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A Thistle & Hive Christmas: Book 4.5 of The Thistle & Hive Series

Page 4

by Jennae Vale

  “So yer married,” Maggie said.

  “I am. And it would seem you are as well.” Richard smiled warmly at them both.

  Dylan glanced at Maggie, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips. “Happily so.”

  “We were both so worried about ye. The last time we saw ye the fog was spiriting ye away. We had no idea where ye’d gone off to,” Maggie said.

  “Edna in her infinite wisdom sent me to San Francisco, where you’re from Dylan. I had some lessons to learn about life and love and she knew that. I am a new man because of it.” Richard leaned back in his chair appearing relaxed and happy.

  “I’m amazed you managed to convince Angelina to marry you. She was always quite the skeptic about love,” Dylan said.

  “I consider myself lucky to call her wife. She has brought so much to my life, but nothing more precious than my son Henry.” Richard’s pride showed clearly as his face lit in a huge grin.

  “How old is he now?” Maggie asked.

  “Three months. Isn’t he the handsomest little lad you’ve ever seen?” Richard was practically gushing as he spoke of his new son. “Fatherhood is wonderful. I highly recommend it, Dylan.”

  “We’re going to wait a while before we have children. We’re still young and we’ve so much we want to do,” Dylan responded.

  “Are you saying I’m old?” Richard cocked an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes in feigned indignation.

  “Of course not. It’s just that in your time it was expected that you’d be married and having a family as early as possible. In our time, we’d like to wait until our lives are more settled.”

  “How much more settled can they be? You seem happy here at the inn. Are you?” Richard leaned his elbows on the table, giving Dylan all of his attention.

  “We’re very happy here, but Maggie’s still busy learning all about being a witch and I’m planning on taking over kitchen duties when our chef leaves in a few months. He’s been teaching me everything he knows so it will be a seamless transition.”

  “I see. That appears to be a good path. I hope you’ll plan a trip back in time to visit with us. We’d love to have you.”

  “We’ve actually been talking about it. We’ll have to coordinate our schedules with Edna, but we definitely want to.” Maggie glanced at Dylan who nodded his agreement.

  “Good. I look forward to it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to see if my wife is awake yet. We wish to explore Glendaloch. It will be a pleasure to do it as a law abiding man.” He chuckled as he stood and left them to their breakfast.

  “It’s so wonderful getting to visit with everyone,” Dylan said. He sipped his coffee and smiled.

  “It is. I’m especially happy to see Jenna and Cormac,” Maggie said.

  “She’s really bummed that she hasn’t been able to get pregnant.”

  “Maybe that will change while they’re here.” Maggie shrugged and continued eating.

  “Do you know something I don’t?” Dylan raised an eyebrow in her direction.

  Maggie rolled her eyes at his question.

  “That’s not an answer,” he said.

  “Well, it should be.” She giggled as she poured more coffee into his cup.

  “Don’t be keeping any witchy secrets from me. I am your husband after all.”

  “There’s nothing to tell at the moment. I promise.”

  “But you will when there is?”

  Maggie stood, walked behind Dylan’s chair, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, kissing his cheek. “Ye’ll be the first to know, but I will tell ye I’m nae in the business of impregnating women.”

  Dylan laughed and pulled her around into his lap. “Have I told you how much I love you?”

  “I believe ye’ve told me and shown me,” Maggie managed before Dylan captured her mouth in a sweet, sensual kiss.

  “Mmm… I could do this all day, but we’ve got company to take care of.”

  “Other than Richard, I haven’t seen anyone up and about. It’s just you and me baby.”

  “And we have things to do.”

  “Maggie, you’re killing me. Come on.” He stood, picking her up in the process.

  She was just reconsidering, when the front door of the inn opened and the sounds of cheery voices came their way. “I guess ye’ll have to put me down. It sounds like the breakfast crowd is coming.”

  Dylan nipped at her earlobe. “Later. You’re mine,” he whispered as he carefully put her down.

  “Happily yers.” She kissed him and then reluctantly stepped away to greet their guests.

