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Little Men

Page 21

by Louisa May Alcott


  This yearly festival was always kept at Plumfield in the goodold-fashioned way, and nothing was allowed to interfere with it. Fordays beforehand, the little girls helped Asia and Mrs. Jo in store-roomand kitchen, making pies and puddings, sorting fruit, dusting dishes,and being very busy and immensely important. The boys hovered on theoutskirts of the forbidden ground, sniffing the savory odors, peepingin at the mysterious performances, and occasionally being permitted totaste some delicacy in the process of preparation.

  Something more than usual seemed to be on foot this year, for the girlswere as busy up-stairs as down, so were the boys in school-room andbarn, and a general air of bustle pervaded the house. There was a greathunting up of old ribbons and finery, much cutting and pasting of goldpaper, and the most remarkable quantity of straw, gray cotton, flannel,and big black beads, used by Franz and Mrs. Jo. Ned hammered at strangemachines in the workshop, Demi and Tommy went about murmuring tothemselves as if learning something. A fearful racket was heard inEmil's room at intervals, and peals of laughter from the nursery whenRob and Teddy were sent for and hidden from sight whole hours at a time.But the thing that puzzled Mr. Bhaer the most was what became of Rob'sbig pumpkin. It had been borne in triumph to the kitchen, where a dozengolden-tinted pies soon after appeared. It would not have taken morethan a quarter of the mammoth vegetable to make them, yet where was therest? It disappeared, and Rob never seemed to care, only chuckled whenit was mentioned, and told his father, "To wait and see," for the fun ofthe whole thing was to surprise Father Bhaer at the end, and not let himknow a bit about what was to happen.

  He obediently shut eyes, ears, and mouth, and went about trying notto see what was in plain sight, not to hear the tell-tale sounds thatfilled the air, not to understand any of the perfectly transparentmysteries going on all about him. Being a German, he loved these simpledomestic festivals, and encouraged them with all his heart, for theymade home so pleasant that the boys did not care to go elsewhere forfun.

  When at last the day came, the boys went off for a long walk, that theymight have good appetites for dinner; as if they ever needed them! Thegirls remained at home to help set the table, and give last touches tovarious affairs which filled their busy little souls with anxiety. Theschool-room had been shut up since the night before, and Mr. Bhaer wasforbidden to enter it on pain of a beating from Teddy, who guarded thedoor like a small dragon, though he was dying to tell about it, andnothing but his father's heroic self-denial in not listening, kept himfrom betraying a grand secret.

  "It's all done, and it's perfectly splendid," cried Nan, coming out atlast with an air of triumph.

  "The you know goes beautifully, and Silas knows just what to do now,"added Daisy, skipping with delight at some unspeakable success.

  "I'm blest if it ain't the 'cutest thing I ever see, them critters inparticular," said Silas, who had been let into the secret, went offlaughing like a great boy.

  "They are coming; I hear Emil roaring 'Land lubbers lying down below,'so we must run and dress," cried Nan, and up-stairs they scampered in agreat hurry.

  The boys came trooping home with appetites that would have made the bigturkey tremble, if it had not been past all fear. They also retired todress; and for half-an-hour there was a washing, brushing, and prinkingthat would have done any tidy woman's heart good to see. When the bellrang, a troop of fresh-faced lads with shiny hair, clean collars, andSunday jackets on, filed into the dining-room, where Mrs. Jo, in herone black silk, with a knot of her favorite white chrysanthemums in herbosom, sat at the head of the table, "looking splendid," as the boyssaid, whenever she got herself up. Daisy and Nan were as gay as a posybed in their new winter dresses, with bright sashes and hair ribbons.Teddy was gorgeous to behold in a crimson merino blouse, and his bestbutton boots, which absorbed and distracted him as much as Mr. Toot'swristbands did on one occasion.

