Donkey Doubled: A Twin Stepbrother Menage Romance

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Donkey Doubled: A Twin Stepbrother Menage Romance Page 14

by Stephanie Brother

  I could never write anything to do this justice, and everything I’ve ever written before just pales in comparison when I think about it. How can you translate an emotion into words when words haven’t even been invented to describe the complexity and intensity of the emotion you are feeling, especially when it’s something so often associated with the perverse, the dirty or the amoral?

  Wanting these boys to fuck me so hard I scream, takes nothing away from the beauty of this moment, and if anything, it only serves to enhance it. Having these boys show their emotion to me and then having me show mine back in turn just speaks volumes about the raw purity of our desire for each other. It tells me about need and fulfillment, about wish and desperation and about how much we truly mean to each other. There is no better moment to see the truth about someone than the moment they orgasm hard. At that moment we are at our most honest and most vulnerable.

  I love these boys and I love even more the men that they have turned into. I knew that before tonight, and tonight has only confirmed it. What I also know now is how much these boys love me. That’s incredibly special, and something I thought would never happen over a million pages of a notebook, a thousand hours of dreams or five billion rotations of the earth. I just didn’t think the world worked like that, but here we are, all of us, friends for years and finally now lovers. Donkey and me, me and Donkey, the three of us making each other come.

  Zach gives way to his brother and Jack, finally, has his moment inside me. We fuck softly at first, and then much harder after we lock into rhythm together on my knees, on my back, up against the wall and flattened across the desk. I have Jack inside me while Zach plays with my clit, and then Zach inside me while Jack watches, his hand wrapped around the base of his cock, tugging himself in rhythm to the intensity of my moans.

  With both boys we cycle through a number of different positions, neither one of us keen to come too soon for fear of missing out, or eager to admit the sensation is near to overwhelming us.

  Finally, having grazed the edge a number of times, and aware that a natural conclusion is coming, I find myself unable to avoid it. I’m going to come whether I like it or not, and when I do, and I’ve had time to adjust to the new world order, I’m going to insist we begin again.

  With my voice almost completely snatched away from me, I communicate in gasps and moans somehow getting my message across.

  Jack and Zach nod in unison, that telepathic twin thing working to full capacity. I’m hot and tingly and it feels like every time Jack slaps his dick inside me I’m going to explode into a million pieces. Zach has his cock in my mouth, but I want to watch him come all over my tits, and feel the heat of his cock when it leaves him. Next time I’ll swap them around, and have Zach up inside me with Jack to my side. When we’ve got far enough down the line together, I might make them both fuck me at once, both of my holes filled, but that’s for another time and hopefully not when we are step siblings.

  It’s coming, I can feel it. I can feel the muscles of my pussy contracting in preparation, while goose pimples dot my skin and the hair on the back on my arms stands up.

  I can feel it in Donkey too. One more jerk and Zach will explode all over me, one more deep thrust and Jack’s cum is going to shoot out of his perfect cock and deep inside my pussy, hunting for my womb.

  “I’m going to-, fuck oh fuck, I’m going to-”, I gasp, the rest of the sentence melting into a mess of sounds and barely formed words, as the world’s biggest orgasm rips so hard through me, I think I’ve actually created a temporal shift.

  There is a pause for a moment, like the world has come to a standstill and I’m watching all of this in slow motion, while my heart skips about a thousand beats, and my leg jerks out uncontrollably.

  My pussy is spasming, my clit feels like it’s swollen to the size of a balloon and my skin feels itchy and brilliant all at the same time. When the world explodes into motion again, I watch Jack’s chest puff up, the muscles in his neck go tense and feel his cock head swell.

  When Jack comes, his brother can’t hold back either, literally covering my heaving chest in more cum than I have ever seen. It takes a good half a minute and a dozen pumps before he’s finally spent, all of which time Jack is far too overwhelmed by his own orgasm to do anything but gasp in pleasure.