  “Good morning!” Cailin said as they hurried into the dining room.

  “Good morning,” Dylan answered. “Where are you all coming from?”

  “We went for a walk,” Ashley said. “I love Glendaloch. It’s such a pretty little village.” She shot Cailin a look and he deftly ignored it. She was trying to get him to agree to stay in Glendaloch. She’d feel a lot better about Emma’s health if they were somewhere with modern medicine. He wasn’t very keen on the idea. She was going to have to work on him, but if she had her way, they wouldn’t be returning to Breaghacraig with the others.

  “May I?” Maggie held out her arms to take Emma from Ashley.

  “Of course.” Ashley handed Emma to Maggie. “She looks a little warm. Do you think she has a fever?”

  Maggie touched a hand to the baby’s face. “No. She feels pretty cool to me.”

  “Ashley, Emma’s fine. Don’t worry so much.” Jenna put a comforting hand on her friend’s arm. “Besides, we’re going to go see Dr. Ferguson later, remember.”

  Ashley smiled somewhat reluctantly at her friend. “What’s for breakfast?” she asked. She really needed to get a grip. She knew she was over reacting to everything when it came to Emma, but she didn’t know how to stop herself. The stress she’d been feeling over the last months was almost unbearable. The others all tried their best to put her fears at ease, but it wasn’t working. She’d speak with Dr. Ferguson about it. He’d know what to do. Ashley took a seat at the table and Cailin put his hands on her shoulders. She knew she had to be stressing him out too, but he never lost patience with her, instead using reason to put her fears to rest.

  Maggie and Dylan were both fascinated with Emma. She had a tight grip on Dylan’s pinky finger and examined both their faces with an intent gaze.

  “Isn’t she beautiful?” Maggie asked.

  “Very,” Dylan answered. “Are you sure you don’t want one?”

  “Dylan. We’ve talked about this. Not yet.”

  “Okay. Okay. It’s just that you look so natural holding her.”

  “Just because I know how to hold a baby and I’m loving every minute of it doesn’t mean I’m ready to have a baby… yet.”

  Dylan dropped the subject. “I set up a buffet, so grab your dish and get something to eat.”

  Ashley, Cailin, Jenna and Cormac all headed to the food, just as Robert, Irene and the children came downstairs. “I thought I smelled something good,” Robert said as he grabbed a dish. Irene gave each of the children one and took one for herself. They lined up between their parents who served each of them and then sent them to sit at the table.

  “So what’s everyone up to today?” Dylan asked as he poured coffee into Cailin’s mug.

  “We’re going to have breakfast and then a visit with Dr. Ferguson,” Cormac said.

  “After that I think Edna said something about shopping,” Ashley said.

  Ewan entered the dining room alone. “Good morning.”

  “Where’s Lena,” Maggie asked.

  “She’s gone to breakfast with an old friend.”

  Dylan noted from Ewan’s tone and demeanor that he wasn’t terribly happy about it. “Is everything okay, Ewan.”

  Ewan harrumphed and got himself a plate.

  The others all exchanged concerned glances.

  “I can see yer troubled, brother,” Robert said.

  “Aye. I am.” Ewan filled his plate and the
n returned to the table. “Lena has gone to breakfast with a man. She says he is an old friend, but I get the feeling there’s more to it than that.”

  “Lena loves ye verra much, Ewan,” Irene added. “She must have many old friends here. This is where she grew up.”

  “I ken it, but I saw the way this man looked at her.”

  “She did have a life before she me ye,” Maggie said. “He’s probably an old boyfriend.”

  Ewan practically dropped his fork on hearing this.

  “Don’t worry, Ewan. Don’t ye have any old loves that Lena doesn’t know about.”

  He thought about this for a moment. “Aye. I do. But I would never place myself in the position of dining alone with them.”

  “Did ye tell her how ye felt?”

  “Nae. I didnae.”

  “So ye expect her to be able to read yer mind?”

  “I see yer point, but she’s gone now and I cannae tell her.”

