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Wanted: Wife 4 Navy Seals: A Military romance

Page 53

by Dee Palmer

  “Holy shit!” Sofia’s eyes widen, and she beams a huge smile. I don’t turn but take a large gulp of my wine, empty the glass, and pour myself another. He stands behind me brushing his hands across my shoulders. He moves his hand and sweeps my hair from my neck, scorching my skin where his fingers lightly touch. He leans in and softly kisses my cheek.

  “Bethany.” His voice is low and husky. He offers his hand to Sofia, and they shake hands. “Sofia, lovely to see you again. Bethany invited me to join you for drinks. I must apologize for being late. I wasn’t entirely sure I had the right address.” I tense instantly under his fingertips at this comment. “Can I get you another drink? Some water to go with the wine, perhaps?” He is charming with a touch of menace.

  “We’re fine with the wine, thank you.” I look at his gorgeous face, and he is all smouldering, sexy as hell with a dazzling smile.

  “Very well, I won’t be a moment.” He disappears toward the bar.

  “Late?” Sofia queries.

  “I’m surprised he’s only late. I didn’t tell him where we were meeting. I have no idea how he found me.” I whisper even though the noise of the bar easily drowns my words. Nothing would surprise me. He is like a super spy or something equally sinister.

  “So you didn’t invite him?” She smiles unaware of my growing unease.

  “Well, yes, I did. He was really grumpy earlier about not seeing me all weekend, and I said he could join us. I told him that I was staying over at yours afterwards, so it was a compromise. But then he was a complete arse in the Lecture this evening. I may have provoked him and then done a runner. Really didn’t think he’d show up. That’s why I wasn’t answering my phone, if I spoke to him I would’ve caved and told him where we were. He’s really persuasive.”

  “I’ll bet, looking like that, why would you say no? Still he looks cool about it now. So, we’ll have a few drinks, I’ll text Paul. We’re still doing the girlie sleepover though?”

  “Hell, yes!” although I don’t quite agree with her summation of Daniel’s demeanour.

  Daniel returns with a large bottle of water and proceeds to pour me a glass. He has a beer for himself. I tell Sofia about Daniel’s lecture, skipping the tense bits that have me on edge, or maybe it’s the way Daniel is drawing patterns on the skin of my neck and along my collarbone with his thumb. He whispers while Sofia is checking her phone.

  “I want to speak to you alone.” I know he can feel me tremble, and he hums into my neck, inhaling the scent from my hair.

  “I know you do, but I can’t leave Sofia alone, she’s a man magnet.” I smile tightly.

  “She’s not the only one, or haven’t you noticed?” Actually, no, the only thing I have noticed is the filthy looks I have been getting from every female who happens to clock Daniel. “But you’re right, you’re safe, for now.” He nips my ear lobe with his teeth sending a current straight to my core. He is too calm, too controlled. This underlying tension has me on edge. Sofia’s squeal makes me jump, and I turn to see Paul making his way through the crowd. I twist to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  “Daniel, this is Paul Simmons, Sofia’s fiancé. He works near your offices, in one of the finance houses, and Paul, this is Daniel Stone.” Paul interrupts.

  “-Yes I know who you are. It’s really good to meet you.” Paul shakes Daniel’s hand vigorously.

  “Right.” I carry on. “Well …Paul, this is Daniel…” Daniel interrupts this time.

  “-I’m Bethany’s boyfriend.” The shock on my face would be the same if he’d slapped me, but it was Sofia who gasped.

  “What?” I gasp too.

  “Well, I thought partner sounded like a business relationship, and although lover is technically correct, I feel that even though it is an intimate description, it also sounds temporary. I thought you would prefer boyfriend, for now.” My mouth is open, and I am actually speechless. Paul steps in.

  “Well, that makes you a very lucky man.” He slides in next to Sofia and winks at me.

  “I’ll drink to that,” beams Sofia, and I can’t help but love my cheering section, even if I am hugely embarrassed.

