Betrayed by Love
Page 13
“The cops are here,” Eva informed the 9-1-1- operator before disconnecting the call. She threw the phone on the bed and headed downstairs. She saw Garth talking to two uniformed officers. One was writing on a pad while the other asked questions.
“This is my girlfriend,” Garth said. Eva went and sat by him.
“Where were you when the alarm went off?” one of the officers asked. Eva read the name on his badge.
“I was sleeping.”
Officer Jenkins stared at her. “You look familiar.”
Eva admitted to being the talk show host. They would have found out anyway if they would have asked to see her identification. “I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t leak this to the media,” Eva commented.
“I know this is against protocol, but can I have your autograph for my wife,” Officer Jenkins asked. “She’s a huge fan of yours.”
“Sure.” Eva was used to having people ask for her autograph under strange situations. She could tell from Garth’s facial expression he wasn’t too happy about the request. She would have a talk with him later. Being a celebrity had its ups and downs. Besides, she wanted the police on her side. She didn’t want to have an attitude and have her business all in the media.
“You don’t have to worry about us. We’ll keep your identity under wraps. Mr. Morgan we’ll check with your neighbors and see if they saw anyone suspicious. Ms. Ward thanks,” he said, tilting his hat.
The cops left but neither Eva nor Garth were sleepy. They laid in each other’s arms but neither slept. When the sunlight crept through the curtains, they both decided to get up and get their day started.
“Eva, there’s something I didn’t share with the cops.” Garth pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to her.
She read it. Her mouth dropped open. “How did they know I was here?”
“That’s a good question. Few people knew of your whereabouts. I need to make some phone calls.”
“Why do I have a feeling there’s something you’re not telling me?” Eva asked.
“Did you read the fine print at the bottom of the paper?” Garth asked.
Eva reviewed the paper more closely. Her eyes squinted as she read the caption at the bottom. “GT Securities?”
“Trevor probably did this to scare you because of catching you here yesterday. That’s another reason why I didn’t tell the cops about this.”
“He has lost his doggone mind. Wait until I get my hands on him.”
“Oh I got this. Believe that. I need to get you settled in at your office and then I’ll be confronting Trevor in person.”
Eva couldn’t believe Trevor would stoop to doing something so low knowing how scared she was. While Garth was making his phone calls, she sent a few text messages cussing Trevor out. He claimed to not know what she was talking about. It’s not like he would admit it anyway. She felt confident that Garth would get to the bottom of the situation. For once she was going to trust someone else to handle her problems.
By the time Garth was dressed, he found Eva in the living room waiting on him. “I know it’s going to rain now. Eva Ward beat me getting dressed.”
For the first time since the rock incident, Eva smiled.
~ 29 ~
Garth didn’t smile when he entered the conference room. Trevor, and all of his employees that knew anything about Eva’s case avoided eye contact. Caroline tried to give him a cup of coffee but he passed. “There appears to be a breach somewhere in the building,” Garth said, looking around the room. He continued to say, “One of our clients was camped out at my place for safety reasons and guess what? I get this. He held up a copy of the note. “Written on our notepad paper.”
People started mumbling to one another. Trevor said, “I know you don’t think anyone of us had anything to do with it. She has a fan. The fan could have gotten the paper from anywhere. From the studio.”
Garth hadn’t thought of that. Brenda had been working with Eva there and could have left the notepad there. He made a mental note to get in touch with Brenda after this impromptu meeting. In fact, he decided not to wait. “Caroline, call Brenda on her cell phone.”
Brenda answered after a few rings. After checking on her father, Garth apologized for calling under the circumstances. Brenda said, “I didn’t use any of our stationery at the studio. I never take a client’s file with me. I try to record everything in my brain.”
“Thanks. Keep us updated on your dad.”
He turned and looked at Trevor. “That throws that theory out the window. Anybody else have any more great ideas?”
Silence. Garth didn’t want to believe any one of his employees would do something like that but he had to make sure. Eva’s life may depend on it. They invaded not only her privacy but his by trespassing and destroying his property.
“I apologize if I offended anyone but we can not have people working for GT that can’t be trusted. I would appreciate it if you all would go over any visitors and identify any that may be of questionable character. That’s all.”
He stood and looked out the window as people filed out the room. Trevor approached him from behind. “You know you’re wrong for calling us all in here for this. Eva got your nose wide open.”
“Look Trevor, I’m this close,” he held out his hands. “from punching you the hell out, so I would suggest that you get out of my face.”
“I’m the one who should have a beef with you.”
“You know what. Screw it. If you want to fight, come on.” Garth unloosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves.
Caroline walked back into the conference room. “Everything okay in here?” She looked at Garth and then back at Trevor.
Trevor backed back from Garth and was the first to speak. “Everything’s fine. We’re just having a discussion about this weekend’s event.”
“I wanted to remind you I was supposed to leave early today but under the circumstances, if you need me to stay, I can,” Caroline said.
“No need to,” Garth said.
