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Broken Prince (The Broken Ones)

Page 25

by Jen Wylie

  A small smile tugged at her lips. Her first battle scar from the Vor. She realized then she truly did plan to help the Fey, to heal and fight alongside them.

  Weariness built as she hugged everyone and they all spoke excitedly about her being healed. Kei quickly changed the sheet on the bed again as she got passed around.

  "Aro needs to rest," he finally said.

  Before she could do anything, Prince stepped forward and scooped her up into his arms. She squeaked in alarm, her eyes wide as she looked up at him. "I can walk."

  "Yes, you can. But I want to carry you."

  She didn’t know what to say to that. Instead she returned goodbyes to the others as they left once again. From the few irritated looks at Prince, she thought he must have mind spoke to them. Sometimes she forgot she didn’t always hear every conversation going on around her.

  Prince set her down gently, spread a sheet over her, and tucked her in.

  "You should get some sleep, too."

  Pulling a chair over, he shrugged one shoulder. "I will."

  "Thank you," she said after a moment of awkward silence.

  He winced and wouldn’t look at her. "I am sorry, that it caused you such pain."

  "But I’m alive."

  "I would have taken your pain for you, if I could have."

  "I know," she answered truthfully. "Right now, I’m just trying to forget it." She grinned. "Us mortals have a wonderfully bad memory for some things, like pain."

  "I hope you do," he answered quietly, still refusing to look at her face.

  She bit her lower lip, uncertainty rising within her. Had she done something wrong? Maybe she’d said something bad she didn’t remember?

  He stood suddenly, startling her. "Get some rest."

  Before she could answer, he strode to the door and left.

  Confused and hurt, she stared at the door, wondering what she’d done.

  A thump on the windowsill above her startled her again. Tilting her head back, she saw Kei perched on the sill.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Waiting for him to leave." He sprang down to the side, landing beside the bed. "I thought you might have trouble sleeping." He made shooing motions at her. "Move over."

  "Then why did you leave," she grumbled, turning on her side and wiggling as close to the edge of the bed as she could.

  "Prince wanted to talk to you." He climbed in and curled up to face her. The bed was small and his knees pressed against hers. Taking her hands in his, he gave them a tight squeeze.

  "He didn’t say much. He wouldn’t even look at me."

  Kei sighed. "Don’t worry, Aro. You didn’t do anything. You almost dying broke him apart. He thinks too much."

  Sadness made her breath catch and she lowered her eyes. She never wanted to hurt any of them.

  Kei leaned his head forward and thumped his forehead against hers. "Guess what."

  She raised her eyes to look at him, a smile turning her lips at his playful mood. It was hard to be upset when he acted so very happy.

  "Our eyes match now."

  She blinked rapidly. "They do?" Maybe that was why Prince looked so upset.

  He nodded and grinned again, clearly pleased.

  "I didn’t grow claws or teeth did I? Are my ears pointy?"

  He laughed and grinned again. "Not yet."


  "Sleep now," Kei said softly, yet a smile still lighting his face. "I’ll watch over you."

  With a huff she closed her eyes. Even as she drifted quickly to sleep, a smile still softly rested on her face.

  * * *

  "How are you feeling, pup?"

  When she’d awoke Kei had gone, but Bo and Garen were back. Sitting up, she yawned into the back of her hand. "Not awake. Stiff. Hungry."

  Bo chuckled. "That’s a good sign."

  "Where is everyone?"

  "Kei is speaking with Rhee-En about everything that happened."

  She raised her eyebrows. "That should be interesting. Kei being so talkative."

  Bo’s loud laugh filled the room. "True. The other Fey are helping the Were prepare dinner. Apparently it will be ready soon. Prince and Kei got into a fight on whether to wake you up or not."

  "He’s still in a mood?"

  "Seems so." He shrugged. "He’s gone for a walk to ‘think’. Whatever that means."

  "No idea," she admitted.

