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Page 10

by Elizabeth Cash

  She does.

  She has no choice.

  She’s in my house now.

  The silence is bliss. I hum as I walk back to Laura, slowly untying her from the chair. The moment I unravel her hands, she reaches to cover her swollen eye. Standing slowly, she turns toward me as I look around the room for a light. Spotting a tall standing lamp in the opposite corner, I make my way to it, figuring out what the hell to do with Cora.

  “I need an ambulance,” Laura whispers. “My eye. …It’s not in.”


  I spin around, turning back to her. I run over to her, banging my sternum with the treadmill handle. I don’t care. I barely feel it. The panic creeps back…

  “It’s not in?”

  “No. She tried to cut it out.”

  “Your eye isn’t in your fucking head?”

  “It’s stuck.”

  I have no idea what that means. I grab her chin, the way I fantasized about so many times for a first kiss that will never happen now; not after this. Lifting it, I squint to see what’s going on. With two fingers, I gently pull at it—opening her eyelids. Blood pours out furiously, like a river dam that’s just burst. In the tiny slit that I can see is what looks like raw hamburger meat winking back. I can’t tell if it’s her eyeball or the flesh behind it.

  What the fuck?


  “What the fuck did you do to her?” The growl that comes out of me isn’t human.

  I turn from Laura and lunge for Cora. I don’t need a fucking knife. I don’t need anything. There is nothing Laura can say to stop me. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It’s time for Cora’s outsides to match her insides. It’s time for Boss Lady to grow.

  Laura races out of the room as I throw Cora on her back. I don’t have time now. Paul will be in here the second he sees Laura. If I’m lucky, he’ll just drive her to the hospital. But I know he won’t. It doesn’t fucking matter. Boss Lady cries out, through the tiny holes made for breathing in the gag. I have no idea what she says. I don’t care. I don’t care that her wrist might break. I don’t give a fuck. I want her eyes. For the first fucking time. I know what I want. I want Cora! Her eyes.

  “Know what?”

  “Wh-hat, Sir?” She says, the ball gag muffling her words.

  I don’t praise her. You don’t praise evil when it finally has the guts to face fear.

  “An eye for an eye, bitch.” I reach back on the glossy floor for the bloody knife.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  The lithium pills I choked down earlier are starting to wear off and the weight of Micah’s two hundred and twenty-pound frame on my abdomen is starting to take its toll. I shouldn’t have taken them because they ruin your insides, but I needed something to calm me. I needed something to help me chill the fuck out! Of course, that didn’t work. It only made me feel worse, but in a good way. They made me feel invincible. They made me feel so much more superior than I already am. But that could also be because of the amount I took. Four.

  I will admit though, this side of him, the crazy side, my side, is a fucking turn on. The look in his eyes right now, as he holds the butterfly knife to my right eye, is sending chills down my spine, and for all the wrong reasons. I should be scared of him right now. I should be worried that Laura got away. I should be terrified that I will more than likely go to jail for all of this. But I’m not.

  I am, however, doubting Micah and his ability to inflict pain on someone. He doesn’t have it in him to harm me; he doesn’t have it in him to harm anyone. That’s his flaw. The moment he had a baby, the man was sucked out of him and was replaced by a little bitch boy who I wanted to be my puppet until I got tired of him. Too bad for me, he didn’t play along. Now we are in this mess.

  “D—do it…” I say to the best of my ability. The gag that I used on Laura is now stuffed in my mouth, and my jaw is locking up. The small air holes aren’t providing enough space for me to breathe, but I’m making do with what I have. Micah glares at me, the sharp tip of the knife digging into the side of my eye. Pain rips through my face as he shoves the knife inside my eye in one swift movement. My cries come out as a wet, strangled sob as spit flies from the sides of my mouth and from around the gag. Micah moves his wrist, causing the knife to move back and forth and dig into my cornea. This fucking prick! My body trembles as he pulls the knife from my eye socket and drops it by the side of my head. My chest heaves with each breath I suck in. I can feel a thick stream of blood run down the side of my face, making a nice puddle inside my earlobe and on the floor.

  “You messed with the wrong person, Boss Lady! If I ever see you near Laura again, I will fucking slit your throat and watch you bleed out!” Micah spits out as he gets to his feet, relieving me of his weight. I attempt to say something, but it comes out incoherent. I stare at him as he does me. “You have something nice to say, Boss Lady?” He says, bending down, looking me in my good eye.

