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Savage Kingdom

Page 4

by Deanna Ashford

  It would do no harm to be truthful with him. She pulled a low stool close to the bed and perched on it. “They’re held in a nearby town. I’ve seen them.”

  “Did they all survive? One of them, Warin, was the son of a friend of mine, and I feel responsible for his safety.”

  “I don’t know if any of them were killed.” Jaden appeared very concerned for their welfare, and this was a weakness she could exploit. “I could find out for you if…if you in turn are prepared to tell me about the mission you were on. Did it concern Freygard?”

  “I had no intention of straying onto your land.” Jaden sighed. “I’m not a fool. I knew what would happen if we did so. I was on my way to Kabra to see King Tarn, and my mission had nothing to do with your people.”

  “Everything that happens close to our borders is of concern to us.”

  “Then open up a dialogue with the rulers of the lands that border Freygard. Why keep yourselves so isolated from the rest of the world?”

  “Our queen deems it necessary.” She’d wondered herself if it might be wise to have at least some contact with their neighbors, but Danara refused to even discuss the matter.

  “Necessary, yes. Because life here goes against all the laws of nature. It’s wrong to keep all the men in your kingdom as slaves.”

  “And you have no right to judge us.”

  “I do in the circumstances.” He pulled pointedly at his chains. “Now that I find myself enslaved.”

  “Women are the superior race.”

  “If you truly believe that, then prove it to me. Unchain me and show me how superior you are.”

  She’d made a mistake sitting so close to him because, moving more swiftly than she could ever have expected, Jaden grabbed her and pulled her toward him. Keeping her imprisoned in his strong arms, he took possession of her lips, kissing her with unrestrained passion, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. She should fight him, try to get away, yet she couldn’t find the strength. Her body responded to his sensual demands, and her tongue darted between his lips, eager to explore the hot, moist interior of his mouth. Raw unrestrained lust flooded through her as the kiss deepened and continued until she was boneless and trembling with desire.

  As Jaden let go of her, Nerya shakily straightened. She rubbed a hand against her face, but that wouldn’t wipe away the blush that tainted her cheeks. How could she have allowed herself to get so carried away with lust for a mere man? She was a warrior. She must act like one. Yet still part of her longed for him to touch her again. “How dare you! I could have you whipped for such disrespectful behavior.”

  “You stare at me with disdain and call me slave. Yet I have only to touch you and you melt in my arms.”

  “You deceive yourself.”

  “Your attraction for me terrifies you, doesn’t it?”

  “The women of Freygard do not feel desire for slaves.”

  “Don’t try to deny it. Your expression tells me all I want to know.” He continued to stare at her with eyes so black she could lose her soul in them. “Leave now, then. Find some other man to couple with, if all you want is fertile seed.”

  What sort of warrior would she be if she fled from this challenge? Nerya couldn’t tear her gaze from the face of this demon who tempted her to deny all she’d been taught. She’d bedded a number of women, but she’d never experienced the pleasure she’d felt when she’d coupled with Jaden. Deep down she had to admit she was desperate to experience that exquisite pleasure again. Her entire body ached with desire for him.

  “Men are put on this earth to serve women, and if I order it, you will serve me right now.”

  “Yes. I’ll serve you.” He slid his long legs off the bed, and Nerya sprang to her feet, the stool clattering to the floor as she took a step back, out of his reach. “But not in the way your queen demands it. Unchain me and let me show you what true pleasure can be.” As she stepped back another pace, he added, “You’ve no need to fear me. I won’t harm you.”

  “I don’t fear you. I’m a warrior. I fear nothing.”

  “Except your own desire.” His voice was lower pitched now and caressingly smooth. “I’ll not harm you or even attempt to escape.”

  “This is insane.”

  “Sex wouldn’t be quite such a humiliating experience if I was unfettered,” he replied, his arm muscles flexing as he pulled against his chains. “Surely you don’t keep all the slaves who serve in these chambers chained?”

  “Of course we don’t.”

