My Sweet Demise (Demise #1)

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My Sweet Demise (Demise #1) Page 23

by Shana Vanterpool

  “I’m not.”

  “Why not? Raina is the most important person to me. I refuse to let you drag her down. She’s got morals and self-respect. Nothing like your usual fare. Why don’t you keep picking from the bottom of the barrel and leave the gold to the good men?”

  I expect anger, or something similar. Instead his face falls and he stares down at his black sneakers. “I want to be good enough for her,” he mutters.

  I can’t stand watching her beat him up. I drop her luggage and step in front of him, touching his face until he looks up into my eyes. His are leaking his sadness. I kiss him softly, needing his lips right this moment.

  “Oh brother.” Becca grabs my hand and yanks me in after her, pulling me away from Kent. His hand tries to reach for me but Becca pulls me out of the way. “Show me your room. Now!” she growls. “We need to talk.”

  “Again? My room’s the first door in the hall on the right. Go talk to yourself.”

  She meanly shoves me toward the hall. I look back at Kent and the expression on his face kills me. It looks like he’s lost something, as if the one thing he wanted he can’t have.

  “I’ll get her luggage,” he mumbles, turning away from me.

  Once inside of my room she slams my door and points at me accusingly. “I can’t believe you’re falling for that shit from him. Men like him will say anything to get in your pants. Look, he’s hot, I get it. If you want to have fun with him, fine. But the emotional connection needs to stop.”

  I pretend she’s saying something else. Kent is wonderful. I hope he’s everything you ever dreamed of. “So this is my room,” I say, giving her a look denying any further Kent talks.

  She grumbles under her breath and then sighs “You bought new furniture?”

  “No. Kent took it from my roommate. She kicked me out and ruined mine so he went over there and took hers.”

  “He did that? That’s kind of cool.” She sounds unwilling to admit that. “Crazy sexy eyes,” she says, peeking sideways at me.

  I laugh in relief. “Tell me about it. You should see him naked.”

  She shrugs, as if she doesn’t mind either way. “Did you wash your sheets?” She sighs in relief and sits down on my bed. “Good.”

  I’m about to deny it because Kent and I put good use to them this morning, but the bed is made and all of my clothes are folded at the end of the bed. Kent must’ve washed them a second time for Becca and folded all my clothes. The action is so sweet my heart tightens. I remind myself to thank him.

  Kent knocks on the door and pokes his head in. “I wanted to let you know I’m out.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Out,” he replies patiently, but I can tell he’s tense and something dark lurks in his eyes. “I’ll see you when you get home from work.”

  I frown at him, but Becca’s here and I can’t talk the way I want in front of her. I walk over and tilt my head up expectantly. He smiles a little despite himself and leans down to kiss me tenderly. His lips are supple and warm, and I want more but can’t have it. “Miss me, okay?”

  He nods once. “I already do, Rain. I already do.” He taps my chin with his thumb and then glances at Becca. “The apartment’s yours. There’s beer in the fridge and leftover Chinese, and James will be home after school. Did you tell her about James?”

  “I did.” What’s wrong with him? His words are kind but his eyes are grave. “Be good,” I whisper pleadingly.

  He doesn’t respond, probably because he’s going to be anything but good. I close my bedroom door and glance at Becca. She’s a sourpuss.

  “I have to get ready for work.”

  “Can I redo your makeup so you don’t look like you got in a fight, cried, and then tried to cover it up with makeup?”

  After I wash my face we sit on the middle of my bed as she does my makeup. She’s an artist. She knows colors and brush strokes, treating my face like one of her canvases.

  “You seem nervous.”

  I stop twisting my hands. “I’m fine.”

  “Hmm.” She starts on my lips, lining them and then filling them in with a deep pink lipstick. “There. You’re beautiful again. It was hard work.”

  I stick my tongue out, and then I hug her, because I’ve missed her so much. “Thank you for coming down.”

  She hugs me hard. “You were not yourself. Now I know why. He’s tall, sexy, and out running amuck. Is that why you’re nervous? Because Kent Nicholson is probably out with another woman drinking his ass off?”

  My heart sinks. “He wouldn’t. He’s trying.”

  “But you’re not sure.”