  I come hard again at that, and then again when Jack slowly pulls his dick out of me. I don’t think I stop coming for a good long while after both boys have calmed down, and I can’t speak for about fifteen minutes after that either.

  We lie in bed together, in silence but for the race to catch our breaths, while Zach’s hot cum begins to dry on my chest.

  Jack is the first to speak. He turns to me and takes my hand in his. “Why the fuck did we wait so long?”

  I can’t help but laugh, Zach too.

  “That was, better than I imagined”, I say.

  “How many times have you imagined?” Zach asks.

  “Every fucking night”, I say, without even over-exaggerating.

  We lie in silence for a while longer. “I can’t believe we just did that”, Zach says. “I never thought we’d actually do it.”

  “That’s not why you came over?” I ask, “You know, with two condoms in your wallet.”

  “Jack’s idea”, Zach confesses. “And anyway, I wouldn’t be so presumptuous. I mean, what kind of people do you think we are?”

  He lets the question hang for a moment before continuing.

  “We brought six”, he adds finally.

  I laugh. “You asshole.”

  “When does your Mom come back?” Jack asks.

  “Not for a while yet?” I say.

  “Good”, Jack says. “Because there is no way that I’m letting those condoms go to waste.”

  “Simon says, don’t go back to Louisiana”, I say, both hands reaching for both boys to tease both cocks back to full erectness.

  “I know”, Jack moans.

  “Maybe you’ll just have to come with us”, Zach adds. “You know, as a football groupie.”

  “Maybe I will”, I say, leaning into him to begin again and keen not to focus too much on it anyway. “We’ll definitely have to work something out, I mean, we’ve got a long time to catch up on after all.”

  Who knows what’s going to happen after tonight? I might even wake up in the morning and realize this was all a dream, and because of that I’m not going to waste a single minute.

  Bed shaking, pulse racing, and screams echoing right to the end of the street, I’m going to make these boys show me what stamina really means one multiple orgasm at a time. If I’m exhausted by the morning, so be it. Even if I died here, it would still be worth it.

  One night with these boys is worth more than all the time I spent waiting for it, all the time I might have to for it to happen again.

  That’s a thought for another moment though, because right now, I’ve got two things on my mind and I’m not planning on letting either of them out of my sight, Louisiana or no Louisana.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Marcy calls bullshit right away. I don’t blame her either, I mean, I’ve cried wolf enough times for her to think I’m making it up. If I didn’t know better, I’d think it were bullshit too. One of my thousand or more fantasies about the twins next door, only this time it actually happened.

  “You fucked all night?” Marcy says, her voice, her expression, her body language all pointing towards the realms of total and utter disbelief.

  I go red just thinking about it. “Not all night”, I say, “but until Mom came home.”

  “Give me it”, Marcy says, holding out her hand.

  “What?” I say.

  “The notebook, give me it”, she repeats.

  I can help but laugh. “Fine, if you don’t want to believe me”, I say, sitting back on the bed at the centre of the crime scene, my arms folded, my expression apathetic, satisfied that it doesn’t matter either way to me.

  “Both at the same time?” Marcy says after a

  I nod.

  “You slut!”

  “Come on!” I say, about to defend myself. “A bit, I suppose”, I eventually settle on.

  “I still don’t believe you”, Marcy says, finally coming around. “Just for the record.”

  “Marcy, it was, fuck, I can’t even tell you how good it was”, I say.

  “Is it true?” she asks.

  “Marcy!” I rebut, cheeks reddening again. “All of it.”

  “Fuck”, she settles on.

  I nod. “I can’t believe it actually happened. I thought they were going to come over here and talk about their mom and my dad, you know, how we handle it moving forward. I didn’t think-.”

  My mind goes back to it and it cuts me short. Marcy sees it and throws a pillow in my direction.

  “I think I liked you better when you were just making this shit up”, she says. “So where are they now?”

