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The Snowflake Trilogy

Page 3

by JJ Jones

  “Oh,” I laughed.

  “So what do you enjoy doing?” Logan asked.

  “I’m pretty athletic, came in my genes. So I like pretty much any sport, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and I’ll even play football.”

  “Hey me too, although I can’t say I’m much into volleyball. I have played on the beach a time or two, but other than that…” his voice trailed off. “It would be fun to play a pick up game of basketball.”

  “Yeah, that would be fun,” I said. “But you better be okay being beaten by a girl,” I taunted.

  “Oh really?” Logan taunted back.

  “Yeah that’s right, because I have a pretty mean three-pointer and if you’re not watching I’ll steal the ball and fast-break down the court for a lay-up before you can blink.”

  “Oh look who’s talking smack. Well I hope all those words come with some real ballin’ cause when this is all over, we’re gonna have a game and we’re gonna see who the real baller is,” Logan jeered.

  I started laughing. “Bring it on.”

  Logan nodded his head as he moved around the room pretending to shoot baskets and dribble a basketball. He was so cute.


  Logan continued moving around the room joking around about his basketball skills for a while. I watched him as he walked around the room. He wasn’t abnormally tall, but he wasn’t short either. He seemed an average height, but I could tell even with his clothes on that he was pretty ripped. He looked extremely fit and in shape.

  “Do you play at a gym or something?” I asked.

  “Nah,” he said. “I don’t have time for the gym. I just play pick up games with guys I work with.”

  “So you don’t work out?” I asked a little surprised.

  “No,” he replied obviously a little confused.

  “You just look like you work out all the time. I figured you lifted weights at least three or four times a week or something like that.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Oh, that,” he said, “it just comes with the territory. I don’t have to work out to look like this. I guess it’s one perk of being what I am” he smiled.

  I laughed. “Pretty good perk,” I said. “But that doesn’t explain your amazing basketball skills, or do werebears also come with those skills, too?” I joked.

  Logan laughed. “Well, I’ve had plenty of time to hone my skills,” he said kidding around.

  “Really?” I asked. “I’m sure you’ve had about the same amount of time as me. Probably around twenty some odd years, I’m guessing. You can’t be more than in your late twenties,” I said guessing.

  “That’s how old you think I am?” Logan said becoming more serious.

  “Well yeah,” I said. “Are you older than that?” I asked.

  “A little,” he said.

  “Thirty?” I asked.

  He didn’t reply.

  “You can’t be forty,” I said astonished.

  He still didn’t reply.

  “No way,” I sat in awe. I looked across his face, looking for signs of age, and saw none. He looked youthful and full of life. His hair was a beautiful wavy dark brown with no signs of greying like most forty year old men that I knew. Nothing about Logan even began to hint that he was over thirty, let alone over forty.

  “Werebears don’t age like most people. I’m actually well over a hundred. I’m probably older than your grandmother, or even your great-grandmother.”

  “How is that possible?” I asked.

  “Well you stay the age you are when you are infected, so I will look this way forever, even though mentally I continue to age,” Logan explained.

  “Wow, that’s so crazy,” I said trying to take everything in.

  “Sorry, I guess I shouldn’t just tell you everything. It’s a lot for one person to take in all at once,” he said understanding my position.

  “Yeah, I’ve just never really been in a position like this before,” I admitted. “I have so many questions, but at the same time, I feel like my head is reeling with new information, too.”

  “Yeah, maybe we should just talk about normal stuff for awhile. It’ll be easier for both of us,” Logan said.

  “Sure,” I said.

  An awkward silence spread between us, as we both tried to think of something else to talk about.

  “So what about work?” I asked. “Do you work, or did you work?”

  “Yeah, I’ve had odd jobs here and there,” he said. “Mostly I tried to do things that would keep me off the radar though. Things like construction or working on oil rigs. I changed jobs every six months to a year. I have always tried not to stay in one place to long. It’s hard, but I’ve always been a little transient, it’s just easier that way.”

  “Sure, I understand,” I said. “So if you could choose any job in the world to do, what would you choose?”

  “That’s a tough question,” Logan pondered for a moment before answering. “I think I would have to choose some sort of engineer. I love the way things work together. I love to build things mechanically and make them work together. But being an engineer requires a lot of work and education. I’ve never been one to be able to put the time into something like that.”

  “Oh,” I replied.

  “So what about you?” he asked.

  “Huh?” I asked.

  “If you could do any job in the world, what would you do?”

  “Oh, that’s an easy question for me,” I replied. “I would be a fashion designer, hands down. But being a fashion designer is a hard field to break in to. It either takes knowing someone, or having incredible luck, both of which, I have found that I don’t have in life.” I smiled.

  “Well maybe with the money you’ll get from me, your luck might change,” Logan said.

  “Maybe,” I said.

  I let my mind start to daydream about what I could do with the money I was going to receive from Logan the following day. As my mind wandered, I thought about all the things that had been going sour in my life lately, and hoped with the money that things might begin to look up.

