Wrong Place, Right Time (Matching Mates Book 1)

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Wrong Place, Right Time (Matching Mates Book 1) Page 1

by Bronwyn Heeley


  Wrong Place, Right Time


  Bronwyn Heeley


  JUNE 2017

  COPYRIGHT © 2017 by Bronwyn Heeley

  Proof Edited by Pinny’s Proofreading

  Cover Art Copyright © 2016 by BonyDee Design

  Cover content is for illustrative only and any person depicted on the cover is a model

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the author.

  ISBN: provided by vender

  Vender: KDP, Amazon

  Publisher: BonyDee Pree

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of author imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  A BonyDee Press

  NSW, Australia


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  The rules of the game are simple. When the matchmaker matches you, you have twenty-four hours of heat, where only your mate will soothe you. What you choose to do is up to you, but the pain of not consummating those desires with your mate will most likely end in death. You are free to walk away at the end of your time together, but no one said it would be simple to head off home and forget what happened.

  Matty was put into a waiter uniform and given a tray. The problem was he didn’t know what it was he was heading into, and what contract he signed for just being there.

  A wolf and the night of his life will change Matty forever, as long as he’s brave enough to take what’s on offer and run.


  To Matty and Gavin, it’s their story after all


  Cameron sat on the throne at the top of the room, seated above the dance floor and tables the guests at the party enjoyed. To everyone else it was as if he put himself there to lord his position over all that attended, nodding at those who bowed and whispered a brief thanks for their attendance.

  “Matchmaker.” One of the men guarding him nudged him awake. His eyes flickered to the left where the guard stood, for just a moment before he caught himself, and then he looked down upon the ladies curtsying in front of him. He wasn’t sure what they had said, what they wanted. Though if he was honest there was a fifty-fifty chance they either wanted to know if their matches were here, or if he’d bless their mating.

  “Will you honour us?” one of the women repeated with hesitation, clearly thinking he wasn’t going to allow the match.

  Taking a deep breath, Cameron sat up straighter and allowed his eyes to shift to what he’d been told was a deep-purple orb. The colour covering its round structure was only purple, no black, no whites. When he opened his eyes all he saw was colours. Pulses and ribbons danced on the floor, above the floor, reaching for the sky tangling with each other, sniffing one another out, tasting.

  Cameron looked down at the women before him, they were a match as much as anyone else was. Maybe not true mates, but even he didn’t get to match true mates often, they were rare. But that didn’t mean a person didn’t get a match, wouldn’t have a mate for life. Things just weren’t that cut and dry. A heart had more love than that, a body held more need. And there were multiple opportunities for love to set, and for them to be truly happy until death pulled them apart.

  “Matchmaker?” One of the women gasped, her colour spiking as she started to panic.

  “Blessed be,” he whispered down at the women, nodding and connecting their lines that little bit more together than they already were. It would allow for them never to be separated by magical forces.

  “Thank you.” The other one sobbed a joyful sob as they embraced with a quick kiss and hurried off.

  Cameron felt a spark of joyous light hit his heart before it quickly died as he sat back in his chair. He wanted what he granted others, wanted it more than anything. Well, that wasn’t true. He’d much prefer not to be tethered to a chair and owned by a vampire, who just wanted him so he could hold a matchmaker over the rest of the paranormal world.

  Before he could blink away the sight, the vampire in question walked up from behind him. He was a black ominous cloud which made Cameron want to run and find shelter, but instead, he stood still and allowed the darkness to take him over. He’d been here for a long time, understood the rules, and if he didn’t at least make a handful of people connect then he’d be sent to the dungeons, and no one wanted to go there. Especially those who knew they would be freed, in a way, by the end of the week.

  “Now, matchmaker.” The darkness spoke, his voice deep and evil. His tone talked down, sneering the name rather than how the woman had spoken before him. There was no love. No hope of wonder. Just darkness, and the added bonus of pain if he didn’t do what was asked of him.

  Taking a deep breath, Cameron looked out over the crowd, finding links and wrapping them up together. Each connection knew what was about to happen, if they were lucky enough to be chosen. They’d drop everything in front of them in order to search for the one Cameron chose for them. They could try and resist but all that would entail was a lust so painful it would drive them to their deaths.

  No one would take that over a twenty-four-hour fuck feast they were all welcome to have. That’s what they truly came here for, even if they’d hoped for his blessing.

  After he did the first step of what was asked of him, Cameron pulled the lust strands on everyone else in the room. It was important and what the vampire wanted more than anything else. The gratefulness of true connection Cameron gave him was an added bonus to the fact that everyone in the room would get laid and be happy, and would pay him more and more in order to get back into the party.

  “Let the fun begin,” Master of the vampire’s mumbled, and the matchmaker felt his eyes grow lazy, his body sag. The power he’d used wrung him dry, and a guard had to put a hand under his elbow and carry him out of the room.

  Chapter One

  Matty’s spine snapped straight as lust shot through his body and settled into his balls, so quickly they ached just from the sudden heaviness. His whole body tingled, wanted him to rock his hips against the dress pants he wore and explode.