  As Mr. and Mrs. Bhaer glanced at each other down the long table, withthose rows of happy faces on either side, they had a little thanksgivingall to themselves, and without a word, for one heart said to the other,

  "Our work has prospered, let us be grateful and go on."

  The clatter of knives and forks prevented much conversation for a fewminutes, and Mary Ann with an amazing pink bow in her hair "flew round"briskly, handing plates and ladling out gravy. Nearly every one hadcontributed to the feast, so the dinner was a peculiarly interestingones to the eaters of it, who beguiled the pauses by remarks on theirown productions.

  "If these are not good potatoes I never saw any," observed Jack, as hereceived his fourth big mealy one.

  "Some of my herbs are in the stuffing of the turkey, that's why it's sonice," said Nan, taking a mouthful with intense satisfaction.

  "My ducks are prime any way; Asia said she never cooked such fat ones,"added Tommy.

  "Well, our carrots are beautiful, ain't they, and our parsnips willbe ever so good when we dig them," put in Dick, and Dolly murmured hisassent from behind the bone he was picking.

  "I helped make the pies with my pumpkin," called out Robby, with a laughwhich he stopped by retiring into his mug.

  "I picked some of the apples that the cider is made of," said Demi.

  "I raked the cranberries for the sauce," cried Nat.

  "I got the nuts," added Dan, and so it went on all round the table.

  "Who made up Thanksgiving?" asked Rob, for being lately promoted tojacket and trousers he felt a new and manly interest in the institutionsof his country.

  "See who can answer that question," and Mr. Bhaer nodded to one or twoof his best history boys.

  "I know," said Demi, "the Pilgrims made it."

  "What for?" asked Rob, without waiting to learn who the Pilgrims were.

  "I forget," and Demi subsided.

  "I believe it was because they were starved once, and so when they had agood harvest, they said, 'We will thank God for it,' and they had a dayand called it Thanksgiving," said Dan, who liked the story of the bravemen who suffered so nobly for their faith.

  "Good! I didn't think you would remember any thing but natural history,"and Mr. Bhaer tapped gently on the table as applause for his pupil.

  Dan looked pleased; and Mrs. Jo said to her son, "Now do you understandabout it, Robby?"

  "No, I don't. I thought pil-grins were a sort of big bird that lived onrocks, and I saw pictures of them in Demi's book."

  "He means penguins. Oh, isn't he a little goosey!" and Demi laid back inhis chair and laughed aloud.

  "Don't laugh at him, but tell him all about it if you can," said Mrs.Bhaer, consoling Rob with more cranberry sauce for the general smilethat went round the table at his mistake.

  "Well, I will;" and, after a pause to collect his ideas, Demi deliveredthe following sketch of the Pilgrim Fathers, which would have made eventhose grave gentlemen smile if they could have heard it.

  "You see, Rob, some of the people in England didn't like the king, orsomething, so they got into ships and sailed away to this country. Itwas all full of Indians, and bears, and wild creatures, and they livedin forts, and had a dreadful time."

  "The bears?" asked Robby, with interest.

  "No; the Pilgrims, because the Indians troubled them. They hadn't enoughto eat, and they went to church with guns, and ever so many died, andthey got out of the ships on a rock, and it's called Plymouth Rock, andAunt Jo saw it and touched it. The Pilgrims killed all the Indians,and got rich; and hung the witches, and were very good; and some of thegreatest great-grandpas came in the ships. One was the Mayflower; andthey made Thanksgiving, and we have it always, and I like it. Some moreturkey, please."

  "I think Demi will be an historian, there is such order and clearness inhis account of events;" and Uncle Fritz's eyes laughed at Aunt Jo, as hehelped the descendant of the Pilgrims to his third bit of turkey.

  "I thought you must eat as much as ever you could on Thanksgiving.But Franz says you mustn't even then;" and Stuffy looked as if he hadreceived bad news.

  "Franz is right, so mind your knife and fork, and be moderate, or elseyou won't be able to help in the surprise by and by," said Mrs. Jo.

