Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition
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322 Tuesday and Saturday: Wickersham, vol. 4, 327. Lousy: Gus Schaffer to Ron Martinelli, 9/10/75, Gus Schaffer [also Schaefer] Papers, Chicago Historical Society.
322 Capon: Joseph Driscoll, “Men of Action,” in Moquin and Van Doren, 123.
322 Capone the immune: IRS memo of 7/8/31, as above.
322 Close factories: Pictorial Review, 9/29. Great pity: Quoted in Sinclair, 316. War on Coca-Cola: Hays, 86. Unmoved: Pendergrast, 162.
323 Scrambling assignments: NYT, 9/9/28. Bank accounts: Tydings, 73. Craps, dogs, bequests: Report of the Special August Grand Jury, quoted in Haller, “Philadelphia,” 225. Ledger book: NYT, 9/9/28.
323 Squishes: Collier’s, 2/16/29, 8. Equivalent of twenty: Pearson, More, 306–7. Bottom fell: George Cassiday, in WP, 10/24/30, 1.
324 Morgan: NYT, 3/30/29, 1; 4/4/29, 1; 4/5/29, 1.
324 Michaelson: CT, 3/30/29, 2. Many a Congressman, trunks contained: Time, 4/8/29; WP, 3/30/29, 1. No desire: CT, 10/23/29, 16. Vindicated: CT, 5/9/29, 1.
325 Denison: NYT, 11/20/29, 1. Fairy story (fn): CT, 3/14/31.
325 Cassiday arrested: 12/18/29, 2. Most early stories about him spelled his name “Cassidy,” but when the Washington Post ran an as-told-to series under his byline in 1930, this was persuasively established that “Cassiday” was correct. Cannon flour hoarding: Dabney, 201.
326 Stock speculator: Golden, 137–45.
326 Union Square: Dabney, 296. Less likely: Golden, 124–25.
326 Cannon’s fall: Dabney, 190, 269, 272. Non-entity: Patterson, 493.
327 Twenty-three electoral: Sweeting, 442–44. Vandenberg: WP, 1/26/29, 6.
327 Refuse, unjust: Eagles, Democracy, 77, 75. Kimball letter: WP, 1/9/29, 6.
327 Generalissimo: NYT, 6/3/29, 12.
328 Dinner Belgian: Cannadine, 391.
Chapter Twenty: The Hummingbird That Went to Mars
329 Devastating argument, block repeal: Merz, 297, ix.
329 Beck: NYT, 1/18/31, 125. Darrow: Vanity Fair, 11/31, 62.
330 New organization: Engelmann, Intemperance, 215. African American: Root, 147; Amsterdam News, 9/7/32, 1. Hummingbird: WP, 9/25/30, 5.
330 Union League: NYT, 2/24/31, 1.
330 High plateau: NYT, 10/16/29, 8.
331 Slashed: Calder, 120. Per diem, training: Prohibition Dept. order no. 2219, 9/21/31; Harry M. Dengler to McElmore, 5/6/32, both in Clyde McElmore Papers. Doran: Sinclair, 356–57; Kobler, 338. Profit: Asbury, 319. Unnaturally cheerful (fn): Associated Press dispatch, 10/3/28, in TPP/ASL, R8.
331 Revenue based: Boudreaux and Pritchard. Piled up: Seltzer et al., 203. Soup kitchen: CT, 12/5/30.
332 A mistake: Raskob to Pierre du Pont, 8/31/48, quoted in Lopata, 257.
332 Subsidiary: Senate Lobby 1930, 3858–59.
332 Barron: WSJ, 2/14/23.
332 You will save: G. C. Hinckley to John J. Raskob, 7/2/25, JJRP, B1, F102. Irénée told: Irénée du Pont to H. L. Blanchard, 10/27/30, citing earlier conversation with Stayton, Irénée du Pont Papers, Ser J, F122. Stayton determined: Heckman, 186.
333 Dear Mr.: Senate Lobby 1930, 3999. The danger: Wadsworth to Henry H. Curran, 10/7/29, quoted in Fulton, 5762. Shirt sleeves: Senate Lobby 1930, 4170.
333 Necessity of levying: “What Price Prohibition,” 1927. Most widely: Craig, 356. The Need: Kyvig, Repealing, 13. Liquor alone: Burnham, Bad, 46.
