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Page 18

by Tina Donahue

  “Watch,” she said, squeezing the sponge. Capturing the bubbles in her palm, Lea ran them down the length of Jake’s erection. He groaned. She murmured, “This is what I’ll be doing to you in a sec.”

  “Fuck that,” Toby said. “I want it now.”

  She leaned over and licked the side of his balls. “You don’t like this?”

  His body shuddered. “Huh? What?”

  “I think you do. Now be good.” Pushing to her feet, Lea stepped back. Jake and Toby followed until she planted her hands on their chests. “Face the wall—the mirror— whatever. Hands above your heads, legs spread.”

  They looked at each other.

  “Why?” Jake asked.

  Lea ran her finger down his bristly cheek. “So I can do all sorts of surprising and nasty things to both of you. Of course, if you guys don’t want that or if either of you is too chicken, you just let me know.”

  Toby huffed, “You are so going to pay for this.”

  “Something to look forward to.” She grinned.

  Jake elbowed Toby. “Let’s give her what she wants.”

  “You mean, humor her?”

  “Whatever it takes. You know women.”

  “I don’t think you do,” Lea said. “Keep talking about me as though I’m not here or like I’m brain dead and we won’t be playing anymore.”

  Without further comment, Jake and Toby faced the shower wall, their palms flat against the mirrored surface, legs spread. The perfect position for them to be frisked by law enforcement or pleasured by her.

  The images that conjured up made Lea dizzy. This was light years away from nice. More like amazing and she had to draw out every bit of satisfaction for them.

  First, she adjusted the water’s flow so that it pulsed gently from all of the fixtures. “You like?”

  “That’s your nasty surprise?” Jake asked.

  Toby muttered, “Fuck, let’s hope not.”


  With her hand on Jake’s tight ass, Lea explored the separation between his cheeks. She stroked his anus, then eased her forefinger inside. On his sharp inhale of air, she suckled Toby’s left butt cheek, giving him a hickey as he’d done to her.

  “How’s this for starters?” she asked.

  Neither man spoke. They communicated their need for more—far more—by rapping their fists and foreheads against the mirrored wall.

  “Careful,” Lea said, then parroted Toby’s earlier admonition, “You don’t want to break anything in here, do you?”

  Jake growled, “You think I’m worried about that when my cock’s about to explode?”

  “And mine isn’t?” Toby complained.

  “Boys, boys,” Lea murmured, running her hands between their legs, cupping their nuts, fondling them gently. “Let me take care of you the way I want. Just this once. Please.”

  She didn’t have to ask again, nor would she inquire as to what they were thinking. With three words—just this once—she’d put a limit on their time together. There wouldn’t be another chance for them to recreate these moments. They knew it and so did she.

  The reality made her insatiable and tender, a crazy contradiction that neither Jake nor Toby questioned, allowing Lea to do as she willed.

  She washed their backs, licking the bumpy ridge of their spines and the smooth skin on their shoulders, giving each a hickey on their biceps, making certain her marks would last for a brief period after she was out of their lives. Would they look at the fading stains and recall today, perhaps even yearn for her as she would for them?

  How long would it take for her heart to stop aching this time? Six months? A year? Never? Would she continue to search for them and Danielle as she had for her mother so long ago?

  Stepping back, Lea cupped her hand over her mouth afraid Toby or Jake would hear her anguished whimper.

  The water’s gentle tapping filled the silence.

  Toby looked over, straining to see her from his position. “Why’d you stop?”

  “Run out of things to do?” Jake asked, also turning.

  His playful teasing made Lea smile. “Not hardly.” She cleared her throat and swallowed. “Turn around and face me. Please.”

  They did.

  If either of them noticed her lingering sorrow, they didn’t let on. Of course, their silent scrutiny of her eyes and mouth spoke volumes.

  She ignored it. “Drape your arms over your heads.”

  Jake looked as though he wanted to argue, but did not. Grateful, Lea settled her body between theirs, her arms resting on their waists, her face pressed into the tangle of hair in Jake’s pit, then Toby’s.

