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Savage Kingdom

Page 27

by Deanna Ashford

  All too conscious of the first signs of a crippling headache, Senshu strode from her room, descended the stairs and prowled the near-empty corridors of the citadel. She needed one of Lord Naga’s disgusting little spies. She knew the vast majority of the scum by sight. Most thought they were just servants, but they existed purely to ferret out enemies of Lord Naga. No corner of the citadel was safe for traitors to the mage’s cause.

  At last she found one scurrying along a wide corridor, his head down, his eyes ringed with exhaustion. Lord Naga would have ordered them to scour the entire citadel, spying on everyone they could in an attempt to discover who had entered his quarters late last night.

  “You!” she snapped, beckoning to the man.

  “Me?” He trembled, glancing around in confusion. “You are addressing me, Lady Senshu?” He was a skinny, rather ugly little man with weasel-like features who reminded her rather uncomfortably of Lord Naga.

  “Yes. I wish to speak to you, in private.” She grabbed the front of his robe and dragged him into a wide window embrasure.

  “How can I help you, my lady?” he asked anxiously, bobbing his head in an irritating fashion.

  “I wish to spy on the Dai’Shi-en. There’s a tunnel hidden behind his room, is there not?”

  The man swallowed nervously. “But he is a Dai’Shi-en. Lord Naga forbade me to spy on such an esteemed representative of Empress Eridea. He feared the Dai’Shi-en might sense he was being watched.”

  “I don’t want your excuses, I want answers.” She glared at the pathetic little creature. “You have no need to do this. I do!”

  “You, my lady?”

  “Only to ensure Lord Naga’s wellbeing, you understand.”

  “I understand.” He nodded so quickly he must be making himself dizzy. “As you wish, Lady Senshu.”

  “Now take me there, at once.”

  Senshu grimaced in disgust. The narrow, secret tunnels running through many parts of the citadel were filthy. She rubbed her hand across her face, doing her best not to breathe too deeply. Every step she took seemed to disturb years of dust and dirt along with other foul things, most probably including mouse and rat droppings. She shuddered. She hated rats. Choking dust motes hung in the air, making her cough as the gritty air caught the back of her throat. How did Naga’s spies bear this?

  The repulsive little man had begged her not to make him take her himself. He was clearly terrified of the Dai’Shi-en, believing he possessed powers far beyond his actual abilities. He was foolish. Dai’Shi-en were dangerous creatures, but they were still, after all, men, not sorcerers or wizards.

  As it so happened, Senshu preferred to do this alone. She very much doubted even a Dai’Shi-en would know for sure he was being spied upon. Even if Jaden did suspect such a thing, she could always blame it on the overzealous actions of the repulsive little man. If he were caught and punished, he’d be no loss to anyone.

  Her long silk skirt brushed against the dusty ground, a layer of grime now decorating the hem. Once she was in charge, she would order these tunnels cleaned out. She wasn’t quite sure what would happen to the soulless ones when Jaden destroyed The Stealer of Souls. They might all die, which would be rather inconvenient. If so, she’d use some of the other servants and just have them beheaded after they’d completed the cleaning to stop them talking. The few people who knew about these tunnels the better. The secret passages would be useful to her when she at last ruled Usaka.

  According to the spy’s instructions, if she remembered them correctly, the Dai’Shi-en’s chambers should be just around the next corner. Brushing a large spider web aside, she turned the corner and paused. There was a small flap of faded red wood at about eye height, just to her left. She pulled open the flap and peered through the narrow opening.

  Senshu sighed when she caught sight of Jaden lying naked on the bed. She wanted this magnificent creature all for herself. She clenched her legs together, her sex creaming with desire.

  To her consternation, a woman lay beside him. Senshu didn’t recognize her, but she was extraordinarily beautiful, with flowing chestnut hair and a near-perfect body. So Jaden had a whore he took to his bed when she wasn’t around. Someone should have told her. The woman would conveniently disappear once Senshu was in charge of the citadel. Perhaps, if she felt very magnanimous, she wouldn’t even kill her. She’d just give her to the solders of the citadel to do with as they wished. Although it was doubtful she’d last for long in their hands.

