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Horizons of Heroes

Page 2

by Cameron N. A. Price

  “Amen,” said Big El.

  On the bus, Cam took out a piece of paper and wrote down the Ten Golden Keys to success that he had learned while serving in the military:

  1.Study Karate.

  2.Work hard: You can achieve anything you desire, if you are willing to work exceedingly hard and smart for it.

  3.Go to college.

  4.Dress for success at interviews, looking exactly like the person doing the interviewing.

  5.One’s aspiration is predicated by using your mental and physical abilities.

  6.Never get divorced.

  7.Pick your friends by the action of their minds and their hearts.

  8.Be a great leader by being smart, honest, having a strong charismatic character, loyal to the team, and developing the team to win.

  9.Know true love: It is when time stands still, an irresistible magnetic force moves you to that special someone, and both your heart and mind start dancing in your body, anything short of this is a play date.

  10.Be Spiritual.

  Cam also wrote down the step to total destruction that he called the Black Skeleton Key No. 1:

  Never do drugs!

  He stared out the window thinking about Big El, Susan, and what a wonderful family she had. He thought of the challenges ahead of him and the unknown challenges he would no doubt face. Would it be possible to overcome a .5 college GPA and graduate? A 2.0 GPA is a C average and a .5 is therefore an E plus. Would he find a job? Would he find real love? He pledged to follow the 10 Golden Keys for success and avoid the Black Skeleton key.

  The sun was setting and Cameron was in New York City. With its tall buildings and huge population, New York City was the center of “everything” in the world. He could feel the electricity and energy as he got off the bus. Dazzling lights were abundant. Cameron got a room at the Hyatt and called Abrianna. He had not told her that he would be in town. He was very unsure if she would be in town or working in another city with her modeling career.

  After several rings, Abrianna answered. “Hi, this is Cam, can you get away?” Oh my, oh my” she said.

  “Yes lover, I want to see you now. Where are you?”

  “I am at the Hyatt in New York City.”

  “Ok, get a taxi and meet me at Cara Mia Italian restaurant at 220 Queens Village. Cam, I have to catch a plane at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow morning heading for a photo shoot in Brazil. They are paying me an incredible amount of money, but I will pass if you want me to stay.”

  “Don’t be silly, make the money,” Cam said.

  As the cab pulled up to the restaurant, he saw Abrianna. Although black women are very sexy and beautiful, Abrianna was arguably the finest woman of any race. Cameron’s heart was beating to the steps of a goddess walk. Six feet tall, elegant, impeccably fine features, chocolate satin skin, long hair, lips that pleaded for just one kiss. God just one kiss. Her revealing cleavage in a lovely white lace dress was more than stunning, it was stunningly beautiful. Hugging and kissing passionately, they heated up the street of Queens. They weren’t very interested in food but ordered a small salad and no drinks.

  “Cameron, would you do me a favor?

  “Yes, anything, what is it?”

  “I promised an owner of a brand-new nightclub that I would visit his club tonight. He really wants me to be there.” Laughing she said, “he told me he wants a beauty enhancer for his high-end clientele. He is paying me $500 to just show up for an hour. But you should know that if we go, my roommate will be home later and we won’t be able to go to my place. When I return from Brazil, I promise you, my next flight will be out to see you in Seattle.”

  “I will hold you to that promise,” said Cam.

  They took a taxi a short distance to the high end glamorous club. A long line of people had formed at the club’s entrance. Abrianna held Cameron’s hand as they walked past people eager to get inside. Everyone noticed Abrianna and jumped forward to get a better view of her. In Italy, she had told Cam that she was a fashion model, but that was an understatement, she was a glamorous model. Abrianna smiled at the bouncer and said, “This is my boyfriend.”

  As the bouncer raised the rope allowing them to enter the club, a large black man who looked like a gangster with a diamond in his front tooth and a toothpick in his mouth reached out and grabbed Abrianna by her neck and said, “Honey, if you need a real man who can take care of you the way you want, I’m that man.”

