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Bear's Gold (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tales)

Page 3

by Hines, Yvette

  Two things assailed her at the same time, she felt compelled to step forward and the tight prickly feeling was back to her skin. In some buried recess inside her, she recognized that Theo and only Theo could soothe and satisfy her body’s needs.

  One of her feet slid a few millimeters forward, barely moving her… But he must have noticed, because she saw his nostrils flare, gold flakes sparkled in his eyes, and he growled.

  Her nipples tightened in response instantly and her juices flooded her sex, reminding her that her panties were in the wash.


  She must really be out of her mind. However, she was almost positive that she had heard a low rumble come from the hulk of a man before her. That sound frightened her and made her take a full step back.

  His head jerked back slightly as if she’d slapped him by moving away. She couldn’t understand it. She didn’t want to try and understand it. The only thing that she knew was that she needed to put some distance between her and the strange man before she found herself doing something outside of her norm. She didn’t have one night stands and didn’t sleep with unknown men. She had a firm three month dating rule. It was something she stuck to, didn’t break…ever.

  “Um… I need to get some sleep.” The words came out more forcefully than she intended, but she felt agitated, uneasy in her own skin. Her hands pushed her hair back behind her ear, flitted beside her waist, and then gestured past him. She just couldn’t be still.

  He blinked and his eye color was back to black or dark brown… She still wasn’t sure which and it was a bad idea for her to stand there and try to figure it out.

  “Of course.” He moved to the side allowing her to go past him.

  She had to turn to the side to get through the door, since he was taking up more than half the space. But, she pressed her body tightly against the opposite frame to keep herself from even brushing one part of his body.

  “Thank you,” she called over her shoulder as she made haste to the guest bedroom. Once there she closed and locked the door.

  Pressing herself against the solid wood, she waited until she heard him go upstairs to his own room. Taking repeated breaths, she finally felt herself calm a little. Crossing to the bed, she got below the sheet and comforter and stared out the dark window and prayed for morning to come soon. She had to get away from these woods, this house, and this man. Theo.

  Riley used every trick in her arsenal to make herself disregard the needs of her body and go to sleep.


  Theo paced the floor in his room. Repeatedly he went from the window to the bed then back and had finally begun to walk a path along the foot of his bed. It took all of his will not to put his fist through something or claw up his wood walls. He was sure now that he was not only out of his mind, but lust was the father of his insanity.

  Scrubbing his hands over his face, he tried again fruitlessly to gain control of his desires. Being around Riley had been difficult enough, but being trapped in that laundry room had been a mistake. Her clothing had acted as a small barrier to her scent. Not that he could not smell her personal fragrance beneath all the pine and dirt, but he could narrow what he smelled to the clothing.

  When she’d come out of the bathroom, with her golden brown waves still wet from the shower and her naked body only covered by his shirt, he’d wanted to sweep her up in his arms, race up the stairs and carry her off to his room and fuck her—deep and hard. During the First Frost Moon Cycle, it wasn’t a time for long caresses and slow loving. No, every animal instinct was paramount with one single goal, to mate fast and often. Most females in Den County became pregnant during this time and gave birth six months after the Fish Moon festival, gestation accelerated due to their combined genetics.

  He growled. Not attempting to stifle the sound. His body was shaking with need. He was so hot he’d already discarded his jeans and had opened both of his bedroom windows hoping to catch a breeze.

  The laundry room had been his undoing. He’d seen how she’d responded to him. His shirt didn’t hide the distended points of her nipples and the small enclosure had been an incubator for her scent. Seeing her racing heart earlier and the subtle rubs she’d given her own body occasionally had already taken him to the cliff of desire. Once he’d gotten a whiff of her wet sex, he’d almost jumped. Riley had become afraid and stepped away, breaking the spell momentarily, be enough for him to get a grip of himself again.

  Things were not making sense. Riley was not one of his kind. She should not be responding to him in a way that the females in Den County did.

  As a human female, she could be drawn to him, but they never exhibited the same signs of a Were-bear female. It made it easier for Were-bear males during this time to be drawn and attracted to Were-males so that procreation could be achieved. It was said that a bear male could be pulled away from a human spouse who wasn’t claimed during this time to seek out a female of his kind. This was the reason it was strongly advised not to mate outside of their kind. A Were-bear could only promise fidelity to a bear mate.

  Whatever the reason for Riley’s response, his bear didn’t care, he wanted her.

  Theo may as well have walked into a brick wall as quickly as his body froze in stride.

  A soft moan reached his ears. It was low and lilting, filled with need. At first he tried to trick himself that it had come from outside; moving to his windows he closed them, pretending to seal out the call. However, truthfully, he didn’t want anything to distract him from the sound. He knew it was from within his house as sure as he knew that his eyes had shifted.

  Striding to his door, he pulled it open and the noise became even more audible, even though it wasn’t loud enough that a human could hear it from this distance. But he could.

  The scent came next. Riley’s scent at that moment became so strong his house seemed filled with it; rich and heady with the beckoning sweetness of raw honey. An ambrosia that was made up of all things Riley that pushed him past all restraints.


