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Broken Prince (The Broken Ones)

Page 22

by Jen Wylie

  Now and then, she caught sight of Garen and Kei. Like her they ran in to attack and out again. The beast did not slow. Thick dark green blood oozed from a multitude of wounds, but it wasn’t enough.

  Her heart beat a quick steady rhythm in her chest. Frustration replaced her fear. Would the rotting thing never fall? Watching its movements, she ran in again, hoping to cause more damage to soft spots on its underside. She avoided teeth and claw and thrust both daggers in low on its chest. Instead of pulling out, she threw herself to the side, trying to tear wider wounds.

  Her balance gave as one of the daggers popped free and she scrambled to keep her feet. A jerk freed the other blade and then she dropped and rolled as teeth snapped where her head had just been. Claws swiped for her next and she rolled again, only to scramble backward further as the other set of claws tried for her as well.

  The beast raised its head and flung itself to the left. Finding her feet once more, she saw Prince stabbing into the beast’s side.

  Her breath left her lungs in a loud whoosh. Turning in a panic, she found Bo near the safer rear of the beast, cutting into his flank.

  "Stupid, stupid boys." Her words had little anger in them. After all, she did understand. She wouldn’t have left them either.

  Taking a deep breath she ignored her tiring limbs and sprung back into battle. Eventually the beast would die. She hoped.

  Arowyn, how goes the battle?

  Rhee-En’s voice made her curse out loud. She swung at an arm as it passed over her head before answering. Little things are dealt with.

  Impressive. All are well?

  Still alive. Fighting the big one now. She struck the beast again and grunted when it suddenly moved, its side striking her and almost knocking her to her knees.

  The… which is it?

  Finding her balance, she ran along its side, looking for another weak spot. I don’t know! It’s rotting huge and won’t die.

  Can you–

  She’d forgotten about the tail. Closer to the beast’s rear she flung herself to the ground as it whipped toward her. Not a good time, Rhee-En.

  Springing to her feet once more, she caught sight of Bo, still standing and fighting away. She put her worry of him from her mind and backed away, wanting to get out of the reach of its tail.

  We will be there shortly.

  Garen darted past her and flung himself onto the beast’s side, teeth and claws sinking in.

  Her eyes caught a delicate looking spot and she dashed toward the front again. The creature spun, moving faster than she thought possible.

  Its head whipped around and she realized it wasn’t her, but Garen it had concentrated on. At least originally. It immediately caught sight of her and its head snapped forward, huge mouth open wide and snapping teeth. Dodging away from the body the teeth barely missed her.

  Its swiping, clawed hand caught her by surprise. The air exploded from her lungs as it hit her side and sent her off her feet and flying. She struck the ground hard and rolled before her body stopped against a tree.

  Pain lanced through her body and her foggy mind tried to decide which had hurt more, the blow from the creature or hitting the ground.

  Gritting her teeth, she took a long deep breath through her nose and blinked rapidly, trying to clear the fog away. She’d ended up on her stomach, one arm awkwardly pinned beneath her chest.

  Cautiously, she lifted her head, hoping she’d been thrown far enough away the beast couldn’t reach her in her current vulnerable position. Relief washed through her to see she wasn’t anywhere near the fight. With a muttered curse she pulled her pinned arm free. Her free hand still held a dagger, but the other she’d dropped at some point.

  "Rot." Her brothers would have given her so much trouble for having lost a weapon.

  Pain throbbed throughout her body. Shifting up onto her forearms, a sharp breath hissed through her lips as fire lanced around her left side. Bowing her head, her arms trembled as she tried to force the pain down and not fall flat on her face. Her fingers curled around her remaining weapon tightly, it’s presence a comfort, and a reminder she needed to get up.


  Her head jerked up at Kei’s voice. I’m fine. Just need to catch my breath.

  He didn’t reply, but she could see him attacking the beast with renewed fury.

