Broken Prince (The Broken Ones)

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Broken Prince (The Broken Ones) Page 20

by Jen Wylie

  Once finished, she wrung her clothes out as much as she could before putting them back on. Sitting around the fire next to Prince in her underclothes didn’t seem like a good idea. While walking back to the fire she struggled to finger comb the knots from her hair. At least the dirt was out of it.

  Muted voices made her pause, but she couldn’t make out who was talking. Drawing nearer, she saw the boys all sitting around Prince, seeming to be in deep discussion.

  Kei turned and smiled but they stopped whatever they were talking about.

  Checking the meat, she cast a glance over at Prince. Once again, he seemed lost in thought.

  Finding the meat done, she handed it out and then sat next to Kei. What were you talking about?


  She grimaced over at him. Anything good?

  I believe Prince is the most confused Elf in history.


  I find it amusing, he admitted.

  She laughed out loud, choking on a piece of meat. The others looked over at her but she just shook her head and regained control of her mirth.

  Her smile died as a beautiful voice entered her head.

  Keep watch tonight. Vor have been sighted.

  "What is it?"

  She cleared her throat and answered Kei. "Rhee-En. He said to keep watch tonight. Vor have been sighted."

  "Ask him how far west of the mountains," Prince said.

  How close are they?

  Close enough. We are tracking two groups now. Call me if you come across any.

  We will. Thank you.

  Aro rubbed at her forehead, her appetite gone.


  "They’re close. Rhee-En said they are tracking two groups of them. We’re to call him if we see any."

  "If we see any, calling him will be the last thing on our minds."

  Handing the rest of her meat to Kei, she wrapped her arms around her legs and stared into the fire. They were almost there. Why did there have to be monsters?

  Aro drew last watch. She grumbled at her bad luck. She didn’t know how she could possibly sleep.

  She curled into a ball by the fire, Kei sitting close on one side. Someone sat on the other side of her and she turned, frowning to see it was Prince.

  He glanced down at her and gave her a small smile. "Go to sleep. They will not make it this far east."

  Biting her lip, she managed a nod and turned over again. For once, she wouldn’t argue on having him close.

  The sound of whetstone on metal as Prince sharpened his sword lulled her to sleep.

  Chapter 26:


  Bo woke her up for her turn at watch. It actually surprised her that he didn’t pretend to forget just to let her sleep.

  Pacing the edge of camp, she rubbed at her gritty eyes. Though she’d fallen asleep quickly, she hadn’t slept well. The night had been clear and quiet, until the growls and snarls of wolves in the distance carried to them. She wished she knew how far away they’d been.

  Keeping busy, she checked the low fire and then sat and cleaned her daggers. She always kept them sharpened, but took the time to go over each one carefully.

  She quickly ran out of things to do and found herself staring blankly into the flickering flames of the fire. Blinking rapidly, she looked around the camp, wondering how much time had passed.

  With a start, her eyes locked onto Prince. His blue eyes stared steadily into hers. A shiver ran up her spine and she held her breath at the intensity in his gaze. How could he affect her so strongly? He had some strange hold over her heart, constantly stealing it from her just when she thought she’d managed to get it back and lock it away. She knew he would never be hers, but her heart didn’t seem to understand how things worked.

  He blinked and she tore her gaze away, turning back to the fire. The flames reminded her of the feelings rushing through her; hot, wild, intense, burning. If she didn’t control them, she would get hurt. Closing her eyes, she took a breath to steady herself.

  She heard Prince move and glanced over to see he’d sat up, arms around his raised knees. He watched her still, his head tilted slightly to one side as if trying to figure her out. Perhaps he felt just as confused as she did. Her lips twitched at the thought. Would serve him right.

  What are you thinking, Aro?

  His voice startled her. I…nothing really. She ran her fingers through her hair nervously, or tried to. They got stuck in her tangles. She grimaced in irritation.

  Do you still have your comb?

  I think so.