333 Two billion: Pierre du Pont to Lammot du Pont, 4/28/32, PsdPP, F1023, b1423.
333 White: New Yorker, 12/29/28, 9. Although unsigned, the piece is credited to White in the New Yorker archives. Where on Manhattan: Asbury, 211. Fish store: Ware, 57.
334 Virtual local: Senate Judiciary 1932, 27. Kansas: Commonweal, 2/25/30. It was dying: Cowley, 65.
334 Flavors: Murdock, 92. Soared: Merz, 260. Fleischmann’s in Virginia: Carr, 114–15. Ninety-nine out of a hundred, Rockford: Wickersham, vol. IV, 1075, 261. Stills and mash: Merz, 258–60.
335 Printed wrapper: Time, 8/17/31; NYT, 8/6/31, 1. Ads: Sheboygan (WI) Press, 9/25/31, 9. Diamond: NYT, 8/17/31, 19.
335 Fruit Industries agent: Heintz, California’s, 272–73; OrH, CWH: Philo Biane, 7–8.
335 Charred kegs: California Vineyards Co., advertising card, author’s collection. Trade ad: California Grower, 1/31, 2. Brisbane: General Fruit Packaging Distributors handout, in Sonoma Wine Library, Healdsburg, CA.
336 Run away: quoted in Barr, 105. Tips: Engelmann, Intemperance, 131–32. Door, furniture, corkscrew: Lusk, 46–52.
336 Leviathan: Baltimore Sun, 7/29/31. George Washington: unidentified clip, 1/8/30, in TPP/ASL, R13. Delegation: Herbert Hoover, statement on the London Naval Conference, 1/7/30. Intercoastal: de la Pedraja, 110, 227.
336 Mounds Club: SLP-D, 4/7/29, 3/18/30.
337 City dweller: Washington Star, 3/11/31. Cigarette ad: reprinted in Burnham, Bad, photo section. Pumpkin gin: Sinclair, 439. Bridge Table: Judge Jr., 29.
337 Dignified: NYT, 7/2/27, 19. Raids: NYT, 4/26/30, 1; 10/17/42, 15.
337 Nonfeasance: NYT, 7/1/30, 1.
338 Jewish vote: WP, 9/16/30, 1. Lowman also: WP, 9/9/30, 1. Sheep dip, Curtis: NYT, 11/13/30, 2; Time, 9/22/30; WP, 11/10/28, 1. Memos: WP, 9/13/30, 1. Cesspool: WP, 9/8/30, 1. Magazine: NYT, 10/17/42, 15.
338 Majority, capacity: WP, 10/24/30, 1; 10/28/30, 1. Wet roster: Burk, 74.
338 Endorsed Repeal: Kyvig, Repealing, 142. Just six days: NYT, 10/31/30, 48. I do think: Lerner, Dry, 287.
339 Women’s names: Root, appendix.
339 Pierrepont: Minutes, organizing meeting of WONPR, 6/1/29, PSdPP, B1568. Inner circle: NYT, 8/1/29, 12. McCall’s profile: Dorothy Ducas, “In Miniature: Mrs. Charles H. Sabin,” McCall’s, 9/30. Plays golf: AC, 3/3/32, 15. Anti: Vogue, 9/1/30, 80.
340 Vehement words: CT, 3/9/30, 1.
340 Scandalous: CT, 4/25/30, 2. Gaylord: Dorothy M. Brown, 247.
340 Thirty-one states: New Yorker, 10/22/32, 20. Earlier trip: diary entries, 2/4, 2/12, w 3/27/23, in PSDP, F1. Sabine women: Vanity Fair, 8/31, 42. Bacchantian: NYT, 5/24/32, 8. Other contemporary sources rendered “parching” as “parched.” Scum: quoted in Murdock, 150.
341 Women whose names: WP, 4/26/30, 1.
341 Evanston: Neumann, 4. As long as: Union Signal, 5/17/30, cover. Real strength: Time, 7/18/32.
341 Rather resign: Gibbons to Hoover, 4/22/31, Herbert Hoover Papers, Presidential Secretary’s File, LymanR-Lynb.
342 Prince of Belvedere: Saidye Bronfman interview, Philip Siekman and Ann Tyler, 8/12/66, notes in SMC, B10. Staff: Edgar Bronfman, 23–24. Saidye encountered: Marrus, 167–68. Burns, ludicrous: Faith, 77.
