Wrong Place, Right Time (Matching Mates Book 1)

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Wrong Place, Right Time (Matching Mates Book 1) Page 2

by Bronwyn Heeley

  He moaned deeply as he slowly entered his mate. Matty’s arms wrapped tighter around Gavin’s neck, his body arching into him. Gavin watched from right up close as Matty’s head fell backwards, his eyes glazed, his mouth opened on a scream that accompanied the pleasure Gavin felt. The need, and the lust that had been manipulated into them. But this was something else, something more than just the magic created by another. This was everything having a mate should be.

  Gavin bottomed out, his own eyes shuttering as Matty’s muscles welcomed him in, massaged him as they worked out what the hell he was doing there.

  “Move. Goddamn it. Move!”

  Gavin chuckled, deep, rich, pleased. So fucking pleased.

  His mouth latched onto Matty’s as he dragged his cock out of the wee body, his cockhead lingering, getting clamped down on by the opening muscles. And then he went back in again. Deep, slow, living in these settling moments, getting used to the body, the pleasure, the idea he was inside his mate for the first time. He was owning this part of Matty’s body like no one ever would again, because Gavin wouldn’t let them.

  His teeth lengthened in his mouth as his wolf came out from where it sat while he was in human form. It peeked out, getting a look with eyes that he’d only seen from scent and magic.

  Gavin pushed himself up onto his hands. Matty’s arms fell away, landing out wide as their gazes locked, and Gavin’s hips set up a faster pace. Pushing, pulling, moving, shaking. He went at it, his arms bracing against the mattress. He watched, knowing his eyes glittered with the feralness of his wolf.

  “Faster,” was all Matty said, gazing up at Gavin in all his glory.

  “Magical.” Gavin heard the wonder in his own tone, felt it in his body, in his hips as he moved, shifted, stood up. He grabbed Matty’s legs, bringing them from around his waist. Holding just under his knees, Gavin pulled him closer, tilted his hips and started fucking.

  Chapter Three

  Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. “Holy fucking shit!” Matty screamed as come spilled from his body. It sprayed out of him like a broken hose, going fuck knows where. He panted as Gavin continued to thrust, chasing his own orgasm, and Matty’s channel shuddered through the mind-blowing experience.

  Gavin roared above him, as he finally came himself, filling Matty up before collapsing onto him. The firm weight of Gavin had Matty smiling wider, his arms coming up, running over the big man’s shoulders and back. And Gavin growled. It was a satisfied sound, starting somewhere inside Gavin’s belly, and seemed to work its way through the larger man and sink into Matty, turning his insides into mush before raising the heat.

  His hips moved, clamping down on the cock still inside him.

  “Oh gods, what the hell is happening to me?”

  Gavin made a noise that sort of froze, before he quickly made it to his elbows and looked down a Matty.

  “Are you serious?”


  “Yeah.” Gavin’s eyes got a little bigger, much whiter. “You know what’s happening to you, right?”

  “Uh, I’m horny? Like I’ve never been horny before.” But even Matty could see his world falling short of something big.

  “Didn’t they tell you what you were signing up for?”

  “Signing….” Matty’s words were cut off with the door to the room they were in slamming against its frame as it was opened hard and hurried.

  “What the fuck! Get the hell out of here!” Gavin’s growl was mean as he stood facing the door, protecting Matty from the angry vampire standing there.

  “You can’t have him,” the vampire said. Matty believed his name was Taylor.

  “The hell I can’t, the matchmaker matched.”

  “Not him. He wasn’t part of the party.”

  “He wasn’t? Then maybe you shouldn’t have allowed him into the party, because as I see it, as your rules creed it, anyone in the room is up for grabs.”

  “He wasn’t meant to be there.”

  “Not my fucking problem. Maybe next time you should make sure your men aren’t in the room.”

  “Not man, whore.”

  “Ha!” Gavin’s voice was gravelled, still holding that mean edge. Before he turned towards Matty, his lips lifted in a smile. “You want to stay here, baby? We still have twenty-four hours we need to stay together, but that doesn’t mean we have to do it here.”


  “You want to be a whore for these guys, or come home with me and see what it’s really like to live.”

  “Fuck off,” the vampire spat out. “Be a whore for the vampire, or the werewolves? That’s what he’s offering you, Matty. But unlike him we can give you everything you want.”

  Except they couldn’t. They couldn’t give him someone who looked at him like he was more than just blood and sex, and even though sex is what they wanted, no one had ever given a shit about Matty. And yeah, it might be whatever the hell they were talking about, but he’d been in this hellhole for nearly a month, and he knew the day after he’d accepted the offer he’d made a mistake. And yes, he might be making another mistake. Wasn’t it better to at least see? At least find out if it could be better?