  They smelled so male, so freaking sexy, Lea moaned in renewed delight. She licked Toby’s hair first, a darker blond than on his head. He chuckled when she tugged at the strands with her teeth.

  Jake reacted differently, growling at her play. “I want to go to bed. I have to be inside you again.”

  She kissed his right pec and licked the line of his jaw. “You will be. I promise.” It was all they could give each other. “But on my terms.”


  “Terms?” Toby asked.

  She tightened her arms around them in a fierce hug, then stepped back. “I’m going to handcuff you guys to the bed.”

  Toby stared.

  “No fucking way,” Jake said.

  Lea crossed her arms over her chest, deliberately hiding her nipples. “You don’t trust me?”

  Jake dragged his attention from her breasts to her face. “It’s not that.”

  “Women are the ones who should be cuffed, not the other way around,” Toby explained.

  “That in your marshal’s rule book?” she asked.

  He gave her a snotty look. “You know what I mean.”

  “I don’t think I do. Either you guys don’t trust me or you’re too scared to let a woman have control. So which is it?”

  “Jesus mother fuck,” Jake muttered.

  “Is that a yes?” she asked.

  “I keep the key,” Toby said.

  “Why you?” Jake argued.

  “Fine. You keep it. Long as Lea doesn’t have it.”

  “What’s wrong with me having it?” she asked.

  As chatty as her guys had been a moment before, they were as quiet now.

  Were they afraid once she cuffed them, she’d take off in their SUV, returning to Phoenix so she could see Danielle one last time? Or did they think she’d try to keep them here after their superior ordered them to leave?

  If it had been remotely possible for Lea to do both, she would have. “Fine,” she sighed. “One of you keeps the damn key.”

  “It’s for the best,” Toby said, patting her arm.

  Lea had a sudden urge to slug him, even though her crappy future wasn’t his fault.

  Jake leaned close and murmured, “One less thing for you to worry about.”

  Like that actually made things better? “Maybe,” she said, then decided she wanted to play. Really play. “But only if you can get to it first.”

  She bolted from the enclosure, heading for the key. Jake and Toby exited at the same time, their bodies bumping into each other, then the shower, rattling the door. Jake got free first. Right behind him, Toby skidded across the damp marble, huffing as his hip hit the counter.

  Jake grabbed Lea’s arm. She twisted away, crawling across the floor, reaching for the key and cuffs.

  “Bad girl,” Jake scolded, draping his body over hers.

  She didn’t stop. With one hand fisted around the cuffs, she flung out her other arm, reaching for the key.

  “Toby, down here,” Jake said.

  “Hey—no—stop!” she squealed.

  They did not, tickling Lea ruthlessly. She rolled away from one and ran into the other. Their hands went up and down her rib cage. Lea gagged on her laughter. “No, please, don’t, stop!” she cried.

  “Hear that?” Jake asked. “She doesn’t want us to stop.”

  “Then we won’t,” To
by said.

  She dropped the cuffs and forgot about the key, doing her best to keep them from driving her nuts. They continued well after Lea was too exhausted to move and could scarcely catch her breath.

  Jake kissed her quivering belly. Toby stroked her hair.

  Lea squirmed. “I’m lying on something. Move back so I can get it. Could be the key.”

  “Nope, I got it,” Jake said.

  Lea held out her hand. He licked her palm. She sighed, “You’re not going to let me have it?”

  Toby chuckled, “I thought we already did.”

  She slapped his thigh. He leaned down and kissed her tenderly, draining the last of her strength.

  When they came up for air, Jake murmured, “We’re going to let you cuff us, but Toby keeps the key.” He tossed it to his partner.

  “I wouldn’t lock you guys up and run,” Lea said. Leaving them was something she could never do voluntarily.

  Jake brushed his mouth over hers. “We know.”

  She parted her lips to his kiss, enjoying his greedy desire as much as Toby’s previous gentleness. When Jake was through, she fisted her fingers in his sodden hair and wrapped her other hand around Toby’s wrist. “I want to go to bed now. Help me up.”

  Toby got to his feet first. He pulled Lea to hers and slung her over his shoulder.

  Like a freaking caveman.