  Go and get it.

  She hesitated a moment, but then got up and dug through her pack. Finding it buried in the bottom, her fingers clutched it tightly as she walked back, her steps growing slower as she approached.

  Prince spread his legs and patted the ground between them. "Sit."

  She did, trying not to sit too stiffly. He held her hair, starting to comb at the bottom. He’d done her hair before, but that seemed like so long ago. He worked silently and she began to relax, keeping her eyes on the fire and trying not to notice how close he was, his hands in her hair, the way his arms would occasionally brush against her.

  All too soon he stopped. "Finished."

  She turned and smiled softly, not meeting his eyes. "Thanks." Carefully, she glanced up at him. "Do you want me to do yours?"

  He didn’t speak, just nodded. She scrambled up and moved to kneel behind him. His hair flowed softly between her fingers. It hardly even needed combing. "Your hair is so nice," she murmured.

  He chuckled. "It is just hair."

  "Well, it doesn’t get tied up in knots like mine."

  "You have beautiful hair."

  Smiling a little, she didn’t bother arguing. She didn’t want to fight with him. Instead she enjoyed the quiet pleasure of being near him and doing something so…domestic. Pulling the comb through one last time, she reluctantly sat back. "Done."

  He turned around to face her, his back to the fire. "Thank you." Tilting his head, he looked into her eyes and smiled. "This is better."

  Her brows drew together in confusion. "Better?"

  "You have been acting strange."

  She sighed and looked down at the comb in her hand.

  "Talk to me, Aro. Please."

  "I just…I’ve been trying to keep our friendship. I don’t want to lose that. I don’t want to fight with you. I don’t want you to be angry with me when you go. To have your last memories of me being like that."

  When he didn’t say anything she glanced up. "You have to talk, too," she whispered.

  "I dislike our fighting as well." His lips twisted into a grimace. "It has been difficult for me to understand your feelings." He took a deep breath, and she held hers, waiting to finally hear what he had been thinking, how he felt. "Before I left Rivenward, the seer spoke to me, and told me what she saw. She spoke of me finding a child that I would love with all of my heart. I know that is you. What she said came to pass."

  "What else did she say?"

  "Not much that made any sense," he said ruefully. "A lot of babbling about choices and how often she saw the possibility of my death."

  "That is…worrisome."

  "I didn’t think much of it. She was a child, barely come into her powers. She didn’t know how to speak of what she saw."

  Aro paused, gathering her thoughts and wondering if she should speak them at all. "How do you know she didn’t mean you would fall in love with me? Not just love me as a child?"

  He blinked at her in surprise. "I…I…"

  Shaking her head, she forced an apologetic smile. She had to just…stop. She couldn’t force him to love her. "I’m sorry. Forget I said that." Straightening, she forced a brighter smile. "We’re friends. We love each other in our own ways. That’s enough."

  "What I feel for you…" He paused, struggling for words, and then reached out and rested his hand over hers. "I care for you as if you were my own child."

  Pain lanced through her, but she nodded
. "I know."

  "But…children grow up. You have grown up. I…I am conflicted about that. I…" He shook his head, at a loss for words. "I think of you sometimes," he whispered, not looking at her. "And it is…" He shook his head again and pulled his hand away from hers. "I am sorry. When it comes to you, there are times I cannot make sense of my thoughts."

  "I understand," she said, even though she didn’t. She just didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

  "We do not fall in love easily, Arowyn. For us, it is something that occurs over a very long time."

  Clearing her throat, she wrinkled her nose and looked up through the branches at the fading stars. It didn’t escape her notice they didn’t have a very long time. She didn’t. She was human, not an immortal. "So, did the seer girl say anything about fighting the Vor?"

  His sad smile returned, letting her know he was quite aware she changed the subject. "No. But that does not mean we will not. Aro–"

  "Time to get everyone up, I think." Jumping to her feet, she turned, tucking her hair behind her ears when it fell into her face. How long had it been since she’d brushed her hair?