  “She’s just having breakfast, she’s not planning to leave ye and move back to Glendaloch.”

  Ewan looked miserable and Dylan felt his pain. Maggie was right though. “She’ll be back soon, man. Ye’ll see. Everything will be fine.”

  Lena met Michael at Sarah’s Bakery and Tea Shop just down the street from the inn.

  “Lena, it’s so good to see ye.” Michael leaned in and kissed her cheek.

  She felt a little awkward about the meeting. She could tell that Ewan was not at all happy about it, but she had promised to meet Michael and so here she was.

  “Thank ye for being open to breakfast instead of lunch or dinner. I’m visiting with my husband and children and this works better for me.”

  “I’m happy to see ye, Lena.” Michael was staring at her and it was making her quite uncomfortable.

  “Michael, I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I walked away that day all those years ago and left ye without a word.”

  “Why did ye go, Lena?”

  “Curiosity. Glendaloch is the perfect place to grow up, but I wanted more. I wanted to have an adventure and that’s exactly what happened.”

  “Ye were my first love, Lena and as such, I’ve never forgotten ye.”

  Lena didn’t know what to say. She’d already apologized, but somehow that simply wasn’t enough.

  “I waited and waited for ye to return, Lena and when ye didnae I got on with my life.” He took her hand. “Yer even more beautiful, if that’s possible.”

  Lena snatched her hand back. “Michael. I dinnae ken what it is ye wish to come from this meeting, but I’m a most happily married woman. What we had was a childhood romance.”

  “I apologize. I’m not doing a very good job of expressing myself. I wanted ye to know that I’m alright. I’ve married and I have a little girl. We recently moved back here to Glendaloch. Ye see, when ye left I was devastated, but if ye hadnae left I would never have found the courage to leave Glendaloch. I went off to school. I got my degree and I met my wife. While ye were my first love, she is my forever love. Much as I’m sure Ewan is yers.”

  Lena didn’t know what to say. She had assumed his intentions were to win her back and she’d gotten it all terribly wrong.

  “When I took yer hand, I was taking the hand of the girl I knew growing up. When I told ye were beautiful, I meant it. Ye are a beauty. But me heart is no longer yers. I wished to meet ye as a friend, Lena. Nothing more.”

  Lena breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, I’m sure I must seem quite the idjit.”

  “Not at all. I’ve never been verra good at expressing my thoughts in a way that makes sense. I thought I’d perhaps improved over the years, but I can see that I havenae.”

  “We’ll leave it at that then. I’m starving. Can we order some breakfast please?”

  “That’s why we’re here after all.”

  Lena rushed back to the inn. She had a wonderful breakfast with Michael and after their initial awkwardness it had gone very smoothly. They’d spent the majority of their time talking about their children and spouses. As it turned out, it had been very good to see him and she would count him a lifelong friend. They’d already decided that the next time she was back in town their families would get together for a visit.

  Much to Lena’s surprise, Ewan was waiting for her. He stood leaning against the front wall of the inn, looking as handsome as he always did. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him and she ran straight into his arms.

  “Lena, are ye back so soon?” he asked.

  “Ye can see that I am. Yes. I had a lovely breakfast with my good friend Michael, but I’m happy to be back here to spend the rest of my day and life with ye.”

  Ewan smiled that slow, sexy smile she loved, tipping her chin up with his finger to cover her lips with his in a long, slow kiss.

  “You two love to kiss out in public, don’t you,” Dylan said as he opened the door. “Seriously, everyone in Glendaloch is going to have something to say about this.”

  Ewan didn’t let go of Lena, chuckling softly in response to Dylan. “Come my love, if ye plan to spend the rest of yer life with me, we’d best begin.”

  Chapter 7

  Angelina & Richard

  “Good morning, my love.” Richard planted a loving kiss on Angelina’s cheek.

  She stretched and yawned, turning away. “Can I sleep a little longer, please.”

  Richard knew her well. She always attempted to squeeze a few more minutes of sleep in before rising. He chuckled softly. “Do you really wish to waste time sleeping when we could be out and about enjoying our visit to Glendaloch.”

