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Savage Kingdom

Page 7

by Deanna Ashford

  “Difference?” He shrugged, wincing visibly. “Who knows?”

  “Take the poppy seed. It will blunt the pain.”

  “No. I don’t want it.” Jaden sighed. “I’m being churlish. I’m not ungrateful for what you did, Nerya. You saved me, and I’m indebted to you, but Queen Danara is your mother.”

  “She’s not my mother. My true mother and she were cousins, but after I was born, Danara took care of me. When my mother deserted me, Danara made me her heir.” She couldn’t even look at him as she added, “I don’t know what she did to you. I don’t even think I want to know. I’ve heard rumors about her bizarre behavior toward slaves in the privacy of her chambers. I would never approve of such perversities. You have to know that, Jaden.”

  “I cannot blame you for her shortcomings.” Jaden reached for her hand. “I confess you’re somewhat of an enigma to me, Princess.”

  “Just as you are to me.”

  “You must have put yourself at odds with Queen Danara by saving me.” He stroked her palm with his thumb, and she found the gesture pleasing, even a little erotic.

  “She was angry with me, but it was worth it. I could never have let you suffer like that.” She paused and leaned a little closer to him. “I came here because I have a proposition to put to you.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Proposition?”

  Nerya strode across the bailey. It was just after first light and the sun had barely risen in the sky. Danara had left last night on one of her regular monthly visits to other parts of her kingdom. While she was away, the fortress always seemed unnaturally quiet as everyone relaxed a little. Danara allowed no such slacking when she was in residence. The only people around were a few sleepy slaves scurrying across the bailey, busy completing their early morning tasks.

  Jaden had recovered from the flogging far more quickly than Nerya had ever expected. After three days he’d claimed he was well enough to leave the infirmary, but Nerya wanted to keep him well out of harm’s way and far away from Danara. As a favor to her, Bethia had insisted Jaden stay in the infirmary a couple of days longer, until Queen Danara had ridden out of the castle on her way to review the military defenses in the northern provinces of Freygard.

  She hadn’t really wanted to involve anyone else, but Nerya had been forced to ask for Aurora’s aid in order to put all her plans into place. Although she didn’t fully approve, Aurora had agreed to help. It was she who’d arranged to have Jaden’s men shipped to one of her private estates in a remote part of Freygard. There they would be safe, and in exchange for their continued well-being, Jaden had agreed to accompany Nerya on her mission to Harn. She knew enough about Harn and Percheron now to know it would be safer and appear far less suspicious if she traveled with a male companion. Life in the surrounding lands was very different from life in Freygard.

  Jaden had been somewhat surprised when she’d told him of her plans, but he wasn’t foolish enough to refuse to go along with them. She’d promised him that once they returned safely from Harn, she would arrange to have Jaden and his men smuggled out of Freygard, far from Danara’s reach.

  She entered the stables to find Jaden already there, as was Aurora. Nerya had never seen Jaden clothed in his own garments before. She paused for a moment, overcome by the sight of the nobleman she now knew him to be. She’d learned a little more about him in the last few days. As a rich, influential and trusted confidant of Lord Sarin of Percheron, he’d been traveling to Kabra to negotiate the finer points of the military treaty with King Tarn when he and his men had been apprehended.

  With his hair tied neatly back at his nape, he appeared even more commandingly handsome. The severity of the style drew attention to his fine bone structure. Jaden wore a brown shirt, a rust-colored leather doublet and skin-tight brown leather breeches that clung to his muscular thighs and molded quite indecently to the large bulge at his groin. Nerya tried to keep her gaze away from the riveting sight. She’d already decided there would be no sexual contact between them on their journey. It would weaken her position if she gave in to her foolish desires, and he must be made to understand she was in charge at all times.

  “Nerya.” Aurora smiled. “All is prepared for your departure.” Aurora glanced at Jaden, who had just finished tightening the girth on the sturdy roan Nerya had chosen for him to ride. “I hope your trust in this man is not misplaced.”

