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Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series)

Page 17

by Khelsey Jackson

  “I won’t let you die. I will storm through that freaking tower to get you, even if I have to exchange your blushing bride for you.” He heard the anger in his best friend’s voice.

  “No you won’t. I need you to promise me something. I want you to make sure she is okay and I want her to stay out of the revolution.” Henry knew that Jamie would fight for him and it frightened him, she would get herself killed.

  “Right, what would you like me to do? Lock her in her room and throw away the key?” Sarca keng Jasm dipped from his voice.

  “If it needs to be done, then yes. I just don’t want her killed, please promise me.” He glanced at the time, and knew he only had about ten minutes with her until the Black Enforcers were there.

  “I will promise you that I will do my best.”

  Henry looked up when he heard the bedroom door open. “Thank you, I have to go.” He pressed the end button on his phone and waited for his wife to come to him.

  * * *

  Jamie walked out of the bedroom where she and Henry had made love, she smiled to herself. He was so gentle with her and she could see the love he had for her in his eyes. She smoothed her hands down the white dress Cameo had given her and was so thankful she had. Her ball gown was too heavy to wear for a long period of time. When she walked into the kitchen she knew something was wrong. Henry had his cell phone in his hand, but the look on his face had her heart racing.

  “Henry what’s wrong?” her voice shook with panic, and he smiled weakly at her.

  He opened his arms for her and she threw herself at him. “Sweetheart, the enforcers will be here soon.”

  Jamie gasped. The Black Enforcers were the strongest men and women of the Black army. They maintained the tower. They were specifically picked by her father, and he commanded them. Hell, she knew most of them personally.

  She looked up at him and he was smiling down at her. How the hell can he be smiling? They would be put in the tower, and he would be killed! It was too soon, she wanted more time with him. “We need to leave, and wipe that smile off of your face!”

  Henry shook his head causing his hair to go in his face. “No sweetheart, I don’t want to spend the rest of our life running. And I’m smiling because I get to hold you before I am taken. When they get here, don’t fight them. Just do what they say. It will make things easier.” He cupped her face and leaned his forehead against hers. “I just want to hold you until they get here.”

  Tears filled her eyes, but she nodded. She wanted to be in his arms and she understood that she couldn’t fight the enforcers because she would lose. Henry wrapped her back in his arms and held her close to him.

  “I love you, Henry.” She felt him squeeze her to him.

  “I don’t think you will ever know how much I love you, Jamie Roarke.”

  Jamie felt him kiss the top of her head and tears started to steam down her face. She heard movement outside and knew it was the enforcers. They smashed in the front door, and int d and teat made her jump in Henry’s arms. He just held her tighter. Jamie knew that their time together had run out. She was ripped away from Henry’s arms, and her first instinct was to knock the person out, but she remember what he’d said, just to let them take them would be easier.

  She looked around as about twenty Black Enforcers filled the little kitchen. Three of them shoved Henry to the ground. His face smacked the ground and it echoed throughout the room.

  “You don’t need to be rough with him! He isn’t fighting you.” Jamie tried to move toward Henry, but three sets of hands grabbed her. One at her waist, another latching onto her hair and pulling it hard so her head was to the side, and another held a stun gun to her neck.

  “You move again, I will stun you. I take extra pleasure in stunning traitors,” he said and removed his face armor. She didn’t know him.

  One of the enforcers cleared their throat, causing the man with the stun gun to look away from her. “Sir, I think that is Jamie Moore.”

  She tried to look through the Black armor covering the face of the man who had spoken to see if she knew who it was. She had trained with some of them, and wondered if she knew this one.

  The man pressed the stun gun more into her neck and Henry turned to look at her. “What would a Moore be doing in a filthy Blue’s house? Don’t tell me you let him put his dirty cock in you.” He smiled at her, and the enforcer who held onto her hands let go.

  She didn’t waste the opportunity. She tightly closed her fist and swung as hard as she could, hitting his cheek and taking him by surprise. He fell to the ground and she brought her knee up to meet his face. Crunch! She’d most likely broken his nose and the enforcer that had been holding her grabbed her again. The man with the stun gun glared up at her with blood pouring out of his nose; she smiled down at him.

  Ha! See what happens when you mess with me.

  Slowly he stood back up, grabbed the front of her dress and pulled her close to him. Jamie looked down at her dress as his blood dripped on it.

  “You senseless bitch. I can kill you for that, and I don’t give a shit if you are a Moore.”

  “See that is where you are wrong, I am trained just like you, little boy, and I can hold my own.” Something her father taught her was to never show fear, no matter what. Right at that moment she was terrified; not really for herself, but for what might happen. Jamie knew she didn’t want to be alone with the asshole. He would kill her and not think twice about it. But some of the men knew her, and respected her.

  “James back downame her an, now!”

  She knew that voice, and her heart nearly stopped. James stepped away but glared at her.

  “Are you hurt Jamie?”