  “No,” I admit. I sigh and slide off the bed, taking my shirt off as I do. I step out of my clothes and start putting on my clean uniform. “He told me I have to trust him. We have to start somewhere.”

  Starting somewhere feels like we are going nowhere. There isn’t enough time for me. Putting a time limit on my trust, in this case a month, has left me trying to catch up.

  What if this month gets us nowhere?

  Chapter Nine

  When I get to Oblivion I put on my happy face and pretend my life isn’t falling apart at the seams. I can sense it unraveling, and that I’m allowing it, because unraveling is all I can do. These outside forces are not my doing. They are uncertainty and truths colliding with the intent to rip me apart. While I’m away Becca’s plan to end this month before it even starts is slowly taking form. What sort of life will it be if she’s successful?

  Picturing moving out of Kent’s house does a number on me. Everything I know starts to shatter around me. Going back to my life before him leaves me empty, the same way I felt when Becca left for school. Though I suppose I should be enough, it doesn’t feel that way. There will be no emotions, no breathless moments, no love making, and no connection. That connection breathes life into me. Who would I be without it?

  I stash my things in the break room with shaking hands and enter the chaos. It’s surprisingly calm and all of the waitresses are on the clock. Sam and Sophie shoot me big smiles. I barely acknowledge Sam’s large, hopeful grin. I’m not upset with her. Trevor meant nothing to me. But he could have and I’m in a bad mood. She can’t continue to risk sleeping with men who are not hers. She already slept with Kent.

  And he’s mine damn it.

  I have one person in my life who means something to me. I want to add Kent to that list and make it two, but everyone else wants him on their list as well.

  Anger unfurls inside of me. After I get my tables I make my rounds, checking in and taking orders. I make two of Oblivion’s famous cocktail, a black and purple mixture with liqueurs and vodka, and bring numerous mugs of the beer on draft tonight. As my shift progresses the craziness does as well. The minor lull when I started is over. Oblivion is in a state of insanity. I spend the rest of the night trying to catch up, getting the distinct feeling I never do. Some nights are like that. No matter what I do I am behind. When my shift is over I slip into the break room to get my things and run.

  Sam notices me and beams. “Hey, girl.”

  “Hey,” I respond, too tired to be mad. “Was tonight crazy or was it me?”

  “No way. It was super insane. I think the fraternities at the university were having a function or something. Anyway, want to go hang out?”

  Is Kent at that function hunting? “I can’t. My sister’s in town.” I grab my purse as her face falls. Honestly, I’m not in the mood. “You can come over if you want. Bring Sophie. It can be a girl’s night.”

  Her smile springs back. “That sounds like fun. I need a girl’s night.” She starts to wring her hands together and looks like she wants to say more.

  “I didn’t like Trevor.”

  “Okay, good, because it kind of just happened. We hit it off the last time we talked and you know the rest…”

  I saw the rest. “It’s fine. Next time could you give a girl some warning?”

  Laughing, she nods vigorously. “Can he come over tonight? He’s
leaving for work tomorrow and I won’t get to see him until next weekend.”

  Right now I don’t want to deal with Trevor. “Yeah, fine. Whatever. I’ll meet you two there.”

  Before I get home I stop at the store and pick up some girl-friendly drinks. Somehow I don’t think Becca wants to pound whiskey shots the way I do. I grab snacks and then tiredly pack everything up in my car. When I get to my apartment Sophie and Sam are pulling up beside me. They’re much more awake, much more everything than me.

  “What’s wrong?” Sophie wonders, helping me take the slack by grabbing a bag.


  “Where’s Kent?”

  “Out.” I focus on lugging the drinks upstairs.

  “Oh,” she says, guessing my thoughts. “We’re hanging out too. We can hang out better than him.”

  “It’s not a competition.” Why is she always so interested in what Kent’s doing? It further ruins my mood.

  “With men like him it’s always a competition.”

  Competitions have a winner and a loser. I want someone to fight with.

  Becca opens the front door dressed in a pair of my pajamas and a black camisole. Her hair is in a messy bun and she’s got a beer in her hand. She smiles warmly when she sees me.

  I give her a bland one back. “Girls, this is my sister Becca. Becca, this is Sophie and Samantha. We work together at Oblivion.” I wiggle the drinks at her. “You up for it?”