  “Perhaps I should feel honored, then, that you all fear me so much. You’re curious about me and my mission, are you not? If you release me, I’ll tell you all you wish to know.”

  “All I wish to know?”

  “Everything, Nerya. In fact, there are things you should know that may well eventually concern the fate of your land as well as mine.”

  Was he telling the truth? Did he have such information? It might be wise to take advantage of this situation and learn all she could. Even if she released him from his chains, there was no way he could escape. He had no weapon, and she was perfectly capable of defending herself if the need arose.

  “If you are lying to me…”

  “I’m not lying.” He put his hand to his heart. “I swear on my honor as a nobleman that I’m not.”

  Nerya walked to the table, flipped open the small wooden box and removed the key to his manacles. Not at all certain why she was acting so rashly, she returned to Jaden and slid the cylindrical iron key into the lock. With a quick twist, the locking pin released and the heavy manacle fell open. Jaden gave a sigh of relief, flexing his arm while she opened the other manacle.

  Jaden sprang from the bed and grabbed her, reacting far too swiftly for her to even attempt to resist him as he pulled her back against his muscular chest. Yet she was certain he’d no intention of harming her as one of his hands reached for her breasts, while the other slid across her stomach. He eased her closer. Her bottom pressed against his groin, and the rigid line of his cock dug seductively into her buttocks.

  “Relax,” he whispered in a low, hypnotic voice as his warm breath brushed her earlobe. “I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to give you pleasure.”

  He kissed her neck, then tipped her forward a little so he could unfasten the back laces of her gown. Pulling them apart, he eased the neck open wider and slid the garment from her shoulders and down her arms. The silky fabric crumpled around her waist, and Nerya shivered as one of his large hands clasped her left breast. He kneaded the firm mound until she gave a soft, pleading moan. Then his fingers brushed against her nipples. Arching her back, she ground her buttocks against his cock as Jaden rolled the tiny teats between fingers and thumbs, pulling on them until they stiffened and elongated into hard cones.

  “Jaden.” She gasped as he twisted her around and eased the white silk from her hips. The dress slithered downwards, landing in a crumpled pool at her feet.

  He towered over her, and she was faced with a broad, muscular chest still hidden beneath the linen tunic. She lifted her hands, caressed his dusky skin and threaded her fingers through his black, silky locks. Jaden’s mouth covered hers, and he kissed her long and deeply, sensually exploring her mouth with his tongue. Her fingers reached for the ties that held his tunic together at the shoulders. She wanted him naked—she needed to feel his warm flesh pressed close to hers. Nerya’s fingers, normally so agile, fumbled with the knots. Her insides twisted with desire and her limbs felt weak, while his kiss made her breathless with lust.

  “Let me.” He pulled at the ties, ripping them away. The tunic fell to the floor. Jaden kicked it aside, scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed.

  Before Nerya knew what was happening, she lay on the mattress and Jaden crouched astride her legs. As he leaned over her, the ends of his hair brushed erotically against the skin of her stomach, and she shivered with pleasure. He caressed the firm curves of her breasts, then kissed the soft flesh. Taking one aching nipple between his lips, he suc
ked on it until a starburst of pleasurable sensations surged through her body, flooding her veins with desire. Pulling the nipple deeper into his mouth, Jaden grazed it with his teeth as one of his large hands slid down over her midriff. His sword-roughened fingers explored her body, his hand molding itself to the swell of her hips, moving seductively over the flat plain of her stomach.

  Trembling, she lay there, too weak to do anything as he splayed his fingers over her lower belly, then threaded them through the springy curls covering her pubis. Her heart leapt as his hand crept between her thighs. Never had she dreamed she could feel need like this.