  It was obvious Jaden had just had sex with the female. He’d no need to fuck someone else. Wasn’t she enough for him? She shuddered in angry disgust as Jaden kissed the woman’s cheek. He jumped out of bed and pulled on his breeches. She watched the play of muscles under his smooth, dusky flesh as he moved. She so wanted to couple with him again. Her hunger for him never waned.

  “Don’t forget,” Jaden said to the woman, “leave here as soon as Asumi arrives. You’re to stay there until I send for you. I need to know you’ll be safe.”

  “I won’t forget.” The woman stood and twined her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. “If only I could help. You know I’m as good with a sword as any man.”

  His words confused Senshu. The whore knew of his plans and he appeared concerned for this bitch’s safety.

  “It would be impossible, you know that, Nerya.” He smiled at her and brushed his lips against her cheek.

  Senshu bit her lip until she drew blood. She couldn’t deceive herself. Jaden cared for this woman, but how was that possible? Dai’Shi-en didn’t feel such emotions. She’d never felt jealous about any man before, but she did now. She loathed this woman. She needed to burst into the room and kill her right now. She frowned. This woman spoke of being good with a sword, but women didn’t bear arms. Only men were warriors. Who exactly was this creature? Whoever she was, she wouldn’t be with him much longer.

  Asumi? Wasn’t that the girl from the seraglio who Lord Naga allowed to visit Brion? Not only had Jaden hidden his plans for last night, it appeared he was hiding far more from her than she’d ever believed possible.

  Jaden eased away from the woman and bent to slip on his leather boots.

  “Here.” The woman handed him a sleeveless, studded leather doublet.

  “This could be very dangerous,” Jaden said, pulling on the garment. “If I don’t—”

  “Not another word.” She put her finger to his lips. “Just be careful, my love.”

  Senshu clenched her hands until her nails dug in her palms. She wanted to strangle the bitch. The Dai’Shi-en was hers!

  “I’ll be careful.” Jaden stepped over to a chest, picked up his sword belt and fastened it around his waist. “And promise me you’ll do exactly as I ask.”

  He was even more magnificent dressed like this, with his muscular arms exposed and the doublet open to the waist, revealing a tempting portion of his well-honed chest. Senshu smiled to herself. She had a better plan now. She’d personally put the bitch’s eyes out before she gave her to the guards. “Do I not always do exactly what you say, Jaden?” the woman asked.

  He laughed derisively. “If only.”

  Senshu had seen more than enough. Her emotions in turmoil, she flipped the cover shut and swiftly retraced her steps, no longer caring about the dust and dirt.

  She had to do something about Jaden and this woman right now!

  Chapter Sixteen

  Nerya pulled the door open at the first hesitant knock. “There you are.” She smiled as Asumi glided into the room in her usual calm, elegant fashion.

  “I’m so relieved you’re all right, Nerya.” As soon as the door was shut Asumi clutched her and hugged her tight. “After the chaos of last night, I feared the worst.”

  “Apparently, an intruder broke into Lord Naga’s quarters and killed some of his guards.” Nerya shrugged, a little embarrassed by the obvious show of affection. Asumi normally wasn’t so demonstrative. “That’s all I know.”

  “The intruder also killed poor littl
e Keiko, Lord Naga’s newest concubine.”

  “Are you sure?” Nerya couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It hadn’t been Jaden, so it could only have been Naga or one of his guards who murdered the poor girl. Jaden would feel even guiltier about not being able to help her. Yet it would’ve been impossible for him to do anything for Keiko without putting himself, and their plan, in jeopardy.

  “Quite sure,” Asumi confirmed with a sigh. “The other concubines who were with Lord Naga at the time are being kept near his quarters and closely guarded, purely for their own protection, of course. It’s said they saw the intruder and can identify him.”

  “Identify him?” Jaden had assured her no one had laid eyes on him apart from the three guards, and he’d killed them all. “Are you certain?”

  “Yes. Don’t look so worried, Nerya. The assassin will have left by now. Lord Naga believes the man was sent by Commissioner Mikoto from the next province—they are sworn enemies.”