342 Annual meeting: Transcript of speech, 10/30/30, in SMC.
342 Ballooned: Kobler, 254. 20 percent: Engelmann, Intemperance, 78. Twice as much: Robertson, 409.
343 Port Colborne: Port Colborne Citizen, 10/28/26, in Archives of Ontario, RG 4–32, F1926, #1560. Show itself: Kottman, 112. Charity: Marrus, 133. Assist the government: Thornton to Minister of Railways and Canals, 1/7/29, quoted in Stephen T. Moore. Quadruple: Dispatch, 11/9/32, State Department Archives, 811.114 Canada 4642.
343 Actual volume: Transcript of annual meeting speech, 11/30/31, in SMC. Launder: Dubro and Rowland, 208.
343 Smuggle back: Dispatch, 1/9/31, State Department Archives, 811.114 Canada 4400. Cutting racket (fn): DN, cited in Asbury, 269. Buffalo batch (fn): James Dubro and Robin Rowland, “Prohibition: Saint John’s Connection,” Atlantic Insight, 3/88, 32.
344 Replacing air: Dispatch, 10/30/30, State Department Archives, 811.114 Canada 4362. Periodic announcements: Engelmann, Intemperance, 119–21. Halifax: Dispatch, 12/12/30, State Department Archives, 811.114 Canada 4380.
344 Hands of gangsters: Hoover, 276–77. Whatever necessary: Calder, 17–19. Personal matter: Willebrandt to Hoover, 3/22/29, quoted in Bergreen, 323.
345 Football helmet: Heimel, 98. More than double: “75 Years of Criminal Investigation,” IRS document 7233, 1999. Six hundred barrels: Gus Schaffer to Ron Martinelli, 8/27/75, Gus Schaffer [also Schaefer] Papers, C
hicago Historical Society.
345 The Commission: Raab, 32–36.
346 Not been attempted: Willebrandt, 170.
346 Use this statement: Willebrandt to McCoy, 1/14/30, reproduced in Van de Water, 263.
346 String: Attorney General Harwell Davis, quoted in Roger K. Newman, 63. Secure loan, beautiful fee: Dabney, 304. Guardian: Coughlin sermon, CBS Radio, 3/8/31, transcript in MWWP, B4, F: Fruit Industries. Fruit Punch: Judge Jr., 48.
347 Stylish: Willebrandt, 277. Because she did it: Strawbridge to Willebrandt, enclosed in Willebrandt to Donald Conn, 11/29/30, MWWP, B4, F: Fruit Industries. Meetings: “Grape Juice Hubbub,” WP, 11/21/30; Dorothy M. Brown, 184. Upon my arrival: press release, 11/13/30, MWWP, B4, F: Fruit Industries.
347 Bodyguards: OrH, CWH: Leon Adams, 32. Compete with Capone’s: “Grape Juice Hubbub,” WP, 11/21/30. Effect of this: Willebrandt to Conn, 11/19/30, MWWP, B4, F: Fruit Industries.
347 Mabel’s Bricks: United Press dispatch, 11/19/31, in Oshkosh (WI) Daily Northwestern, 11. Attempted to bar, Landrith: NYT, 12/9/32, 19; 12/10/32.
348 Ripe: NYT, 2/13/30. Drys opposed Norris: Norris to Mabel Willebrandt, George Norris Papers, 7/17/30. Kresge withdrew: Kerr, 265.
348 Cancel subscriptions: Justin Steuart to E. H. Cherrington, 7/8/31, in TPP/Cherrington, R68. Salary, rent: Scott McBride to Cherrington, 11/30/31, in TPP/Cherrington, R90. Embarrassed: McBride to Cherrington, 7/14/31, R90. Bank: Kerr, 272–73.
348 1920, 1933: Rose, American, 60.
349 Convince markets: F. L. Allen, Secret, 202. We want: NYT, 9/25/31, 1. Tax on syrup, twenty-eight million: Engelmann, Intemperance, 200, 138. Warrantless: Taylor v. U.S., 1932. Widely publicized: Root, 33–34. Wooden horse: Davis to Frank R. Lubbock, 7/20/1887, PSdPP, F1023, B1417.