  Cameron grabbed the man’s fat pork chop hand and unwrapped the man’s hand from Abrianna’s neck and then struck him in the throat with such force that he collapsed on the ground. As the thug was falling, Cameron pulled two guns from his jacket, handed them to the bouncer, and said, “I don’t think you want bad people in here.”

  Abrianna knew Cameron was a karate expert, having observed him teaching karate in Italy, but this rescue showed her what a special protector he would always be for her.

  “What are your plans, Cam?” she asked as they sat comfortably at a head table near the front of the club’s dance floor.

  “I plan to get my college degree.” “Cam, you are so smart and handsome.”

  She began to unbutton his shirt and his belt buckle. Slowly she slid her soft warm hands over his mightily muscled chest. Her hands got warmer. She closed her eyes to memorize every detail of his body.

  Cam wanted to touch her. He really wanted her to know how much he wanted her. Beads of sweat formed on their foreheads. As her hands dove beneath his belt, the band started to play, “Get up and get Down,” by the Dramatics. This was Big El’s and Cam’s party starter music in Italy. Couples had started to dance when Cameron decided to shake it on the dance floor. He looked into Abrianna’s eyes and ripped off his shirt. A bouncer ran up to Cameron and told him to put on a shirt or he would have to leave. Abrianna walked over to her friend, the manager, who told Cameron, “One dance, then you will need a shirt.” “Cameron’s electric sexual dance steps made the women patrons stop their conversations. Cameron sizzled on the floor with his “twelve” pack stomach and body muscles. He added something new to his Philippine dance routine. It was a second, degree black belt dance to a kata few people had ever seen. He danced to the beat of the music and twisted his body to the beat of a karate master. His arms and hands signal a story of heated passion. Abrianna, the manager, the bouncer, and the patrons had never seen a sexier dance. When the music stopped, women ran up to Cameron and asked, “Where are you from? I love your eyes! Can I go home with you? Can I take you home? Do you have a twin brother?”

  Cameron smiled. Abrianna was a tiny bit jealous, but said, “You are the most amazing man I have ever met. My love for you has soared even higher than in Italy.” “I hate to say this but I need to go home.”

  “This is almost like Cinderella,” said Cameron. “I feel like the prince and you are about to vanish.” Abrianna hugged him and they walked to the subway nearest to her apartment. “Now be sure to count four stops and then get off the subway train. Your hotel will be across the street when you climb up the subway stairs.”

  Though it was cold, Cam’s navy pea coat was very warm. Abrianna pressed Cam into her chest. Her lips warmed his soul. Cameron, “what will your parents say when they meet me?”

  “They will say they love you.”

  “Well,” said Abrianna, “I will be out there in no time. I love you.”

  Cameron walked down the subway stairs to catch the train.

  Onboard the subway train, Cameron’s mind revisited the evening with Abrianna. Though it seemed like a magical night, he understood two things: First, Gold Key No. 9 on love had not materialized. Second, he did not buy Abrianna’s story about her roommate. Who was her roommate? After being away from your lover for months, wouldn’t you tell your roommate to take a walk around the block or go on an errand? His mind then turned to Amy, whom he hoped to see in Canada the next day.

  Cameron realized that his brain was in such a trance thinking about Abrianna and Amy that he forgot to count the train stops.
He immediately jumped up, got off the train at the next stop, and walked up the subway steps to street level. He did not see the Hyatt or anything that looked familiar. He noticed how dark and eerie the street appeared. There were no cars, taxis, or trucks on the road. He did not know where he was; only several dimly lit lights illuminated the park, which looked like a huge graveyard with fog moving in slow motion. It was obvious he had missed his exit. He was lost. He walked back down the steps to the subway below hoping to catch a train to its next stop. Hopefully, someone on the train might know which exit he should take. Would there be a next train? It was getting late.

  As Cameron waited for a subway train to arrive, he noticed five guys walking down the stairs about 600 feet to his left. He looked back at the stairs that he had just walked down and noticed another five guys wearing similar clothes coming down those steps. Instantly he realized these were really bad people. He could tell by their dress and swagger that they were coming to rob and possibly kill him. If he tried to jump and run down the subway tracks, they could block him. There was no other exit for him to escape. As the men raced toward him, he saw their knives and guns. He quickly looked the men over to see if the man he took down earlier in front of the club, with the diamond in his tooth, was a part of the gang. He wasn’t there. Injury or death was imminent. The gang members raced to Cameron, the sounds of their footsteps growing louder and louder as they closed in on him.