  "I'll be careful; but everybody does eat lots, and I like it betterthan being moderate," said Stuffy, who leaned to the popular belief thatThanksgiving must be kept by coming as near apoplexy as possible, andescaping with merely a fit of indigestion or a headache.

  "Now, my 'pilgrims' amuse yourselves quietly till tea-time, for you willhave enough excitement this evening," said Mrs. Jo, as they rose fromthe table after a protracted sitting, finished by drinking every one'shealth in cider.

  "I think I will take the whole flock for a drive, it is so pleasant;then you can rest, my dear, or you will be worn out this evening," addedMr. Bhaer; and as soon as coats and hats could be put on, the greatomnibus was packed full, and away they went for a long gay drive,leaving Mrs. Jo to rest and finish sundry small affairs in peace.

  An early and light tea was followed by more brushing of hair and washingof hands; then the flock waited impatiently for the company to come.Only the family was expected; for these small revels were strictlydomestic, and such being the case, sorrow was not allowed to sadden thepresent festival. All came; Mr. and Mrs. March, with Aunt Meg, so sweetand lovely, in spite of her black dress and the little widow's cap thatencircled her tranquil face. Uncle Teddy and Aunt Amy, with the Princesslooking more fairy-like than ever, in a sky-blue gown, and a greatbouquet of hot-house flowers, which she divided among the boys, stickingone in each button-hole, making them feel peculiarly elegant andfestive. One strange face appeared, and Uncle Teddy led the unknowngentleman up to the Bhaers, saying,

  "This is Mr. Hyde; he has been inquiring about Dan, and I ventured tobring him to-night, that he might see how much the boy has improved."

  The Bhaers received him cordially, for Dan's sake, pleased that the ladhad been remembered. But, after a few minutes' chat, they were glad toknow Mr. Hyde for his own sake, so genial, simple, and interesting washe. It was pleasant to see the boy's face light up when he caughtsight of his friend; pleasanter still to see Mr. Hyde's surprise andsatisfaction in Dan's improved manners and appearance, and pleasantestof all to watch the two sit talking in a corner, forgetting thedifferences of age, culture, and position, in the one subject whichinterested both, as man and boy compared notes, and told the story oftheir summer life.

  "The performance must begin soon, or the actors will go to sleep," saidMrs. Jo, when the first greetings were over.

  So every one went into the school-room, and took seats before a curtainmade of two bed-covers. The children had already vanished; but stifledlaughter, and funny little exclamations from behind the curtain,betrayed their whereabouts. The entertainment began with a spiritedexhibition of gymnastics, led by Franz. The six elder lads, in bluetrousers and red shirts, made a fine display of muscle with dumb-bells,clubs, and weights, keeping time to the music of the piano, played byMrs. Jo behind the scenes. Dan was so energetic in this exercise, thatthere was some danger of his knocking down his neighbors, like so manynine-pins, or sending his bean-bags whizzing among the audience; for hewas excited by Mr. Hyde's presence, and a burning desire to do honor tohis teachers.

  "A fine, strong lad. If I go on my trip to South America, in a year ortwo, I shall be tempted to ask you to lend him to me, Mr. Bhaer," saidMr. Hyde, whose interest in Dan was much increased by the report he hadjust heard of him.

  "You shall have him, and welcome, though we shall miss our youngHercules very much. It would do him a world of good, and I am sure hewould serve his friend faithfully."

  Dan heard both question and answer, and his heart leaped with joy at thethought of travelling in a new country with Mr. Hyde, and swelled withgratitude for the kindly commendation which rewarded his efforts to beall these friends desired to see him.

  After the gymnastics, Demi and Tommy spoke the old school dialogue,"Money makes the mare go." Demi did very well, but Tommy was capitalas the old farmer; for he imitated Silas in a way that convulsed theaudience, and caused Silas himself to laugh so hard that Asia hadto slap him on the back, as they stood in the hall enjoying the funimmensely.