  Theo... Theo… Theo...

  It was as if her body began to whisper his name with every heartbeat. Her mind became flooded with him. Her body was on fire for him. She could see him standing over her. His dark piercing eyes consuming her. She didn’t want him to go away, she wanted him to touch her and kiss her. As if understanding her request, he leaned down and placed his lips in the curve of her neck and kissed her. His tongue swiped across her skin and she arched her back off the bad and moaned.

  His hands caressed her body and he continued to lick her from chin to navel. He squeezed her breasts with his massive hands, his touch strong, but gentle. He claimed one peak in his mouth. One of his hands slipped between her thighs and she parted her legs for him, wanting him inside of her. He fondled her. Teased her, bringing her to the point of begging. She moaned louder attempting to urge him to please her.

  Her desire increased and caused her heart to thump with more force, the pounding became so intense she could hear it vibrate through the room.


  She didn’t know how Theo was capable of calling her name as his mouth was filled with her breast.

  “Riley… I will tear this door down,” he growled forcefully.

  Jolted awake, she sat up, disoriented and confused. She became aware of two things; Theo was on the other side of her room door beating it so hard the door actually appeared to buckle and her own hand was between her legs, not Theo’s hand as she’d imagined.

  Snatching it away, she got up from the bed and went to the door.

  She pressed her forehead against the cool wood wall and her hand on the side of the door. The heated need in her dream had followed her into reality or maybe her reality had taken over her fantasy. Either way, she had to get things under control. Something was up with Theo and this place, she was not herself.

  “Open the door…” His voice was gravelly; the husky texture was like a wood to the flames burning inside of her. “I can smell your need…
” He beat the door again.

  “Theo, please go away,” she pleaded. Riley didn’t know how much longer she would be able to fight her own lust and his as well.

  Her hands began to rub her body, first her arms, then up and around until they were palming her breasts. When she pinched her own nipples, her knees almost buckled. Turning she leaned her back against the door. She needed touch.

  “I can’t…” he replied, his voice rough, shaky.

  It was at that moment she understood that the same madness that had taken over her body was affecting Theo, too. If the craving inside her was so powerful, practically painful, Theo hurt as well.

  “We need each other, Riley...just this once.”

  Just this once. Her body screamed. She didn’t care if it was a lie all she knew was that if Theo could quell the yearning, she wanted him.

  Chapter Three

  As she faced the door, grabbed the knob and turned it, the door burst open at the same time. She leaped away, but didn’t get far as Theo’s bulky nude frame filled the room. His eyes were illuminated, molten gold orbs focused on her. His dark hair was a wild halo of black ink around his head as if he’d been caught in a storm. Feral was the only word she could think of to describe his look.

  For a moment, her mind reconsidered and told her to run, but her body was rooted to the spot. The only thing that moved was her eyes as she roamed his body visually. Wide shoulders, muscles that appeared carved out of stone; rippling abs and brawny thighs made up his form. Unlike stone that was cold, heat radiated off Theo, blending with her own and caressing her skin. He was an attractive male specimen, but no part of him was more enchanting than his cock; hefty, large and curled toward his stomach. Shivers raced along her skin as she observed him, this was what she wanted, why she’d opened the door. Unashamed, he stood before her, proud and strong like a peacock showing off his colors he allowed her a moment to look her fill.

  Reaching out, he grabbed the collar of the t-shirt and ripped it from top to bottom with one quick jerk. She squeaked in surprise from his bold action, but wasn’t afraid. The cotton fluttered down her arms and dropped, disregarded, to the floor. Now it was his turn to gaze upon her bare body. Would he find her lacking? She didn’t allow her doubts and concerns to infiltrate the moment, never moved to cover up her ample breasts or smooth flesh of her sex. Theo would know what he was getting; a woman with full hips and thighs, a narrow waist but curved stomach.

  His gaze returned to her face and she witnessed the approval in the lift of one side of his mouth. It wasn’t a smile, more like a man who’d gone out and captured a prey that now lay prepared before him, and he was ravenous. She wanted to be ravished.

  As if understanding her internal thoughts, his hands cupped her face and urged her forward. She stepped to him as he leaned toward her and captured her mouth in a fierce kiss. No gentle, light kisses that coaxed her into seduction as she was used to in the past. No, he took command of her mouth. Forcing her lips apart with his own, he led her in an oral dance of ecstasy. She tasted the unrestrained passion in his kiss, matching her own.

  He buried his hands in her hair, fisting it, and he held her against him. She was captured, immobilized for his use. Her scalp stung from the pull, but she didn’t want to pull away. Needing more contact, she bumped her body against his, needing the heat of his flesh. The delicious feel of his skin along hers enticed her to rub her body over his muscles. She rotated her hips, pressing her sex against his thick cock.

  Theo’s growl rumbled along her tongue as she was swept up in his arms. His corded arms circled her waist and pulled her high against him as her feet dangled inches from the floor. She’d never had a man make her feel so delicate and small.

