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Broken Prince (The Broken Ones)

Page 17

by Jen Wylie

  "If I’m going to get wet," Bo said. "I’d rather do so now. We can dry off at the fire all night."

  "Would it be safer? Over there," Aro asked. Talk of the Vor, and the fact they’d been encountered recently made her nervous.

  Prince frowned. "Vor prefer not to cross water. However, they could have found a way across, or others could have come down from the mountains on the other side of the river."

  Aro looked up at him and sighed. "We might as well go now then. Like Bo said, I’d rather not be wet all day tomorrow either."

  Aro mounted behind Prince, and Kei behind Bo. The river deepened in the middle, and despite hopes of staying dry, boots and pants did indeed get wet. Garen swam across easily enough and met them on the other side.

  A bit further downstream they found a favorable spot for a camp and managed to have everything set up and dinner started before darkness fell.

  After a meager meal that didn’t do much to relieve her hunger, Aro stared into the flickering flames of the fire. Her thoughts rambled, bouncing from the Vor, to other worlds, to the fact Prince would be home soon.

  If they remained on schedule they would reach the gates of Rivenward in three or four more days. They had almost made it. Prince seemed strong enough to be able to complete the journey. As promised, they would get him home safe. Part of her knew she should be happy about it, the rest of her wished they had more time. Though the journey had taken months, almost a year if she counted in the many months they’d wintered in the city up north, it didn’t seem like that long. How had time gone by so fast?

  Bo ruffled her hair as he walked by. "You should get some sleep, pup."

  She nodded, though worried she’d not be able to get any at all with the way her thoughts ran around in her head. Tomorrow would come soon enough.

  Kei settled down next to her. She rolled over, watching Prince where he’d found a spot not far from her. Would he notice if she stayed up all night and watched him sleep?

  He turned his head as if he’d heard her thoughts and a small, sad smile crossed his lips for a moment. "Sleep well, Arowyn."

  "You, too," she whispered. Rolling over, she concentrated on listening to the sounds of the night around them. Night animals skittered around. Something chittered. The fire popped and crackled. Bo started snoring.

  Sleep came and went and she tossed and turned. The feeling of being watched woke her more than once. She didn’t roll over to see if it was Prince.

  * * *

  Light rain made for a damp start to the morning. At least in the distance they could see blue skies. Travelling in such weather put her in a foul mood. She stumbled along next to the horses picking their way carefully through the wet underbrush.

  Kei and Garen came and went, grumbling in her mind about the wet and rain and how it interfered with scent trails.

  She slipped on a patch of wet leaves and cursed under her breath.

  Prince pulled his horse to a stop. "Do you want to ride?"

  Wiping soaked hair from her forehead, she grimaced and then nodded. He pulled her up in front and settled himself again.

  "Thanks," she murmured. The warmth of him at her back distracted her quickly. Heat flushed her cheeks and she let out a slow, quiet breath. Since they touched she had to remember to keep her thoughts carefully guarded. Things remained mostly good between them. She didn’t want to ruin the friendship with stray thoughts of how much she still loved him.

  They rode in silence, which suited her fine. The dismal rain continued through the morning until the wind began to pick up. It quickly blew the clouds away and sunshine wrapped them in warmth. Between it and the wind she thought they might actually dry out by noon.

  The horse spooked suddenly to the left. Her balance shifted and she scrambled forward, trying to grab onto the mane. Before she could, the horse reared, shrieking out an ear-piercing scream. Only Prince’s arms to either side of her kept her in place. Her body slammed back against his as he struggled to hold on to the reins. The horse crashed back to the ground. Prince’s chin banged off the back of her head and she cried out at the sudden unexpected pain.

  The horse swung and twisted and then bucked, sending them both flying from the saddle. The sudden impact with the nearby tree sent pain lancing through her shoulder. It was quickly forgotten as she dropped and hit the ground.

  Landing on her side sent new waves of pain through her body. With a groan she tipped over onto her stomach and pushed herself up on her elbows. "Rotting horse…" Her fingers dug into the dirt as she struggled to push past the pain.