  Then Emil, who had got his breath by this time, gave them a sea-songin costume, with a great deal about "stormy winds," "lee shores," anda rousing chorus of "Luff, boys, luff," which made the room ring; afterwhich Ned performed a funny Chinese dance, and hopped about like a largefrog in a pagoda hat. As this was the only public exhibition ever heldat Plumfield, a few exercises in lightning-arithmetic, spelling,and reading were given. Jack quite amazed the public by his rapidcalculations on the blackboard. Tommy won in the spelling match, andDemi read a little French fable so well that Uncle Teddy was charmed.

  "Where are the other children?" asked every one as the curtain fell, andnone of the little ones appeared.

  "Oh, that is the surprise. It's so lovely, I pity you because you don'tknow it," said Demi, who had gone to get his mother's kiss, and stayedby her to explain the mystery when it should be revealed.

  Goldilocks had been carried off by Aunt Jo, to the great amazement ofher papa, who quite outdid Mr. Bhaer in acting wonder, suspense, andwild impatience to know "what was going to happen."

  At last, after much rustling, hammering, and very audible directionsfrom the stage manager, the curtain rose to soft music, and Bess wasdiscovered sitting on a stool beside a brown paper fire-place. A dearerlittle Cinderella was never seen; for the gray gown was very ragged, thetiny shoes all worn, the face so pretty under the bright hair, and theattitude so dejected, it brought tears, as well as smiles, to the fondeyes looking at the baby actress. She sat quite still, till a voicewhispered, "Now!" then she sighed a funny little sigh, and said, "OhI wish I tood go to the ball!" so naturally, that her father clappedfrantically, and her mother called out, "Little darling!" These highlyimproper expressions of feeling caused Cinderella to forget herself, andshake her head at them, saying, reprovingly, "You mustn't 'peak to me."

  Silence instantly prevailed, and three taps were heard on the wall.Cinderella looked alarmed, but before she could remember to say, "Whatis dat?" the back of the brown paper fire-place opened like a door, and,with some difficulty, the fairy godmother got herself and her pointedhat through. It was Nan, in a red cloak, a cap, and a wand, which shewaved as she said decidedly,

  "You shall go to the ball, my dear."

  "Now you must pull and show my pretty dress," returned Cinderella,tugging at her brown gown.

  "No, no; you must say, 'How can I go in my rags?'" said the godmother inher own voice.

  "Oh yes, so I mus';" and the Princess said it, quite undisturbed by herforgetfulness.

  "I change your rags into a splendid dress, because you are good," saidthe godmother in her stage tones; and deliberately unbuttoning the brownpinafore, she displayed a gorgeous sight.

  The little Princess really was pretty enough to turn the heads of anynumber of small princes, for her mamma had dressed her like a tiny courtlady, in a rosy silk train with satin under-skirt, and bits of bouquetshere and there, quite lovely to behold. The godmother put a crown, withpink and white feathers drooping from it, on her head, and gave hera pair of silver paper slippers, which she put on, and then stood up,lifting her skirts to show them to the audience, saying, with pride, "Mydlass ones, ain't they pitty?"

  She was so charmed with them, that she was with difficulty recalled toher part, and made to say,

  "But I have no toach, Dodmother."

  "Behold it!" and Nan waved her wand with such a flourish, that shenearly knocked off the crown of the Princess.