  Giggling, she ran her hands over his muscular ass, separating his cheeks. “I’m going to do stuff to you and Jake that’ll make both of you cry.”

  “As long as you don’t draw too much blood, I’m good.” He stopped next to the monstrous mattress.

  “A person could get lost on that thing,” Lea breathed.

  Jake patted her spanked ass. “That’s what we’re hoping for.”

  “Get rid of the comforter and the pillows,” she ordered Jake, then spoke to Toby. “Put me down.”

  When Jake had stripped the bed of everything but the fitted bottom sheet, Lea snatched the cuffs from him. “Climb on boys, Toby to the right, Jake to the left.”

  Perversely, they switched positions, making certain their bodies hugged the opposite ends of the mattress. Far enough away so they’d never risk touching each other.

  “I need you guys to be closer to the middle.” Lea directed them with her hands, the cuffs swinging from her thumb.

  “We’re good.” Jake folded one arm beneath his head.

  Toby worked the key between his fingers. “We need our space.”

  She smiled agreeably. “If you don’t want me to tend to both of you at the same time, I’m good with that. I had no idea how patient each of you are. One of you can watch while I’m taking care of the other. I do want to warn you, though, I don’t intend to rush, no matter how much you whine, complain, cry or whatever.”

  Jake frowned. “You do realize we could say no to this entire thing.”

  “But you won’t,” Lea countered. “Come on, get closer.”

  They both sighed as if it was the end of the world, then moved nearer the middle, the bedsprings squeaking beneath their combined weight. A lot of space still yawned between them, proving they had no interest in each other.

  “Okay, give me your hands,” Lea said.

  They held out the ones farthest from the center. In order for her to cuff both their wrists, they’d have to lie face down on the mattress, hiding their family jewels from her…unless they preferred to roll toward each other.

  Lea pointed that out to them.

  They stopped fooling around and held out the correct hands, their fingers close, but definitely not touching.

  “Good boys. This won’t hurt at all.”

  Seated between them, Lea cuffed Jake first, then looped the other end of the manacle through one of the designs in the wrought iron headboard. Taking Toby’s hand, she snapped the metal around his wrist and tested the shackle.

  “Enjoying yourself?” Jake asked.

  There was no mischief in his question nor was there lust. Just honest concern that told Lea he cared if she was happy. Her joy was important to him. She smiled. “Ask me that in a couple of hours.”

  Worry, or maybe it was sadness, clouded Jake’s expression. In her peripheral vision, Lea saw Toby turn to the windows, the sun’s newest angle telling him how much time they’d already used. How little of this day they had left.

  Not wanting to remind either of them of that, Lea ran her hands down their torsos to their groins. Toby lifted his chin to the ceiling. Jake spread his legs a bit more.

  Scooting back, Lea trailed her fingers down their thighs and calves to their feet, both wonderfully large with long toes.

  “Hold it,” Jake ordered, “no tickling.”

  “No sir,” she said. “I wasn’t planning to.”

  Toby lifted his head from the mattress. “Then what are you doing?”

  Exploring every bit of them, starting right here. “This.” She drew her tongue across the tips of his toes, suckling the biggest while caressing Jake’s foot. Toby laughed. Jake bitched until Lea gave him some of her loving.

  After licking their soles, she moved to their calves, kissing the faint scar beneath Toby’s knee. He cleared his throat as though uncertain how to respond. Lea studied the whitish imperfection, the only break in his consistently bronze coloring. Stroking it, she asked, “Did you get this during one of your assignments?”

  He smiled. “Fell out of a tree house when I was five.”

  Oooh. She kissed his boo-boo, then turned to Jake, noticing the various scars on his body. Surely not from his stepfather beating him. Lea didn’t think she could bear that. Touching the one on his shin, a longish, angry-looking mark, she joked, “You get this from falling off a playground swing?”

  “My skateboard. A buddy of mine was towing me behind his car. Didn’t hit the brakes until I started yelling.”

  “Oh my God, you could have been killed.” She smacked his thigh. “What’s the matter with you?”

  “I got a hard-on you’re ignoring?”