  “So have you been in many relationships?” I asked trying to keep the conversation going. “I mean are there many werebears to have relationships with?”

  “Well, no, uh,” Logan looked down at the ground, “not really. I keep to myself mostly. It’s easier that way I guess. I mean I have friends sometimes. But not really girlfriends.”

  I immediately felt bad for asking the question. “Oh, well don’t worry. I don’t have any luck with relationships either. All the relationships I’ve ever been in have always turned out sour. I always seem to find the terrible guys.” I looked over to him hoping to have made things better. “I can’t remember the last time I went out with a genuinely nice guy that didn’t have ill intentions of some sort.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, Tanisha. If it means anything I think you one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen,” Logan admitted, but I could see that he looked a little embarrassed as he said it. “All those other guys must be crazy to have treated you that way. I can’t imagine for one second taking advantage of someone like you.” He seemed so genuine as he spoke, but even as he said it, my caution flags flew in front of my face.

  I had been here before. Other guys had said things like this to me before and I had fallen for it only to be hurt. Should I really put myself out there again with someone else? Was I ready to be hurt again?

  Logan stood and walked away from me. “It’s hard for me to have relationships with anyone, let alone women, Tanisha. I can’t ever have a normal relationship with someone. I can’t live the typical family life with someone. I can’t love someone and get married and have children. If I were to have children, they would carry my condition. I could never condemn my children to this fate.” He shook his head as he spoke. “I have always wanted children, but to think that I would be passing this kind of life onto them, is something I could never do to another person. That is why I can’t subject mysel
f to fall in love with someone else. It’s just too hard for me.” He ran his hands through his dark brown hair outwardly showing his frustration.

  I sat on the bed and listened to him speak. It was hard to listen to him, knowing that he was so passionate about what he was saying, but also knowing that I was falling for him at the same time. I wanted to be with him, hold him, tell him that everything would be okay. I wanted him to know that we would figure things out, together.

  “Logan,” I began, “I want you to know…” I couldn’t think of what else to say. I wanted to say something to let him know how I felt, but the words wouldn’t come.

  He turned to look at me, and our eyes met. I felt the power of our emotions move between us like electricity. I knew that he understood what I wanted to say.

  Logan moved over to the bed. At first he sat at my feet. I could feel his body heat radiating on my skin. I wanted to feel his touch, to know what his skin felt like against mine.

  He slid closer to me, our eyes locked. I reassured him that I wanted this. I put my hand on his and squeezed gently. He leaned in to my mouth and gently touched his lips to mine. His lips were soft and wet. His kisses were playful at first, but soon became more and more passionate. I felt the hunger inside me growing as we continued kissing.

  His body moved on top of mine, and he thrust hard against me. I felt the weight of his body against my own. I pulled at his shirt with my free arm until I revealed his bare chest. It was obvious that he worked out now that I saw him with his shirt off. I felt my body ache for him.

  I placed my hand at the small of his back and pulled him down on top of me again and again, rubbing myself against him feeling my own arousal mounting. Logan nibbled gently on my ear before sucking on my neck.

  I moaned loudly.

  His hands pushed my shirt and bra up and over my head, leaving my breasts exposed. Logan took my nipple between two fingers and rolled it gently back and forth until it became hard for him. Again I couldn’t help but moan aloud in pleasure. He continued playing with my nipples, sucking on them and squeezing them with his hands as I felt him become harder and harder.

  His hand moved and unbuttoned my pants. He forced his way inside and rubbed gently against me with his fingers. With his other hand, he pushed my pants to my ankles where I easily kicked them free of my legs to the floor. I spread my legs wide for him, giving him full access to my body.

  I felt his lips kiss my neck and begin to work their way down my body. As if Logan was trying to tease me, his tongue created a trail from my breasts to my pubis. It had been so long since I had been with a man who was going to take care of my needs first.

  “Yes, don’t stop now” I moaned.

  Using his fingers Logan separated my pussy lips and found my clitoris. At first Logan began to suck on my clitoris, the arousal was overwhelming. As my clit began to swell I felt Logan transition the sucking into licking. His tongue flickering over my clitoris again-and-again the orgasmic pleasure stirred inside my loins. I grabbed the back of this head and pulled at his hair as my body convulsed.

  “Oh my god, I’m cumming” I yelled.

  Suddenly, the heat in the room became almost overwhelming as we shifted positions and Logan lifted me effortlessly on top of him. His body felt different somehow, but in the dark, all I could feel was the passion between us. I wanted to feel his cock inside me.

  I realized that I was still handcuffed to the bed, but the bondage made everything even more hot. Part of me wished my other hand was handcuffed as well. I pulled at the handcuff as my pleasure mounted, feeling the handcuff dig into my wrist enjoying the pain.

  I reached up with my free hand to stroke his body, and realized that I was grabbing fur. He had shifted to be half bear half man. It didn’t matter, I wanted him inside my wet swollen pussy. I let out a moan of pure pleasure as in the same instant I felt him inside my wetness. His cock was enormous and he thrust deeper and harder than any man I’d ever been with.