349 Whiskey dividend, twenty-five brands: Fortune, 11/33, 35–36. Daughter of alcoholic, disapproved (fn): Clark, Deliver, 203–4; Beasley, 421–24. Raid (fn): Cook, 554. Fade away: Sinclair, 396. Barkley: Scott, 37. Black: Roger K. Newman, 125.
350 Increase Federal: NYT, 10/22/32, 1. Has been said: Rose, American, 120.
350 Mrs. Simons: Charleston News and Courier, 3/2/32, 5. Fine, packed: AC, 3/3/32, 15; 3/4/32, 1.
350 Post: Fulton, 50–51. Pearls: Time, 7/18/32. No comfort: Root, 90 et seq.
350 Smoke screen: Burk, 97. Colossal scale: NYT, 6/7/32, 1. Mother’s prayers: Telegram, Upshaw to Rockefeller, 6/8/32, RAC, B41, F442. Sloan, Firestone: Ernest Gordon, Wrecking, 194. Jones: Baltimore Sun, 10/30/32, 1.
351 Century Association: Minutes, Board of Management, 10/31/32, Century Association Archives. Whistle: Louis P. Martini (son of Louis M.), quoted in Napa Valley Register, 12/5/93, 1. Clydesdales: Plavchan, 217.
352 Filibuster: NYT, 2/15/33; Union Signal, 2/25/33. Of the twenty-two: Alan P. Grimes, Democracy, 112.
352 Rented out: Justin Steuart to E. H. Cherrington, 2/8/33, in TPP/Cherrington, R68.
352 Coca-Cola Beer: F. L. Allen, Secret, 204–5. Blanket license: Time, 4/17/33. Pretty good: Fecher, 213.
353 Satan’s Seat: NYT, 6/9/32. Proprietors: Stanley Walker, 71–72.
353 McDonough: The Rum Rebellion, published by Iron County Museum, 2/20/70. Would have remained: NYT, 7/27/38, 17. Weren’t up: Hoover to Homer Cummings, FBI File 66–11–38–88, cited in John F. Fox.
353 Devoted army, distinguished: Everett S. Brown, 298. Nobody seemed: Jessup, 476.
353 Many a white: Hines, 25.
353 Grain prices: CT, 7/12/33, 25. Bronfmans told: LeFrancois, 59. 973,000: Andrieux, Prohibition, 71. Not a single: St. Helena Star, 10/13/33.
354 Marc Antony: Salt Lake Tribune, 12/6/33, 1. Bootlegger dismissed: NYT, 12/6/33, 1. Cocktail material: du Pont to Jouett Shouse, 11/29/33, PSdPP, F1023–1048, B1557.
354 No alcohol: Rose, American, 132. Curly-headed: Burnham, Bad, photo section.
Chapter Twenty-one: Afterlives, and the Missing Man
355 No other: SEAP, 2835. Tactics: NYT, 11/24/35.
355 Doran leapt: Christian Science Monitor, 12/5/33. Dedicated: Einstein, frontmatter. If you want: NYT, 6/17/35, 20. Failed: Willebrandt to Franklin D. Roosevelt, 3/21/39, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, NY; also see Dorothy M. Brown, 249. Clients, meaningful, converted: Dorothy M. Brown, 231, 233, 253.
356 Mr. Volstead said, anything: NYT, 11/8/33, 17. Rather be: Carol L. James, 12.
356 Traveled more: Sheppard, xvii. Last week: Time, 9/4/33. Repeal of Repeal: Liberty magazine, 12/15/34, 21–25. Abiding sorrow: Sen. Theodore G. Bilbo, CR, 4/25/41.
356 Caused many: NYT, 12/7/33, 19. Ford trucks: Pierre S. du Pont to William H. Stayton, 2/28/34, PSdPP, F1023–48, B1556.
357 Diminished: 1932 WCTU convention proceedings, in TPP/WCTU, R10, 52. Turned WCTU’s: DAB, ANB. Continued our work: WCTU of Maryland website, Six hours:
357 Receivership: Engelmann, Intemperance, 223–24. Riots: Liberty, 12/15/34, 12–15. Continued to write: Michael R. McCoy in DAB. Criticized: Introductory note to James Cannon Papers, Duke University. Prince Valiant: Dabney, 333–34.