  The door opened and the Were woman who’d tended her before came in. "Arowyn! Good, you are awake." She smiled as she approached, setting something on the chair as she passed. "Lie down a moment. I just want to give you a final check over."

  Aro did as asked, watching as the woman examined her scar.

  "Fascinating. You will need to watch the muscles. Do some stretching exercises a few times a day. You’ve been through a traumatic ordeal. Try not to exert yourself for a while."

  Aro grinned. "I’ll try."

  "Come. Let’s get you to the bath house before the food is ready. I’ve some new clothes set aside for you. I’ll have them sent over."

  Sitting up, she smiled again. "Thank you." The thought of a bath made her giddy. "I’m sorry, but I don’t remember your name."

  "Cassia," she answered with another smile. "Here." She turned and picked up what she’d left on the chair, giving it a shake. "It’s cool out this evening. This is for you."

  Slipping off the bed, Aro eyed the beautiful heavy cloak. It reminded her of the one Prince had worn. "For me?"

  "Yes, now come. You’re wasting bathing time."

  Slipping the cloak on quickly, Aro flashed a grin at Bo, who shook his head and chuckled. A bounce affected her step as she followed Cassia from the room. Bath time!

  * * *

  After scrubbing herself almost raw, making good use of a variety of soaps, and then just soaking in the large tub of warm water, Aro felt like an entirely new person.

  Her new clothes consisted of dark leather pants and a dark cloth shirt. They actually fit. That she matched her boys didn’t bother her. Having new clean clothes meant more to them than the Were could possibly know.

  Dinner consisted of a deer roasted over a pit in the center of the small settlement, bread with cheese, and baked corn. They ate until they couldn’t fit another morsel in.

  Sitting around the fire afterward, she couldn’t keep a smile off her face. Clean and fed and safe. What more could a person ask for?

  Her smiled slipped for a moment as she noticed Prince had gone off again. She wished she knew what was wrong. Rhee-En walked up and crouched by her side.

  "I am pleased to see you so well."

  "Thank you, for everything. I can’t thank you enough."

  He smiled, the firelight dancing across his scarred face making him appear vicious. "I hope you will visit us again in the future. I assume you wish to continue your journey."

  She blinked at him in surprise. "Yes, we would."

  "Kei had mentioned so. One of your horses did not survive. I am not sure if they told you that yet. We can lend you another. Tomorrow we will get everything organized, if that suits you."

  "Yes, of course. Thank you."

  With a nod he stood and moved on to talk to someone else.

  She turned to where Kei sat beside her, raising her eyebrows. "He’s rather…efficient."

  "He is," Kei agreed. Holding out his hand, he jerked his head toward the buildings. "You’ve lots to do tomorrow. Time to sleep."

  She let him help her up, Bo and Garen following behind them. Turning slightly as they walked, she tried to catch sight of Prince.

  For a moment she thought she saw a hooded form standing in the shadows watching her, but she couldn’t be sure.

  Now that she’d recovered, she would share one of the larger buildings with the boys instead of remaining in the sick house. Rhee-En’s reaction to her insistence of this during dinner had been amusing. However, she’d been quite adamant.

  They quickly got settled into the rows of small beds. Aro didn’t know whether
to be pleased she got a bed again, or put out there was no room to curl up with anyone. Once she sank into the softness of her bed, she quickly decided another night or two would be quite fine with her.

  Chapter 34:

  Once More into the Woods

  Cassia found her first thing in the morning and drew her away to teach her a number of stretches. The exercise helped ease some of the stiffness she’d woken up with. The Were correctly diagnosed the stomach muscles on her side needed work. Though they didn’t pain her, her flexibility had decreased considerably.

  After washing up, Bo led her to the settlement’s center to eat more than she should have for breakfast. The rest of the morning she spent going through all the packs with Bo and Kei. Though the one horse hadn’t survived, the Were had been able to retrieve their things. They sorted, cleaned gear, and repacked.

