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Dare To Love Series_Don't Dare Me

Page 8

by Jen Talty

  “Shut it off,” Nolan barked.

  “I like this Jessica girl,” Karen said. “I wouldn’t have the nerve to do something like that at a protest, but I wish I did.”

  “I’m sure your Green Beret husband would love to see that happen, especially when he’s deployed.” His tone dripped with distain

  Karen patted her large, pregnant belly, scowling. “Lighten up. It was for women’s rights.”

  “Not when she flashed me, it wasn’t.” His phone vibrated in his pocket…and again…and again. “This is the last thing I need.”

  “Get over yourself. This isn’t about you. It’s about her.” Karen pointed to the television. “She’s the one who just had a big black line drawn over her boobs…twice.” Karen held up two fingers. “You’re just the doofus who sat there and stared at it with your mouth gaping open, like any hot-blooded male with a working penis.”

  Before he could say anything, Karen stomped out of the room.

  He took in a deep breath. He knew the story was more about her, but still, he didn’t need his offense distracted by his girl…by his friend…

  Oh hell.

  Chapter 9

  Jessica stared at her phone as if to will him to text her, but nothing. The only time she’d heard from him had been at eight in the morning when he texted: We’ll talk later…I. What the hell? He’d put her off like a ten-year-old who’d just spilled blackberry juice all over a brand new white carpet. She tossed her phone on her desk and shoved her chair back, letting the rollers take her all the way to the wall, jerking her hard enough to crane her neck.


  She stared at her closed office door. She’d been holed up in this room since nine in the morning, after being followed from her home to the stadium, where she’d been accosted by a handfull of reporters and photographers shouting at her. Her morning had been spent spinning the story about her being topless, which turned into an exercise of her poking fun at herself. But the image of her flashing Nolan? Putting a positive spin on that one had been difficult and without any guidance from Nolan on which direction he’d prefer her to take, she had to make an executive decision and that was to move forward with the idea they were dating.

  One tweet on her personal account that seemed to be catching on was:

  If ur new bf dared you to flash him when no one was looking…would u? #newlove

  People were tweeting the crazy things they’d done to either impress someone, or get someone’s attention. She’d successfully pushed any attention on Nolan and who he should have around his daughter, and placed it right on herself, which was fine.

  She also posted a few teasers from the interview with Nolan that would go live Monday morning, but she wanted to expand on the article, adding a few personal touches from Nolan. She knew he wouldn’t like it much, but considering the stories circulating, she thought it prudent.

  Except Nolan hadn’t responded to a single text. She’d given up around two in the afternoon.

  Now pushing six and she was still trying to get ahold of the Derek Boyd, the photographer who took the images and the reporter, Greg Dugan, who worked for the tabloid show, but so far, neither one had responded. Not even when she’d tagged them in social media.

  A tap at the door startled her. “Who is it?” she yelled. If it were Nolan, at this point, she’d tell him to screw himself.

  “It’s Lilliana.”

  “Come in.”

  Lilliana peeked her head in the door, before stepping all the way through and closing it behind her. “How are you holding up?”

  “I’ve been better and Nolan is still ignoring me.”

  “From what I hear, he’s having a tough time on the field. Lost his shit on one of the new, younger players who made some snide remark about you.”

  “That isn’t helping.”

  Lilliana tossed a bunch of chocolates on the desk before sitting down. “I heard Ian Dare called him into his office.”

  “He called me in too. He said he’d fire Nolan before he’d fire me, but he’s concerned about why this one tabloid is going after us. He believes they have either a beef with me, or Nolan.”

  “That’s crazy.”

  “What’s really nuts is I think it’s me they are after. They really had to do some digging to get that picture of me at the rally. Only a hand full of us had access to that image.”

  “Are your friends still pissed about their naked picture being plastered all over the news?”

  Talk about the shit hitting the fan? That picture hadn’t seen the light of day, other than by her and her friends. It wasn’t meant to be a statement, but rather girls having fun at a march that had purpose. They’d promised never to share the picture with anyone. Had they been young and stupid, the snapshot wouldn’t have been a big deal, but it had been taken as adults, each with careers that might view it negatively.

  Jessica really didn’t care that much about the image or the fact the world had seen it. But she did care about how it affected Nolan.

  And his daughter.

  “They have all taken it in stride since so far their names have not been reported, but they aren’t thrilled, that’s for damn sure.”

  “I think the team spokesperson did a good job deflecting the situation and it would appear you’ve managed to handle it on all the social media outlets.” Lilliana leaned against the wall next to the door with a forced smile. “It’s going to blow over.”

  Eventually, another scandal would catch the attention of the tabloid and her flashing would become a distant memory in the eyes of the public. But at what cost?

  “Want to come over tonight?”

  Jessica shook her head. All she wanted to do was climb in bed with Netflix and a glass of wine. Binge watch anything over the weekend, doing nothing but ignoring the outside world. Reboot and recharge. “Thanks, but I’m going to pass.”

  “Call me if you need me.” Lilliana opened the door and gasped. “Oh, hello, Coach.”