  Then appeared the grand triumph of the piece. First, a rope was seen toflap on the floor, to tighten with a twitch as Emil's voice was heardto say, "Heave, ahoy!" and Silas's gruff one to reply, "Stiddy,now, stiddy!" A shout of laughter followed, for four large gray ratsappeared, rather shaky as to their legs, and queer as to their tails,but quite fine about the head, where black beads shone in the mostlifelike manner. They drew, or were intended to app
ear as if they did,a magnificent coach made of half the mammoth pumpkin, mounted on thewheels of Teddy's wagon, painted yellow to match the gay carriage.Perched on a seat in front sat a jolly little coachman in a whitecotton-wool wig, cocked hat, scarlet breeches, and laced coat, whocracked a long whip and jerked the red reins so energetically, that thegray steeds reared finely. It was Teddy, and he beamed upon the companyso affably that they gave him a round all to himself; and Uncle Lauriesaid, "If I could find as sober a coachman as that one, I would engagehim on the spot." The coach stopped, the godmother lifted in thePrincess, and she was trundled away in state, kissing her hand to thepublic, with her glass shoes sticking up in front, and her pink trainsweeping the ground behind, for, elegant as the coach was, I regret tosay that her Highness was rather a tight fit.

  The next scene was the ball, and here Nan and Daisy appeared as gay aspeacocks in all sorts of finery. Nan was especially good as the proudsister, and crushed many imaginary ladies as she swept about thepalace-hall. The Prince, in solitary state upon a somewhat unsteadythrone, sat gazing about him from under an imposing crown, as he playedwith his sword and admired the rosettes in his shoes. When Cinderellacame in he jumped up, and exclaimed, with more warmth than elegance,

  "My gracious! who is that?" and immediately led the lady out to dance,while the sisters scowled and turned up their noses in the corner.

  The stately jig executed by the little couple was very pretty, for thechildish faces were so earnest, the costumes so gay, and the steps sopeculiar, that they looked like the dainty quaint figures painted ona Watteau fan. The Princess's train was very much in her way, andthe sword of Prince Rob nearly tripped him up several times. But theyovercame these obstacles remarkably well, and finished the dance withmuch grace and spirit, considering that neither knew what the other wasabout.

  "Drop your shoe," whispered Mrs. Jo's voice as the lady was about to sitdown.

  "Oh, I fordot!" and, taking off one of the silvery slippers, Cinderellaplanted it carefully in the middle of the stage, said to Rob, "Now youmust try and tatch me," and ran away, while the Prince, picking up theshoe, obediently trotted after her.

  The third scene, as everybody knows, is where the herald comes to tryon the shoe. Teddy, still in coachman's dress, came in blowing a tinfish-horn melodiously, and the proud sisters each tried to put on theslipper. Nan insisted on playing cut off her toe with a carving-knife,and performed that operation so well that the herald was alarmed, andbegged her to be "welly keerful." Cinderella then was called, and camein with the pinafore half on, slipped her foot into the slipper, andannounced, with satisfaction,

  "I am the Pinsiss."

  Daisy wept, and begged pardon; but Nan, who liked tragedy, improved uponthe story, and fell in a fainting-fit upon the floor, where she remainedcomfortably enjoying the rest of the play. It was not long, for thePrince ran in, dropped upon his knees, and kissed the hand of Goldilockswith great ardor, while the herald blew a blast that nearly deafened theaudience. The curtain had no chance to fall, for the Princess ran offthe stage to her father, crying, "Didn't I do well?" while the Princeand herald had a fencing-match with the tin horn and wooden sword.

  "It was beautiful!" said every one; and, when the raptures had a littlesubsided, Nat came out with his violin in his hand.

  "Hush! hush!" cried all the children, and silence followed, forsomething in the boy's bashful manner and appealing eyes make every onelisten kindly.

  The Bhaers thought he would play some of the old airs he knew so well,but, to their surprise, they heard a new and lovely melody, so softly,sweetly played, that they could hardly believe it could be Nat. It wasone of those songs without words that touch the heart, and sing of alltender home-like hopes and joys, soothing and cheering those who listento its simple music. Aunt Meg leaned her head on Demi's shoulder,Grandmother wiped her eyes, and Mrs. Jo looked up at Mr. Laurie, saying,in a choky whisper,

  "You composed that."

  "I wanted your boy to do you honor, and thank you in his own way,"answered Laurie, leaning down to answer her.

