Harvard University, 2, 9, 25, 49, 50, 113, 210, 253, 364, 369–70
Hay, John, 289
Hayes, Lucy, 78
Haynes, Roy A., 131–34, 140, 141, 144, 153, 170, 201, 202, 236, 245, 248, 251, 264, 325, 331
Hazlitt, William, 206
Healthy Body, A (Stowell), 22
Hearst, William Randolph, 88, 228, 317–18, 326
Hearst newspapers, 41, 85, 335
Heflin, James Thomas “Cotton Tom,” 90, 101, 213, 238, 327
Heflin, Thomas, Jr., 213–14
Hemingway, Ernest, 205–6
Hennessy, Charlotte, 120
Hepburn, Carroll, 213
Herd, Thomas, 156–57
Herrick, Myron T., 40
Hersey, Ira G., 240–41
Hervey, William R., 136
Herzog (Bellow), 150n
Higham, John, 26, 237
Hill, John Philip, 230, 232
Hinton, Harold B., 56
Hiram Walker Distillery, 152, 259
Hitler, Adolf, 359
Hobart, George S., 250
Hobson, Grizelda Hull, 67, 80
Hobson, Richmond P., 5, 53, 245, 348, 362n
congressional career of, 68–74, 80
Prohibition promoted by, 57, 61, 67–74, 79–81, 87–89, 92, 104–5, 180, 240, 252
Hobson Amendment, 70–74, 76, 80, 81, 92–93, 107–8, 180
Hoch, Homer, 237–38
Hoff, Max “Boo Boo,” 202–4, 272, 322
Hoke, Lily, 43, 44
Hoke, Robert F., 43
Holiday, Billie, 375
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 281, 282n
Hoover, Herbert, 94, 99–100, 110, 142, 304–8, 341
administration of, 315–16, 320–21, 327–28, 331, 339, 344–46, 349
Hoover, J. Edgar, 139, 228, 285, 345, 353
Horner, Charles F., 79
House of Representatives, U.S., 5, 42–43, 53, 56, 57, 58, 61, 68–74, 90, 108–9, 230, 232, 237–41, 263, 268, 311
Judiciary Committee of, 70, 71, 91, 109, 111, 235
Prohibition Amendment debated in, 70–74, 76, 80, 81, 91–95, 107–8, 180
“How Dry I Am,” 127, 208
How the Other Half Lives (Riis), 28
Hughes, Charles Evans, 172, 297
Hull, Cordell, 56, 57–58, 304, 370
Hunsberger, Ambrose, 197
Hunt, Mary Hanchett, 20–23, 49, 80
Iceman Cometh, The (O’Neill), 196
Igglesden, Sir Charles, 222
Immigration Restriction Act of 1924, 238–39
Income tax. See Taxation, income
In Defense of Yesterday (Keller), 232
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 41–42, 76
initiative and referendum movement, 51, 60
Internal Revenue Service. See Bureau of Internal Revenue
Iraq War, 101
Irish-Americans, 12, 26, 46–47, 76–77, 86, 105, 258, 305, 366–71
Irish whiskey, 168, 369
Iron County, Mich., 122–24
Irwin, Will, 45–46
Italian-Americans, 26, 86, 123, 126, 175, 177, 237n, 243, 258, 305, 325
Ives, James Merritt, 19–20
Izor, Pauline, 223
Jack Daniel’s distillery, 198–99, 374
Jackson, Andrew, 9
James, Henry, 253
Jefferson, Thomas, 8, 9
Jeffries, Edward J., 260
Jews, 239, 245, 262–63
distilleries dominated by, 44–46, 148, 359
see also anti-Semitism;
Jim Crow laws, 44, 90
“John Barleycorn,” 2, 126
John Dwight, 277–78
John I, King of England, 113
Johnson, Albert, 239
Johnson, Hiram, 51
Johnson, Robert Wood, II, 163
Johnson & Johnson, 163
Johnston, Alva, 322, 367
Jones, Bob, 231, 246, 305–6
Jones, Idwal, 177
Jones, Wesley L., 57, 79, 285, 303, 317, 319, 338, 351
Jones Law, 317–18, 319, 324, 325, 338
Jordan, David Starr, 48, 86
Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, 150–51, 157, 341, 343, 359–60, 376
Joy, Henry B., 84–85
Joyce, James, 207n
Judaism, 186–92
illegal wine sales and, 187–92
Reform vs. Orthodox tensions in, 186–89, 191–92
Jungle, The (Sinclair), 28
Justice Department, U.S., 129, 140, 172, 253–55, 262, 327, 337, 342
FBI, 353, 368, 370
Investigation, Bureau of, 139, 228, 285
Kahn, Albert, 260
Keller, Morton, 232