  “Lilliana,” Nolan’s deep voice bounced off the walls, landing on Jessica’s ears, causing a slight shudder.

  “Finally decided to talk to me?” Slamming her laptop into her bag, she stood. “Well, right now, I’ve got nothing to say to you.”

  “I sense your mad.”

  “No shit.” She glared at him. “The moment the story broke, I texted you. I called you a few times, asking what you wanted me to do. How you wanted me to play this on social media, but noooooo, you couldn’t answer.”

  His strong, wide body filled the doorframe. “I’m sorry, but I needed to focus on my job without this distraction. Besides, I did text you that we’d talk later, that I’d meet you here after practice and to handle this however you needed and I would support you.”

  “On no you didn’t.” She held up her phone, pulling the text up, shoving it in his face.

  His eyes went wide. “I didn’t finish the text.”

  “Consider me no longer a distraction. Now if you don’t mind, I’ve got plans.” Moving around her desk, she expected him to move, but instead he held his ground, hands planted on his sexy hips. Her checks flushed as her mind danced with erotic images from the night before.

  His musky scent filled her nostrils and the way he looked at her, reminded her of how his hands felt as they glided across her skin.

  Lust. Pure lust. Nothing more.

  “I’m sorry I ignored you. Between the news crew camped out in front of my parent’s house, having to explain why they were there to a three-year-old, dealing with a few immature men on the field, and trying to get this offense ready for next weekend, I chose not to deal with it knowing you’d—”

  “I don’t want to hear it.” She held up her hand. “You knew I’d need to do damage control for both of us, but you left me hanging. I had to make some decisions, and if you don’t like them, too bad for you.”

  “I don’t have any problems with how you handled it.” He rubbed his jaw. “But I did tell you I didn’t have a lot of time and that sometimes I
’d need to focus on other things. I was running late this morning, otherwise I would have stopped by earlier.”

  “Right. Well we did decide no strings, but that doesn’t mean you get to ignore me about a story that involves both of us just because you’ve got your panties in a wad.” She narrowed her eyes, glowering at him. “Now please leave my office.”

  “No. We need to discuss something.”

  “And what would that be?” She should just shove him aside and storm out.

  He pulled out his phone. “You mentioned in a text and voice mail about adding to my featured article or doing an entire series, making it more personal and letting people get to know me better and maybe that would help with the press hounding me.”

  “Right now, they aren’t hounding you.” She tossed her bag over her shoulder. “They seem to have a hard-on for me.”

  “Because you flashed me and—”

  “Get out.” She closed the gap between them and poked him in the chest. She couldn’t blame him for her actions, but she didn’t have to take his sarcasm.

  “You really need to stop interrupting me.” Holding her wrist, he stared at her with narrowed eyes. “It happened. We got caught. We move on. But, I’m not willing to take that risk again.”

  She yanked her arm free. “Neither am I.”

  “Then we understand each other.” The asshole had the nerve to crack a smile.

  “Loud and clear,” she muttered.

  “Or maybe not,” Nolan said as he rested his hand on her shoulder. “This isn’t going as planned.”

  She cocked her head.

  He dropped his hand.

  “Okay, but you’re still the social media director and I want to, carefully, ease my family life into the Thunder organization, which means our fans as well. I want to do it in a way that will keep news crews off my front lawn, but also so I can take my kid to the grocery store without worrying my every move is being scrutinized.”

  “You’re a celebrity, so to speak, so that’s never going to happen.” She stepped back from the powerful man, confused by how tender his touch had been moments ago, yet his words so hurtful. “We can easily change your image with a few pieces that candidly covers you and Heather and your journey to this place.”

  “I’d like to do that.”

  “I’ll get someone in PR to conduct the interview. If you read all the texts, then you know the approach I want to take, which I believe will soften your image.” Lowering her head, she took a step to the left, moving past him.

  His fingers curled around her biceps. “No. I don’t trust anyone else but you. Besides, it gives us some time together.”

  “Excuse me?” She blinked. “Why on earth would we want to spend time together?”

  “I think you’re mistaking my frustration over the situation and how I feel about—”

  “Don’t tell me what I think.”

  “If you’d let me complete one damn sentence, you’d hear me tell you that what happened doesn’t change anything. I still want to get to know you better, it only changes how we go about it for now. Like no flashing in public. We date, but don’t give them any ammunition that could hurt either of us.”

  The way he stared into her eyes made her want to believe him, but his silence all day spoke volumes. Not to mention the way he’d brush her under the rug out of convenience when a simple ‘Got it, good with what you are doing, need to focus on coaching, see you soon’ would have done the trick. “I can’t date you. It’s too complicated,” she said. “But I’ll do the interview. Lunch on Monday?” God that sounded like a date.

  He shook his head. “The article you wrote for Monday is really good and a great place to start, but it’s standard. I’ve told that childhood story a dozen times over the years. I’ve mentioned wanting to be near my parents. But you didn’t ask a single question about me. When I read some of your other posts from players and staff, they talk about life experiences. Things that shaped them. I want to follow up with something deeper.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. We can start Monday.”