  Sitting up, Matty scooted the rest of the way off the bed and put out his hand. He felt another spike of lust as fingers touched palm, but it was the look of hope and honest-to-god happiness in Gavin’s eyes that made his heart lift up. This wasn’t going to be a mistake.

  “No, you can’t have him! He’s mine.” The vampire’s scream filled the room as he charged forwards. Matty didn’t even have time to react before Gavin pushed him back onto the bed, mumbling something Matty was sure made sense, but he couldn’t comprehend. The vampire was something out of a horror show—claws, teeth, and a face nearly unrecognisable, though it seemed more due to the look, the act, than anything truly happening to it. Maybe.

  The sound of bones popping had Matty looking at Gavin. Seeing him sprout hair and reshape made him flee, move across the bed and over it, sliding so far he landed in a bunch of limbs on the other side. Righting himself, he looked over the edge to see the back of a wolf, and that was it. There was a low growl, a hiss, and a banging that had Matty curious in a way he probably shouldn’t be if he wanted to keep his sanity.

  He made his way to the corner of the bed, peeking around the foot of it and seeing only legs and a hand, just lying there. Motionless. Had Gavin killed the vampire? If he did, would that bother him? Would he not want to go home with the beast? Did he now, after seeing him turn into a wolf?

  A whine caught his attention, a wolf nose poking around the edge of the bed, low, being careful as he came close to Matty. He’d apparently moved at some point and was sitting on his arse, his back against the bed.

  “Hey,” he whispered, putting his hand out, waiting as he’d been told to do whenever he was meeting a dog for the first time.

  The wolf seemed to roll his eyes, and moved forward, his noise brushing up under Matty’s fingers, letting them move across his snout to his head. And Gavin—because this was Gavin—came up quickly and licked his cheek before moving away. Then a sound Matty didn’t particularly like, but what he gathered was the reverse of what had happened when Gavin became a wolf, happened, and Matty was staring at a very naked Gavin.

  “Are you okay?” Gavin spoke softly, tentative.

  “Yeah.” Yeah, he really was. “Thank you for saving me.”

  Gavin huffed out a laugh. “Don’t think he would have done any real damage.”

  Matty’s smile was a little forced, even as he felt it down to his toes. “No, I mean for taking me away from here.”

  Gavin’s grin was everything Matty could ever imagine someone would point at him. Joy and lust and hope. A future.

  “Come on.” Gavin stood quickly, putting his hand out for Matty to join him. “We’d better hurry before they see us, and don’t let us leave before retribution is made.”


  “Oh, yeah. As it is he’s knocked out, so they will j
ust assume I’m in the wrong. It’s a fucked up vampire thing, like trying to say I can’t have you because they didn’t get you away fast enough. But if we aren’t here, they’ll wait until he’s awake to find out what went on, and it’s not like he’d be able to get away with lying. They might not like it, but once I’m gone they have to file paperwork and everything. It’s never worth it for them.” He grinned like a loon as he threw clothes at Matty before pulling on his own.

  When they were both dressed, he grabbed Matty’s hand and pulled it to his lips for a simple kiss that lit Matty up like a Christmas tree.

  “Let’s get out of here, mate.”

  “Okay….” Matty sounded as dazed as he felt. “Will you tell me what I’m missing?”

  “Sure, I’ll fill you in on everything while I drive us home.”

  Matty nodded mostly to himself as Gavin couldn’t see him, the man having already started pulling them out of the room.

  Chapter Four

  Home again, home again.

  Gavin had never been happier to be back at home, as he was right now. His cock was screaming at him to get inside his mate again. He needed inside. Inside the house, inside his mate—to stop saying the word inside.

  The drive home had gone by in a flash, as much as it was excruciatingly slow. He had never hated living so far from the vampire coven as he had in those moments. And yeah, he knew it was the magic making him feel that way, but knowing didn’t actually stop the feelings.

  Matty had been full of questions, showing off just how new he was to the whole paranormal world. So much so that Gavin wasn’t even sure why they thought it had been a good idea to let him anywhere near the ballroom. But their stupidity was his gain, and he wasn’t going to complain.

  Hey, did he rhyme? No? Yes? Hell, he didn’t remember anymore, didn’t care.

  It took him an embarrassingly long time to unlock the front door but he finally had them inside, door closed. Throwing Matty’s bag into his lounge room, Gavin slammed Matty up against the wall, bending down to line them up as he took over his mate’s mouth.

  “Oh, fuck yeah,” was mumbled as Gavin only let him breathe for the moments it took them to get their clothes off, before his mouth was back again. Exploring, tasting, loving the flavour, and the feeling of Matty’s hands on him, his hips rocking a hard cock against Gavin.