Kellogg, J. H., 74, 99, 249, 270, 293
Kemble, Fanny, 48
Kendrick, W. Freeland, 203–4
Kenna, Michael “Hinky Dink,” 47
Kennedy, David M., 101
Kennedy, John F., 367, 369
Kennedy, Joseph P., 120, 210, 366–71
Kennedy, Patrick J., 47, 120
Kent, Frank, 37, 225
Kentucky Distillers’ & Distributing Company, 61
Kentucky Drug Company, 198
Kerper, Joel D., 215
Keyes, Frances Parkinson, 139
Kimball, William W., 327
King, Delcevere, 164
Kingsdale, Jon M., 28–29
Kinney, Jeremiah, 141
Kirby, Rollin, 283
Knox, John C., 265
Knox, Philander C., 113
Kramer, John F., 123
Krauskopf, Joseph, 189
Kresge, Howard C. “Sonny,” 213, 214
Kresge, S. S., 213, 300–301, 348
Kriendler, Jack, 208–9, 361
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 42, 86, 130, 132, 137, 186, 231, 239, 244–46, 262, 273, 306, 307, 325
Kurtzman, Samuel, 136
Kvale, O. J., 235
labor movement, 19, 51, 59, 75, 85, 88, 178, 239, 260, 332
La Guardia, Fiorello, 135, 232, 233, 274
Lake Ellerslie, 159
LaMontagne brothers, 209
Landon, Alfred M., 363
Landrith, Ira, 79, 348
Lane, Franklin K., 3
Lane, Winthrop D., 248
Langley, John W., 275
Lansky, Meyer, 151, 170, 272, 322, 366
Lasker, Albert, 130, 219, 220
Lazaron, Morris, 303
Lazarus, Sylvain J., 258
League of Nations, 231, 233, 268
Lear, Margaret, 45, 190n
Lee, Robert E., 37
Lee Levy & Co., 45
Lehman, Herbert, 353
Lenin, V. I., 75
Leopard’s Spots, The (Dixon), 43
Leuchtenberg, William E., 218
Lever Food and Fuel Control Act of 1917, 99
Leviathan, 336
Levy, Lee, 44–46, 57, 190n
Lewis, Dioclesian, 12–13, 19
Lewis, Sinclair, 206, 291
Lichtman, Allan J., 308
Life, 205
Lilly, Ken, 2
Lincoln, Abraham, 8–10, 44, 54, 174, 208, 245, 289
Link, Arthur S., 48, 239
Linthicum, John C., 349–50
Lippmann, Walter, 228, 304, 350
Little, Edward C., 238
Lloyd, G. E., 148
Lloyd George, David, 74–75, 170, 171, 227
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 84
Lodge, John C., 260–61
Logan, Hugh, 324
London, Jack, 28, 62–63, 64
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 129, 130, 227
Longworth, Nicholas, 129, 130
Look Homeward, Angel (Wolfe), 86
Looking Backward (Bellamy), 19
Los Angeles Times, 174, 188, 276n, 339
Lost Lady, A (Cather), 207
Louisville Herald-Post, 200
Lowman, Seymour, 280, 293, 338
Loy, Myrna, 373–74
Luciano, Lucky, 273, 322, 365–66
Luther, Martin, 43
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, 194–95, 211
Lynd, Helen, 118
Lynd, Robert, 118
Lythgoe, Gertrude, 162
McAdoo, William G., 244, 245–46, 330
McBride, Scott, 270, 287–88, 292, 300, 301, 308, 347, 348
McCarthyism, 364
McConnell, William C., 143
McCoy, Bill, 161–63, 165, 167–68, 198, 231, 346
McCulloch, Joseph S., 204
MacDonald, Ramsay, 367
McDonough, Martin S., 123–24, 353
McGee, John F., 231, 261
Machado, Gerardo, 228
Mackey, Harry A., 323
McKinley, William O., 24, 40, 245
McManus, “Big John,” 46–47
McMullin, Stewart, 136–37
McReynolds, James C., 281–82
Madden, Owney, 273–74, 277
Madison, James, 8, 54
Madre-Marshall, Marie, 269
Magna Carta, 113
Maine Law, 11–12
Main Street (Lewis), 206
Manchester, William, 206
Manilow, Barry, 11n
Mann, Horace, 12
Mann, James, 71
Mann Act, 151
Margolis, Harry, 188
Marine Corps, U.S., 203
Markey, Morris, 230, 374
Maroney, Henry E., 223
Marryat, Frederick, 7
Martini, Louis M., 182, 186, 351
Marx, Karl, 75
Masterson, Bat, 2
Matoff, Jean Bronfman, 155
Matoff, Paul, 151, 155
Mauretania, 218
Maxtone-Graham, John, 218
Mayer, Louis B., 139