  “You’re really excited to be here, aren’t you?”

  “I am. I did spend some time here before I met you my love and I’d like to share it with you. I’d also like to take young Henry to see Dr. Ferguson while we’re here.”

  “Oh, good idea. We should have him take a look at all of us.”

  “We can do that if you like, but you need to get up first.”

  “Alright, alright. I’m getting up. Henry’s still sleeping. Such a good baby. He only woke up once last night.”

  “We are blessed.” Richard cradled Angelina’s face in his hands and took in her beauty. “I’ll see to Henry. You take your time rising and then we’ll go downstairs for something to eat.”

  Richard was a very hands-on father, as Angelina called it. He had never felt terribly close with his own, but Henry would have a father who showed him how much he was loved. No pressure would be placed on his son to be someone other than the man he was meant to be. He went to the cradle, peeking in to see Henry staring up at him. He had his mother’s blue eyes, which pleased Richard to no end. “Hello, my son.”

  Henry’s face softened at the sound of Richard’s voice. He smiled and Richard marveled at that small accomplishment. “He’s smiling at me. I think he loves me.”

  “I think he does too. He has the best father in the whole wide world.” Angelina was up and standing behind him now. Her long black hair cascaded in a waterfall of darkness around her lovely face. She placed her hands on Richard’s waist and he moved slightly so she could peek around him to look adoringly on her son. “Do you think your mother would like to join us when we see Dr. Ferguson?”

  “I’m sure she would. She’s fascinated by everything she’s seen so far. Undoubtedly she’d enjoy the opportunity to see a doctor’s office.”

  “Dr. Ferguson will be happy to know he has so many more than willing patients who can’t wait to see him,” she said with a giggle.

  Richard picked up Henry and handed him to Angelina for his feeding. “I’ll go get mother.” He slipped from the room and knocked on Lady Catherine’s door. There was no answer, so he opened it to see that she was already up and gone. He headed back downstairs where he found her helping herself to breakfast. Ashley, Cailin, Jenna and Cormac were also seated and eating. “Good morning,” he said.

  “Good morning,” Ashley said as she glanced up from her food giving him a warm smile. “How are you? Did you sleep well?�

  “I’m fine, thank you and I did sleep very well. Angelina is feeding Henry and then she’ll be down for her own breakfast.” He noted that Emma was cradled in her father’s arm, while he ate with the other. “Mother, we’re going to stop in and see my friend Dr. Ferguson today. Would you like to join us?”

  Lady Catherine placed her plate on the table next to Jenna. “I would. How do you know this Dr. Ferguson?”

  Richard didn’t wish to bring up a sore subject that might cause Ashley distress, but he hoped she’d be alright with what little he would say. “I stayed with him when I visited Glendaloch the last time.” He made a quick check of Ashley’s reaction, but she was busy eating and didn’t seem at all phased by what he’d just said. She had forgiven him and was willing to put those days in the past.

  “When ye go, Richard, can ye tell him that we all would like to come in to see him as well?” Cailin said, motioning to include his wife as well as Jenna and Cormac.

  “I would be happy to,” Richard replied. He made himself a plate of food from the buffet and sat next to his mother, who seemed to be enjoying Dylan’s breakfast creation. “As soon as we’ve all eaten, we’ll go,” he said to Lady Catherine.

  After feeding Henry and getting herself dressed, Angelina bundled him up snuggly for their journey to Dr. Ferguson’s. “Come, my little man. Let’s go get your father and grandmother.”

  She headed downstairs where she found everyone done with their breakfast. “Are you ready to go?” she asked Richard.

  “We’ve just finished. Don’t you want something to eat?” Richard seemed concerned.

  “I’m not really that hungry. I’ll just grab a scone and we can be on our way.” She handed the baby to Lady Catherine who was holding out her arms and then headed to the buffet where she grabbed a napkin and a scone. “Mmmm… this is really good,” she said after taking a bite. “Let’s go. We’ll see you all later.”


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