  “Up for it? I was up for it way before you used to be. Girls,” she greets them.

  Sophie’s eyes widen. “I have a girl crush.”

  Becca smiles seductively. “Get in line, honey. It’s a mile long.”

  Sam glares accusingly at me. “You didn’t tell me you had a cool older sister.”

  “That’s because she isn’t the cool one. I am.”

  Becca snorts. “Yeah, right, dweeb.”

  I slowly begin to relax. As always Becca is a balm to my pain. She and I make grapefruit cosmos as the girls open chips and salsa. A comedy is on and Sam and Sophie are guffawing at the screen. I think I might be able to salvage the evening until the doorbell rings and Sam rushes to answer it.

  “Who’s that?”

  “Trevor. Long story. And it’s not even good.”

  “Are you okay? You seem wound up.” Becca tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “Is it Kent?”

  I can barely meet her eyes. “I’m fine.”

  Trevor comes in and his eyes light up when he finds Samantha. She bounces over to him and kisses him. I am momentarily gripped by jealously. I’m not jealous she’s with Trevor. I’m upset because they barely know each other and they’re already a bouncing happy couple. My unhappiness turns into rage. I stop worrying about Kent. He isn’t here. He’s probably out screwing Auburn Hair while I sit at home watching Sam and Trevor snuggle on the same couch she slept with Kent on. Oh the tangled webs we weave. I don’t remember weaving anything, and yet I’m caught in everyone’s sticky webs.

  I join the lovely couple on the couch, burning on the inside. My drink is almost gone. Becca eyes me, hogging all the chips and salsa.

  “Truth and dare?” Sophie asks.

  “You just want to make out with my sister.”

  Her eyes twinkle at me. “Busted.”

  Becca makes a face. “I’m into a lot of things. Making out with girls isn’t one of them.”

  “Oh poo,” Sophie groans. “You’re no fun. Where’s Kent?”

  “What am I? His assistant? I don’t know where he is.” I take a long drink, wanting to make it last, but unable to do so. “How’s your boyfriend?”

  She grins like a naughty kitty cat who knows it’s being bad but continues. “My, Raina, we’re mighty testy this evening.”

  “Technically it’s four in the morning,” Becca interrupts.

  “Kind of late for Kent to be out, isn’t it?”

  I take a deep breath and grab a chip. Don’t snap. “What Kent does isn’t up to me.”

  “Well, duh.” She laughs at me, and takes a drink. “What Kent does is up to Kent.”

  Becca’s giving Sophie the evil eyes.

  “I need another drink.” I bolt up and disappear to the kitchen, pouring a shot while no one’s looking before refilling my drink. When I return Sophie is sitting next to Becca in my spot and her feet are on the couch, chatting with my sister about her tattoos. The only place for me is next to Trevor since I refuse to sit on the sectional.

  I groan inwardly and take a seat next to him. His thigh presses into me and his body heat is muggy. He looks down at me and winks.

  “Cheater,” I mumble.

  He laughs. “Aw, come on.” He puts his arm around me. “We can still be friends.”

  “You mean it?”

  He’s either drunk or stupid because he laughs again. “I do.”

  Sophie shifts so she’s lying on the couch, giving me no room to move away from Trevor. I am stuck with his arm around me while he talks to Sam about his job as an investor. It all sounds so boring but she’s eating it up. I try and shrug out of his hold but he doesn’t get the hint and tightens it, patting my arm as he moves on to stocks.

  Becca and Sophie are talking. Everyone’s talking. I’m drinking. My drink and I have a conversation. Sophie’s being a brat and Sam’s kind of gullible. Trevor’s not as slick as he thinks. I am this close to imploding when the front door opens wide, banging off the wall. Kent stumbles in with Zeke and two girls.

  Kent trips over his feet and narrowly misses the stereo. He straightens, laughing so hard he can’t breathe. He’s shitfaced. One of the girls grabs his arm and helps him up. My entire body tenses. I scan her. Red hair, curvy body, and her hands are on what is most certainly not hers.

  He stares down at her suddenly with narrowed eyes. “I told you it wasn’t going to be like that. Get your fucking hands off me.” He yanks himself out of her grip as she stares at him in shock.

