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Hexed and Dangerous (The Wicked Witch of Future Past) (A Wicked Good Witches Paranormal Romance Book 9)

Page 9

by Starla Silver

  She plunked down on a small plot of sand uncaring if it got all over her dress.

  The impact released an instant stream of tears.

  This was her crying beach. The only place she ever shed a tear… never did she do this in public, or around her father. It was a sign of weakness and something she could not afford to do.

  Kindness, sympathy, comfort, tears threatening to surface… these were safe emotions. But to actually cry in front of anyone was not acceptable.

  God, she was going to miss Mathew.

  His life torn away in a blink by a single act of bravery. Or complete lack of faith in any true self-worth. Either, equally painful. But hopefully he was happy now. At peace. Safe. Loved.

  Too late of course, it was sinking in just how true a friend he had become. Not that she took him for granted, but not having him around these last few days had been hell. She never felt more alone. She had her father, the other students and witches.

  And Charlotte, who she no longer called friend after her abhorrent behavior.

  But without Mathew to confide in, there was an emptiness she had no idea how to fill. Looking into her future, there was no filling it. There was no one on this island who understood her.

  Maybe this would change.

  But tonight, she simply missed her friend.

  A sob caught her as her head sank into her hands.

  Her watery eyes caught movement to her right.

  She sucked in a sob and managed to climb to her feet unsteadily.

  “Wh-what are you doing here?” Her voice shook, the sobs unwilling to stop.

  It was the vampire. Grayson Moone.

  Doing nothing at all but returning an intense stare like the sight of her in this state was some personal torment.

  “Please go away,” she begged. “Or should I be running for my life?” she squeezed out.

  “I am not here to hurt you. I swear it.”

  For some messed up reason, she believed him.

  “Whatever on this earth has made you cry so?”

  “Why haven’t you left the Isle?” She wasn’t about to share why she was upset with him.

  “Why haven’t you told anyone about me?” he returned.

  More guilt, to top the pile of immense sadness.

  She should have told, but had not. Keeping him to herself.

  Why had she done it? There was still no logical reason.

  “Wait, how do you know I have not told?”

  “I have not been hunted, or driven away. I’m still alive.” He approached, his entire body stiff with unease. “Please, tell me what has upset you. Although, I must admit, if you claim it be another living thing I may have to tear it to pieces for causing you such pain.”

  “You’re a vampire. Why should care of the woes of one human girl?”

  “You are not a girl. And as to why, I’m not sure I fully understand the why. Only that I find myself compelled. You are… interesting to me. In a manner no other female of the species has ever been before. Vampire or human.”

  “I am merely a witch. Nothing more. There is little to be interested by. Especially to the likes of a man who has lived as long as you have.”

  He grinned, a touch a smugness. “You called me a man.”

  “You are male. I was generalizing. And that was not my point.” She sniffled, her sobs more controlled, her face red and splotchy. Regardless, she was not about to back down to this vampire.

  “You still did not answer the why,” he pointed out.

  “Why I didn’t speak of you?” She stalled, unsure of the truth, even in her own heart and mind. “I suppose it was because you did not hurt me. Or anyone else. If you do though, I will not hesitate. And… there was something genuine in your words.” A shameful admittance, and probably naïve.

  “I like that you speak the truth. You are honest. And forthright. Not a quality you see enough of these days.”

  “I imagine that is a truth anywhere on this earth.” A reality she was quickly becoming all too familiar with.

  He stepped with purposeful caution, approaching her. She tried not to flinch at his movement, but trust and vampires was not an easy thing to accept. Or expect.

  “I only wish to offer comfort, My Lisbeth.” His voice was deep and penetrating straight to her core.

  “Why do you call me that? You don’t know me. I’m not… yours. I’m not anyone’s.” Her response sounded weak and pathetic, even to her.

  “I plan to make you mine.” His tone warned he already thought of her as his, it was only a matter of time until she’d come to believe it too.

  Lisbeth’s eyed widened. “I would rather die than become like you. I am a witch. With responsibilities. You are a… a… a killer. Even if in your mind they are humans who deserved it.”

  Hurt. Inexplicable hurt in his charcoal eyes.

  For some reason, this shot a stab of guilt into her gut. But she refused to back down, entirely.

  “I’m sure you don’t see yourself as a monster, Grayson Moone. But I could never condone a life of killing in order to feed, and live, even if it is from sadistic humans, as you say.”

  “Would you not kill to survive?”

  “Oh, no, we’re not spinning this subject around to me! If I were attacked, I would defend myself, of course. If I knew of true evil hell bent on killing innocent lives then yes, it is part of my job to protect those lives. But never for my own personal gain.”

  “Is that how you see vampires? We kill for our own gain? Hmm. Narrow minded view. Perhaps I was wrong about you.”

  Her hands landed on her hips, “Now look here.”

  He closed the gap between them. “No. You pay heed to my words. I never asked to be turned into this monster whose skin I’m forced to wear. I have no control over the need for blood to survive. I would never do so willingly if there was another way.”

  “Others of your kind don’t think like you do,” she pushed out, determined to stand her ground, which was difficult when it swayed a bit under her feet. The vampire so up close and personal made her unsteady.