  He might take down one or two of the men, but going up against those guns looked to be a losing battle. Of all things, Cameron’s mind shifted to a lesson his sensei had taught him approximately two years earlier, when he’d pointed to a man standing across the street and said, “Can you take him?”

  “Yes, with one hand behind my back.”

  Sensei had not been pleased, as Cameron had underestimated his opponent, who was a 5th, degree black belt.

  Back to the present he suddenly flipped up the collar of his pea coat and immediately went insane as the men were almost at an arm distance from him. He began jabbering incoherently, stuttering, and spitting. His mouth foamed a deep white froth with mucous flowing out of his nose. He punched the huge concrete column in front of him hard. He jabbered like a sick, punch-drunk boxer swearing and cursing. As fast as the gang was on top of him, they were gone. No damage to Cameron and no damage to the gangsters. Cameron had never gone to acting school, but he was certain his Black Belt instincts saved everyone. After all, who would want to lay a hand on a diseased man frothing at the mouth, swearing and kicking like a mad man who was possessed?

  If he hadn’t been so close to death, Cameron would have been laughing at how he overcome this deadly encounter with gang members. He also knew that this life, saving spiritual event was a sign that a Higher Being had plans for him.

  Shortly, another train arrived, and Cameron took it to the next stop, where he eventually found his hotel.

  The next morning, he caught a plane to Montreal. He had called Amy, who along with her best friend, Trista, were there to meet him at the airport. Amy’s Nordic beauty was stunning, no doubt from her aerobic exercises, such as biking, running, and hiking. Tall blonde, buxom, and beautiful, Trista also looked absolutely adorable. They hugged and kissed.

  Trista said, “So how is my sexy gay man, Big El?”

  Cameron started tearing up about the lie he was about to tell. “Trista, Big El was killed in a horrible car accident two weeks ago in Greece.

  Trista started screaming with bone chilling shrills.

  “My God, this is horrible! He is, was, the only guy who didn’t want my body. He just wanted to have fun. I love him, she moaned loudly.” Trista went on, “When we get back to the apartment, I want to have a goodbye celebration of Big El’s life. I want to make and light up paper boats and set them adrift with prayers like I have seen in Japan.”

  Montreal was a special city with architecturally unique buildings. He learned that the city had a population of over a million people who loved hockey. Hockey was more than a sport here, it was a religion. On an unfamiliar large lake, Trista set the paper boats adrift with lit candles, screaming, “Big El, I love you!” The boats moved through the water brightening the evening darkness.

  Back at the apartment, Amy showed Cameron how much she loved him. Then Amy’s door opened. It was Trista crying.

  “Can I come in? I am so sad.” Amy looked at Cameron and opened up the bedspread and sheets. What a wonderful evening Cameron had with two adorable Nordic Canadian beauties!

  The next morning, Saturday, Cameron entertained the idea that maybe he should give up his thoughts of completing college, as he had found paradise in Montreal. The girls loved him. Yet, Golden Key No. 9 had not kicked in and he knew this was not real love, but it was a magnificent lust date. Amy and Trista were beautiful, sexy, and smart. Amy had a great job as an Administrative specialist with the Montreal City Government and Trista worked as an accountant at a nearby hospital. “Cameron, you don’t have to work, we will take care of you,” said Amy.

  Maybe, I will stay for a while, he thought, laughing to himself.

  That evening they had several drinks and laughed about the fun times in Italy and Switzerland with Big El.

  “Cam, tomorrow is a special time at my family’s house. Once a year Trista’s family and my family get together for a big banquet, games, and lively conversation. I would love it if you would join us and meet our parents.

  “Are you sure you want me to attend?”

  “Yes Cam, they will love you and you will love them.”

  “Okay, when you put it like that, how can I refuse?”