  “Right now?” I ask. “I don’t know. Back at the hotel I guess, or seeing friends before they have to head back. I don’t know. I kind of don’t want to think about the immediate future right now when I’m still very much in the immediate past.”

  “And here I was thinking you were a good little girl”, Marcy says, still shocked.

  “You are the first person that knows I’m not a good little girl”, I say.

  “So, you finally fucked Donkey”, Marcy says. “I can’t believe you actually did it.”

  “Nor me”, I say, still having difficulty assimilating it. “You know when you want something to happen for so long and then finally it happens?”

  “Like winning the lottery?” Marcy asks.

  “Yeah, a little bit like that”, I say.


  “Well, I guess I’m just in shock right now, that’s all. None of this seems real.”

  “Are you sure you’re not bullshitting me?” Marcy says, eyeing me suspiciously.

  “I promise”, I say. “You know I don’t write those kinds of stories anymore, not with the right names in anyway.”

  “So what now?” Marcy asks.

  “Good question”, I say. “Now they head back to Louisiana and we all have to work out how to make it work long distance.”

  “They want that?” she asks.

  “They say that’s all they’ve ever wanted”, I say, hardly believing it myself.

  Marcy takes a cigarette out of her packet, presses it to her lips where it sticks even with her mouth open, and heads to the window.

  “Kind of sucks that they moved away”, she says, leaning out to look at the house next door.

  “Yeah”, I say, trying not to think about it.

  “And all that shit with your dad and their mom, that’s fucked up. What are you going to do if they suddenly decide to tie the knot?”

  I join her by the window and together we look at the yard out front of both of our houses. The patch of grass I puked on at the beginning of the summer still hasn’t recovered.

  “That will never happen in a million years”, I say, even if I don’t believe it.

  “What, like you and Donkey never getting together?” Marcy reminds me.

  “You’ve got a point”, I say.

  “I suppose you’ll have to cross that bridge when you come to it”, Marcy says. “There are other more important things to work out first, like which positions best suit a threesome, how you are going to get your sexy white ass to Louisiana to carry this on, and when you’re going to invite me to join you?”

  I push her playfully. “It’s a closed group”, I say. “And it isn’t something kinky either, just so you know.”

  “Don’t tell me, you all love each other, right?”

  For the third time my cheeks flush red. Marcy finishes her cigarette, crushing the cherry out on the wall to the side of the window, and tosses the butt up towards the gutter, missing her intended spot by a meter or so.

  “I hope they’re not playing you”, Marcy says. “I know you wouldn’t have written that into your fantasy so you may never have considered it, and not having all that much experience to draw on kind of puts you at a disadvantage, but men, you know, are animals at the end of the day. They like to fuck.”

  “And?” I say skeptically.

  “Just don’t get hurt, princess”, Marcy says, sarcastically. “Don’t be the challenge fuck they gave each other on their return home, nor the Madison girl of a handful of others.”

  “Donkey aren’t like that”, I say.

  “All men are like that”, Marcy says.

  We return to the bed together. “You’ve had a bad experience”, I say.

  “I’ve had a number of bad experiences, and each time I think it’s going to be different, but it isn’t. Just look at your parents, Donkey’s too. Fuck, look at the parents of nearly all of the people we went to school with, mine included.”

  “Donkey are different”, I say again. “I don’t know how I know, but I just know. Last night it was like-.”

  Marcy is looking at me suspiciously.

  “Seriously”, I continue. “It was like I saw inside them what I’ve had inside me for all this time.”

  Marcy laughs. “Big dicks will do that to you.”

  I hit her with the pillow. “You are such a dirty minded slut”, I joke.

  “Takes one to know one”, Marcy chants back.

  “I mean it”, I say. “I’m sharing something special with you and you’re reducing it to nothing more than porn.”

  Marcy gets up onto all fours and begins to moan. “Oh, yeah, ah, yeah that’s it, fuck me harder Jack.”