  Her head snapped up, her mind suddenly focusing in on the sounds of chaos in front of her.

  Bo struggled to keep control of his horse. He fought one-handed with the reins, spinning the panicked animal in fast, tight circles. He held his sword in his other hand and cursed loudly as they spun, his head turning every which way.

  He was surrounded.

  Her mouth dropped open at she stared at their attackers. Their long claws and small stature immediately identified them as Fey. Wearing ragged leather and furs, even from a distance she could see how filthy they were. Four of them gracefully circled Bo and the horse, easily keeping out of reach of both hooves and sword.

  "Wither me!" She scrambled up to her knees and spun around in the dirt, searching for Prince. "Rot it!"

  He’d hit a tree as well and had fallen into a limp heap at the base of it. Flinging herself forward to reach his side, she then shook his shoulders. "Wake up!"

  His eyes fluttered, but he remained unconscious. "Rot!" She smacked his cheeks, but he didn’t stir. Kei!

  We’re coming!

  Standing quickly, she drew her daggers and stood over Prince, turning to keep an eye on the Fey. She counted four of them and debated whether she should leave Prince’s side to help Bo or not. Were there more?

  She’d fought with Kei before, but that had just been training. Worry knotted her stomach. Could she fight wild Fey? As they circled, she could clearly see all of them were in full fury with their glowing red eyes.

  Garen burst from the trees, knocking a dark haired Fey to the ground. Their battle quickly became one of claws and fangs and snarls. Kei appeared next to another, eyes red and claws striking.

  A pale haired female darted at the horse. Bo finally lost his seat as it panicked, rearing and bucking. Once free of its rider it bolted into the trees.

  Prince! Wake up!

  She spared one last glance for him before rushing forward. Strategies and training flashed through her mind as she crossed the distance between them. Approaching the two Fey closing in on Bo, she muttered curses under her breath…

  And sheathed her blades.

  Gritting her teeth, and hoping she hadn’t lost her mind, she flung herself at the closest Fey, bringing them both down to the ground. Twisting and rolling to keep away from the deadly claws, she finally managed to get above the growling Fey. She slammed her flat palm onto his chest and before he could react…pulled.

  "Let it go!"

  The Fey stared at her in shock. She didn’t give him a choice. With all the force she could muster she ripped his fury from him, pulling and pulling until she fell back with a gasp once his eyes had returned to a normal, not glowing, gold.

  The Fey gaped at her and began to shake. His claws and fangs retracted. Before she could say anything else he sprang to his feet and ran.

  His power thrummed through her. His fury danced along her nerves, burning and pushing for violence. Stumbling to her feet, she spun around and saw Bo closest to her.

  The Fey’s power made her feel invincible. She repeated the same tactic, springing onto the back of the female Fey engaged with him. She also ran as soon as her fury disappeared.

  "Aro, what are you doing?"

  She shook her head, trying to control her erratic, heavy breathing. She’d never taken so much before. Unlike Kei’s fury, theirs was much wilder. Of course, for all she knew they’d been trapped in their fury for five hundred years.

  "See to Prince. He’s hurt." She couldn’t see Garen and the dark haired Fey. Garen, where are you?

  On a merry chase.

  She ran toward Kei, ignoring Bo’s comments and curses behind her.

  Kei noticed her approach…and her glowing red eyes. No more!

  Can you make them stop? Do you want to kill them?

  His frustrated growl rumbled through her mind as he evaded the other Fey. It didn’t escape her notice he wasn’t attacking. He faced another woman, this one with a dark mess of tangled and matted shoulder length hair.

  Aro’s brow drew down in confusion and she frowned. The woman didn’t seem to be trying to kill him either. She kept trying to sneak quick glances behind her, but Kei prevented her each time, keeping her occupied with his feints.

  Hold her for me. It doesn’t take long.

  I don’t–

  Hold her!