  “Shit, Matty, we gotta get out of here.” John grabbed at his arm, and the tray he held tumbled out of his hands, hitting the floor in a loud clutter no one seemed to notice.


  “Forget it, Matt. Come on, we can’t be in here.” John kept on pulling him, walking faster and faster as they headed towards the swinging door of the kitchen.

  “I don’t….” understand.

  “I know. I know, we normally get a call ahead of time when they have him turn up at the party, but for some reason, they went in early.”

  “Early? What’s going on?”

  “Come on, Matty, you can’t have seriously never heard of what happens at these parties.”

  “No, I’ve…. I’m—” His words tumbled to a stop as a large man stood between him and the doorway.

  “Move, wolf.” John growled low in his throat, trying not to pull any more attention to them but clearly wanting the wolf shifter to move.

  “Mine,” the wolf growled back, causing goose bumps to ride up Matty’s spine, his toes to curl, and his cock to thump against his fly.

  “Yours,” he replied to the wolf, the only thing in the whole room. Just him and the la
rge man in front of them.

  “Oh, fuck,” John mused, dropping his hand from Matty’s arm. “Shit.” He moved in front of Matty, blocking his view. Matty took a step sideways, needing to see the wolf. Needing him in his line of vision. A loud ruckus happened behind them. Matty wasn’t sure what the hell was going on, and he didn’t care, all he wanted to do was stand there and stare.

  “Fuck it,” John said to him. “It’s not like it’s either of our faults. He didn’t fucking warn us! But that doesn’t mean—” He squeaked, jumping, moving away quickly with a rushed, “You’re on your own,” thrown over his shoulder.

  The wolf moved as John did, coming forwards, bring himself into Matty’s world. The musky scent of the large man wrapped around him, making him rock closer, lift up onto his toes, trying to get more in line with him. His fingers wrapped around the other man’s biceps, rock-hard and jumping under his palms. A growl worked out of the wolf’s throat as he leant down, his lips slanting over Matty’s, his hands sliding around him, cupping his arse and pulling him up. Matty gasped at the sudden move, his legs automatically wrapping around the wolf’s waist, and sucking in the tongue that pushed into his mouth.

  Cock and balls smashed up against the wolf’s lower stomach. Hard and heavy, the pressure had him moaning. Those hands massaged the muscles of his arse. That tongue mastered his mouth, and Matty melted. He wanted… he wanted…. Oh, gods, he wanted more. Wanted to be naked and rutting and fucking. He needed to be fucking.

  “More,” Matty growled this time as they parted for breath, not moving more than a hair away from each other.

  “Name?” They moved, each step rocked him against the wolf, relieving some of the brutal agony of lust.

  “Matty,” he panted out, his hips working against the man. “You?”


  “Good to know,” Matty managed to say between harsh breaths.


  Totally agreeable.

  They ended up against a wall, Matty pushed up against it as Gavin dropped him slightly in order to get their covered cocks to line up together. They both groaned at the first rub, Matty’s head falling back at the second, not able to breathe with just the feeling of pleasure, let alone with a tongue in his mouth. Panting, his head hit the wall, leaving his neck open to the wolf.

  Matty should have been scared as a lone human in the arms of a paranormal. Hell, he wasn’t even meant to be there that night but they’d needed him to work, and he’d been the only one not already taken up with a vampire. It was usual, he didn’t particularly like being a blood whore, but when you lived on the street and someone offered you a warm bed and three meals a day, you generally didn’t ask too many questions before you agreed.

  “Gods, I want to strip you off and slide my cock into you right here, right now.”

  “Yes!” Please. Yes!

  Gavin’s mouth came back onto his, fingers pushing roughly against the seam of his slacks. Matty’s body trembled, his cock pulsed, balls became harder, fuller, as he rutted and pushed and sucked on the tongue being thrust into his mouth. He wanted to come so much. Wanted the tingle and the friction to get him off so he could calm down just slightly, and then they could get themselves to a bed. But the heat just got higher. Stronger. Painful.

  “Need,” he whined as everything intensified, pulling him away from the pleasure and making it impossible for him to enjoy himself.

  Gavin muttered something between an apology and a curse and got himself back to his feet. He shifted, moving Matty in a way that had him going from being plastered around Gavin’s hips, to being flung over Gavin’s shoulder.

  They moved fast, Gavin nearly running. Matty thumped on his shoulder, his stomach not liking the movement, nor his head as he looked down at the back of strong thighs and the hard orbs of arsecheeks. His hands braced himself on the small of the wolf’s back. He was about to protest when Gavin put a hand on Matty’s arse, and his thick thumb pushed up between his legs, nudging his aching balls, massaging them. Gavin’s thumb moved in big round circles, and Matty’s eyes whited out. He didn’t see anything, not where they were, not what he’d just been looking at. All there was, was a thumb moving against him. Matty’s body started to vibrate, gods he needed Gavin to hurry.

  “I’m hurrying,” Gavin ground out, seemingly answering Matty’s thoughts.