  I nod. Red tears streaming down my face. I don’t know how I am going to fix this. I will be ugly. Flawed. Scared. Unlovable. He has ruined me. I just wanted him to love me, or fuck, just play with me until I was over him. But no. He had to fuck it all. Laura had to fuck all this up. And he only liked her for one reason. I know that now. And I was going to erase that reason, but he showed up sooner than I expected. I had one of Laura’s eyes carved out. They look just like his daughter’s. Black, big, and innocent. I could have made mine look like that. I could have done whatever he wanted. Fucking asshole! Fucking bitch ass Laura! All of this is bull shit! And now, I’m a hideous waste of fucking space because he ruined my face.

  Micah removes the gag, letting it fall to the floor beside my face. I laugh. A deep, throaty laugh.

  “Will you fuck the wound while I bleed out, Sir?”

  Micah stands up and before I can move out of the way, he kicks my ribs. I can feel the harsh crack of several ribs breaking as the wind is knocked out of me. I gasp. I shouldn’t be this turned on, but again, it could be the fucking lithium. Or it could be because I finally see the man inside of Micah that has been hidden for so long. I test him again, just to see if he has it in him to keep going. To keep fighting the monster that has been running Graham’s Incorporated for so many years. I will admit, I am a bitch. But rightfully so. I earned my title and the right to treat all those worthless employees the way I have. None of them made an effort to better themselves. Why should I respect them when they don’t even respect themselves?

  I suck in a sharp breath, “Can I have another, Sir?” I laugh again.

  The look of pure hatred crosses Micah’s handsome face, and it makes me want him more. I guess it’s true what they say. You always want things you can’t have. And this little infatuation I have with Micah has now turned into me ruining my body and him hating me more. Micah’s draws back and kicks me again. I can feel another crack and the pain from this blow almost does me in.

  “Micah! What the fuck is going on?”

  Micah and I look towards the door, and see some guy standing there.

  “Some chick is outside screaming for help. What is this?”

  “Wait outside,” Micah barks at him.

  “Dude, whatever the fuck you’re doing can wait. This chick is bleeding in my car! Let’s go!” The guy looks down at me and his mouth falls open. “I’m not gonna ask, because quite frankly I have enough shit on my plate and don’t need to add this. Leave whoever this is, and let’s go. That girl needs help!” Micah waves him off and the guy leaves.

  Micah looks down at me with hate filled eyes and spits in my face. “Fuck you, Cora Graham. I hope you rot before someone finds you!”

  “Trust me, I’m already fucking spoiled!” I reply angrily. “I’ll see you hell. I’ll be sitting next to Heather while she holds Sabrina. Who knows, I might even hold her myself.”

  Micah stops walking and turns around, “What?”

  By the cracking of his voice I can tell I’ve got him. He is weak yet again and just
because of the simple sound of his daughter’s name. I laugh, wringing my hands and pulling to loosen the hold his tattered shirt has on me.

  “I may even brush her hair. Play with her and make her laugh. All while Heather gulps down pill after fucking pill.”

  Micah steps forward, his knees buckling a bit. “Fuck. You!”

  “Please, do. I would enjoy it more now than ever.”

  Just as he takes the last step toward me to deliver a heart-crushing kick to my chest, I roll over and grab the butterfly knife. My legs are still tied but my hands are free and that’s all I need. Micah lunges at me, falling to his knees when he fails to make contact with my body. As he staggers to his feet, I cut his shirt from around my ankles and crawl away from him. Once I have a safe enough distance, I stand up.

  “That was quite a show you put on for Laura. Let’s see how you can perform for me!”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Micah stands, fist balled and ready to strike the second I make my move. I have the upper hand in this. He may have muscle, but I have smarts. If I can take down Nial, I can take down Micah. Clutching the knife, I stand my ground. If I’ve learned anything sparring, it’s to never make the first move. Always wait for your opponents because then you can see how they play. Unfortunately for Micah, I don’t play fair.

  “Can I have another, Sir? It would please me so if you hit me again.” I say, mocking his term of endearment. The more I say it, the wetter I get. Who knew Mister Duclos was so damn fun to mess with? “Please, Sir?”

  Micah’s jaw clenches as he steps forward. I stand still waiting for him to get close enough, but he stops just shy of arms reach.

  “You know what, Boss Lady. I’m done. I quit for a reason and it wasn’t because of Laura. It was to get away from you and your putrid pussy!”

  He turns to leave, but I’m not done with him. If this is all the time I get alone with him, then, then I’m going to make the fucking best of it. I charge at him, tackling him to ground. He lands with a hard thud, letting out a pained grunt. It takes a split second before the shock wears off and he is wrestling with me. He bucks, trying to throw me off of him, but it doesn’t work. He is still coming down from his inebriated state and from the sting of my words.