  “It is not, I assure you,” Jaden said as he scrutinized the two women, totally failing to act as a slave should. “I swear on my honor I’ll protect Nerya and make sure she returns to you safely. After all, the life of my friend Warin and the lives of my men depend on my doing so.”

  “So they do,” Aurora agreed. “In return, I’ll ensure they’re well cared for until you return. I’m told the two who were wounded are well on their way to recovery.”

  “I’m obliged to you, my lady.”

  “We should depart.” Now the time was upon her, Nerya felt more than a little apprehensive. She was putting her trust in someone she barely knew, and worst of all, he was a man. Nerya had always been taught they were inferior, untrustworthy beings. She glanced over at the stallion’s stall. He was saddled and ready for her. The young slave, whom she’d promoted to a stable hand a few days ago, had done as she’d ordered.

  “Be careful.” Aurora embraced Nerya. “And return safe and unharmed.” She lowered her voice. “The items you asked for are on the packhorse along with all the supplies.”

  “Thank you.” Nerya kissed Aurora’s wrinkled cheek, then strode to the stall and took the white stallion’s reins.

  Jaden stiffened. “You’re taking him?”

  “Is something wrong?” Nerya challenged. “The queen gave the stallion to me.”

  Jaden’s mouth tightened. “No,” he grated. Taking the reins of his mount and the packhorse, he turned, then led the horses from the stables.

  It was late afternoon and, to Nerya’s relief, there had been no sign of anyone following them. The guards at the castle gates hadn’t appeared suspicious as they’d left the castle, although they’d been curious about Jaden accompanying her. It wasn’t usual for a warrior to travel with a slave, let alone one dressed in such inappropriate garments.

  They’d traveled due west all day, stopping for a brief time to feed and water the horses. She couldn’t be totally certain, but Nerya reckoned they must be well into Percheron by now. The trees in this part of the forest crowded together. It was warm and a little humid under the thick canopy of green, and also unnaturally gloomy, as only faint traces of sunlight filtered through the leafy branches above their heads. A dense carpet of moss and piles of damp, rotting vegetation covered the ground, and the forest was silent. There wasn’t even the sound of birdsong.

  She glanced back at Jaden, who rode a short distance behind her. She couldn’t read his expression and wondered what he was thinking. He’d barely spoken to her since they’d left the castle. Had she been foolish? Could she really place her trust in him?

  Nerya noticed that just ahead the trees were less closely packed together. Between them, in the distance, she caught a glimpse of what appeared to be open countryside. She pulled the map out of her doublet and traced their route with her fingertip. According to the map, once they were clear of the forest the land sloped down into a narrow, grassy valley with a river at its heart. The river was wide and quite shallow at this point. With any luck, they should be able to cross it with relative ease. She glanced at the sky, just able to see it through the branches above her head. By her estimation, they should have ample time to reach the river before darkness fell.


  “Yes?” She pulled back on the reins and slowed her pace so Jaden could ride up beside her. “What is it?”

  “There’s a clearing just ahead. That would be a good place to make camp for the night.” He narrowed his eyes. “The trees will provide cover.”

  “According to the map, there’s a river at the bottom of the valley. It isn’t far. We’ll camp there
. It’ll be easier to water the horses.” She’d been thinking she might even take a swim to cool her down.

  “We have enough water for tonight,” he pointed out. “And we can replenish our supplies tomorrow when we cross the river.”

  “We do as I say and carry on to the river.”

  “I think not.” He sounded very insistent. “You don’t know this terrain. There’ve been reports of bandits in this area. Here we have some cover, but out in the open, we’ll be too vulnerable.”

  She didn’t like his tone. “Jaden, I’m in charge on this mission. You know that.”

  “The trees will also provide some cover from the approaching rain.”

  “Rain? What rain? Look up. You can see the sky is clear.”

  “It’ll be safer here under cover, believe me. And it will rain.” He sounded convinced. “Nerya, please do as I say. Indulge me just this once.”

  Nerya had never liked sleeping under canvas. She preferred sleeping out in the open, not inside this small stuffy tent. At least in here she had some privacy, and she could keep some distance between her and Jaden. She’d no intention of letting her resolve falter for a moment. She’d no wish to feel this way, but she still found him compellingly attractive.