  “You are such a dick”, I say, trying not to laugh.

  Marcy spreads her legs even wider and then pretends to suck an imaginary dick as well.

  “Fuck my mouth, Zach, make me a dirty slut.”

  I keep quiet until her performance is over, looking at her with as much shame as I can muster. Marcy doesn’t care, though, and just laughs it off.

  “We’ll see”, I say. “If we love each other we’ll make it work.”

  “I hope so”, she says. “Because my sex life is so dead right now I need your sexy stories.”

  A thought just occurs to me. “No one knows about this, got it?”

  Marcy closes an imaginary zip between her lips. “This is far too good to share”, she says. “I promise. Just between me, you and Donkey.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So when is round two?” Marcy asks, her eyes lighting up.

  “Round four”, I correct her, “I’m hoping will take place today.”

  “You are a slut”, Marcy jokes again.

  “Today, tonight and tomorrow morning”, I say, “And then we’ll see. By then we’ll probably be on round twelve already and still going strong.”

  “You’ll wear them out”, Marcy says.

  “Believe me, these boys can go for much longer than your average guy.”

  “And how exactly would you know that, Jennifer?” Marcy asks.

  I lie back on the bed. I suppose she’s right. I guess I don’t know if their stamina is normal or not, but from what I’ve heard, I can’t imagine everyone is like these two.

  “Oh, you know”, I say. “I’ve heard things.”

  “Things?” Marcy says, lying alongside me.

  “Things”, I confirm.

  She takes me hand. “Promise me one thing”, she says, serious now.


  “When you and Donkey are deep into your menage relationship however that is supposed to work, you won’t forget about me.”

  “Come on!”

  “I mean it, Jenny. You know you mean a lot to me, I just don’t think I’m prepared to lose you just yet”, she says.

  I turn to her. “I promise you’ll still be my best friend, even when Donkey and I are deep into our menage relationship.”

  “Thank you”, Marcy says. And then after a while “Now, tell me again exactly what they both did to you.”

  Part Six.


  Chapter Twenty Three

  “We wanted to let you know in person”, Dad says.

  “First”, Janice adds. “Even before the boys.”

  They are sat in a way that I never saw my parents sit, huddled together, hugging one another, happy perhaps. Dad has his arm around Janice protectively, while Janice places one hand on his in the centre of the table.

  The impersonalization of this place suits this situation perfectly, the booth seating, the formally dressed waitresses, the sheen above hiding the mechanics that lie below.

  I wrap my hands around my boiling hot coffee, desperate to hear anything but what I think I’m here for them to tell me.

  Mom and Dad got a divorce, much quicker than I thought was even possible. Mom was as happy as she’s ever been to sign the papers and get the whole thing moving into the past. Dad didn’t need to do much after that and almost as quickly as they’d turned themselves into a couple, they made themselves legally single once again.

  “Oh”, I say, because I need to say something.

  “Janice and I, we’ve decided-”, Dad pauses to find the right words, while Janice smiles at me.

  “We’re going to get married”, she says, excitement getting the better of her, unable to wait for my dad to decide how best to break the news to me.

  “You and Donkey are going to be step siblings”, Dad adds. “Isn’t that great?”

  This is not happening. I want to scream, hang my head, protest with placards and give them all the reasons why they can’t possible unite themselves together in marriage, but it wouldn’t be right, especially because no one knows that Donkey and I have been fucking as constantly as has been humanly possible for the last three months, nor how this is going to be the worst thing that could possibly happen to us.

  I smile, I pretend and I fake it all the way.

  “Married?” I say quietly, my voice as surprised as I can make it.

  Mom still hasn’t recovered, still hasn’t pulled her ass of the porch and got back to work full-time, still hasn’t noticed how much of college I’m missing to spend it with Donkey, and Dad wants to rush his way into matrimony as though nothing about the last one left any kind of impression at all.


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