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The Snowflake Trilogy

Page 20

by JJ Jones

  I massaged his scalp and ears as he moved until I could no longer reach him. I opened my legs for him and he kissed my inner thighs and teased me by blowing air and brushing his lips gently across my clit, but not stopping.

  “Oh, please,” I gasped finally when I couldn’t wait any longer. “I need it now, eat my pussy.”

  “I was just waiting for an invitation,” Logan said in a sultry voice.

  “Oh you are invited,” I replied opening my legs even further.

  Using his fingers he thrust himself inside me and stroked back and forth while his tongue danced on my clit. I couldn’t help but moan aloud at the pleasure. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop,” I whispered as my hands searched for something to grasp onto.

  I felt myself peaking too quickly. I didn’t want to cum already. I wanted this moment to last longer. “Softer,” I asked pulling my body slightly away from him. He softened his stroking and I felt myself move away from my peak, but the pleasure was still amazing.

  I wanted to peak together, and I knew I was close. “I want you inside me,” I choked out, my voice barely audible.

  Logan stopped and looked up at me. “What?” he sounded confused.

  “I want to cum together,” I said.

  He smiled, and didn’t ask any questions. He moved his body on top of mine. I felt him slide inside me. It was familiar, but exciting. I loved having him inside me. He was the epitome of what it meant to make love.

  “Faster,” I called out into the night.

  Logan thrust himself inside me again and again. “I’m cumming, don’t stop, don’t stop.” I yelled. I felt myself peaking, just as Logan’s body tensed, I arched my back into his body and we both froze letting the beauty of the moment fill our entire bodies until every thing had passed.

  After we both were finished, we released the tension in both our bodies and relaxed. I smiled up at Logan and he looked down at me and kissed me on the nose. We both crawled under the comfort of the hotel blankets and snuggled up against each other. I loved the way I fit perfectly in his arms to sleep. We laid for the rest of the night snuggled peacefully until the morning would wake us.


  We hit the road early the next day, knowing that it was going to be a long day of traveling. Checking out of the hotel wasn’t a big deal, but I had to admit that just like before, leaving behind the luxury always left me with a twinge of sadness. I longed for this to all be over so we could live like this more often.

  As we hit the road, there was a sense of foreboding. I knew we were going to run into some trouble over the next few days and things were going to get rough from here on out.

  “So tell me more about the Big Dog, since we are getting closer to meeting him,” I asked as we drove.

  “Well I will tell you a few things that are pretty important for you to know about him,” Logan said.

  “Sounds fair enough,” I replied.

  “I think that by showing up at his mansion, unannounced like we are, we are going to surprise him. I don’t think he is planning on me just walking in the front door. I’m not sure what he expects from us, but I highly doubt he expects that. I don’t know what kind of security he has around his mansion, but you can bet it will be somewhat extensive. He would be stupid not to have some. However, I would be willing to be that he’ll have sent the best out to hunt us, so by attacking him at home, we may have a small advantage,” he finished and looked over at me.

  “Okay, got it. So if you and the Big Dog have such a feud between you, why haven’t you gone after him before? Why wait until now?” I asked.

  “Because of the rules.” Logan said.

  I didn’t reply, but waited for Logan to elaborate.

  “See there are rules that exist between some shifters, well shifters that went through the program that the Big Dog set up. As it stands, I can’t kill the Big Dog without there being severe consequences. But the upside is that he can’t kill me either.” Logan explained.

  “But the Big Dog sent the Lone Wolf to kill you, isn’t that breaking the rules?” I asked.

  “Well no, exactly. That’s the only way not to break the rules. You can kill the other via proxy – by getting someone else to do your dirty work.” Logan said.

  “Wait,” I said feeling uneasy, “is that why you brought me along? Do you want me to kill the Big Dog?”

  “No, Tanisha, not at all. I would never ask you to do that. Not in a million years. If you remember correctly, I didn’t want you to come at all. I wanted you to leave and go somewhere safe. I would never ask you to do something that you don’t feel comfortable doing – never.” Logan looked over at me and I could tell that he was telling the truth.

  I let out a sigh of relief.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Logan said. “The fact that we can’t kill each other is one of the reasons I hope we can solve this whole thing peacefully. I am wanting to walk in there and keep guns and fur out of it, but I fear it may not be that simple. We’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “So far, shooting people and violence has been the only way we’ve really gotten our message across,” I said shrugging my shoulders.

  “Yeah, unfortunately,” Logan said. Then suddenly he veered the car off an exit and started driving around a small remote area. “Speaking of guns and violence…” his voice trailed off.

  “Logan, what are you doing,” I asked.