  She heard the door slam and assumed he’d kicked it shut.

  Before she could prepare herself, she was crushed between the wall and Theo. Lowering his hands, he took hold of one of her legs and hooked it over his forearm as his other hand cupped her sex.

  Moaning, she suckled his tongue, drawing him deeper into her mouth. She wanted to be consumed by him. Be one with him.

  He stroked along her wet folds, flicking her clit and then pressing it firmly. His repeated action made her quiver. Caressing her slit, he slipped inside of her and pressed one finger through her walls. Needing stability, she curved her other foot around his calf. He didn’t stop kissing her as his thick digit went in and out of her, making her ride it into pleasure. As she came, he pulled his mouth away and licked down the side of her neck to the crest of her shoulder. There he bit her and sucked her skin into his mouth. She felt marked by him.

  Pulling away, his black and gold gaze held her as he guided his cock between her legs. Just like his kiss, he didn’t waste time in playing coy. Finding her opening, he pressed the broad, bulbous tip inside of her making her breath catch.

  As he grabbed her other leg, lifting it so that she was spread wide and available for his use, she clutched his shoulders preparing for his taking. And take her he did. With a single thrust, his hips shoved upward and buried the full length of his large dick inside of her. She screamed; a long screech that turned from pain and morphed into pleasure as she arched against him. She was impaled and her sex stretched beyond the point she would have believed she could take. No man had ever filled her to the capacity Theo claimed her.

  “Fuck,” Theo howled. Taking her mouth in another passionate kiss, he gave her time to adjust to his girth.

  As the kiss continued on, Riley feared that Theo would never give her the lovin’ she needed more than anything at the moment. Gripping a handful of his hair, she pulled until his mouth left hers.

  “Theo, I need this. I need you.”

  At the moment, his gaze appeared more black than gold, as he stared at her with concern in his eyes. She had guessed correctly, even with all of the bizarre fervor between them, he didn’t want to hurt her and appeared willing to deny them both complete satisfaction.

  “I can take it…don’t hold back.”

  Her words must have freed him, because his irises went from tiger-striped to full gold again. Then he slipped out of her leaving the tip of his cock again, and immediately returned again, plunging forward on a wet glide of her pleasure.

  He fucked her hard and deep as stars exploded before her, distorting her vision. She let herself be free with this man, Theo, someone she didn’t know, but someone she felt a part of and connected to on a level so elemental she couldn’t fathom it. It was there, true, pure and honest.

  She’d never been taken against a wall before, never experienced such passion. His hands gripped her thighs as she squeezed her sex around his powerful length giving back to him all that he gave her. Her nails dug deep into his back as she came, shuddering she felt as if she’d been kissed by the sun, singed to the core with ecstasy.

  He pumped into her harder, traversing along her orgasm until his own body began to shake and the heat of his seed filled her.

  Two breaths later, when she would have thought they were finished, Theo took them to the floor, still joined. Stretched out below her, he took hold of her hips and looked up at her.

  “Ride me,” he commanded.

  Leaning forward, she kissed his lips, his chin, and the side of his neck then his chest. She took her time licking his chest as she flicked his nipples. She loved the male chest, firm yet sensitive at the same time. Theo proved he was just as sensitive as any man when she grazed her teeth over the drawn nub and he palmed the back of her head, holding her mouth to him.

  She began to rotate her hips slowly as she played with his nipple, licking, nibbling, and suckling it.

  His strong fingers flexed on her hips and scraped her ass as they held firm. She understood his urgency, even though she had just experienced a mind blowing orgasm she still wanted more, wanted him.

  Setting back, she flattened her palms along her abs and began bouncing up and down. She lifted herself up along his wide, long dick and then lowered herself down, gyrating her hips once she rea
ched the base again. On and on, she created her own rhythm, loving him and pleasuring herself.

  Theo allowed her the lead as he brought his hands to her breasts and cupped them. He pinched her nipples and she threw her head back and moaned. He was a passionate and demanding lover. The firestorm ignited between them once again and she started a vigorous pumping of her hips as her ass bounced off his thighs.

  Holding her breasts, he lifted his hips and met her thrust for thrust. In the beam of moonlight shining in through the window spotlighting them, she loved how he observed her, them. His eyes shifted from her face to the space between her thighs and watched his shaft slip in and out of her body. She couldn’t resist the sight, either. Staring at them, she could see his impressive girth slide from her sex coated in the evidence of her pleasure. He glistened with her cream. Pressing her hips down, she covered him again, then back up to marvel at their display.

  “Touch yourself,” he called out.

  Not hesitating, she removed a hand from his chest and began to fondle her pussy as she tightened her sex around him. Spreading her fingers, she stroked the sides of her clit, refusing herself direct contact and heightening her need. Moving between her swollen slick labia, she caressed her slit until she touched his cock. Rising, she rode his cock as she continued to play with her own pussy. Finally unable to take her own teasing any longer, she flattened all four of her fingers over the stiff peak and pressed hard in a circular motion. The pace of her hand picked up as she drove her hips against him.


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