  “Here!” A door banged against a wall as Gavin threw it open, then slammed back into its holding while Gavin moved them forwards. His movements were rough as he pulled Matty off his shoulder and tossed him onto the overstuffed mattress. Matty bounced once and awkwardly stumbled around the button and zipper of his slacks, all the while kicking off his shoes before pushing his pants and underwear off at the same time.

  Then he started on his top, unbuttoning the first three buttons, and then ripping the thing off over his head and throwing it over the side of the bed. He went for his socks, couldn’t seem to grip one, and he wasn’t going to look away because he’d just gotten a good look at the wolf and it completely broke his brain.

  Tall, dark, wide shoulders, strong legs, thick cock. His mouth salivated.

  Chapter Two

  Gavin grinned wide at the look of utter lust on the wee human’s face. He was naked except for black dress socks that he’d started to reach for, but looking at Gavin seemed to have railroaded that attempt. His plump lips were open slightly. Slack-jawed, and large eyes that burnt him with lust.

  “Found something you like?”

  Matty nodded dumbly, his pink tongue came out and wet along his bottom lip. His eyes shifted, roaming like a caress against Gavin as he stepped forwards. Reaching the edge of the bed, he took over Matty’s job, and though the dark socks against the white of Matty’s calf held some appeal, he needed to see everything. To have everything Matty was presenting to him. Gavin knew it was the magic doing it to him. How he got to be so lucky, he didn’t know, and would never ask. He wasn’t stupid, he didn’t want Matty taken from him.

  Yeah, he knew they might not make a full connection, that lust might be it. It might end and there’d be nothing left. Hell, Matty might not even want a relationship, and therefore would walk away from Gavin, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t fight hard to keep the human as his own.

  The first sock came off easy, the second not so much, but resulted in Gavin pulling Matty closer to him, while opening him up and letting Gavin look at a beautiful flushed cock, and tight balls. The sock went flying and Gavin kept hold of Matty’s ankle, keeping the leg up and out of the way while his other hand went to Matty’s stomach and moved up.

  He was smooth and thin, twink-like, and perfect. The only hair was a soft trail from belly button to groin, cradling his cock, drawing his gaze and keeping it there.

  “Please,” Matty whined. The leg Gavin wasn’t holding shifted restlessly, bending, the heel hitting the bedding, hips rolling. “Please!”

  “Don’t worry, pretty.” Gavin’s voice nearly bottomed out from lust. His eyes lifted off the man under him, searching quickly for something that wasn’t spit…. Spit… that would be hot, nothing at all but him and Matty.

  No. No. He needed lube, needed something else, because he was already hanging on by a breaking thread, and there was no way once his cock got wrapped by hot flesh he’d be able to do anything but rut and come.

  Sitting on the nightstand was a large pump bottle of lube, along with tissues, and he was going to guess wipes. But he didn’t pay much attention as he leant over and pushed the top, pumping three large dollops onto his fingers. The cold registered for a split second before he came back to Matty, whose hand was wrapped around his cock, head thrown back, a flush working down his chest. His stomach moved rapidly from his harsh breathing, and tightened from his thrusts.

  Beautiful. Truly. Holy.

  Rolling his fingers in the lube in his palm, he slicked himself up and reached for his lover. His mate.

  The thought, the idea—the meaning made him shiver and his balls roll as a blob of come ca
me out of his piss slit. His whole body vibrated with the need to just slather his cock and push on in and come. His wolf whined inside him, pulling him back, allowing him to hold on to his load, that part not wanting him to hurt their one and only.

  He ran his fingers over Matty’s balls, slicking up the dark curls as he rubbed. He then palmed them, playing a little while his fingertips rubbed against the smoothness behind them before hitting the light fluff of more hair. He sucked in a breath at the pulsing hole. The hot wrinkled skin relaxed and tightened as he ran his wet finger over the muscle. They wanted to let go, to open up, to have him push inside as much as Gavin wanted to be there. And Matty did as well, his body opening up beautifully. Gavin slipped two fingers in, heat encasing them, the lube making him glide in such a way his cock thumped. Three fingers and Matty called out, demanding he hurry up.

  “Fuck me!”

  “Going to.” Gavin chuckled, his fingers coming out of Matty. His hand reached, nothing registering though he knew what he was doing. Lube on cock, and then Gavin finished, leaning over Matty, one hand around his cock, probing that sweet hole, the other hand next to Matty’s head.

  He leaned in, going for Matty’s mouth, those lips, and a tongue that blew his mind. They met, Matty’s arms coming around his neck, pulling him further into his lean body, his mouth just as enthusiastic as Gavin’s. He gasped into Matty’s lips as the little man’s hips lifted, legs wrapping around him, digging into the small of his back. Cock and balls warming further as they pressed into the bottom of his stomach… or was it his pubic area? Oh, he didn’t give a shit. All he cared about was the feeling of Matty all nicely snuggled under him, as his cockhead found the opening of Matty’s anus and popped into the cavern of heat.


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