  “Well, we will probably need one other type of gun for where we are going, and I know just where to find a couple. Come on, follow me.” He parked the car and jumped out.

  I quickly jumped out and followed him walking through a wooded area hoping that he knew where he was going. After a few minutes hiking through the area, he stopped at what looked like a fallen tree until he lifted it at just the right spot and it opened to reveal a solid silver box hidden inside the trunk.

  “Here come open the box for me while I hold the trunk apart,” Logan said excited.

  I approached the box and obeyed Logan’s instructions as he told me the combination code to open the box and then instructions to remove the guns and ammo.

  Two sniper rifles and plenty of ammo were housed inside the box. After removing them and carefully putting the tree back to its original position, Logan told me we were going to spend some time practicing.

  “We aren’t in any hurry to get to the Big Dog. He’s already released the pack and the rest of the shifters have gone into hiding, so we aren’t hurting anyone or anything by taking our time in getting there. The best thing we can do is be prepared once we get there. So let’s practice.”

  We walked over to the edge of a nearby cliff and set up the rifles. Logan positioned each of our rifles and walked me through all of the pieces and their importance. I was sure that I wasn’t going to remember all of the details when it came time to actually using the weapon, but I knew that it was important to him that he explained everything.

  He looked up at me, “There will be a quiz later, so I hope you’ve been paying attention to everything I’ve been telling you.”

  “And if I fail? What will you do to me?’ I asked crossing my arms.

  “I believe that’s about the same attitude I had when your father tried to teach me,” Logan said smiling.

  “My father taught you?” I asked intrigued.

  “At this exact spot with these exact guns,” Logan replied looking up at me.

  “Hmm,” I replied feeling a closeness with my father that I hadn’t felt before. He had been here in this grove of trees, perhaps standing exactly where I was standing now. We were possibly holding the same guns. It all felt very surreal.

  “Well come on then, let’s practice shooting a few rounds,” Logan said.

  I bent down and tried my best to remember the things that Logan had said. I really had been trying to pay attention. My first few rounds were terrible misses. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I’m awful.”

  “It’s okay,” Logan replied. “You just need to remember that your breathin
g really will make a difference with your shot. Because you are shooting at such a distance, even a small breath is going to make a huge difference in the target you get. That’s why you will do best if you hold your breath as you shoot and then exhale in between.”

  “Oh, yeah, you told me that,” I said. I tried a few more shots and they were better, but still not on target. I really hoped Logan was not counting on me too much.

  For the next few hours, I continued shooting and Logan continued to help coach me through by giving me little pointers after every few rounds. By the time we had finished a box of ammo, I was hitting my target eight out of ten times. I was feeling pretty good about myself – now if only the real targets never moved.


  As we walked back to the car, Logan stopped at the box again and with my help, he pulled two bullet proof vests out and tossed them on the ground. I noticed there were other weapons stored in the box that he wasn’t grabbing.

  “Are those not useful?” I asked motioning to the guns.

  “Well define useful,” Logan said. “They could be, I suppose, but there’s only two of us going to the mansion, and we already have quite the arsenal built up in the back of the car. I don’t think between the two of us, we could handle much more. In ways of anything more powerful or better in there, no not really. We will be just fine with what we have,” he turned away from me and muttered quietly, “I hope.”

  We got back in the car and started driving the last few hours to the Big Dog’s mansion. The mood in the car became tense. I wanted to focus on other things – I didn’t want to think about the potential fight that loomed ahead of us.

  “Logan,” I asked quietly.

  “Hmm,” he replied.

  “What happens when this is all over? After we’ve taken care of things with the Big Dog? I mean is there some other adventure that is waiting around the next corner that I don’t know about? After the Big Dog, once we’ve solved the issues, if we solve them, I guess – where do we go from here?” I wanted to think about happier thoughts, something to give me a little motivation.

  “Well, we move on,” Logan started. “And no, there isn’t another adventure waiting for us that I haven’t told you about. I think our lives will always be a little adventurous, but not like this, not fighting for our lives adventurous.” He turned and smiled lovingly.

  “Where?” I asked.

  “Anywhere you want,” Logan replied. “Anywhere in the world. We can find a nice little place on a beach somewhere. A place where it’s nice and warm all year round with beautiful weather and surfing, water that glistens in the sun and sunsets that have more colors than you’ve ever seen before.” He waved his arm in the motion of a sunset. “I think a place like that would be nice.”

  “I thought you’d prefer some place a little colder,” I said teasingly. He looked over confused. “The Arctic perhaps?”

  He laughed and tickled my ribcage. “Well aren’t we funny.”

  I giggled until the laughter died between us.