  When Nat made his bow and was about to go, he was called back by manyhands, and had to play again. He did so with such a happy face, thatit was good to see him, for he did his best, and gave them the gay oldtunes that set the feet to dancing, and made quietude impossible.

  "Clear the floor!" cried Emil; and in a minute the chairs were pushedback, the older people put safely in corners and the children gatheredon the stage.

  "Show your manners!" called Emil; and the boys pranced up to the ladies,old and young; with polite invitations to "tread the mazy," as dear DickSwiveller has it. The small lads nearly came to blows for the Princess,but she chose Dick, like a kind, little gentlewoman as she was, and lethim lead her proudly to her place. Mrs. Jo was not allowed to decline;and Aunt Amy filled Dan with unspeakable delight by refusing Franz andtaking him. Of course Nan and Tommy, Nat and Daisy paired off, whileUncle Teddy went and got Asia, who was longing to "jig it," and feltmuch elated by the honor done her. Silas and Mary Ann had a privatedance in the hall; and for half-an-hour Plumfield was at its merriest.

  The party wound up with a grand promenade of all the young folks, headedby the pumpkin-coach with the Princess and driver inside, and the ratsin a wildly frisky state.

  While the children enjoyed this final frolic, the elders sat in theparlor looking on as they talked together of the little people with theinterest of parents and friends.

  "What are you thinking of, all by yourself, with such a happy face,sister Jo?" asked Laurie, sitting down beside her on the sofa.

  "My summer's work, Teddy, and amusing myself by imagining the future ofmy boys," she answered, smiling as she made room for him.

  "They are all to be poets, painters, and statesmen, famous soldiers, orat least merchant princes, I suppose."

  "No, I am not as aspiring as I once was, and I shall be satisfied ifthey are honest men. But I will confess that I do expect a little gloryand a career for some of them. Demi is not a common child, and I thinkhe will blossom into something good and great in the best sense of theword. The others will do well, I hope, especially my last two boys, for,after hearing Nat play to-night, I really think he has genius."

  "Too soon to say; talent he certainly has, and there is no doubt thatthe boy can soon earn his bread by the work he loves. Build him up foranother year or so, and then I will take him off your hands, and launchhim properly."

  "That is such a pleasant prospect for poor Nat, who came to me sixmonths ago so friendless and forlorn. Dan's future is already plainto me. Mr. Hyde will want him soon, and I mean to give him a brave andfaithful little servant. Dan is one who can serve well if the wages arelove and confidence, and he has the energy to carve out his own futurein his own way. Yes, I am very happy over our success with these boysone so weak, and one so wild; both so much better now, and so full ofpromise."

  "What magic did you use, Jo?"

  "I only loved them, and let them see it. Fritz did the rest."

  "Dear soul! you look as if 'only loving' had been rather hard worksometimes," said Laurie, stroking her thin cheek with a look of moretender admiration than he had ever given her as a girl.

  "I'm a faded old woman, but I'm a very happy one; so don't pity me,Teddy;" and she glanced about the room with eyes full of a sincerecontent.

  "Yes, your plan seems to work better and better every year," he said,with an emphatic nod of approval toward the cheery scene before him.

  "How can it fail to work well when I have so much help from you all?"answered Mrs. Jo, looking gratefully at her most generous patron.

  "It is the best joke of the family, this school of yours and itssuccess. So unlike the future we planned for you, and yet so suited toyou after all. It was a regular inspiration, Jo," said Laurie, dodgingher thanks as usual.

  "Ah! but you laughed at it in the beginning, and still make all mannerof fun of me and my inspirations. Didn't you predict that having girlswith the boys would be a dead failure? Now see
how well it works;" andshe pointed to the happy group of lads and lassies dancing, singing, andchattering together with every sign of kindly good fellowship.

  "I give in, and when my Goldilocks is old enough I'll send her to you.Can I say more than that?"