  Sophie snickers beside me.

  “Kent, calm down,” Zeke growls. “You’ve been a dick all night.”

  “I’m always a dick, Zeke. When am I ever not a dick?” He shoves at Zeke, tripping over his feet once more. “You only wanted to come back to see my girl.”

  Zeke glares at him. “Go sleep it off. Come on, girls. Let’s get out of here.”

  “Yeah. Get out of my apartment.” He tries to kick at them but they’re already gone.

  Sophie’s grinning. “This is going to be so good.”

  “What?” I whisper, afraid to catch his attention.

  She doesn’t answer.

  Kent turns around, realizing he has an audience. He smiles pleasantly. “Ladies…” And then he spots me. He takes in Trevor’s arm over me, how close I am to him, and I know exactly what Sophie was doing switching seats. Kent’s eyes blaze. He points at me. “What is he doing here?” he shouts. “Get away from him. Don’t touch him.”

  I start to move but Trevor holds me tightly and Becca gets up to block Kent’s path. “Don’t talk to my sister that way.”

  “Your sister is mine! Not that prick’s. Tell him, Rain. Tell him you’re mine.” Kent tries to move around her.

  She grabs his shoulders and pushes him back. “My sister is her own person. If she wants to sit with another guy she can.”

  Kent is losing it. “Your sister,” he sneers, “is mine. Get over it and get used to it. I want her!” he shouts in her face. “Do you have any idea how badly I want this girl?”

  “Let me go,” I hiss at Trevor harshly.

  “Look at him. You want to go to him right now?” Trevor grips me closely.

  Becca doesn’t even flinch. “Go to sleep, Kent.”

  “Look, Becca. I don’t want to hurt you but if you don’t get out of my way I’m going to make you get out of my way.”

  Still she won’t move. “You smell like whiskey and you’re drunk off your ass. You’re not yourself right now. Go to sleep. Raina will be here in the morning.”

  At the mention of my name Kent looks
for me again. Seeing me still with Trevor changes his demeanor. He is a demon on the loose.

  He shoves Becca out of the way and walks on top of the coffee table to get to me. I watch Sophie move out of the bullseye zone in slow motion. Trevor lets me go just as Kent grabs him around the neck by his collar. Sam is screaming and all I can do is sit there and watch Kent smash Trevor’s face in. But Kent’s drunk and Trevor’s only been drinking beer. Kent wobbles a bit, giving Trevor some leverage. I cringe when Trevor’s fist connects with Kent’s jaw. He stumbles back, grabbing his face. He shakes his head to clear it and runs at Trevor.

  I know exactly what’s going to happen. Kent’s not thinking clearly. He doesn’t see Trevor’s foot coming for his face.

  “Trevor, no!” I shout.

  Trevor doesn’t listen. His boot connects with Kent’s face like a brick wall. Everyone gasps as Kent spins around and goes down. Fire moves through me. I run at Trevor, hands out, and slap him right across the face. Becca wraps her arms around me but I am unhinged. How dare he hurt Kent? He’s the jackass who had his arm around me. I don’t want him. I only want Kent. I thrash against Becca, but she’s got an iron grip and won’t let me loose.

  “Let’s go,” Sam orders hurriedly, grabbing Trevor’s arm. She glances at me and shakes her head as if she’s both ashamed and pitying me.

  It enrages me. “You have something to say?”

  “He’s so not worth it.”

  “You would know!” I shoot back.

  She shakes her head again and beckons Sophie on.

  “I’m cool,” Sophie denies her request. “Get Trevor out of here.”

  “I’m fine. Let me go,” I promise once Trevor’s gone. “I’m good, Becca.”

  “No you’re not,” she whispers in my ear. “When Kent wakes up I want you gone, do you hear me? This is the last night you’re ever going to see him.” She tightens her arms around me when I start to fight again. “We’re going to go live with one of my friends until we can find a place of our own. Go start packing your stuff.”

  The moment she lets me go I run to Kent, dismissing her words and cradling his head in my lap. His mouth is covered in blood. Tears run down my face as I wipe it off with my shirt. I am not leaving him. I try and rouse him but he’s snoring in my lap. “We need to get him to a hospital. He could have a concussion.”


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