  “Yes, it does.” Daniel agrees softly, and he covers my mouth with a heated passionate kiss as if there wasn’t a room full of people. “I need to speak to Bethany, I won’t keep her long.” I just manage to put my glass down before I am whisked off the seat and led away through the busy room toward the back of the bar. We walk through an entrance, which is clearly marked staff, and then a second door, which leads to a small intimate private dining room. My heart is racing as he turns to face me. He fixes me with heavy lidded eyes filled with lust. My lips are dry, and I moan a little with pent up need as I suck my lips into my mouth.

  “I like your thinking, Miss Thorne.” His words are pushed through deep desire filled breaths. “You know by rights you should be properly punished for your behaviour today. If we had time, I would make it so that you couldn’t sit down for a week, but I am going to have to improvise. I am going to fuck your mouth, and you are going to swallow all I give you. It is going to be hard and fast and for me. Understand, Miss Thorne?” Oh, God, I’m so wet right now, I squeeze my legs together. “Oh, no, Miss Thorne, I don’t think so. For me, remember?” I pout but nod at his raised brow.

  “Yes, Sir.” My breath hitches, and I don’t know how I am going to stop my own building pleasure.

  “Good girl.” He steps close and pushes my shoulder with one hand as he releases his buckle with the other. This really doesn’t feel like a punishment as I kneel in front of him. I undo his zip, and his trousers fall to the floor. I carefully release his rock hard erection and fist my hand around the root. Applying some pressure, I move the silk-soft skin over his long, thick shaft. The wide crown is soft against my tongue, and I lick around the tip before I sheath my teeth and suck him into my mouth. He lets out a guttural moan and fists his hands in my hair, pulling me into him as he pushes deep into my throat. I can feel his veins pulsing against my lips as I swallow and hollow my cheeks, taking as much of him as I can, skilfully using my tight fist to squeeze and pump him to his root. I cup his heavy balls with my other hand and feel him tighten. His thrusts are faster, harder, and I feel him hit the back of my throat. I have to focus on my breathing to stop the gag reflex because I want all of him. I feel him flex and tense, then suddenly his cock gets bigger and his hips jerks and stop as he holds my head firm, and I pump my hand, milking the last drop. He comes deep down the back of my throat with an agonizing moan.

  That was hard and really fast. My lips are swollen from the rough thrusting, but even so it really didn’t feel like a punishment. I don’t even feel too frustrated at not having had an orgasm myself. It felt amazing to just please him, for it to be all about him. I smile a satisfied smile as he directs me through the crowd with his arm around my waist. We reach our table, and I slip back into my seat.

  “Another round?” Daniel asks casually, and he and Paul disappear to the bar. Sofia is quick to notice my swollen lips.

  “Maybe some mouthwash?” Sofia giggles after them. Luckily it’s too noisy, and they’re too far to hear.

  “Sofs!” I cringe.

  “Hey, don’t shoot the messenger!” She laughs, and I join her. “You did say he’s kind of hard to say no to.” She is still laughing. This is such rich material for her and so out of character for me, she’s loving it.

  “Yes, something like that.” I hang my head at my own wantonness.

  The men return with fresh drinks and the conversation remains normal. But as we begin to discuss the weekend, I feel him tense beside me, and I hate that. I want to know what’s making him react like this. I turn to speak just to him.

  “Look, you don’t have to tell me, and I don’t want to know, but you get tense at the mention of the weekend, and all I want to know is if there is anything I can do to make it better?” I hold his strong chin and look with all seriousness in his eyes.

  “You already do, baby.” He kisses me
so softly it, makes my chest ache. But he doesn’t tell me any more, so I leave it. “Look, ladies, Paul, I will leave you to the rest of your evening. I have work to get back to. Do you need my driver to take you home?”

  “Paul can drop us or we’ll get a taxi.” I lean up to kiss him but he frowns.,

  “No, Paul will take you or my driver will take you.” He demands clearly.

  “Right, Paul will take us.” This time I manage to kiss the corner of his lips.

  “You are working at the restaurant all night tomorrow?” He questions.


  “And then you’re at your mother’s all day Sunday, is that right?” He looks agitated.