  Bo went to talk to Rhee-En about a few supplies they needed while Kei gave her a short tour of the settlement. By the time they reached the center again, cold meat and other dishes were being set out for lunch.

  Prince hadn’t appeared yet and she didn’t remember seeing him that morning either. She hoped someone fed him. Watching the few children run about the tables and play gave her an excuse to keep looking around while she waited to eat.

  When the sun totally disappeared everyone looked up and froze.

  Aro stared, eyes wide, at the massive dragon flying over them. "Rot," she muttered as it finally passed by and the trees hid it from view.

  If the dragon was Damon, Rhee-En wasn’t going to be happy with her. If it wasn’t him, they were all in even more trouble.

  * * *

  Getting slowly to her feet, she turned and started walking slowly out of the settlement. Running would have been better, but she didn’t want to panic the Were or frighten the children. Currently they were yelling and bouncing about how they’d just seen a real live dragon.

  Garen darted ahead as Bo and Kei fell into step on either side of her.

  Her heart sped up within her chest as she quickened her step, eyes darting around the small buildings and trees.

  Kei glanced over at her. "Is it Damon?"

  "I don’t know. I’d assume so." She shook her head with a frown. "What is he doing here?"

  "Prince tried to reach him," Bo stated. "When nothing else worked. He never received a response as far as I know."

  "Rot," she muttered. They’d almost passed the last houses of the settlement and she let out a deep breath of relief. Now as long as the Were kept away, they should be safe.

  Garen dashed out of the trees ahead of them. It is Damon.

  They continued walking until Aro saw someone ahead of them. She stopped, trying to decide what to do. "You all stay here," she said finally, turning to look at each of them. "I mean it. He has a temper and I don’t want him to hurt you. Keep your thoughts as guarded as you can."

  Garen thumped his rear onto the ground to sit but didn’t look happy. Bo muttered under his breath and crossed his arms.

  "Kei?" She gave him a stern look.

  "Fine. But if you need us…"

  "I know you have my back. No worries."

  The boys now taken care of, she raised her chin and marched forward. She wasn’t afraid of him. He’d proven he wanted her alive. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t hurt her though. However he appeared to appreciate her strength more than anything else.

  He walked a few steps to meet her, but she stopped a short distance from him, not wanting to be in reach. "Damon," she said, giving him a polite nod.

  "Arowyn." He regarded her thoughtfully. "I had heard you were…unwell. I am pleased to see that is not true."

  "I’ve recovered, thank you."

  "I see."

  They stared at each in silence for a moment. She focused on keeping her thoughts guarded and the walls of her inner fortress strong.

  "Why are you here?"

  His smile was small and not particularly kind. "I thought you might need me."

  Tilting her head to the side, she returned his smile. "If I had, it would be too late by now. I managed without you."

  "Is that so?"

  "Yes, it is."

  Damon stepped forward. "Let me in, Arowyn," he said harshly. "I would know what I have missed."

  She sighed and shook her head, but didn’t step back. "No." Turning to walk away, he grabbed her arm, his fingers grasping her so tightly she gasped in pain.

  "You do not walk away from me, human."

  Anger rose within her and she glared up at him, not surprised to find his strange eyes boring into hers and swirling in anger. Shaking off his arm, she turned back to him, clenching her fists in an attempt to control her rising fury. "You want to see? Very well."

  Raising her chin, she kept her eyes locked on his and entered her own mind, pulling forth the memories he so wanted to see. She began with a rolling stream of nothing important; eating, traveling, setting up camp.

  He grasped her shoulders, a low growl rumbling from his chest. "That is not what I want to see."

  "How about this?" She flung her encounter with the Fey at him, the fighting, her taking their fury, giving it to Prince. She stopped the memory then, skipping how Prince reacted, how he’d kissed her.

  His mind pushed at hers, demanding more. She pushed back, gritting her teeth with the effort.

  Do not fight me. You never win.

  I don’t belong to you! My thoughts are my own!