  Clad only in her thigh-length linen shirt, she lay in her tent trying not to think of Jaden sleeping only a short distance away. She hadn’t wanted to, but she’d given in to his insistent demands and agreed to make camp in this forest clearing, in the unlikely case he was correct and there were bandits in the area. Nevertheless, she still wasn’t convinced he was right.

  A slight breeze had begun to whisper through the trees after they’d set up camp. Now it grew stronger, howling eerily around her small tent. She’d not yet turned out her tiny oil lamp, and the flame flickered, forming strange, sinister shadows on the canvas above her head. She wouldn’t sleep. Her mind was full of too many troubling thoughts. Would she feel safer if Jaden was here in the tent with her, holding her securely in his arms? Of course not. That was ridiculous, but she couldn’t deny her body ached for his passionate caresses.

  Nerya shuffled about on her blanket, doing her best to get more comfortable on the hard ground. She tried to relax, but her attempts to rest were disturbed by a sudden, faint pattering on the roof of the tent. Jaden had been right. It was raining. Damn the man. No doubt he would be very smug when he saw her in the morning.

  The slow patter turned into an insistent drumming. Before she even had time to think of pulling aside the tent flap and inviting him inside until the rain had passed, a tall figure barged into her small refuge. Her tent was tiny. There was barely room for one, let alone two, and she tensed as Jaden sank to his knees beside her.

  “Told you it would rain.” His hair hung in damp strands around his face, and his sodden shirt clung to his body.

  “It appears you were right. But I should remind you, Jaden, that this is my tent.” Sitting up, she rummaged in her saddlebag, which she’d been using as a pillow, and threw a linen towel toward him. “Here.”

  Jaden pulled off his wet shirt and wiped his face and arms, then rubbed his hair vigorously until it stopped dripping water onto his bare shoulders. “I’d bedded down under the shelter of a tree, but the downpour is heavier than even I expected. If you think I’m going to stay outside in this, you’re sadly mistaken.”

  Sitting beside her, he started to peel off his wet leather breeches. “Jaden!” Nerya gasped.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You’ve seen me naked before.” He flung the breeches in the corner of the tent and moved closer to her. “I’m cold, and my bedroll is soaked. We’ll have to share.”

  It would be churlish of her to complain in the circumstances. She didn’t want him becoming unwell. “Your bandages are wet. Should you not remove them as well?”

  “They’ll dry soon enough.”

  “You’re not sharing my bedroll until you remove them. Your wounds must be at least partially healed by now. Bethia said once the scabs formed that you should take off the bandages and let some air get to the wounds to dry them up. The damp may cause them harm.”

  “If you insist.” He turned off the lamp. “No need to use up precious resources.”

  Jaden was just a dark outline in the dim light as he unwound the wet bandages. Once he was finished, he tossed them aside and lay beside her. Why had she agreed to this foolishness? He was far too close. Nerya edged away, trying to put as much distance between them as she could, but in the tight confines of this tent, it was impossible. The fresh masculine odor of Jaden’s damp flesh drifted toward her. He smelt so tempting, and she so wanted to reach out and touch him.

  She thrust a corner of her thick blanket toward him. “You’ll get a chill if you don’t warm up.” She tried to forget he was naked, but it wasn’t easy in the circumstances. “You may stay if you promise to behave yourself,” she added in a small voice, trying to resist the urge to snuggle up to him.

  “Behave myself? Why should I?” He reached out and coiled his arms around her waist to trap her against his firm chest. “Do you really want me to behave, Nerya?” he whispered in her ear.

  “Yes, of course.” She didn’t sound that convincing. How could she when his lips nuzzled seductively at her earlobe? Her thin linen shirt had somehow ridden up almost to her midriff, and his muscular legs wedged against hers. Her belly was far too close to his rigid stomach, and every time he drew breath, the hairs of his pubes tickled her sensitive female parts.