  Nerya shuddered as his long fingers eased their way between her sex lips, sliding deeper into the soft folds. They moved with tantalizing slowness along the narrow pink valley until they reached her clitoris. At once the pleasure grew and expanded, unfurling like the petals of an early blossoming rose. Nerya gave a keening gasp as he circled the sensitive spot, rubbing it with his fingertips. Moaning with bliss, she allowed her thighs to roll fully open as he slipped his fingers inside her. Moisture flowed, making his movements more fluid as he began to thrust into her with a seductive rhythm, while the pad of his thumb teased her pleasure nub. This was like no sexual encounter she’d experienced in the past. Nerya closed her eyes and gave herself up to the erotic delight.

  Then, to her surprise, he pulled away from her. He slid down her body and replaced his fingers with his mouth. Easing her sex lips open wider with his thumbs, he ran the tip of his tongue along the smooth channel and brushed it against the throbbing knot of nerve endings.

  Nerya blushed. Never had the most intimate parts of her body been more open and exposed, yet never had the sensations been more delicious. Her body arched off the bed as Jaden’s tongue brushed her clitoris, caressing the sensitive nub with short feathery strokes—licking her and teasing her almost beyond endurance.

  Reaching down, she meshed her fingers into his silken locks, pressing his face closer to her sex. To her delight, two of his fingers eased their way inside her. Jaden was clearly very experienced in lovemaking. He pleasured her with great finesse, his digits working their magic inside her—twisting and stroking, pumping hard, then moving gently again, while his bent knuckles pressed against a sensitive spot on her internal walls. Glowing curls of bliss suffused her, expanding like glorious tendrils of delight through her body, and the sensations built, layer upon layer, until she reached her climax.

  Nerya writhed helplessly beneath Jaden until her shuddering spasms died, leaving her weak and too overcome for a moment to do anything but lie there taking soft, panting breaths.

  Jaden moved, crouching over her again, his obsidian gaze focused on her face. “I told you so, did I not, Nerya?” he murmured.

  He was right. No other lovemaking she’d experienced had ever been as perfect as this. Capitulation was not easy for her, but she nodded mutely. In response, he smiled and caught hold of her legs, lifting them and spreading them even wider.

  She tensed in anticipation, then gave a soft, submissive sigh as he slid his engorged cock inside her, entering her with delicate precision. Once he was partway, he thrust hard and deep until it felt as if he’d reached the ends of the earth and she was filled with his flesh.

  Totally in control now, Jaden rode her, moving his hips harder and faster, and it felt as if he was penetrating her to the very core of her existence. The pounding force increased in intensity, coiling up her spine, buffeting her like a whirlwind as the pleasure grew and expanded. Eventually, it exploded in a force so powerful it consumed her in a blaze of momentous proportions.

  Darkness almost overcame her as she climaxed, then the blissful sensations gradually retreated, leaving her breathless, replete and barely aware Jaden had achieved his own release.

  She lay there, his body almost crushing hers with his weight, their skin melded together by perspiration, savoring the feeling of closeness it gave her for a long, extended moment. Then he withdrew and lay limply beside her, breathing heavily. Yet, when she went to move away from him, he coiled his arm around her and pulled her into his powerful embrace, and she knew she would never be quite so sure of anything ever again.

  Chapter Three

  Aurora, the queen’s most trusted advisor, rose to her feet and bowed to Danara. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll retire. These old bones of mine grow weary much too quickly these days.”

  “Of course.” Danara nodded amicably at the grey-haired, stooping woman.

  “Good night, Nerya,” Aurora said, smiling with warm affection at her. “I’ve had a most pleasant evening with you both.”

  “As have I,” Nerya agreed.

  “Rest easy, Aurora,” Danara added.

  Nerya once again tried to discreetly smooth her crumpled skirt. She’d left her dress in a heap by the bed while she’d had passionate sex with Jaden. Not once, mind, but twice. She hadn’t realized how creased it was until she’d arrived at Danara’s chambers. Luckily her mother hadn’t seemed to notice the sorry state of the garment.

  Aurora walked slowly from the room, her movements stiff with age. Once the door had shut, Danara addressed Nerya. “Aurora worries me. She’s a remarkable and determined woman. It’s a pity her health is failing so fast. I’ve relied on her sage advice for all of my reign. I don’t know what I’d do without her.”