  “Yes, Daniel, and I’ll see you after work and after my visit.” I hold his gaze, but his eyes flash with uncertainty. It was only fleeting, but it was there. I hate uncertainty.

  After Daniel leaves, Sofia grabs my hands.

  “Oh, Bets.” She sighs, and I know she’s hearing unicorns. “You two are scorching hot together. Do you even notice there is anyone else around, because I know he doesn’t.” I smile, but now I feel unsettled. “He can’t take his eyes off you, he’s so intense. It’s seriously panty-wetting material.”

  Paul coughs.“Hey! I’m right here, babe.” He points to his somewhat wounded face, which she instantly captures and kisses profusely. “That’s better.” He smiles as she finishes adoring him enough to restore his pride.

  “He is intense.” It’s all I can say, my mind and heart elsewhere, somewhere much more precarious.

  “I know you’re probably shitting yourself right now.” Sofia is hugging me goodnight. Paul decided to stay over, too, and I’m in her guest room because I have a call booked. “But he is really serious about you.”

  “Well, I’m such a catch,” I joke, but she looks stern.

  “Don’t! I know you think I’m all rose tinted and see romance everywhere, but I know love when I see it.” She stands looking as fierce as anyone can in fluffy, pink pyjamas.

  “Fuck, Sofs! He can’t love me, he doesn’t know me.” I sigh at her sad face. “Look, there is definitely passion and lust, off the charts chemistry. I’ll give you that, but anything else is you projecting, I’m afraid.” My turn to look stern, or she will have me engaged by the end of the week.

  “But what he said about ‘boyfriend for now’?” She pleads her case.

  “Goodnight, Sofs!” I go to shut the door on her pouting face.

  “Do you trust him, Bets?” Her voice soft.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Then it’s okay to let him in.” She kisses my forehead and lets me close the door.

  I hear my phone vibrate, pick it up right away, and answer quietly.


  “Good Evening, Lola. Why are you speaking so quietly?” His deep voice sends a familiar chill across my skin.

  “Sir, I am staying at a friend’s house, and I don’t want to disturb her.”

  “Very well. Are you wearing something I sent you?” He continues, regardless of my location.

  “No, Sir. It wouldn’t feel right.” I’m being honest.

  “Interesting. Well, tell me, are you at least naked?” I did quickly remove my T-shirt before the call.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “And have you been a good girl today?”

  “No, Sir.” I can think of at least one occasion, and I feel a little rush of heat at the recollection and the consequence.

  “Really? And were you punished?” His voice deepens with a gravel rough quality.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “So you have been punished since we last spoke. Did you enjoy it? Did it make you wet?” I can hear him draw in a slow breath.

  I take in my own deep breath as a raw need starts to build in my core, and I run my hand over the skin of my bottom remembering the heat from my spanking. “Yes, Sir.” I pause. “It hurt at first, but it did make me wet; very wet.” My face is flushed and bright red.

  “So you have received administrative punishment since we last spoke. That makes me hard, Lola… and jealous. And you said you were naughty today. Were you naughty because you wanted to be punished?”

  “No, Sir.” I don’t think so.

  “Really? Are you sure? Did you believe your actions would go unpunished?”

  I think about this carefully, “No, Sir. I knew I would be punished.”

  “You knew you would be punished for your behaviour, and yet you did it, whatever it was, regardless. Does that not strike you as the actions of someone wanting to be punished?” He is coaxing my confession.

  “Yes, Sir, it does.”

  “Tell me?”

  “Yes, Sir, I wanted to be punished.” I sigh softly, and I tingle all over. My body is hyper-alert from my encounter with Daniel earlier. I feel hot and frustrated.

  “Good girl. Now I don’t want you to touch yourself. I know you want to, but that is my punishment for you.”

  “Why am I being punished by you?” I sound a little desperate and a lot frustrated.

  “Because you want me to.” I let out a slight moan. I know I won’t touch myself now. Considering his knowing laugh, he knows it too. “Goodnight, Lola.” The line goes dead.

  MY PHONE BUZZES in my pocket as I’m heading downstairs for my shift.