  His worry prompted her to get moving. She didn’t want to distract the boys. Clenching her jaw tightly, she pushed up to her knees and then lurched to her feet. Her vision swam and she swayed, stumbling back a step before finding her footing again. Pain spiked through her legs and tore through the side of her stomach. Heat flushed her face, sweat beading on her forehead. Forcing her eyes open, she blinked rapidly, trying to focus. Clenching her dagger tightly, she took a step forward, her other hand going to her side where she must have pulled something. Maybe she’d landed on a rock.

  She stopped. The weapon fell to the forest floor.

  Staring straight ahead, for a moment she refused to look down. Yet she could feel the warm blood flowing, flowing, over her hand. Through the tear in her shirt she hadn’t known she’d gotten, she could feel her skin. Not her skin, something smooth and silky and as warm as her blood. She pressed her hand harder, feeling the silky parts move inward.

  She didn’t want to look, but she couldn’t help herself. Her head tilted down and her eyes locked on the blood covering her shirt from the front around to her left side. A rip as long as her forearm started at her belly, the fabric hanging loose. Her hand now shaking, she slowly tipped it away from her body.

  Blood pooled against her fingers as she stared at the wound. It cut just to the left of her belly button and slashed across to her side where it then curved upward to end at her ribs. The gash was deep and open, giving her a clear view of what she’d never wanted to see, her insides.

  Pressing her lips tightly together did little to muffle her whimper of panic. With both hands she pushed, trying to slow the bleeding. Her legs trembled as her vision blurred and she stumbled backward and to the side, weaving like a drunk as she fought to stay upright.

  "Kei," she gasped out, the word barely a whisper.

  Her legs finally gave out and she dropped to her knees. The forest spun around her as she gasped in panicked breaths. One moment she sat upright, the next she stared at the continuing fight with her cheek pressed against dirt and leaves. She blinked rapidly, seeing double, then realized the Were had arrived, and it wasn’t multiples of Garen she watched attack the beast. Certainly it would fall now.

  Everything began to dim and she let darkness pull her away.

  Her boys would be safe now.

  * * *

  The quiet darkness surrounding her shattered. Pain returned with a vengeance, burning and pulsing and slicing deep within.

  With a strangled scream her eyes shot open and she flung herself upright. Or tried to. Strong hands held her down, pushing her flat onto her back again.

  "Stay still, pup."

  She blinked up at Bo. His face faded in and out of view. It took her a moment to realize her head rested on his lap. The pressure on her shoulders came from his large hands holding her in place.

  Tears slid from the corners of her eyes as she fought to stay still. It was impossible. Her body squirmed, trying to evade the constant pain.

  A roar startled her and she gasped. Blinking her eyes clear, she turned her head and saw the Were and Kei still fought the giant Vor. No, not Kei…the other Fey. Her lips trembled as emotion crashed through her. They’d come back.

  A burst of pain and discomfort in her stomach made her back arch. A snarl of half scream, half curses erupted from her dry mouth.

  "Hush! Calm down, child!"

  With a last curse she tried. Her breath came in quick irregular gasps. Her heart thudded wildly in her ears. Lifting her head slightly, she saw Prince kneeling beside her. Blood covered his arms up to his elbows. His fingers disappeared into her wound.

  With a gag she struggled again. "What…"

/>   "He’s trying to see if you’re cut inside. Stay still."

  "I’m going to be sick," she whispered.

  One of Bo’s hands left her shoulder to gently stroke her forehead. "Slow, even breaths."

  In. Out. In. Her entire body trembled with her effort. "I can’t." Her voice squeaked and cracked. She squeezed her eyes closed as tightly as she could. "Wither me, make it stop."

  She couldn’t keep her mind from dwelling on the knowledge the pressure in her stomach was Prince. Inside of her. It was just so… wrong. A shudder wracked her from head to toe.

  Pain spiked again and her back arched. Hands on her hips pushed her down. Her breathing quickened even further as fear and panic overwhelmed her.

  "Kei!" Her scream echoed through the trees.

  The hands on her hips moved. "I’m here. I’m here."

  Prince muttered under his breath and new pain brought tears to her eyes.