  She sighed, and looked past the man she’d made bleed to her ex-boyfriend. “Ryan you are an ass. Even this is low for you.” Jamie watched as Ryan started to walk toward her, he glanced down at Henry as he passed. “Why can’t you let me be happy?”

  Ryan narrowed his eyes, and he looked down at her dress. “You’re hurt?” He quickly glanced at the man who had been holding a stun gun to her throat moments ago.

  “It’s not my blood.”

  Ryan turned his attention back to her, but she looked at Henry as he was being forced up. “I’m going to have to arrest you,” he said and she felt cool metal slide on her arms.

  She had only seen the cuffs a few times but knew they covered the entire forearm, and they were impossible to break.

  “You can put both of them in the same car. Just make sure they are handcuffed.”

  All of the enforcers said, “Yes, sir.” Gently the one who had her hands led her out behind Henry. His enforcer wasn’t nice and kept kneeing him on the back of his knees causing Henry to almost fall.

  “I swear if you keep doing that to my husband, I will kill you,” she said and everyone stopped moving. She heard many of them gasp. “That’s freaking right, so now do that again, I dare you.”

  “Jamie keep your smart mouth shut,” Ryan said from behind her and she knew she shouldn’t have said anything, but she wasn’t going to keep their marriage a secret.

  Jamie felt everyone staring at her and Henry as they were led out of the Rich’s home to the large metal Black vans that said, ‘Black Enforcers’ on the outside. She didn’t drop her head in shame. She held it high up looking at everyone who was standing out in the street trying to see what was going on. She knew she still was wearing her Black bracelet, and she wanted to cut it off, but she couldn’t. The Black bracelet was a part of her and she would never what it off of her. Maybe she would add to it, since she was a Blue now too.

  The man that led Henry out shoved him into the van, causing Henry to hit his head on the metal bench. The man turned around to face Jamie and he glared at her, but she recognized him. He was one of the enforcers who had helped train her. She’d thought he was nice as he’d always been nice to her before. “Are you really going to threaten me, Blue fucker?”

  Jamie tried to keep the panic off of her face. She remembered that
her father had called him the psycho, and he’d wanted to get rid of him, but knof Maybeew he would do things and not think twice about it. His name was Tim, and she was one-hundred percent terrified. For him to call her a Blue fucker it made her blood boil. It was something you would call someone to hurt them; she wasn’t hurt she was pissed. Jamie just stared at him, not moving when he stepped closer to her and she tried like hell not to glance at Henry.

  “At least you’re smart and keeping your smart ass mouth shut,” he said and walked away from her.

  Slowly she let out the breath she hadn’t been aware she was holding.

  Gently, the Enforcer who was holding her hands placed one hand on her back and smoothly helped her up into the van. Jamie saw Henry and wanted to throw herself at him, but knowing she couldn’t, quietly sat next to him on the bench. She felt her heart ache because his forehead was bleeding from when he was thrown in the van. The doors were slammed shut and four bright lights lit up the corners of the van.

  “Oh Henry, you’re bleeding.”

  He smiled down at her and she felt her tears burning the back of her eyes. “I’ll be fine, but what happened to not fighting them?” he asked and arched his eyebrows at her.

  Jamie bit her lip, and shrugged as best as she could. “Well I wasn’t going to sit there and let them hurt you.”

  He leaned as close to her as he could, but it was enough. He could kiss her lips softly. “God, I love my fiery redhead,” he said against her lips and it made her smile.

  “Henry you know you are the best of me too, and I wasn’t joking when I said I would fight for you.”

  He slightly moved away from her, but he kept his body close to hers. “I know you will, even if I asked you not to you would. I just couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you. Things are going to happen fast now in the revolution, and I don’t want you caught in the middle of things.”

  Jamie smiled at the man who had stolen her heart, and she couldn’t think about being with anyone else. “And I will be the one to lead them,” she said and leaned her head on his shoulder.

  “No I don’t want you part of it.” Jamie lifted her head to look at her husband. “Please Jamie I don’t want you part of it, I have people already in place that will lead.”

  She knew she wouldn’t just sit there and be the good wife he wanted her to be, but she didn’t tell him that. She slowly nodded her head. “I don’t want to fight, we only have a few more minutes together.” She watched his face soften, and he nodded.

  “Sweetheart, I never want to fight with you, you are my world.” Henry leaned down and kissed her.

  She wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and pull him close to her, but she couldn’t toucou2em">

  “I will come back to you, no matter what. No one will keep me from you.”

  Jamie felt the love she had for him grow because she knew he was telling her the truth. She wanted, no needed, more than their first touch they shared in his room an hour ago. She wanted forever with him. “I love you Henry.”

  “I know, and I love you.”