  “Is that so?” Relief flooded through her. Jaden wasn’t in any jeopardy. How fortunate that Lord Naga had been eager to presume it was his enemy instead of thinking it could be someone in the citadel. Nerya picked up her dark blue silk cloak. “We should be leaving, Asumi,” she said, sliding her feet into her impractical backless slippers. She missed her boots and breeches and longed to wear her sword again. “Jaden said that today we’re to go straight to Brion’s rooms and remain there until he sends for us. If need be, we may have to stay there until late into the night.”

  Asumi appeared baffled. “You’re sure? It is a strange request.”

  “He has his reasons, and we shouldn’t question his orders, now should we?”

  “No.” Asumi bowed. “The Dai’Shi-en knows what’s best.”

  It was safer for Asumi not to know of Jaden’s plans. Nerya was troubled about them as it was, but he’d pointed out he had little choice now if he wanted to save Tarn and Sarin.

  There was a soft, hesitant knock on the door. “Who can that be?” Nerya muttered.

  She pulled the door to find one of the female maids who served the concubines standing outside. None of the soulless ones worked in the seraglio, as their presence made some of the more sensitive women very uneasy.

  “I seek the Lady Asumi,” the maid said in a shy, nervous voice. “Is she here perchance, my lady?”

  “I am here.” Asumi appeared from behind Nerya. “What do you want of me?”

  “Two of my ladies are unwell,” the maid said. “They are asking for your assistance. They wish you to brew one of your herbal remedies to lessen their discomfort.”

  Nerya knew how much the other concubines relied on Asumi’s skills. None of them seemed to like the male physician who served Lord Naga.

  “Which ladies?” Asumi asked.

  “The Ladies Makoma and Jamata,” the girl said, moving from one foot to the other as though ill at ease.

  “Probably their monthly courses,” Asumi told Nerya. “They both have problems with them.” She sighed. “I fear I cannot disappoint them. They rely on me. It’ll take only a moment for me to attend to their needs.”

  “I’ll come with you.” Nerya pulled her hood over her hair. “Then we can make our way to Brion’s rooms afterwards.”

  “I’m obliged.” Asumi glanced at Nerya. “We won’t be long. The Dai’Shi-en has no need to hear of this.” She might have come to trust Jaden but she was still scared of him. Fear of the Dai’Shi-en was inbred in the people of Acheron. “Let us go,” she said to the maid.

  “Wait one moment.” Nerya hurried to the bed and picked up the silver box. She’d take it, just in case they didn’t have a chance to return to Jaden’s room. Slipping it in the pocket of her cloak, she smiled at Asumi. “I’m ready now.”

  Nerya silently accompanied Asumi and the maid down the wide staircase and along a number of corridors until they reached the entrance to the seraglio. The guards on duty didn’t even bother to glance at them as she, Asumi and the maid entered the harem. Everything here appeared normal to Nerya, although at first sight the brightly clad women seemed a little subdued. That wasn’t surprising, considering the sad demise of the newest concubine. What would they do once Naga was dead? Maybe they would want to return to their families. After all, few had come here by choice. They could live a normal life—find a husband, have children. Thinking about that reminded her of what Jaden intended to do later today. She tried not to think of the danger he faced. His actions were born out of desperation, and his plan was foolhardy to say the least. She feared for his safety, yet she could do nothing to help him. He’d refused to even consider her involvement.

  “Where are Makoma and Jamata?” Asumi asked the maid.

  “They said they would be waiting for you in the retiring chamber,” the girl stuttered as Nerya slipped off her cloak.

  Most of the concubines shared their sleeping quarters. Only the favorites had their own rooms. Because of this, the retiring chamber was set aside for concubines who were unwell.

  Everything appeared normal but Nerya still experienced a flutter of concern. A small group of concubines chattering happily together walked past her. One of them held a lute. Lord Naga liked to be entertained by them, especially when he had important visitors. Nevertheless, she sensed something wasn’t quite right. Was it just her concern for Jaden that made her imagine things that weren’t really there?

  “We should hurry,” Nerya told Asumi. The sooner they got to the relative safety of Brion’s chambers the better. Also Chang needed them to keep an eye on the child while he carried out some tasks for Jaden.