  "I hate you, I hate you," she gasped out.

  His hands stilled for a moment before continuing.

  "She doesn’t mean that," Bo said softly.

  "I know." Prince’s voice cracked.

  She writhed in pain underneath him. Her teeth ground together as she tried to hold in another scream.

  "I think she is well inside," Prince said, his voice strangely even. "But the bleeding is bad. She has lost so very much blood."

  The ground shook beneath her. Prince removed his hands. She opened her eyes and hazily watched him strip off his shirt and press it against her side.

  "What do we do?"

  "I do not know. We have nothing to tend her."

  The howl of wolves drowned out what anyone said next. She wondered what it meant. Had one of the Were died? Was she dying?

  Despite the pain, her eyes fluttered closed.

  Pain flared across her cheek and she snapped them open again.

  Prince bent over her, his face too close. "You must stay awake."

  Blinking slowly, she tried to focus. His face faded in and out. Voices murmured around but she could no longer make out what they said.

  Arowyn, can you hear me?


  Yes. The Vor is dead.


  You are gravely hurt. The prince has asked for our aid. I will…

  His voice faded away. She ignored another sting on her cheek, the shaking of her shoulders, and let the darkness come again.

  Chapter 30:

  Rot it all

  Quiet voices teased her into consciousness. She couldn’t make out what anyone actually said, or even who spoke. As her mind slowly rose from a deep sleep her other senses assaulted her.

  Skin itched, feeling tight and hot. Her hair hurt. Limbs felt strange, both numb and heavy. She didn’t have the energy to try to move, so didn’t even bother with an attempt. At least her heart beat slow and normal within her chest, her breaths came shallow but even. Her nose twitched at the overpowering smells around her. The air seemed thick with sweat and herbs and scents she couldn’t identify with her half-asleep mind.

  "Give her more."

  The voices stopped. A door creaked open and then thumped closed. Heat pulsed through her body. Pain pounded through her skull and behind her eyes.

  A foul taste coated her tongue. She choked and swallowed. If only she wasn’t so hot. Twisting on the bed, she tried to escape the heat, to find a cool breeze, anything. Something cold and wet covered her forehead and she sighed. The coolness moved over her face and neck and she relaxed, her mind drifting off again.

  Voices once again roused her. The terrible heat had disappeared, but the horrible taste in her mouth remained. Her tongue stuck to her teeth, the roof of her mouth. She tried to make spit, to lick her dry and cracked lips. Her body felt odd and heavy. She didn’t worry too much that she had no strength to move. Certainly it was normal after being so sick.

  Cracking her eyes open, she relaxed at the weak light meeting them. Blinking slowly, her eyes struggled to focus. Finally they cleared and she took in her surroundings. The room was small, the walls made of logs. A closed wood door centered the wall across from her. She was indeed in a bed. A bed! A light sheet covered her. A thicker wool blanket sat folded past her feet. A lantern hung by the door. Turning her head slowly, she saw another on the table beside her. If there were windows, she couldn’t see them in the dim light and they were certainly shuttered. Unless it was night. She realized she had no idea when it was.

  "Arowyn," Prince said softly.

  She started when he stepped forward out of the shadows. Lantern light flickered over his drawn face. He did, however, look clean. A brown cloak hung over his shoulders, under it a new dark shirt.

  "Water," she managed to croak out.

  "Of course." He poured some from a jug on the table into a small wooden cup. Leaning over her, he lifted her head gently and held it to her lips. "Slowly now."

  Once finished he carefully withdrew and pulled a chair closer to the bed, taking a seat.

  She worked her tongue around her mouth and licked her lips, trying to get the foul taste out and remove all traces of dryness. Trying to sit up brought no response from her body. Everything felt numb and heavy, as if her body had fallen asleep and not woken up yet. "I feel strange. I can’t…I can’t move."

  "It is a side effect of your medicine. It will fade."

  His answer made sense, so she let her worry fade away. "Where am I?"

  "Rhee-En brought you to a small Were settlement."