358 American Council:; American Issue, April–June 2008.
358 Number of brewers: Martin Stack, “A Concise History of America’s Brewing Industry,” 7/5/03, in Whaples; Baron, 322–23. A-B logo, eagle, bonds: McGahan, 261–62. Deferments: Burnham, Bad, 71.
359 Sooner eliminated: Heintz, Alicante, 45. UC–Davis: OrH, CWH: Harold Olmo, 125.
359 Driver’s seat: OrH, CWH: Ernest A. Wente, 21. Million gallons: SFC, 12/6/33, 4W. Expended: St. Helena Star, 11/24/33. Prizes: OrH, CWH: André Tchelistcheff. Archbishops: Leon Adams, 309–10.
359 Four gentlemen, better or worse: Fortune, 11/33, 38; 10/34, 104.
359 Cortege: Andrieux, Prohibition, 125. Rossville, slogan, sales: Marrus, 180, 190, 192.
360 Conspiracy suit: Dubro and Rowland, 215. Sensible argument: Wesley Frost to Secretary of State, 4/23/35, State Department Archives, 811.114 Canada/4923. Inbound smuggling: Montreal Star, 110/35; Andrieux, Prohibition, 139; Marrus, 206–11.
360 Fertile brain: Memorandum, enclosed in “Liability of Bronfman Brothers for United States Income Taxes and Customs Duties,” Wesley Frost to Secretary of State, 3/21/35, State Department Archives, 811.114 Canada.
360 Settlement: Hull, 206–7; Marrus, 231.
361 Grateful, nation of Scotch: Wesley Frost memorandum, as above.
361 Gun license: copy of pardon in possession of Berns’s daughter, Susan B. Rothchild.
361 O’Connor: Leff, 31–32.
361 9 percent: Hu, 160–61.
361 Levy dropped: Boudreaux, “Thoughts.” Small group, du Pont family: Wolfskill, 25, 63. Hobson (fn): Wolfskill, 58–59.
362 Members: Wolfskill, 60, 25. Stalins: Beck to H. L. Mencken, 8/7/33, James Montgomery Beck Papers, B5, F24. Entrenched: Wolfskill, 146.
362 Jammed: WP, 1/26/36, M1.
363 Personal tax bill: Burk, 67. Little brother: Burk, 214; du Pont to L. E. Staplin, 1/16/36, Ser A, F765.
363 One capital: NYT, 1/26/36. Noise, evening jacket: WP, 1/26/36, 1.
363 What have you: Root, 123. Canasta: interview, Pauline Sabin Willis.
364 Organizing: Hoopes and Brinkley, 219.
364 Red Cross: ANB. Most admired: Alsop, 267. Sickness of fear: WP, 5/29/53, 12. Urged Truman: WP, 6/10/47, 10.
365 Style icon: Straw hat: NYT, 7/15/2003. Moose Jaw: NYT, 11/16/2004. What street: Donaldson and Lampert, 52–57.
366 Culmination: Haller, Bootleggers, 135.
366 Bought Somerset: Beauchamp, 338.
366 Europa: Amanda Smith, 108.
366 Prince: Saturday Evening Post, 7/2/38, 60. Foster father: Kennedy to James Roosevelt, 1/8/37, JPKP, B71, F: James Roosevelt. Met prime ministers, Distillers Company: NYT, 10/12/33, 27; Koskoff, Kennedy, 52.
367 Audience: NYT, 10/24/33, 23. Agreements: Amanda Smith, 108. Permits: Beauchamp, 332; NYT, 6/30/38, 18. November: Peter Dewar to Kennedy, 8/7/36, JPKP, B1938, F: Corresponden
ce 1934–1936. In indicating his wish to end his contract with Kennedy, Dewar noted when the shipments had begun. Haig medicine: Saturday Evening Post, 7/2/38, 60. $118,000: NYT, 11/19/69, 50.
367 Trohan article: CT, 1/31/54.
368 No reason: My quest for mentions of any Kennedy connections to the bootlegging industry included online searches of digital databases containing the complete text of the following papers: Atlanta Constitution, Chicago Defender, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post; Elizabeth Tuite, of the Boston Globe, conducted a detailed search of that paper’s files. I also examined the official records relating to Kennedy’s three Senate confirmations, as well as coverage of the appointments in a varied group of other newspapers.