  “Yes.” Asumi glanced at the maid. “Remain here. I may need you to help me prepare the remedy.”

  “Yes, my lady.” The girl stepped aside so Asumi could enter the retiring chamber.

  Nerya followed Asumi into the large, comfortably furnished chamber. There were a number of low couches upholstered in rich brocades, and covered with soft pillows. The slight breeze coming in through the open windows made the room pleasantly cool. It was an agreeable place to stay if you were feeling unwell. There was only one problem—the room was empty. There was no sign of Makoma or Jamata.

  Nerya’s warrior instinct made her desperate to leave this place right now. Something was wrong. “Where are these women?”

  “I don’t know,” Asumi replied. “I’ll ask the maid. Perhaps she got it wrong and they’re waiting for me in their bedchamber.”

  “No, let’s leave. They’ve obviously recovered.” Nerya followed Asumi to the door.

  Asumi pulled at the latch. “That’s strange, Nerya. It appears to be locked.”

  “Locked?” Nerya tossed her cloak on a couch. “Are you sure?” The hairs on the back of her neck prickled. Apart from the barred window, there was no other way out of here. “Let me try.”

  Before she could reach the door, Asumi tugged at the latch again. This time the door burst open. Asumi staggered back, stumbling against a padded couch, only just managing to retain her balance.

  Nerya didn’t recognize the blonde-haired voluptuous woman who stepped into the room, but she recognized the cloying perfume that had clung to the fabric of the green cloak. Senshu! Why was she here?

  “Asumi, there you are.” The woman stared at Asumi and then her cold blue eyes fastened on Nerya. “And you must be Nerya, the Dai’Shi-en’s whore.”

  Venom filled her words. Nerya stepped back a pace, kicking off the backless slippers, intending to fight her way out of here. Maybe that wasn’t such a good idea. Behind Senshu stood a number of the same black-clad mercenaries who’d abducted Brion. Nerya ached for her sword. She was outnumbered, but at least with a weapon in her hand she could have defended herself. Dressed in these ridiculous clothes and without her sword, she had no chance of fighting her way out. “Lady Senshu.” Nerya bowed politely. “This is an honor.”

  “An honor. Indeed it is,” Senshu said as Asumi sank to her knees in front of her. Nerya, who had not the slightest intention of kneeling, stared at Senshu.
“And you, whore, should be honored I even deign to talk to you.”

  Why should her relationship with Jaden concern Senshu? Thinking it wiser not to antagonize this creature, Nerya said nothing. Why had Senshu trapped them in here? Her concern increased as four of the mercenaries followed Senshu inside the room and the door slammed shut.

  “What do you wish of us, my lady?” Nerya asked.

  Ignoring her, Senshu addressed the mercenaries. “Take them. But be very careful of the whore,” she warned, pointing at Nerya.

  Nerya had to grit her teeth to stop herself from resisting. She needed to know what this woman wanted from her first. Quelling her warrior instincts, she did nothing to antagonize the men as they grabbed her. Another man roughly hauled Asumi to her feet and pinned her hands behind her back.

  “I rather expected you to resist,” Senshu said to Nerya. “But then that would have brought pain for your little friend Asumi.”

  “Why hurt Asumi? I don’t understand, my lady,” Nerya said. “I’ve done you no wrong.”

  “No wrong?” Senshu gave a bitter laugh. “You’ve bedded the Dai’Shi-en, and that does not please me.”

  Senshu sounded jealous, but why? Did she have her sights set on Jaden? He’d told her he’d persuaded Senshu to help them stop Naga’s plans, but he’d never told her how he’d got Senshu to side with him instead of the mage. Her heart missed a beat and suspicion knifed her stomach. So how much persuasion had it actually taken?

  “The Dai’Shi-en commanded, and I obeyed. I had no choice in the matter.”

  “Really?” Senshu turned toward Asumi, who trembled. “This woman is not from Usaka, is she, Asumi?”

  Asumi’s eyes widened. “She is from Usaka. Lord Naga’s guards captured her in the square in front of the citadel.”

  “That means nothing.” Senshu grabbed Asumi’s chin and stared into her eyes. “You’re her friend. You must know more. Tell me who she truly is.”


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