  With a growl that came more from his wolf than himself, Gavin grabbed Matty’s arms and manoeuvred him over the back of the lounge, his chest and stomach on the back cushions, his hips pointed up and presented to Gavin.

  Gavin snarled as he slid his hand up his man’s back, running along the smooth line of perfection before heading back down and coming to rest with his thumb against a hot loose hole.

  “Come on, hurry up!” Matty yelled over his shoulder, pushing back into Gavin’s touch so much so, Gavin’s thumb disappeared into heat.

  Oh. Yeah.

  Swirling it around some, Gavin pulled his thumb free. It came out wet enough from their previous encounter he didn’t bother wasting their time. Lining his cock up, he slowly slid himself into Matty, watching as the man bowed into the invasion like he had the first time.

  “So beautiful,” Gavin whispered, hands touching, exploring as he bottomed out, then sliding under Matty, pulling him up to rest against his chest. He started moving, not full thrusts but enough to give them both what they needed.

  Matty’s head fell to the side, exposing the long line of neck and shoulder, flushed, smooth, and wanting to be marked. Gavin’s wolf couldn’t resist. Not this time, not for this display. His canines grew, the rest of the teeth following, and he bit down on Matty’s shoulder. Matty screamed up to the roof, his hips working themselves back down on Gavin, trying to chase the pleasure Gavin was giving him, the added sensation.

  Freeing the wee man, Gavin growled out, “You’re mine now, Matty, all mine.”

  Matty came, spilling himself over the top of Gavin’s lounge.

  Gavin let him go, settling him back over his own spillage as he settled his hands on Matty’s hips and started fucking his mate, his lover, his everything. He watched as his length moved in and out of his lover’s body—the muscles, loose and puffy, followed and disappeared along with his cock. The wet sound of him sinking in, and sounds Matty made, added to the overall moment. Made it something he couldn’t even have dreamed of. Something that took sex and mating and turned it to love and wonder, and everything anyone could ever want in life.

  “Yes. Yes. Yours. Yours!”

  “Fuck yes. Mine!” And he would be, forever on. Gavin threw his head back as his orgasm shot out his cock, filling Matty up with him. Marking him inside, just like Gavin had marked him outside.

  When he’d gotten his head back together, he slowly pulled out of his lover, picked him up, and moved them towards the back of the house where his bed laid. Settling him on the bed, he went and got a cloth and towel, cleaning up first his Matty, and then himself before pulling the blankets up around their chests and bringing the wee man into the little spoon of his big spoon.

  “I know it’s magic.” Matty spoke into the quiet moment they’d been sharing. “But fuck me.”

  “No,” Gavin whispered, his lips suckling Matty’s earlobe. “But I’m going to love on you.”

  “Whatever. My cock is so fucking hard it’s not funny, and my arse feel like it’ll kick my arse if I don’t get your cock back in there.”

  “Your arse kicking your arse, now that would be something to see.” Gavin chuckled into the back of Matty’s neck before pulling away to get the lube out of his bedside drawer.

  “Oh, fuck off.” Matty laughed. “You know what I meant.”

  “Yep,” Gavin mumbled as his lubed finger worked its way into soothing his lover’s hole, before his cock followed, and they spent the rest of their twenty-four hours in bed, fucking like it was their very first time—every time.

  “I’m keeping you forever,” Gavin whispered hours later as the lust flew away, and they were able to actually get some sleep.

  “Good, because I’m not going anywhere.”

  If you liked this book maybe you’d be interested in the rest of the series

  Catching His Wolf  Timid as a Mouse

  The Tiger’s Release  Mate’s Freedom

  Happy Ever Mate

  About the Author

  I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours... da da da da dum, author of LGBT+ genre fiction author

  Serious I wanna know

  Email me at [email protected]

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  Link to book list

  Published via BonyDee Press

  My Kevin

  Gotta Start Somewhere


  Running Scared

  Being That for You

  A Road Worth Traveling

  ARWT part 1: DRitC 2015: Love is an Open Road


  Love without Knowing It

  Encounter Space

  My Outside My Inside

  Outside Sanity

  An Alphas World

  Taking a Stand

  Published via eXtasybooks.com

  Moonlit Wolves

  Loved By A Werewolf

  Forever With My Werewolf

  Seeking My Werewolf

  Taking Control of My Werewolf

  A Werewolf’s Howl

  The Rub of My Werewolf

  Protecting My Werewolf

  Moonlit Escapades

  Second Pack of Cameron

  Ben’s Wolf Surprise


  Published via BonyDee Press


  The Way Life Turns


  Less Than A Dayǀ In This Life And Beyond

  rong Place, Right Time (Matching Mates Book 1)




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