  “Harder,” I groaned, knowing he could give me more.

  He thrust again as my pleasure continued to mount.

  “Yes, again, again,” I whispered, barely able to breathe.

  I searched for part of him to grab and pull him deeper into me. I felt every part of myself aching for more. I knew I was close to cumming again, and this last thrust would take me over the threshold. I needed it to be hard and deep.

  “Fuck me as hard as you can!” I cried.

  I brought my body to his and felt chills spread across my entire body, filling myself with orgasmic pleasure like I had never experienced before. I couldn’t help but shudder as I finished.

  I felt Logan pull away from me, but I didn’t let him. I pulled him back toward me and curled my body into his, letting his body cover me like a blanket. I stroked his white fur gently back and forth as I felt his heart racing and tried to calm my own breathing down. I took deep breaths and waited until both of us seemed to have calmed down. After a while, we both drifted off to sleep.

  At some point, I woke up and Logan had shifted back to his human form. I noticed that he had unhandcuffed me, too. I reached down and pulled a blanket up over both of us and fell back asleep still curled up in his arms.


  In the morning, I woke still cuddled in Logan’s muscular arms. I looked up at him and stared at the man I had been with the night before. I noticed his strong jaw line and the way his dark hair fell across his face as he slept. He looked so young and peaceful, but then I remembered our conversation from the night before. I couldn’t believe that he was really as old as my grandmother. I didn’t mind that he was that old as he did not look old, but it did feel a little odd to think about.

  I felt as though I could have stayed there for hours, but one glance at the clock told me we had to get moving. It was already nine-thirty, and we had a full day ahead of us. My rustling woke Logan as well.

  “Morning,” he said smiling.

  “Hi,” I said smiling back.

  “Did you sleep okay?” he asked.

  “I slept just fine,” I replied.

  “That’s good. I took off the handcuff,” he said, “but it looks like you’ll have a bit of a mark for awhile.”

  I looked down at my wrist. It was obvious where the handcuff had been. While we had made love, I must have pulled hard enough to break the skin. “It’s okay, I don’t mind,” I said smiling.

  “Sorry, I guess I really didn’t need to handcuff you after all,” he said looking a little sheepish.

  “Logan, really it’s okay,” I said trying to reassure him that it was alright.

  “I know that I have already asked so much of you, but can I ask something else as well?” Logan asked as he moved about the room gathering things.

  “Sure of course,” I said.

  “After this, will you drive me to the border? I have a private jet waiting for me at an airport to take me across to Mexico. After we stop at the bank, we can start the drive. I know it is asking a lot, but would you do that for me?” Logan looked over at me, and his eyes won me over.

  “Yeah, I’d love to,” I said, knowing that I’d enjoyed the time we’d spent together so far, and hoping to spend a few more days together before we had to say goodbye.

  “I really appreciate it,” Logan said. “I will make it worth your time. I promise.” He looked at me, and I knew that he was being honest.

  “Logan, you are already doing so much for me. I don’t need anything else. I am enjoying our time together. It’s nice just to have someone to be with that I don’t feel is using me.”

  “And I don’t want you to feel that I’m using you, Tanisha. I know that I’m asking you to help me with a lot of things right now, but I do enjoy being with you, too. It’s been nice to get to know you and be with you. You don’t know how long it has been since I have been with someone. I just don’t have a lot of people in my life that I can trust like that.” He looked around the room.

  “I’m glad you feel like you can trust me
, Logan. I want to be with you and help you out for as long as we can be together. I know that the time is short, but I’m enjoying it. Don’t feel like you need to repay me for the favors.” I was being genuinely honest.

  “We will just take everything one step at a time. For now, we need to get to the bank and see about getting the money out of the safety deposit box. That’s our first step of the day. Do you think you’re still up for the task?” he asked.

  “Yes, of course,” I replied. “Just let me take a quick shower and clean up a bit. I feel a little gross.”

  “Sure, of course. I’ll just watch some television until you’re ready to take off. Maybe I am still on the news.”

  I tried to hurry as fast as I could, getting ready. I stared at myself in the mirror for a few minutes though just taking in everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. If I had any sense at all, I would run out of the room and head for the police station as fast as my car would take me. But all my emotions told me otherwise. I couldn’t leave now. I was emotionally invested in this, and I felt a pretty strong connection to Logan. It wasn’t just the sex either, although it had been by far the best sex I’d ever had.

  Logan was different, different from any guy I’d ever been with. There was just something about him that made everything feel good about my own life. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it yet, but something felt right about being with him.

  After I was finally ready to go, we gathered our things and made a quick plan.

  “I’ll head out to the car alone, and then I’ll pull around back and you can meet me there,” I suggested to Logan as I checked the room to make sure I had everything.

  “Sounds good to me. Just make sure that no one is following you, or even looks suspicious. If so, just drive away.”

  “Then what about you?” I asked.

  “Well let’s set a meeting point. How about a block away down that way,” he pointed in a direction away from the hotel.

  “Alright, sounds good.” I stated as I pulled my car keys out of my purse.


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