  The next time the woman became distracted Kei lunged forward. They scuffled and the woman screeched as he finally managed to get her into a position where she couldn’t use her claws against him.

  Aro sprang forward, pressing her hand on the woman’s chest and pulling the fury into her. The Fey tensed, and then held still, her eyes widening as the color shifted from red to orange. As they turned yellow tears appeared and she slumped back against Kei. He continued to hold her, and Aro pulled her gaze from the woman’s face to meet his.

  Still in his fury, his red eyes blazed angrily at her. His lip curled up slightly, showing fang, and low growl met her ears.

  Kei wasn’t happy with her, at all. Pressing her lips tightly together, she looked back at the woman. Her eyes no longer glowed. Aro pulled away the last of her fury and power and stepped back.

  Kei released his hold and the Fey dropped to the ground. "What have…how did you…" She raised her hands and stared at her fingers. Suddenly her head snapped up and she whirled around where she sat, searching amongst the trees. "Meena! Aron!" Before they could react she flung herself away, finding her feet and disappearing into the shadows of the forest.

  Aro turned, searching to see if any of them had returned.

  The forest remained silent.

  Chapter 22:

  Power of the Fey

  The power of three Fey coursed through her.

  Fire. She burned from the inside out. Her vision blurred and she stumbled as the trees swayed around her.

  I’ve lost him.

  She had to think a moment before she understood the Fey Garen had been chasing had eluded him. Blinking again, she shook her head, trying to clear it. She needed to get rid of the power, like she’d always done with Kei. Let it go…


  The urgency in Bo’s call shocked her back into focus. A hand grasped her arm and she looked up at Kei. His fury had gone and he looked worried more than angry.


  "Rot!" How could she have forgotten he’d been injured? How bad was he, to have Bo call for her so sharply? She raced through the trees, Kei catching her arm and righting her balance when she stumbled more than once.

  Finally she found them and slid to the ground where Bo knelt, Prince on his side in his arms. Before she could open her mouth, Bo tilted his unconscious body, revealing the Elf’s back.

  Through the dark red of blood she saw the slashing wounds crossing his back from shoulder to hip. Claw marks.

  "What? When? How?"

  Bo shook his head. "I don’t know. But they’re deep and he’s lost a lot of blood. He won’t wake."

  "Rot!" She leaned forward, lowering her head to look at Prince’s face. Had she ever seen him so pale? His lips were tinged blue. Fury overcame her. She shouldn’t have tried to save the Fey. They’d killed her Prince. They–

  "No!" Sitting back, she pressed her fists to her temples and squeezed her eyes closed. Now wasn’t the time for hysterics. Prince needed her. Pushing through the rage roaring within her, she struggled to think…

  "The horses," she said quickly. "We need the supplies. Go," she snapped. Kei stood, and she held out her arms to take Prince from Bo.

  He snorted at her commanding tone, but slipped Prince onto her lap.

  "Hurry! Get Garen to look, too!"

  She pulled Prince close to her, wrapping her arms around him and pressing her face against his. "Don’t die!"

  How long would it take to find the horses? She let out a snarl of frustration. She couldn’t think! If only the rotting Fey power wasn’t roaring through her!

  A gasp nearly choked her. Leaning back, she gently brushed the hair from his face. "You’re not going to be happy with me," she whispered.

  Dipping her head down, she pressed a kiss to his forehead.

  It took only a moment to settle him against her. Her hands pressed over as much of the seeping wounds on his back as they could.

  Inhaling a deep breath, she then let it out slowly, pushing the wild power within her down her arms and through her hands. Resistance was brief. The power flowed sluggishly at first and then her rage at the wasting time pushed it through faster and faster.

  Heal, my prince. Heal quickly. I won’t let you die. I won’t!

  He didn’t answer, and she feared the power wouldn’t work. Perhaps she’d been too late.

  His body jerked suddenly, and then again. She leaned over him, holding him more tightly, and continued to push the power and fury into him.