“You sure?” she asked.
Trevor said, “One of the other ladies will have you covered. Don’t worry about things here.”
Garth faced Trevor. “Caroline is the only thing that saved you.”
“Look man. I was pissed to see Eva at your place but why would I do something like that and then leave evidence?”
Garth thought about it. Trevor did have a point. Trevor was a lot of things but stupid he was not. The only other person he could think of that probably felt she had a reason to harass Eva was Cheryl. He started to mention it to Trevor but thought second of it.
“Somebody is behind it and it’s about time we found out who.”
“Eva’s your problem now remember,” Trevor said, sarcastically.
“As long as she’s a client of GT Securities, she’s yours too. Now if you ever cared an ounce about her, you would be doing everything you could to help find out who is behind all of this. Unless, of course you know more than you’re telling me.”
Trevor stared Garth in the eyes. “You tripping man. Get a grip,” Trevor said, before walking out of the conference room.
Garth pulled out his cell phone and called Cheryl. “Meet me at your place pronto,” he stated. , Cheryl didn’t question him. She seemed excited that he called. Garth needed access to see if he could find any evidence linking Cheryl to what had been happening to Eva.
“Caroline, I’ll be out of the office for awhile. If you need me, call me on my cell.”
Caroline looked like she wanted to say something. Garth didn’t have time for small talk. When he got to Cheryl’s, she appeared at the door in a red satin robe slightly opened. “You’re just in time. I was just about to hop in the shower,” she said, as she made sure he could view her naked body underneath the robe.
Perfect. Garth thought to himself. “Don’t let me stop you,” he said in a husky voice.
“It’s more fun with two.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be here when
you get out,” he attempted to assure her.
Cheryl let the robe fall completely open revealing her naked body. “You sure you don’t want to join me?”
“I’ll be waiting for you when you get out,” he lied.
As soon as he was sure she was in the shower, he started going through her things to see if he could find any evidence proving she was behind the threats to Eva. He came across some of their office stationery. He slipped it in his pocket. He fumbled through her drawer and saw a small box filled with clippings and pictures of Eva. For someone who couldn’t stand Eva, she sure kept up with her career.
By now, the water had stopped running. He made his exit from her house before she returned. He was pulling out the driveway, when he saw Cheryl open the door. He pretended not to see her. A few minutes later, she was calling his number. She shouted, “Why did you leave?”
“Something came up at the office. Besides, I had second thoughts. It’s over this time for real.”
“Screw you Garth.”
“You’ve already done that,” he responded before disconnecting the call.
Cheryl called back several times. Each time he allowed her calls to go to voice mail. He wouldn’t even bother to listen to them. He planned on deleting them as soon as he got the chance. He dialed Trevor’s number. “We need to talk. There’s some things you need to know.”
“If it’s about Eva, I don’t want to talk about it okay.”
“Just be at the office. I’ll be there in about thirty minutes.”
When Garth got to the office, he informed Caroline he didn’t want to be disturbed. “Trevor is the only person I care to see.”
“Yes sir,” she responded.
While waiting on Trevor, Garth placed the evidence he retrieved from Cheryl’s place on his desk. Trevor walked in the office and saw the items. “Where did you get all of this?” he asked.
“That’s what I called you in here for. Have a seat because what I’m about to tell you is serious.”
He watched Trevor as he picked through the items. “So whose been doing this?”
Garth responded, “Guess.”
“Who?” Trevor asked, confused.
Garth sat down behind his desk and responded, “Cheryl.”
~ 30 ~
Trevor looked through the items. “No man. Cheryl may do some wild stuff but nothing like that man.”
“All the evidence is here.” Garth watched Trevor to see if maybe he knew something more and was taking up for Cheryl.
“She probably found some of this stuff at my place and called herself hiding it from me. You know I’ve bought practically every magazine Eva has been in.”
“Stop making excuses for her.” Garth was getting agitated. He was on the verge of telling Trevor some things he may not want to hear.
“I’m just saying. It’s obvious she can’t stand Eva. But to do this. No. You’re on the wrong trail. I think you’re too close to this to figure things out. Let me assign someone who doesn’t know Eva personally.”
“I brought you in here since she’s your fiancé to see how you wanted to handle it.”
“There has to be some explanation for this. Let me call Cheryl and get to the bottom of this.” Trevor pulled out his cell phone.
“There’s more,” Garth said. He could not let him make that phone call.
“We can talk about this later,” Trevor said, as he dialed Cheryl’s number.
“Cheryl’s been cheating on you,” Garth blurted out.
Trevor hit the disconnect button on his phone without speaking to Cheryl. In a low voice, he responded, “And how do you know this? Did you find that out too when you weaseled your way into her house?”
“Wake up man. How do you think I had access to her personal belongings if she didn’t let me in?”
“I know you’re not telling me what I think you’re telling me.” Trevor stared straight ahead. By now, he was almost on the edge of his seat.