  “Like living off animals?” he scoffed. Like she had suggested during their first meeting.

  “Well, why not? It’s blood.”


  “Do you…” she paused, getting her courage. “Do you find my blood appealing?”

  “I find all human blood appealing.” An honest answer. “But yours has a most delectable fragrance.” His eyes closed, breathing her in. “Like wildflowers and whiskey. Like untamed woman.” His gaze trailed down her body in a manner that stated untamed was his favorite flavor. Her knees wobbled and she forced them to stiffen and hold her weight.

  “You speak as if we have some sort of future together. I am a human.”

  “Not a concern for me.”

  “Right. Of course not,” she scoffed. “Can I trust you not to… drink from me? Or is this just how you do it? Play some game of, oh, look, what a sweet, innocent human girl, let’s make her think I’m different than all the other vampires. Make her think she can trust me. And just when she gives in you…” There was a disgruntled growl and Lisbeth found herself wrapped in the vampire’s arms, her feet a few inches off the ground, the tips of her toes barely reaching the tops of his feet.

  His arms held her firmly against him, but gentle enough not to injure her delicate body. His gaze possessed hers, silencing her outward and inner thoughts. His eyes never once flickered to her vein, only locked onto hers as if trying to prove his sincerity.

  To her dismay, her body relaxed under his grip. Why couldn’t her body and mind agree this was the most terrible idea ever?

  “You have no idea how tempting a woman you are, do you? And I do not mean your blood.”

  “Tempting is not the word most men use to describe me.”

  “No. They wouldn’t. You frighten them because you’re their equal. They don’t understand how to handle you.” Not like I can, she was sure he added silently.

her brain got stuck on, “You see me as their equal?”

  “And so do they. But unlike me, they’re not willing to admit it. It might knock their precious egos down a peg.”

  This was all so very, very wrong. She’d come here to mourn.

  And now was locked in the arms of a vampire who didn’t seem willing to let her go.

  A vampire! With a conscience. It was not easy to fathom.

  She should not let her guard down so easily. Was she so desperate for this hole Mathew’s death had left in her soul to be filled, even a little, she’d resort to a friendship with a vampire?

  “You should put me down,” she spoke as firmly as possible.

  “I intend to. Eventually.”

  She fidgeted under his grasp.

  “Once you tell me why you are saddened so? What drove you to this place?”

  A wave of grief washed over her at the thought of poor Matthew. This wasn’t pain she shared, nevertheless, her body betrayed her again, the sadness obvious. Another gasp and flutter of movement later, Lisbeth was cradled in Grayson’s arms as if he was planning on carrying her somewhere. She demanded he put her down at once. Of course, he did not. Instead, he sat on the sandy beach leaving her cuddled against him in his lap.

  He eyed her sternly. “Now, tell me. Or if you prefer I can force it out of you.”

  “Your vampire persuasion doesn’t work on witches you know?”

  “I am aware. I am hoping my smoldering eyes, dashing grin, or charming wit will do the trick.”

  She lowered her head and gave a short laugh. An actual laugh.

  “See, I’m squeezing my way into your heart already.”

  Not one to give up the upper hand, or be told what to do, Lisbeth decided to make a move to knock the cocky vampire down a peg. She lifted her head, leaned in, and kissed him.

  She really should have thought that through.

  His shock was instant, an icy hitching of breath underneath her lips. His exhale, as if something most exquisite and heavenly was happening.

  In another air sucking flash of movement, Lisbeth was on her back with the vampire stretching out over her proving he was in charge. And oddly, although her heart was racing like a runaway horse, she was not afraid of him. The kiss meant to prove she had some control over the situation had somehow got flipped around, and now she wanted him to kiss her.

  He did.

  Passionately. Reverently. Wickedly.

  And then he hissed and was upward, on his knees peering down at her.

  Lisbeth lay there, breathless in the sand, staring up at flat black eyes so hungry they sucked the rest of her breath away.

  “You’re not so safe around me at all, are you?”

  “No. But I dare say I must make myself so as I am smitten. Dead heart, and no soul. These things are no longer owned by me, they all belong to you.”

  She kept still. Didn’t make any unexpected moves having tempted fate enough for one night. Surprisingly, she liked the way he was all possessing of her. The words he spoke were unlike anything she’d ever heard uttered from any other man. She’d have accepted his actions from no other, but from this vampire…


  She was all kinds of messed up if she thought this was acceptable.

  And still, she didn’t try to escape.

  Grayson calmed, his dark gaze lightening, the hunger for her still present though.

  “Come back to me,” she whispered, barely recognizing her own voice.

  He gazed down, stunned by her request. But he did so, cautiously. She caressed his face, drew her fingers across every plane. Each draw of her fingers akin to a hellish torture.

  “You’re an exquisite specimen, Grayson Moone.”

  “No, that title is yours to hold. I am but a shell of a man. A thing, living in a body designed to take down my prey.” He’d said that before, it held new meaning now. More like, tear down all the walls she always kept so securely in place.

  “You really don’t want to be a monster, do you?”