  The scream that ripped from his lips startled her. She flinched back, releasing him as his back arched against her hands. He slid from her lap to the ground, curling in on himself.

  Power and fury remained within her. She hadn’t given it all to him, and wondered if she should continue. Reaching out, she stopped when he flinched away from her touch.

  "Do. Not. Touch. Me."

  Pain from his words brought anger instead of tears. He lived, because of her. She should have learned by now not to expect any thanks.

  Sound behind her interrupted her mental rant. She swung around.

  The missing Fey froze, eyes blazing as he regarded her a moment. Baring his fangs, he snarled and then bolted away through the trees.

  The fury within her reared up, demanding she follow. Pressure lanced through her chest, pulling her to get up and run. Before she could think about it, she did, racing through the trees after him.

  For a moment she worried for Prince, but if he was well enough to snap at her, he should be fine. Then all her thoughts focused on the Fey she chased. When she caught him… she wasn’t sure what she would do.

  Everything became clearer, her hearing sharpened, and strength soared through every part of her. If she hadn’t been focused on her quarry she might have given all of that more thought. Instead she pushed the thoughts aside and ran. Her feet pounded across the forest floor as she weaved through the trees. Silence was not a priority. Catching the Fey stole all of her attention.

  Soon she caught sight of him again and pressed herself even harder. He wasn’t breathing hard, yet neither was she. Glancing over his shoulder, he snarled at her and veered to the right. She followed, carefully tracking his movements as he tried to lose her.

  He feinted to the left. With a burst of energy she flung herself forward to the right. Not noticing she hadn’t taken the bait, he ran into her path and she hit him hard in the back, sending them both tumbling to the ground.

  Twisting and rolling, she avoided his claws, finally coming to her knees beside him and smacking her hands down on his chest. The strange action took him by surprise and that brief moment was all she needed to steady herself and begin to pull his wild power and fury into her.

  He didn’t fight her, but she didn’t slow down or trust him. Prepared to dodge or fling herself away at any sign of aggression, she kept her eyes locked on his until the red faded down through the colors and the light finally died.

  The Fey stared up at her in shock, his eyes the normal golden color of his kind.

  She pushed back from him. "You’re free now. Go." His fury bombarded her senses. Dizzin
ess blurred her vision as his power surged through her. "Go! Go, go!"

  The Fey scrambled to his feet and fled into the trees.

  She turned onto her hands and knees, fighting the rising wave of nausea. Too much power. Too much fury. Though she’d given much from the first three to Prince, she hadn’t given it all. This one, he had been strong, maybe too strong for her. Her skin itched and burned. The urge to rend and kill and destroy pushed to overwhelm her. Yet wrapped around the fury came the need, the yearning, to have a focus for it. Was that what the queen did? Provide that control and focus?


  She started at Prince’s unexpected cry. He sounded… furious.

  "Rot it all…" Struggling to her feet, she found her own tracks and broke into a run. Not quite the wild dash she’d just had, but fast enough.

  She’d given Prince a good dose of power…and fury. She hadn’t known how to separate the two when giving it to him. In her haste to follow the other Fey, she’d forgotten to drain the fury part out of him.

  She’d known he’d be furious with her for giving him Fey power. Having actual fury within him as well…she didn’t know what he’d do.


  By the time she neared where she’d left him he’d called her name so many times she lost count. His insistence didn’t help her own fury. She needed to disperse it, and the Fey power, as well. Prince called again and she stopped abruptly. He’d moved. She turned east, slowing her speed to listen for him. Finally she spotted him and slowed to watch him.

  Like some wild thing he crashed through the underbrush ahead of her, not even bothering to try to go around the thicket in his path.

  His hair framed his face in a dark tangled mess, tatters of ripped cloth hung from the back of his bloody, ruined shirt. The way he twisted and turned, he seemed to at least have used the power she’d given him to heal.

  Moving forward warily, she used the time to try to calm herself so she could get rid of the fury within her. The raging emotions were distracting, and she would rather talk to Prince without having unnatural anger fueling her words.


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