  A dark laugh echoed through her mind. You bow to those who are stronger than you. That is the way of it. Now show me more.

  Heart hammering in her chest, she struggled to control her rapid breathing and temper. Her temper won and she lashed out at him. "This?" She sent him their fight with the Vor and the pressure on her mind eased. "And this?" Her. Staring down at the wound on her side. The blood and guts. She forced her memories of her panic and her pain into him. Her boys gathering around her, Prince trying to keep her guts in. The pain the pain the pain. Awakening in Rhee-En’s settlement. She thrust at him her few memories of the fever, of her knowing she would die.

  "Enough, Arowyn."

  "But you wanted to see," she whispered. Pressing her hands on his chest, she continued to share her memories. The Fey coming to give her power. The unrelenting agony of her healing.

  Grabbing her wrists, he held them tightly, staring down into her eyes with a look she couldn’t at all decipher. His mind crashed into hers, and she let the memories fade.

  "You’ve grown stronger."

  "I have." She stared him down, pulling at the wrists he still held trapped between them.

  He chuckled, releasing her. "Such a fierce little thing you are."

  "I don’t have a choice."

  "You always have a choice." His eyes left hers, finding someone behind her. "Isn’t that right?"

  An arm slipped around her waist, pulling her back against a hard warm chest.

  "One last rescue, Shael?"

  "Princes are supposed to save the beautiful ladies in distress," he replied wryly from behind her. Despite his light reply, his arm tightened around her.

  "I wasn’t in distress," she muttered. His words caught up to her and her breath lodged in her throat. He’d called her beautiful? A lady? Her anger returned however, he’d been avoiding her since she healed and now decided to come back?

  "You are looking better," the Dragos commented. "I would speak with you." He tilted his head to the side, indicating they go elsewhere.

  Prince paused, and then nodded. Will you be–

  I’m fine. He didn’t hurt me.

  I will not be long. He left her side, following the Dragos into the trees.

  The absence of his warmth sent a shiver along her spine.


  She turned and froze, surprised to see Rhee-En, and all the other Were, watching her.

  He grinned and shook his head. "My people cannot decide if you are stronger than you look, or insane."

  She frowned and shook her head, not unders
tanding what he meant.

  "You stood up to a Dragos."

  "I don’t like him in my head."

  His lips twisted as he tried not to laugh. "No one does. But it just is not done."

  "Never? But surely–"

  "Let me rephrase. No one crosses a Dragos and ever lives to speak of it. They are a temperamental sort."

  "I’ve noticed."

  He held out his arm. "Come, let us eat."

  Slipping her arm through his, she kept her head high, staring straight ahead, as he walked them through the still staring pack.

  * * *

  Eating proved difficult to do. Prince hadn’t returned from his talk with Damon. She should never have let them go off alone. Ignoring the food, she chewed on her thumbnail instead.

  Going over and over Prince’s behavior the last few days didn’t help. She understood some of what he must have been thinking, but not why he’d now been avoiding her, or his sudden reappearance and show of affection.

  "Are you feeling well?"

  She looked up at Rhee-En in surprise and quickly hid her chewed thumbnail. "Yes, I’m fine. Just worried about Prince."

  Bo moved over and the alpha sat down beside her. "There is no need to worry. It is doubtful the Dragos will harm an Elven prince."

  "They’ve fought before," she said quietly. "It was Damon who tore off his glamor."

  Rhee-En stared at her, clearly shocked and at a loss for words. "That is…disturbing."

  She snorted at the understatement and then flushed when he looked at her in surprise.

  Chuckling softly, he shook his head in amusement. "Are you still planning on leaving tomorrow?"

  "I think so. Everything seems to be in order."

  "You should reach the wardwall before evening. If you want to push on, you could rest and then leave when darkness falls. You would avoid any human notice then."

  His plan seemed sound and she nodded her agreement. "We will try that then."

  "I will have some of my pack stay close while you remain in the forest. Just as a precaution."


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