  Jamie’s and Henry’s eyes widened at the same time as they felt the van come to a stop. She sent a silent prayer for her love to stay strong.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Jamie sat at in her jail cell, the front of it was see-through and she remembered her father telling her it was almost indestructible. She knew Henry was on the other side of her cell, she could feel the undeniable pull to him. She would do almost anything to be in his arms again. One thing was for sure, she wouldn’t be taking anything for granted. Jamie wished she would have programmed Henry’s touches and the way he smelled in her head. She wasn’t sure if she would ever get to touch her husband again. Softly, she laid her head on the silver metal table in front of her. She welcomed the coolness on her face, because she needed something to cool her down. When the Black Enforcer Officer brought her in there, she’d recognized him as a boy she went to school with. Jake had told her how sorry he was, as he’d handcuffed her to the table which was bolted to the metal floor.

  Jamie wondered what the hell they were doing to Henry. She knew the stories, but she wanted to know if her father would be able to do that to her husband. She wondered if he would do anything, with her knowing he loved Cynthia. Of course she would never say anything, Jamie wouldn’t want to have her father or Cynthia in there.

  She looked up when she heard the door slide open and saw Ryan walk in with her father. He stood against the see-through front of her cell, and he stared at her with his arms across his wide chest. She saw his that he was irritated. Jamie had only seen him angry at her a few times, but he would always forgive her pretty fast. However, just then he was glaring at her and she didn’t look away. She just stared back at him, but she noticed there was blood on his knuckles and it made her heart sink.

  “What did you do?” Jamie asked as she tore her eye away from his bloody knuckles to his face. Without saying a word her father walked toward the table and pulled out the chair to sit down. “Dad!”

  He narrowed his eyes on her. “I don’t kcou2e> Do you know I can’t get you out of this? The council wants to sentence you to death to make you an example! Unless you say you were forced, I can’t save your life.” He still wore the black suit from the party and she wanted to reach out and put her hand on his.

  “I wasn’t forced. I’ve never wanted anything in my life like I want Henry.”

  Her father looked like he’d been kicked in the stomach. “Jamie, are you willing to give up your life for him?” he asked as tears filled his green eyes.

  “My life doesn’t matter when he already owns my heart and soul,” she said and watched her father’s tears stream down his cheeks.

  “Please Jamie I can’t lose you.” Finally, he placed his hand on top of hers, and squeezed.

  “I can’t lose Henry. He is my husband.” Jamie didn’t let her voice shake even though inside she was shaking like a little kid. She had never really stood up to her father.

  “He will be the death of you. I shouldn’t have let things get that serious with you two. When Ryan came to me and told me what he had seen, I didn’t believe him, but then I saw it. Jamie I always wanted better for you, and you deserve the world at your feet. Henry Roarke will never be able to give that to you. And now he will be killed, we haven’t decided when, but it will be soon,” he said with a grin on his perfect face, and Jamie felt sick. She needed to get him out, no matter what it cost her.

  “Jamie you can be with me again and everything will be forgotten,” Ryan said and she had forgotten he was here.

  Jamie turned to look at him. He was leaning against the stone wall with his arms across against his chest. He was still wearing his black Enforcer’s uniform. He was her first everything, love, kiss, sex and heartbreak. But she had never loved him like she loved Henry. Ryan taught her it was okay to take the chance on love, even if you knew it wouldn’t last. Jamie shook her head. “No, I can’t be with you, when my heart is with him. If I need to die, then so be it.”

  “I never thought I would feel this way about you, Jamie.”

  Her father’s voice grabbed her attention, and she looked back at him. He was now standing next the chair, but he was leaning forwarded toward her. “I am so disappointed in you.”

  Now it was Jamie’s turn to narrow her eyes. He was the one who had been having an affair with Cynthia for sixteen freaking years, and he was disappointed in her? “You are disappointed in me? I think it should be the other way around, father.”

  He stood up straight and looked to where she knew Ryan was standing. “I need a few minutes alone with my daughter. Please make sure of it.”

  Jamie glanced at her ex-boyfriend and he nodded toward her father. She sighed and turned her attention to her hands that were cuffed to the side of the table; she didn’t like that she felt like she was a criminal.

  “Jamie I don’t know if you plan on telling anyone what you saw yesterday, but I
would like if you kept it between us. Cynthia wouldn’t make it in here more than an hour and I know you love her as well.”

  Slowly she looked up at her father who was now standing next to her. Jamie narrowed her eyes. “You’ve got to be kidding me. If you cared for her then you would do something to be with her. I am standing up for who I love, and that does include Cynthia. She deserves a better life where she can have a real life and love who she wants to.”

  Her father slammed his hands down, but she kept her eyes on his. “This revolution will never happen. We have known about the so called leaders since they started. I have known about Henry and Mike. Why do you think I hired him? I’m not stupid or blind. I saw the way you two looked at each other. You lit up like a Christmas tree.”

  Jamie sat as tall as she could, she knew he was getting more angry with every word he said because his face was turning redder. “You saw me the night you raided the No B Club, didn’t you?” She bit her lip remembering how the club was raided with guns, and Mike was shot.


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