  I have heard nothing from him all day, and I’ve been unsettled since our conversation at the bar. I can feel my defenses going up, and I kick myself that I had started to let them down, that he made me feel safe. I make myself safe.



  I am just wrapping my apron when Sofia rushes through the door in a panic.

  “Oh, God, Bets, you have to help me! My manager has called in sick, I’m not supposed to be working tonight, but they have a Charity Drinks and Canapé reception at the club, and now I have to be hostess. I need another me!” She has her hands pressed together in prayer, but it really isn’t me she needs to pray to, and I tilt my head toward Joe to indicate as such.

  “Uncle Joe.” She wraps him in a big hug, “I’m taking Bets. I’ll make it up to you, I promise!” She finishes her request with a hard kiss on his cheek, and he laughs.

  “Oh, yeah, how you gonna do that, Princess?” He holds her until she actually has something to offer in exchange.

  “Oh, oh… I know, babysitting, I’ll babysit your brats!” She barters.

  “I’d pay to see that, Princess.” He can’t contain his laughter now. “You go, but I’ll call in that favour one day, Princess, I don’t care who your daddy is!” He calls after her, but she has my hand and is dragging me out the door into the waiting taxi.

  I have changed at Sofia’s club into a smarter server’s uniform, fitted white shirt, mid-length black skirt, and black leather pumps. Sofia is flapping about with last minute adjustments to the room, and I am calmly pouring the pink champagne. “Sofs, calm down. You’ve done this a million times before.” My tone is soothing, trying to calm my hyper- anxious best friend.

  “I know, I know, but this is for the boss’s wife. It’s her charity thing, and there are lots of really important people here tonight. It’s a who’s who of corporate entertainment. I would’ve been more prepared if it was my show, and I hate being dropped in it last minute. It just feels like a huge test or something.” She sucks in a sharp breath. “Now, I want you to start with handing the champagne out and then walk through with the canapés and then…”

  I place my hand on her flapping arm. “Sofia, breathe. I know what to do, I can manage a tray of drinks and food. You just go and be a hostess. I’ll sort the others, and we will be fine. Go.” I gently usher her to the entrance and carry on filling the champagne glasses. The private dining room at Sofia’s club is set up tonight for a standing reception for about fifty. The room is nearly full of beautiful people, beautifully dressed, elegant gowns and black ties. Most people have drinks, but I collect a tray of fresh c
hampagne to make another walk through, I only take two steps into the room, when I freeze. I don’t know how I still manage to hold the tray, but I can’t help my hands from shaking and the glasses from singing their disapproval.

  “Good lord, how difficult is it to hold a tray steady?” A woman exclaims, laughing loudly. She doesn’t turn, but her comment is enough to draw attention to me. I really don’t see anyone else. He is looking directly at me, and although I can see his hand on the small of her back, which he retracts, it’s not him I’m looking at. It’s her. It’s my sister, Kit.

  I don’t know where my strength came from, but I hold the tray firmly, like my life depends on it, with white knuckles and sweaty fingers. I hold it steady and hold my eyes steady too. I fix a brilliant smile and feel my mask fall into place. Once my tray is empty, I slip out of the room, my steps falling faster the further I move away toward the staff room. I feel his tight grip on my elbow, and he spins me to face him. His face is cold, and his eyes are dark. I hope my mask holds up as I meet his look.

  “Daniel, you’re looking very dashing, quite the gentleman.” I smile too brightly. This is really hard.

  “Bethany this is…” He looks angry, whether he is angry at me or angry at being caught, now is as good a time as any to break my own heart.

  “-None of my business,” I interrupt, “but bringing more canapés is. I’m seeing you later, right? We’ll talk about it then?” I hope this will end this now, if he thinks we’ll sort it later. He releases my arm with a frown.

  “It’s not what it looks like.” He steps toward me and I back away. I can’t be close, I can’t hold this together when he’s close. “Bethany?” He reaches for me, and I back away some more. He looks devastated, but it doesn’t come close to my pain right now.

  “Daniel, it’s fine. We’ll talk later?” This awful empty swell churns in my stomach, gathering momentum, and threatening my fragile act.


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