  “She seems determined not to give in,” Nerya replied. When she was young, it had been Aurora she’d run to when she was hurt or upset. She’d provided the affection Danara seemed incapable of showing most of the time. “I should go too.” Nerya rose. “I have an early patrol in the morning.”

  She was tired, and her mind was still too full of what had happened earlier. She couldn’t get Jaden out of her thoughts. Even though she found it difficult to comprehend, she’d been forced to admit to herself she felt strong sexual desire for him—a mere man.

  “No. Don’t leave.” Danara reached out and put her hand on Nerya’s arm. “There’s something we need to discuss.”

  “Really?” She had no wish to discuss anything, but she sat again to please her mother. “I came here with a number of questions I wanted answered about my real mother, but I got the impression you asked Aurora here so we wouldn’t be able to talk about such matters tonight.”

  “You think me that devious, Nerya?”

  “Maybe I do,” Nerya said. “But it doesn’t really matter. My questions will wait.”

  “This matter will not. I need to talk to you about the discussions we had during dinner.”

  “You mean the constant incursions into our territory? I understand why you and Aurora are so concerned, as am I, Mother. But what help can I be?”

  “We may keep ourselves segregated from the countries that surround us, but I’m no fool.” Danara drummed her fingers on the arm of her chair. “Only Aurora and I know this, and you must keep it to yourself—I have spies in the kingdoms surrounding Freygard. They report there are troubling signs in these lands. It appears they may be preparing for war.”

  “Do they intend to attack us?”

  Jaden had told her he’d been traveling to Kabra on behalf of Lord Sarin of Percheron, in an effort to arrange a treaty of mutual military co-operation between the two lands. She needed to learn more before discussing it with her mother. To be honest, they’d not had much time for talking.

  “I don’t know.” Danara sighed. “If I do as Aurora suggests and send our warriors into any of the countries bordering Freygard, such a move might well precipitate a violent response. We need to know more, and the only people who really know the truth of the matter are the rulers of these lands and their closest advisors.” She paused and stared penetratingly at Nerya. “If you were to travel to Gerek’s court in Harn, purely in an attempt to make yourself known to your sister, no one would question your reasons for being there.”

  “So while I make myself known to my sister, and perhaps my mother, I also act as a spy for Freygard?”

  “You wish to meet your family, do you not
? And this way you have the opportunity to do something for the good of your kingdom at the same time. I warn you, it’ll be dangerous.” She sounded very serious. “You’ll have to travel in disguise for the first part of your journey. You cannot reveal your true identity until you reach the safety of Gerek’s court.”

  Nerya didn’t even pause to consider the matter. “I’ll go,” she replied.

  “You should not travel alone, perhaps with just a couple of warriors as escorts. I’ll leave you to choose who you wish to accompany you.”

  Jaden lay on the bunk in his cell dozing, the rough blankets pulled up to his neck as protection against the chill morning air. His warrior instincts had kept him alive all these years and, even though he appeared half-asleep, he was still alert to the slightest sign of danger. His cell door always creaked slightly when opening. As he heard the faint but unmistakable sound, he threw aside the blankets and sprang to his feet.

  Jaden found himself confronted by two burly female warriors. They had none of the wild beauty Nerya possessed. They were rough and brutish in appearance, and had clearly been picked for their size and strength. He could easily overpower both of them. At present there was little point in such useless gestures of resistance. He forced himself not to struggle as they grabbed his arms.

  They’d taken away his clothing when they locked him in here. Did they think that would somehow prevent him from trying to escape? If the opportunity arose, he would fight his way out of this castle stark naked if need be.

  The skinny woman, who he now knew was the slave mistress Murana, stepped into his cell. She stared at him as she slapped the short cane she carried against her scrawny, leather-clad thigh. Jaden narrowed his eyes. There were others behind her in the doorway: two more female warriors and a couple of muscular male slaves. He should be flattered. It was obvious they feared him; they’d provided him with such a generous escort.


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