  “Did Heather do it like this? Was she strong, dominant?” I purr in his ear as I pin him down again. He continues to fight me. “I wonder if Laura is a beast in bed. Maybe I can convince her to come back so we can both get a taste of you.”

  Micah groans, then throws his head back, hitting me in my nose. Stars dance in front of me as I shake my head. Blood, warm and wet, run down my lips from my nose. Drawing back, I swing as hard as I can, hitting him in the back of the head. The punch hurts my hand, but I hit him again. I refuse to let him make me uglier than what he already has. If he thinks he is going to leave my house, he has another thing coming. I hit him again, and again, and again until finally he lays there, eyes open, staring at nothing. Still. Limp. Mine.

  “Listen, Michael.” I whisper in his ear, “All I wanted was for you to say ‘hey.’ To pay attention to me. All I wanted was for you to let me play with you. I wanted you to be my friend. To be my lover. Who knows, we could have gone places together.”

  I stand up and look down at him, “I could have been good for you, Micah. I really could have. And maybe, just maybe, you could have melted this heart of mine and turned me into a changed woman. But you didn’t want me. And now, this one-sided cat and mouse game is over. You’ve ruined me. No one will love me now. But if you think you can walk out of here without me having my time with you, you are mistaken.”

  I grip the butterfly knife in my hand and fall to my knees. Raising my hands above my head, “You should have simply played along.”

  I slam my hands down into his back, the handle of the butterfly knife sticks out, moving rapidly as Micah’s breathing quickens. I snatch it out and slam it down again. And again. And again. And again. A sudden breeze from the open door kisses my skin, cooling it. I get to my feet and walk over to it, peering out into the driveway. Whoever he came here with is gone. I guess they smartened up and took the homewrecker to get help. Probably left thinking Micah was a big boy and could handle himself. They underestimate me. They all do. Always. No one expects the girl from the suburbs, the rich life, to be capable of something such as this. But they have never met me. No one truly knows just how fucking rotten I am.

  I have been walked all over by men my entire life. My father has never once praised me for the hard work and determination I have put into the company Derek and I built. Every man I have came across thought they could run me over just because I have tits. The only person who has ever treated me as an equal was Derek. He is the only man I respect and the only man who never gets my bad side. I’m tired of feeling unappreciated and unwanted. Even the men I have been able to lure in with my lust filled gaze never liked me. They only wanted to be able to say they fucked me, it’s not like I haven’t heard the rumors. Everyone hates me, and I’m fine with that.

  When you grow tired of being a fucking peon, you shed your former self and turn into stone. That’s what I did. With hard parents with hatred from everyone, I had to. But it’s not like I didn’t want to. Being the way I am, I was able to climb my way up in the corporate world fast, and I love myself for it. But thanks to Micah, no one will ever love me. Not with this horrible deformity.

  I close the door and lock it. Walking back over to Micah, I snatch the knife from his back and roll him over. His eyes are still open, and he is still weak. I am the predator, he is my prey. Straddling him, I drop down onto his stomach. He lets out a grunt when my weight hits him. Blood and spit dribble from his mouth down the side of his face. I run my fingers over his perfect lips and across his jawline. He truly is a masterpiece. One I would have loved to have on top of me, fucking my brains out and making me scream his name.

  Too fucking bad it had to come to this. Reaching between my legs, I unbotton his jeans and slide my hands inside. I will get what I want, whether he likes it or not. I lean forward as I continue to stroke his cock. Licking his earlobe, I whisper to him a simple sweet nothing because he should know, by now, he should know.

  “If there is one thing you should know about me, Micah. It’s that I always get what I want. No matter fucking what!”

  About the Authors

  Erin Lee is a multi-genre author with a soft heart for all kinds of crazy. She enjoys trying everything once and never turns down a dare. She lives with her family in southern New Hampshire and spends her free time chasing after her rescue dogs Milo Muse and Thomas the Terrier.

  Elizabeth Cash is a multi-genre author who has a big heart and a foul mouth. She loves everything dark, different, and deranged. She currently lives in Saint Augustine, Florida with her two kids and husband. In her free time, she drinks coffee and takes cat naps to keep her sane all while crunching down to get her degree in psychology. If you would like to get to know her a little better, feel free to follow her on social media!

  Copyright © 2018 by Erin Lee and Elizabeth Cash

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission. Please respect the hard work of these authors.

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

nbsp; Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  About the Authors




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