  The girls prepared a very nice breakfast for Cam with Canadian bacon, eggs, coffee cake, and Canadian coffee. They took him on a tour of Montreal, where they took turns kissing him at each tourist stop. How in the world could life get any sweeter than with two women who were the best of friends and who seemed to be in love with him?

  They arrived at Amy’s parents’ house around noon. It was a rather wealthy looking large brick home in an exclusive suburb of the city. Cameron was introduced to Amy’s and Trista’s parents and the other twenty family members. As they were about to sit down at the dinner table, Amy’s father said, “Cameron, I want to thank you for joining us for dinner so I can tell you that not only do I disapprove of you dating our daughter, I do not ever want you to see her again.”

  Cameron looked at Amy and Trista. They could not believe what they had heard.

  “Father...” Amy started to say.

  “Quiet, I am not done talking. I do not approve of any black man dating my daughter and I forbid you to ever see Amy again!”

  This hatred was not new to Cameron, though he was surprised to hear it in Canada. He had heard that Canada was much more liberal than America. Hatred at Wilder College and by a preacher in high school was painful, but four years in the war, he had learned how he could personally beat racism. “Sir, you are making the biggest mistake of your life. Let me be clear, as a father, you want what is best for your daughter, but in this case you want what is best for you. I will tell you this sir, your daughter is 100 percent in love with me. I did not say 10 percent in love with me, I will repeat, she is 100 percent in love with me. So, If I leave as you are requesting, your daughter is going to hate you for the rest of your life. Do you understand me sir? If I walk out the door, your relationship with your daughter is over. Do you want that to happen?”

  “Get out of this house!” he shouted.

  Cameron nodded and walked to the door. The tension was unbearable. Cameron looked at the large bronze door knob, opened it, and never looked back.

  The women followed him back to their apartment.

  Amy and Trista were hysterically crying and tried to get Cameron to stay. He gathered his bags without saying a word and left.

  He caught a plane to California to see Sharon, wondering if he was about to strike out with all three women. Sharon had broken Cameron’s heart, had his baby, and left him for a married man with five chil
dren. He hoped to gather information on his baby. He had not seen or heard from her since he joined the Air Force. He wanted to see if the earth shook, rattled, and rolled, indicators of real love, when he saw her.

  Sharon answered Cameron’s telephone call and told him the restaurant where they could meet. Her words were nearly exactly as they had been four years earlier, when she dumped him. Even the restaurant looked similar, except it was more crowded.

  “Hi, Cameron, it looks like the service was good to you. You really look toned up.”

  Nothing in his heart spoke to Cameron when he saw Sharon. “Thank you,” said Cameron. “How have you been, Sharon?”

  “I’m doing fine. I got my Master’s Degree and my PhD,” she responded.

  “Are you married?” he asked?

  “No, I divorced my first husband after he knocked out all my teeth and divorced my second husband, the stock broker, after he knocked out my false teeth. They both were very abusive and they knocked the hell out me. Luckily, I escaped with only my degrees to show for it.”

  “I am so sorry to hear what happened to you,” said Cameron.

  “What about you, Cameron?” she asked.

  “I completed my military service and I intend to pursue my college degree,” Cam replied.

  “You my darling, should forget about a degree and concentrate on basket weaving. You are very buff and masculine, but I don’t think college is for you,” Sharon commented.

  With the smallest spark of warmth burning for Sharon, any remaining passion for her quickly flamed out. To think that he carried that spark around the world facing horrific danger. She had now completely doused out the fire of love and that included friendship, “Have you heard anything about Morgan?” asked Cameron, referring to their son.

  “No, not a word,” she said.

  “Goodbye Sharon, I don’t anticipate we will ever see each other again.”

  Cameron did not try to hug her. He just walked out the restaurant just like he did four years ago, but this time, his heart was not broken.

  Cameron arrived in Seattle and took a taxi to his mom’s house. Along the way he noticed men with long ponytails. In the military, haircuts were short, so seeing men with ponytails and big Afros was new and unusual. He had seen men in New York and Montreal with long hair and now asked the taxicab driver about these new hair styles.


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