  "I shall be so proud to have your little treasure trusted to me. Butreally, Teddy, the effect of these girls has been excellent. I know youwill laugh at me, but I don't mind, I'm used to it; so I'll tell youthat one of my favorite fancies is to look at my family as a smallworld, to watch the progress of my little men, and, lately, to see howwell the influence of my little women works upon them. Daisy is thedomestic element, and they all feel the charm of her quiet, womanlyways. Nan is the restless, energetic, strong-minded one; they admire hercourage, and give her a fair chance to work out her will, seeing thatshe has sympathy as well as strength, and the power to do much in theirsmall world. Your Bess is the lady, full of natural refinement, grace,and beauty. She polishes them unconsciously, and fills her place as anylovely woman may, using her gentle influence to lift and hold them abovethe coarse, rough things of life, and keep them gentlemen in the bestsense of the fine old word."

  "It is not always the ladies who do that best, Jo. It is sometimes thestrong brave woman who stirs up the boy and makes a man of him;" andLaurie bowed to her with a significant laugh.

  "No; I think the graceful woman, whom the boy you allude to married, hasdone more for him than the wild Nan of his youth; or, better still, thewise, motherly woman who watched over him, as Daisy watches over Demi,did more to make him what he is;" and Jo turned toward her mother, whosat a little apart with Meg, looking so full of the sweet dignity andbeauty of old age, that Laurie gave her a glance of filial respect andlove as he replied, in serious earnest,

  "All three did much for him, and I can understand how well these littlegirls will help your lads."

  "Not more than the lads help them; it is mutual, I assure you. Nat doesmuch for Daisy with his music; Dan can manage Nan better than any ofus; and Demi teaches your Goldilocks so easily and well that Fritz callsthem Roger Ascham and Lady Jane Grey. Dear me! if men and women wouldonly trust, understand, and help one another as my children do, what acapital place the world would be!" and Mrs. Jo's eyes grew absent, as ifshe was looking at a new and charming state of society in which peoplelived as happily and innocently as her flock at Plumfield.

  "You are doing your best to help on the good time, my dear. Continueto believe in it, to work for it, and to prove its possibility by thesuccess of her small experiment," said Mr. March, pausing as he passedto say an encouraging word, for the good man never lost his faith inhumanity, and still hoped to see peace, good-will, and happiness reignupon the earth.

  "I am not so ambitious as that, father. I only want to give thesechildren a home in which they can be taught a few simple things whichwill help to make life less hard to them when they go out to fight theirbattles in the world. Honesty, courage, industry, faith in God, theirfellow-creatures, and themselves; that is all I try for."

  "That is every thing. Give them these helps, then let them go to workout their life as men and women; and whatever their success or failureis, I think they will remember and bless your efforts, my good son anddaughter."

  The Professor had joined them, and as Mr. March spoke he gave a handto each, and left them with a look that was a blessing. As Jo and herhusband stood together for a moment talking quietly, and feeling thattheir summer work had been well done if father approved, Mr. Laurieslipped into the hall, said a word to the children, and all of a suddenthe whole flock pranced into the room, joined hands and danced aboutFather and Mother Bhaer, singing blithely,

  "Summer days are over, Summer work is done; Harvests have been gathered Gayly one by one. Now the feast is eaten, Finished is the play; But one rite remains for Our Thanksgiving-day. "Best of all the harvest In the dear God's sight, Are the happy children In the home to-night; And we come to offer Thanks where thanks are due, With grateful hearts and voices, Father, mother, unto you."

  With the last words the circle narrowed till the good Professor and hiswife were taken prisoner by many arms, and half hidden by the bouquet oflaughing young faces which surrounded them, proving that one plant hadtaken root and blossomed beautifully in all the little gardens. For loveis a flower that grows in any soil, works its sweet miracles undauntedby autumn frost or winter snow, blooming fair and fragrant all the year,and blessing those who give and those who receive.


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