  "If the one she loves will return it, then she will give him time. If he does not, then time will go on."

  Aro jerked around, hand going to the dagger at her side. "Kei?"

  He stood by the fire, staring down into the flames. She couldn’t tell if they glowed a faint yellow or if it was just the reflection of the fire in them.


  Prince stood and stepped up next to her. "Kei," he said sharply.

  The Fey started. His brow furrowed as he looked up at them.

  She rushed around the fire, panic stealing her breath away. "What’s wrong? Why did you say that?"

  "Say what?"

  "You said… I don’t know. Something about time." She looked over at Prince. "Did you hear?"

  From his intense stare she assumed so, but he didn’t answer.

  Kei shook his head in confusion. "I don’t…" He looked down at her, his eyes wide and panicked. "I don’t know." He glanced over at Prince. Talk later.

  Biting her lip, she looked down and took his hand, giving it a quick squeeze. "Let’s get Bo up. We should get moving."

  Prince remained silent for a moment, his gaze still riveted on Kei. Finally he turned, heading for the packs. He spoke prophecy, Arowyn.

  I know. But where did he hear it?

  His grandmother was a seer. He may be as well.

  She bit her lip. The way things tended to go, it shouldn’t surprise her Kei might be a seer. But it did, and it worried her too.

  * * *

  "Ride with me."

  Aro shook her head as Prince mounted. "Not now." She glanced over at Kei. "Later."

  His gaze followed hers and he nodded. "Very well. But we must stick close together today."

  As he and Bo rode toward the treeline she chased after Kei as he darted into the trees.

  Stay close, Garen said, following the horses.

  We’ll be back soon.

  It wasn’t hard to catch up with Kei, but he didn’t stop when she did reach him. She followed, matching his pace, trying to stay as close to him as possible. Finally she reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him to a stop.

  His hair stood up wildly as always, but it was the wildness in his eyes that made her pull him close and wrap him in her arms. "Talk to me."

  Fingers gripped her tightly as his head pressed into her neck. A shudder ran through him and then he pulled back.

  Her arms held him fast, not letting him go far. "Kei, I’m here."

  With a sigh he gave in, relaxing in her arms and touching his forehead to hers for a moment. "What’s happening to me?"

  "I don’t know," she whispered. "But I’m here. Tell me what’s wrong."

  "I have strange thoughts in my head. Now I’m speaking them. They don’t make sense."

  Worry knotted her stomach. She forced herself to stay calm and not let her feelings show. "For how long?"

  He shook his head. "I don’t know. A little while."

  Feeling him begin to tense up again, she raised her hands to cup his face. "We’ll figure it out. Together."

  Closing his eyes, he nodded. "Together."

  "So…is it just words? Do you see anything?"

  "Just words. Why?"

  "Prince said it sounded like prophecy. But seers, they see things, right? I think," she said slowly. "What you’re saying is what was in your mother’s book."

  He shook his head, hair falling into his face. "But I don’t remember ever reading it."

  "Could you just not remember?"

  "I don’t know." His lips pressed together in frustration. "Maybe."

  She lowered her hands, taking one of his in her own. "So, let’s walk and think." For a while they walked silently, heading back toward the others. "The book was important," she finally said.

  "Yes. Mother never let me even touch it."

  "Damon wants it. Is there some magic she could have used to hide it? In you?"

  Kei stopped abruptly. "Bindings."

  When he didn’t elaborate she tugged on his hand impatiently.

  "It’s our magic. Bindings. I only know a few." He ran his fingers through his hair. "She could have."

  "Perhaps she wanted you to remember when you were older."

  "Or the magic is fading."

  They regarded each other, mulling the ideas over. They made more sense than him suddenly becoming a seer.

  “So?” She knocked shoulders with him. "At least you aren’t a seer."

  He smiled, relief flooding his face. "True."

  "Let’s go back."