  “In all seriousness though,” Logan continued, “we’ll find a place and settle down, you and me. We can look into adoption if you want too. I know that having kids was something you wanted, but the risks are too great for us to conceive naturally.”

  I nodded slowly. “We’ve talked about the risks before, I remember,” I said. “But adoption would be good. There are lots of kids that need good homes.”

  “You would be a good mom, Tanisha,” Logan said reaching over and holding my hand. “Any child would be lucky to have you as a mother.”

  I felt myself blush with his compliment. “Thanks,” I said quietly. “You would make a good dad, too.”

  “I’m not so sure about that, but I guess time will tell, huh?” Logan replied.

  “Don’t kid yourself,” I defended him. “You’ll make a great dad. You are extremely caring and selfless, two qualities that are key to being a parent.”

  “Well then we should be stellar parents. The best ever,” he laughed a little and squeezed my hand.

  I smiled back at him.

  We finished the drive to the Big Dog’s mansion holding hands. I felt just a little stronger, a little more resolved to finish and end things with the Big Dog. I was done with all the fighting. I knew that Logan was probably even more tired of everything than I was. It was time that everything was finished.

  “We’re here,” Logan said a little dramatically.


  He had pulled off to the side of the road. I could see a large mansion off in the distance. We weren’t very close and I imagined that the road continued on to the main gate for at least another three or four miles.

  “Why did we stop here?” I asked.

  “We need to see what kind of security he has, and take out as many as we can from here.” Logan explained getting out from the car. I noticed we had parked in a fairly wooded area, so even if someone at the mansion were looking in our direction, they most likely wouldn’t see our car. Logan must have planned this very strategically before getting here.

  He pulled out our sniper rifles from the back seat and handed me mine. It was heavier than I had remembered from shooting earlier. Logan moved over to the trees and crouched down looking through the scope. I hesitated before joining him. I knew that I would look through the scope and see moving things, shifters most likely. And Logan would want me to shoot them. I didn’t know if I had the confidence or ability to do that, but I knew I had to try. I tossed my shoulders back and marched over to where Logan was waiting for me and set-up just like he had taught me.

  I found a good and level spot to set-up my position. It was close to Logan, so we could talk easily without drawing any attention from anyone. With my scope, I had a good view of the entire mansion. I looked through it and swiveled back and forth trying to get an idea of what we were in for.

  “Okay, we have a few guards patrolling the mansion. They are wolf shifters by the looks of it. I can tell that they aren’t really anything special, no immunity to anything like the Lone Wolf, so our sniper bullets should do the trick just fine. Do you see them?” Logan asked once I had set myself up in position.

  “Um, what exactly am I looking for?” I asked trying to get a little clarification.

  “There are five total,” Logan said calmly. “Three grouped together on the left and two on the right. The two on the right are smoking, do you see them?”

  “I see the guys smoking, yeah,” I said. “But I still can’t find the guys that are on the left,” I said swiveling my gun back and forth.

  “That’s okay, just stick with the guys on the right,” Logan reassured me. “Do you think you can shoot at least one of them?” he asked.

  “I’ll try,” I said.

  “That’s all I can ask for,” Logan said turning and smiling at me.

  “Thanks for understanding,” I said starting to feel nervous. My stomach was twisted in knots and my palms felt sweaty.

  “Okay, let me know when you are ready and I’ll count us down,” Logan said confidently.

  “I don’t know if I will ever be ready for this, Logan,” I said looking over at him and away from the mansion.

  “Tanisha, it’s going to be okay,” Logan looked over at me. He stepped away from his gun and took my hands in his. “I know this is all so new for you, but we’re going to be fine.”

  “I’m just not trained to do stuff like this,” I said wringing out my hands to keep them from tensing up. “I’d never even shot a gun before meeting you. I’d like to think I’m a badass chick, but deep down, I’m just not.” I could feel a flood of emotion spreading through out my entire body.

  Logan pulled me into him. “Tanisha you are a badass chick,” Logan said. “Shooting guns and killing people doesn’t make you badass,” he pulled me away from him just enough to look me in the eyes. “You are a strong and confident woman, and that’s what I love about you. That’s what I have seen in you from the moment we met. You don’t shy away from challenges, but i
nstead you meet them head on with your head high. That’s what I need from you right now. It doesn’t matter if every shot is perfect,” Logan kissed me gently on the forehead. “If you are confident and strong, like I know you can be, then together we will make the perfect team.”

  I smiled up at him. He always knew just what to say. His words calmed my nerves and gave me the courage I needed to push forward. “I can do this,” I said. “Thank you.”

  “No,” Logan said squeezing my shoulders, “thank you.”


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