  “No different than me,” Toby said.

  So true. His crown was the same shade as Jake’s, fleshy with desire. Lea murmured, “Let’s see what I can do about that.”

  She took Jake’s cock inside her mouth, while working Toby’s with her hand. One grunted, the other groaned. On either side of her, their legs stiffened. They shifted their weight. The bed rattled.

  Lea ran her thumb over the small slit in Toby’s crown, using his silky pre-cum to lubricate his skin. She tasted Jake’s arousal. The salty fluid pulled a contented moan from her.

  Before her guys were too far gone, she switched tactics, sucking Toby’s shaft and pleasuring Jake’s with her hand. Back and forth she went, giving them each the same degree of her interest and love.

  Toby came first, his shout loud and unrestrained. Creamy cum shot into Lea’s mouth. Hungrily, she drank, lapping up every bit of it, her actions telling Toby how much she cherished this part of him.

  She rubbed her cheek against his hairy groin until his gasps subsided and then she kissed the root of his cock and focused on Jake.

  His face was ruddier than usual, his jaw clenched from the strain of holding off. With her hand still wrapped around his rod, Lea straddled him. Jake’s brows lifted in surprise. Toby was oblivious, already having drifted off from his climax.

  With great care, Lea directed Jake’s crown into her opening, bathing it in her juices prior to easing him fully inside. His frown said he wanted her to go faster. She did not. They were pretty damn sore from so much sex and Lea wanted this to last. To give Toby time to recover.

  He yawned, smacked his lips and went still except for the gentle rise and fall of his chest.

  “Fuck me,” Jake whispered.

  “Within an inch of your life,” Lea promised.

  He grinned, then grunted as she lowered her body onto his, pushing every bit of his cock inside. Her sheath stung for a moment from his hardness and size, but the hurt was one Lea wanted, quieting her troubled hear
t and soul.

  Squeezing her inner muscles around him, she pulled up until they were almost free of each other, then slithered back down.

  Jake sucked air through his teeth. He rubbed her nub. A jolt of sensation radiated down Lea’s thighs, forcing her to bite her lower lip to keep from crying out. The pleasure was too much, threatening to distract her from tending to him. She pushed his hand away. Jake brought it right back, his action telling her they would come together or not at all.

  Lea submitted, her only course when it came to this man. Her strokes, long and unhurried, had Jake thrashing his head back and forth. As she slowed her pace even more, he rubbed her nub faster, harder, determined to make her come.

  Damn him. “Behave.” She slapped his hip.

  He slapped hers right back. “No.”

  “Gonna be a prick, huh?”

  Jake laughed.

  The commotion didn’t bother Toby. He let out a prolonged snore, jerked in response, then went quiet again.

  Lea resumed pumping, faster this time. Jake manipulated her clit at the same pace. The cuffs clanked against the headboard. Soon, she and Jake were nothing but sound. They heaved air, blowing it out. Jake growled. She moaned. Both panted at their respective orgasms.

  Too weary to keep upright, Lea sagged over his leg, her shoulder coming to rest on Toby’s hipbone, Jake’s flaccid cock nestled against her calf.

  “Do me now,” Toby said.

  Surprised to hear him speak, Lea blurted, “You’re up?”

  “Check it out.” Pride rang in his voice as he ran his stiffening cock up and down her ear.

  Damn. She could barely get her lids to part or her body to move. “Do you always recover so quickly or are you just trying to show off?”

  “I’m a U.S. Marshal, baby. Comes with the territory. Hop on.”

  Did she have a choice? Did she want one? Lea straddled his narrow hips and sneaked a peak at Jake. His mouth hung open as he slept.

  Lea was beginning to envy him, at least until Toby stroked her clit with such gentleness a new wave of heat flooded her.

  “Good?” he murmured.

  Different from what Jake had done, but not better, just freaking wonderful. “Oh yeah.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?”

  Lea didn’t any longer. She took Toby’s full length inside and rode him as she had Jake, the friction from his cock and fingers forcing her over the edge. She cried out louder than he did at the peak of their climax, then collapsed on top of him, figuring one more orgasm would probably kill her.


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