  “Look, I’m not good at answering personal questions. I’m the master of generalities when it comes to interviews to keep me from flying off the handle, which is why I don’t like doing them. I was thinking you could come over, see how Heather and I are together.” He arched a brow as a slow smile drew across his lips. “People think I’m a hot-head, which is true, but now they think I’m a coward. I know we did a good job of killing the accusations about me, but, I’m still getting pinged as a man who is ashamed and that is something I can’t live with, nor have linger over the years, affecting my daughter. Heather’s life is hard enough as it is.”

  “Can I see if Brad is available to take a few pictures of you and Heather?”

  He closed his eyes for a few seconds before blinking them open. “Yes.”

  “When.” She’d make this the best damn series the fans had ever seen, and show the world the true Nolan Greer, but she and Nolan could never be a couple.

  Chapter 10

  Saturday afternoon, Nolan stood behind the swing set in the back yard of his parent’s house. Heather squealed in delight.

  “Daddy, higher!”

  Brad stood in the corner, taking pictures. Nolan tried to ignore him, acting as natural as possible, just as Jessica suggested, but he felt like a freak show. Thankfully, Heather seemed to be oblivious to the situation.

  “If I push you any higher, you’ll flip all the way around.”

  “That would be fun!” Heather giggled. “Do it!”

  He laughed. “You’d fall out onto your pretty little head and I’d think that would hurt.”

  “Okay. I’m thirsty.”

  Nolan grabbed the swing as it came toward his head, easing it down so Heather could do her best to jump off. She knew she had to be careful about jumping and running, but the doctor had also told Nolan that part of her ability to heal was her resilient personality and he should do everything in his power not to squelch that.

  “Why don’t you ask our guests if they want anything as well?”

  She nodded, her bouncy curls flew about her face. Nolan sat on top of the picnic table, watching Heather as she ran as fast as her brace and hobble would allow.

  He smiled when Jessica gave Heather a fist pump.

  “I’ll get Auntie Karen to help with the drinks!”

  Nolan nodded. “I’ll take a soda.”

  As Heather disappeared into the house, Jessica rose from one of the lawn chairs and made her way across the yard. His fingers itched to pull out the elastic band holding her shiny blonde hair in a high ponytail. When she’d shown up earlier today, he tried to pull her in for a kiss, but she turned her cheek, something that didn’t go unnoticed by his father, or his sister.

  He knew he royally screwed up by not calling her yesterday morning. He could justify his reasons all day long, but the reality was he’d been scared and not just over the media making a spectacle out of his life.

  No. He was scared of Jessica and the way she made him feel.

  “She really is adorable.” Jessica sat down next to him, but kept a safe distance. “She has your eyes.”

  “She has my hair too.” He glided his hand across the top, reminding him he desperately needed a haircut. “Not to mention my temper.”

  Being near Jessica made his heart beat a little faster. His skin tingled. His lips sizzled. But what really did him in was how his mind conjured up a future that included a woman…specifically…Jessica.

  “You’re a good father.”

  “Thank you.” He adjusted his body so he could look at her. The sun beat down on her face, highlighting her tanned skin and pink lips. Her beauty took his breath away. “It’s been a bumpy road to get to this point.” Pressing his hands on the picnic table, he shifted closer. “You haven’t recorded any of this.”

  “It’s not an interview.” She swirled her hair around her fingers. “I was thinking I’d re-write Monday’s article all together. With the
game coming up next weekend, it’s important we do shift the focus back to the game and I see no point in drawing out the attention on you and Heather.”

  “Will you be able to write that by Monday morning?”

  “I believe so, but I’d need you to sign off on it by Sunday around dinner time.”

  “I won’t need to,” he said, reaching for her hand. “I don’t want to taint what you see after spending a few hours with us.” A warmth spread through his body as he laced his fingers through hers.

  “I don’t want to say anything—”

  Lifting his other hand, he pressed his forefinger over her lips. “I want you to write the truth about what you see here, nothing more, nothing less. I trust you.”

  The corner of her lips turned upward.

  He cupped the back of her neck, massaging gently, pulling her closer. “I screwed up yesterday big time. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s over,” she whispered. Her gaze darting from his eyes to his lips.

  He smiled. “Have dinner with us tonight.” Not wanting to hear her rejection, he parted her lips with his tongue, wrapping his around hers in a twisting slow dance.

  A soft moan trickled from her lips. He swallowed it as if it were the finest wine money could buy.

  He eased closer, resting a hand on the small of her back, her body leaning toward him, but not touching him. Without breaking off the kiss, he tugged her closer, pressing her chest against his, feeling her heart beat with his, making him dizzy.

  The sound of the back door sliding open tickled his brain. He could hear a whisper coming from the house, but he ignored it, wanting to savior Jessica’s taste. Hold her in his arms a little while longer.

  “Shhhhh, Auntie Karen, don’t interrupt, he’s kissing her,” his daughter said in a hushed tone.

  Jessica stiffened, breaking off the kiss, breathing labored, trying to pull away.

  He continued to hold her, his forehead pressed against his, eyes blinking open. “I think our drinks are here,” he whispered before kissing her temple and releasing his grip.


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