Mazel Tov, 169
Mazzone, Jason, 264
Meads, Robert T., 223
Mellon, Ailsa, 268
Mellon, Andrew W., 130, 131, 133–34, 140, 142, 144, 172, 200, 222, 287, 292, 315, 327–28
Mellon, Paul, 133, 214, 315
Mellon, Richard, 134
Memphis Commercial Appeal, 46
Mencken, H. L., 55, 62, 88, 89, 106, 126, 206, 207, 231–32, 258, 268, 302, 326, 352
Mereaux, L. A., 259
Merrimac, 68, 72, 92
Merz, Charles, 100, 296, 329
Messenger, The, 212
Methodist Church, 13, 17, 37, 38, 41, 42, 76, 88, 92–93, 186, 191, 245, 302, 307, 308, 326
Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Public Morals of, 100, 119, 231, 319, 350
Michaelson, M. Alfred, 303, 324–25, 338, 350–51
Michigan, University of, 22, 97, 223
Miller, Etta Mae, 319, 323
Miller Brewing Company, 85, 100, 358
Mills, Chester P., 189
Milwaukee Journal, 38, 100
Miron, Jeffrey A., 249
Model License League, 34, 46, 98
Mohammed, 174
Moley, Raymond, 212–13
Mondavi, Cesare, 178n
Mondavi, Robert, 178n
moonshine, 25, 54, 89, 106, 107, 178, 204, 205, 334
Moray, Alastair (pseud.), 163–64
Morgan, Helen, 337
Morgan, William M., 324–25, 338
Morris, Willie, 374–75
Morrison, Martin A., 72
Morrow, A. R., 119–20
Mott, Lucretia, 48
Mullan-Gage Act of 1923, 242–43, 246, 253
Mundelein, Cardinal George, 184
Murdock, Catherine Gilbert, 19, 211
Murphy, Frank, 208
Murphy, Grayson Mallet-Prevost, 296
My Sam (Bronfman), 154
Nagel, Charles, 282
Nassau Tribune, 162
Nation, 74, 268, 304
Nation, Carry, 24–25, 27, 29, 106
National Association of Commerce and Labor, 30
National Distilleries Limited, 169
National Distillers Corporation, 349, 353, 367
National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933, 361
National Prohibition Act, see Volstead Act of 1919
National Protective Organization, 30
National Retail Liquor Dealers’ Association, 64, 84
National Temperance Council, 347–48
nativism, 42, 44, 48, 52, 186, 244–45, 305
Naval Academy, U.S., 67, 69, 70, 80, 89
Navy, U.S., 2, 58, 68, 69, 77, 101, 117, 165
near beer, 109, 149, 215, 249–51
Neely, Matthew M., 134
Ness, Eliot, 135–36, 345
New Deal, 230, 362
Newman, Peter C., 167–68
New Republic, 79, 92, 131, 268
New York, N.Y., 10, 108–9, 241–42, 343–44
Greenwich Village in, 207, 208, 334
Harlem in, 208, 212, 274, 375
saloons and speakeasies in, 27–28, 30, 50–51, 84, 107n, 196–97, 208–10, 242, 243, 246
New York board of aldermen, 48, 232
New York Daily News, 276
New Yorker, 209–10, 217, 230, 265–66, 322, 339, 374
New York Herald, 77, 152, 160, 189, 219
New York Herald Tribune, 38, 201
New York Police Department (NYPD), 235, 242, 264
New York State Temperance Society, 15
New York Sun, 208
New York Times, 71, 99, 122, 124, 129, 136, 138, 139, 166, 191, 196, 237, 268–71, 278, 280, 321, 325, 329, 335, 355, 357, 369
New York Tribune, 78, 104, 219
New York World, 3, 59, 210, 221, 283, 288, 302, 326, 337–38
Nicholas II, Czar of Russia, 75
Nicholson, S. E., 286
Nineteenth Amendment, 56, 126
Nixon, Richard M., 69n
Norris, George, 135, 206, 302, 348
North Toward Home (Morris), 374–75
Northwestern University, 17
Oakley, Imogen B., 236
O’Banion, Dion, 276–77
Oberlin College, 35, 38–39
Ochs, Adolph S., 129
O’Connor, John J., 361
Odegard, Peter, 80
O’Hara, John, 224
Ohlinger, Gustavus, 102
Oldfield, W. A., 218
Old Overholt distillery, 113, 134, 200
Old-Time Saloon, The (Ade), 29, 83
Olmstead, Roy, 284–86, 292, 303
Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition Page 67