  She nodded, but her brows drew together. Were had settlements? She’d never really thought of how they lived. "How long?"

  His head lowered slightly so she couldn’t see his face. "A…few days."

  He was lying, but she didn’t know why. Nor did she care. Other more important worries distracted her. "Was anyone else hurt?"

  His hand slipped into hers where it rested on top of the sheet at her side. "No. Nothing that has not healed already. Other than Bo’s leg, but it is doing well."

  "Just me. Being troublesome," she said weakly, trying to force a smile.

  His gaze locked on their hands and he nodded slightly.

  Unease filled her and her smile faded. "I’m still alive. So the Were helped, right?" His hand squeezed hers tightly for a moment, but he didn’t answer. "Prince," she whispered, fear making her voice waver. "Tell me what’s happened? Where is everyone?"

  "It is almost dawn. They are sleeping. Rhee-En has gone for them." His thumb moved back and forth, gently caressing the back of her hand. "Your injury was severe," he started slowly, his voice low. "You lost so much blood." His eyes flicked over to meet hers. "The Were tended your wound, yet you did not wake. You then fell into a fever. They gave you every treatment they could think of to fight the fever, to keep the pain away, to try to heal you."

  "I’m awake now, so it worked?"

  He lowered his eyes and slowly shook his head. "You would not wake. There is medicine rarely used it is so dangerous, called allorum. We gave it to you tonight. It broke the fever, but…" His quiet words trailed off.


  Lips pressed together tightly, he pulled his hand from hers. She watched as he carefully pulled back the sheet. Thankfully she saw she wore a short cloth top, but her eyes locked on the thick wad of bandaging at her side. Her stomach around it looked bloated and bruised. His fingers shaking, he pulled the bandaging back.

  Bile choked her as the stench of rot wafted up around them. Closing her eyes against the putrid mess of rotting skin and puss, she struggled not to vomit. "Enough," she gasped out. "I see."

  The bandage gently rested against her skin again. Eyes still closed, she struggled for calm as Prince pulled the sheet back up. Rot was usually fatal, unless in a limb and it was removed. Gut rot? She had no chance to survive.

  She wished she’d died fighting. Regrets of everything she hadn’t done and wouldn’t ever be able to do, settled heavily into her mind. She hadn’t even managed to get Prince home.

  "How long do I have?"

  When he didn’t answer she opened her eyes again. He sat forward in the chair, elbows on his thighs and head in his hands.

  "The allorum has bought us only a little time. We can’t give you more."

  She nodded, even though he wasn’t looking at her. "So… I can say goodbye to you all," she whispered.

  The door slammed open, startling her. Kei bounded into the room and around the bed. She smiled at his wild hair and the faint yellow glow to his eyes. His face lit up when he saw her awake and he bent over her, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

  "I missed you."

  "Me, too," she said, her voice choking with emotion.

  Bo pushed Kei further to the side and took her hand. "How you feeling, pup?"

  "I’ve been better."

  Garen nosed between Kei and Bo and she smiled as he rested his head on her chest. We have worried for you.

  I know, I’m sorry. She wished she had the strength to raise her hand to stroke his soft fur. When she tried she got only a trembling limb for her efforts.


  She looked up as Rhee-En entered, closing the door behind him. "Thank you," she said. "For helping."

  His head bowed and he sighed deeply. "I regret we cannot help you more."

  "I know, it’s… I understand." She fumbled for words and gave up. Weariness stole away all attempts of thinking.

  Rhee-En held out a small clay bottle. "The allorum."

  Prince turned away. "No."

  "Give it to her and she will pass in her sleep."

  "I said no!"

  "She will not heal. You know this." The Were set the bottle on the table. "If you do not, she will die in agony." Prince stared at the wall, saying nothing. "I did not think you so cruel."

  Aro trembled and Kei took her hand, holding it tightly.

  "She’s right here!"

  "It’s fine, Kei. Prince told me."

  "I am not cruel." Prince stood, his mouth a straight angry line. "I just cannot let her go."


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