  Nerya shivered, unable to ignore the size of his erection. How had he become aroused so quickly? A surge of desire lanced through her body, and her sex grew wet with need. She’d vowed not to let this happen, but now she feared the inevitable would occur and there seemed to be no way she could prevent it. All her determination to resist his charms was fast disappearing.

  “I’ve made your shirt damp. Would it not be better to take it off?” he softly urged as he began to ease it up her body. “Skin-to-skin contact will keep us warmer.”

  “You think it wise for me to remove it?”

  “Only sensible in the circumstances. You don’t want to catch a chill.”

  Somehow he managed to maneuver it up over her head and, before she knew it, her naked body pressed against his damp flesh. He ran his hands down her back, drawing her even closer so that her breasts crushed against his muscular chest and her belly molded so provocatively to his that his hard shaft dug deep into her stomach.

  Jaden’s fingers cupped her buttock cheeks, preventing her from moving. She didn’t protest. It felt good to be close to him, yet she tensed in anticipation as one hand slid seductively between her thighs and his fingers invaded the warm slit of her sex.

  “You’re wet already,” he groaned. Jaden’s seeking fingers explored further, sliding deeper inside her and she couldn’t contain her whimper of delight. “That feels good doesn’t it?” he asked in a husky voice.

  Carnal desire coursed through her body as his fingers inched deeper into the soft channel of her sex. He moved them seductively, arousing her senses to fever pitch. All she wanted was to feel his thick cock thrusting deep inside her, but she couldn’t bring herself to voice such outrageous thoughts aloud.

  Unable to think clearly, let alone rationally, she wound her arms around his waist as her last vestiges of resistance ebbed away. Filled with eagerness to couple with him, she dug her fingers into the hard globes of his buttocks.

  “Please,” she suddenly found herself saying.

  “So impatient, my sweet?” His confidence disturbed her, but her lust for him was just too strong to ignore, and she didn’t protest as he rolled her onto her back and eased his knee between her thighs. They opened, desperate to welcome him inside her. Jaden positioned himself, and his massive shaft slid slowly inside her until her body was filled to the brim with his hot, hard flesh.

  She couldn’t see his expression in the gloom, but she knew he wanted her just as she wanted him. Her fingers clutched his buttocks as he began to move his hips.
He thrust in and out of her, and it felt so utterly delicious that Nerya’s universe contracted into one pinpoint of pleasure containing just her and Jaden’s thick shaft powering deep inside her.

  Her pleasure rose all too swiftly, far more quickly than she’d ever expected. She surrendered herself to her desire as the glorious sensations he aroused in her started to blossom. As she surmounted the summit, her inner flesh contracted and her climax came in a sudden overpowering rush of sinful bliss. Nerya screamed as the powerful orgasm tore through her, more devastating than the storm wreaking havoc outside the small tent. At the selfsame moment, Jaden climaxed, his cock pulsing deep inside her.

  “Nerya, my sweet,” he murmured, nuzzling her cheek as she lay melded to him enmeshed in a haze of bliss. She couldn’t answer him. There was no way she could bring herself to whisper words of endearment to a slave. Yet she made no attempt to pull away. She stayed there savoring the sweet sensation of closeness. “Sleep now,” he whispered as he rolled onto his side, pulling her with him. His shaft was still buried deep inside her. It was almost as if he intended for them to remain conjoined this way forever.

  To be truthful, Nerya didn’t want to move. Overwhelmed by a sensation of total contentment, she felt safe, here in Jaden’s arms—her body pressed close to his. She didn’t think about the menacing forest that surrounded them, and she barely heard the raindrops hitting the canvas above her head, or the wind howling around the trees as she drifted off to sleep.

  Nerya awoke thinking she must still be dreaming. Strong arms encircled her, trapping her against a warm, hard body. The truth of it didn’t strike her for a moment, until she opened her eyes. What had she done? Everything came back to her at once. She turned her head and tensed, a hot blush rushing to stain her cheeks. Jaden was awake, lying there staring at her. The dim morning light seeped through the canvas roof of her tent, and it was deathly quiet outside. The storm must have died some time ago.


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