  He didn’t move, pulling her back when she stepped away. "Thank you," he said softly.

  "Always by your side," she reminded him.

  His arms wrapped around her, holding her tightly for a long moment. "You always make me sane."

  She laughed and squeezed him back. "Glad I’m good for something."

  Chapter 27:


  They stopped late in the afternoon to break for food, having to travel into the forest to find water for the horses. Aro ate quickly and then paced nervously. They hadn’t traveled far into the trees, but a sense of unease kept her worried and impatient to get back to the forest’s edge.

  Garen’s low growl brought her up short.

  Fey are near.

  Turning slowly, her eyes searched within the shadows of the trees. Finally she just turned to the others. Of course everyone else but Bo knew where they were, though whether they used their better sight, hearing or smell, she didn’t know. She found it irritating and took a breath to push back the unexpected pain of being different, of not being good enough.

  Once she knew where to look, she found them easily enough, tentative shadows just beyond where they’d stopped. Moving forward, she ignored the warnings in her mind from the boys. When Kei appeared silently at her side she ignored the angry look he gave her and kept walking.

  This isn’t a good idea.

  They aren’t attacking. They must want something.

  Stopping a short distance from them, her eyebrows rose. There are four of them. The same four?


  You could have said so.

  Kei’s lips twitched at the irritation in her mind voice.

  Two of the shadows broke away, moving forward hesitantly. As they stepped into the light she couldn’t help a small smile. Their eyes were golden. Not glowing. Not red.

  It appeared they had tried to clean up. They’d bathed, and the woman’s long dark hair no longer hung in a matted mess. The man’s hair was dark as well. Short, but long enough to curl a bit around his small ears which curved up into delicate points. Their height and stature, even their features to some extent, reminded her of Kei.

  The silence grew awkward as they all continued to examine the other. Kei’s hand moved to rest gently at the small of her back, a quiet show of strength and support.

  The Fey�
��s eyes followed the movement and then turned to her.

  "You are bonded?"

  The surprise in his voice stole hers away. She glanced at Kei. How did he know?

  "Yes," Kei answered. All Fey can sense a binding.



  The woman nodded slightly. "She is not Fey." Her head cocked to the side slightly and she sniffed. "Yet she has a faint scent of us." The Fey’s eyebrows rose as she looked to Kei again.

  Heat rose to her cheeks at what the woman implied. To have someone’s scent all over them... "I am Arowyn. This is Kei."

  "I am Lissana, my mate Cano." She turned slightly and gestured into the trees. "Our son, Aron, and his mate, Meena."

  Cano shifted restlessly. "We would thank you, for what you did. You are…there is a prophecy. That we would be healed." He glanced to Kei and then back to Aro. "That is you?"

  Aro nodded and smiled faintly. "So it seems."

  They both smiled, relief easing their stances. "We had hoped…" Cano began.

  "We are sorry. For before," Lissana said softly. She glanced at her mate. "We have another son. If we can find him, will you help him? Will you free all of us?"

  It struck her then, the enormity of what the prophecy actually meant. What it asked of her. She had no idea how many Fey were left, but she did know how dangerous the endeavor would be. Not only dealing with the wild Fey, but in fighting to not get lost in it herself. "I…" She looked up at Kei and the intense pleading his eyes stole her words away. "I will try," she said finally. "I have something else I need to finish first."

  Cano reached out a hand and Kei immediately grabbed him by the wrist.

  Lissana stepped forward, her hand resting on her mate’s arm. "We would never harm her. Never."

  Kei dropped his hand, but his face remained hard.

  The two Fey raised both of their hands slowly. Each laced their fingers together, making a fist, and set it against their heart. "On our honor, so do we swear," they said in unison.

  Aro blinked at them, having no idea what they were doing. However, Kei relaxed next to her and gave them a sharp nod.

  "You should not stay long. The Vor are about. They have split and are moving fast." Cano looked past them to the others. "They will be attracted to the magic of your group."


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