 7/3/20. My heart: Cannon, 298. How Dry: Coletta, 124.
Chapter Nine: A Fabulous Sweepstakes