  He did not. He craved companionship. A normal life, as normal as possible. His eyes closed, daring to dream of finding it. If only for a time. Lips came up to his and he claimed them right back as if it hurt to let go. But he did let go before it became too much temptation.

  “Please don’t say something stupid like, I’ll be the man who tames you…”

  He stopped her with another gentle kiss. “Now what fun would that be?”

  She bit back a grin.

  What a wicked and dangerous thing this was. Making herself utterly vulnerable to a vampire. Wouldn’t it be the same with any man though? To some degree. Perhaps losing Mathew had made her realize how lonely she really was. How bleak her future looked, even more so without her friend. And there was that sadness again. Like a heavy stone weighing her down.

  “Please tell me,” Grayson pleaded. “Please trust me with your secret.”

  “What you ask is… difficult. Not because you’re a vampire,” she clarified.

  He got them off the sandy ground and had her back into cradle position a second later.

  “Because you don’t share, do you?”

  “Can you read my mind?” she wondered. She followed it with a head shake. “No. Of course not. You’d not be asking me about my secret…”

  “I cannot read your mind,” yet, he added in excited silence. Although he was very much looking forward to the day he did. He’d leave no corner of her mind unturned.

  “But somehow you read me like an open book,” Lisbeth said pointedly.

  “Do not ask me how as I have no answer. This is new to me. Please, Lisbeth, allow me to be the keeper of all your secrets.”

  “Will you do the same?” she turned it back on him.

  “Whatever you want of me. I can hold back nothing.”

  She let out a languid sigh, looking downward. He lifted her chin.

  “I… I lost a friend. He died saving someone else.” She needed a minute to continue and he was ever so patient. “He was my only true friend. The only person I was ever honest with. He was… a treasure. Now lost forever.”

  “You lost him in the battle?” Grayson surmised.


  “And you came here to this beach, to be sad? And alone?”

  “Yes. It is better this way.”

  “To be alone in grief? Never.”

  “For you, or others, this might be true. But for me it’s better this way. It’s necessary.”

  Grayson didn’t know quite enough to understand the whys of that statement. But he didn’t care. This solo act changed from now on.

  “You come to me now when you’re sad. Or alone. Or upset. Or in need of comfort. Or kisses.” He spoke like it was decided, no option of refusal.

  “I do not understand you.”

  He lifted a brow in question.

  “A vampire with his choice of human women, and I’d wager vampires. Who is capable of living anywhere on this earth, who possibly has lived nearly anywhere on this earth. I’ve heard the stories. I’m not so naïve as you might think. Some human women take vampire lovers, usually to their own demise. My point being, you could have any human in this world with a few simple words of persuasion, so why me? Why do I fascinate you? Why are you so kind to me?”

  The inflection between her words admitting she was not used to extreme kindness from many. Probably one of the reasons she chose to mourn in secret. To show weakness among those who already show little respect is to show weakness.

  “I cannot say, other than I cannot stay away from you. Like I said, this is new to me. Something in all my years I have never experienced. Perhaps it’s because I cannot persuade you. That your mind is your own. I did try to leave the Isle after our first meeting; my feet refused to be obey my order to do so. I am drawn to you like nothing else on this earth.”

  “Except for blood…”

  “Not even the purest, most delectable blood on this planet could wrench me away from you. Which is why I must s
tay. I need to understand what this is.”

  “So I’m an experiment?”

  “No. I hope you are my life.”

  She had no response to that other than a flutter of electricity surging through her veins. His words finally sank into her rattled and befuddled brain.

  “Wait… you’re going to stay? Here? On the Isle?” How in the hell was this going to work out? Her fellow witches would not take kindly to a vampire living on the Isle, not one who was a danger anyway. A good vampire though? And was he? Really?

  “Actually, I’m not only going to stay but I’m going to agree to your terms.”

  “What terms?” she sat back a little, staring, with no recollection of setting any terms.

  “No more human blood. You will never fully trust me unless I do this. And I must have your trust, Lisbeth.”

  Her breath caught, shocked by his willingness to even consider trying such a thing. And all for her, because he had some crazy infatuation.

  Which might go away once he gets bored, or decides he likes human blood more.

  Possibly even yours...

  So many things about this screamed dangerous. With the potential for utter destruction. At the same time, she wondered if he wasn’t an innocent of sorts sent her way as a test of some kind. Was it possible to help him do this? Wasn’t it her duty to try, at the very least, if nothing else ever came of them, together?

  “Please, My Lisbeth.” His use of that term already endearing to her.

  How had this creature wrapped himself around her heart so easily?

  “Grayson…” she trailed off, no words on her tongue.

  He grinned confidently. “I am afraid that no is not an option.”

  She giggled. Her face flattening to stone. She did not just giggle for goodness’ sake! She tried like hell to hold it back but to no avail.

  Grayson had her on her back in the sand in another flash.

  “I like that sound, a most happy one,” he ground out. “A sound that absolutely forces me to kiss you again.” His timbre promised he planned on being the only man who kissed her for the rest of her life. And in that moment, Lisbeth Deane fell madly in love with a vampire.


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