Garth felt like he had no other choice but to spell it out. “I met Cheryl about a year before you did. We’ve had this on again off again sexual relationship.”
Trevor’s hands started shaking. “When did it end?”
“It doesn’t matter. It happened and I just thought you should be aware of it.”
Trevor’s eyes turned a dark brown. “Why now?”
“Because I’m tired of her making a fool out of you.”
“So when did you say it ended?” Trevor asked, barely above a whisper.
“Just drop it.”
“No, you owe me that much.” Trevor’s voice escalated.
Garth dropped his head. “A few weeks ago.”
Trevor jumped up and pushed all of the stuff on the desk to the floor and reached over and grabbed Garth by the collar. Garth could feel Trevor’s breath in his face. He didn’t flinch. This time Garth let Trevor get his anger out of his system. “Bastard. Man you’re just as scandalous as the hoes out on the street. I knew you liked to be someone’s clean up man; but I never thought you were cleaning up behind me.”
Trevor released the grip he had on Garth’s collar and he fell back in the chair. Garth rubbed his neck and said, “Man, I’m sorry. I would have told you sooner but I didn’t want our friendship to end over a woman.”
Trevor started laughing uncontrollably. “Have Cheryl arrested because if the cops don’t get to her first, there might be a homicide tonight.”
“Calm down. Cheryl’s not worth you ruining your life over.”
“You have to have it all don’t you. Eva. Cheryl. Who else I’ve talked to have you messed with?”
Garth understood Trevor’s anger, so that’s why he was patient with him. “Look, let’s get something clear. I knew Cheryl before you two got together. Eva was single when she and I got together.”
Trevor clapped his hands. “So you finally admit it. You and Eva have been messing around. How long has it been going on?”
“I didn’t go after Eva until you made it perfectly clear to her that she was not going to be a part of your life.”
“You know how I feel about Eva. I told you I loved her but it would never work because she’s just too much of a drama queen.”
Garth didn’t want to hear his lies. “You want to talk about me, but you’re not all innocent in all of this. You don’t know what it means to be faithful.”
“That’s my business.”
“It would be if you didn’t come back and brag about it.”
“You should have told me about Cheryl man.”
“Maybe I should have, but I didn’t want to hurt you.” Garth knew Trevor was telling the truth. As he thought back on it, he should have told Trevor as soon as he realized they were both doing the same woman.
“Do you know how embarrassing it is? We’ve sent out invitations. We just had that party. I want to punch you out so bad but it wouldn’t do any good.” Trevor looked like a man defeated.
“You had your opportunity a few minutes ago but I suggest you don’t try it again.” Garth was no longer in a generous mode.
“To think I was about to marry the woman.” Trevor shook his head back in forth in disbelief.
“Truth be told, you don’t truly love Cheryl either.”
“How you going to tell me how I feel?” Trevor was slumped over in his chair.
Garth felt sorry for him. “Then again, maybe you did. She was your problem, but now that I see she’s been harassing Eva, she’s mine.”
“I don’t care what happens to the trick. Like I said call the police because she’s going to pay one way or another for what she did.”
Garth stood up from behind the desk and walked to look out his window. “Maybe we should both calm down so we can handle this the best way possible. For now, I need to get back to the studio.”
“I’m calm.” Trevor held out his hand. He tried his best to steady it, but Garth noticed it shaking.
“Take the rest of the day off. We have enough people here to take care of stuff.”
/> Trevor looked like a man defeated. Garth didn’t know what else to say to his friend at this point. Yes, he was wrong for continuing his affair with Cheryl once he realized she was involved with Trevor. Could he change the past? No, but he sure wished he could.
~ 31 ~
“Where is Garth?” Eva asked out loud. She had been at the studio all day and hadn’t seen him since he dropped her off. She wanted to speak with him, but refused to call him. She wanted to be sure he wanted her as much as she wanted him. She would not be the aggressor in the relationship. Eva reminisced about their love making sessions. She smiled as she recalled how close she now felt to Garth. He professed his love to her and showed her in so many ways. The smile faded however when she thought about the rock and note. Her nerves were frazzled. She slid into Mo’s chair with a heavy load.
“Diva, you look a hot mess. You would think with a fine man like that Garth Morgan protecting you, you would be all smiles.”
“Mo, there’s more going on than you know about.” Eva couldn’t hide her feelings even if she wanted to from Mo. He always seemed to know when something was wrong with her.
Mo twirled her chair around. “Now you know there’s not much that goes on here that I don’t know about.”
Eva couldn’t help but laugh. Mo was always a filter for information—whether he was on the giving in or receiving in of it. “What I’m about to tell you must stay between us?”
“Scout’s honor,” Mo said, as he crossed his heart.
“Uncross your fingers,” Eva joked.
“Okay. Pinky swear.” Mo held out his pinky to Eva’s.
“Garth and I are officially a couple.” Eva decided to concentrate on the positive news.
“It’s about time you forgot about that zero Troy.”
“You mean Trevor.”
“Whatever. I’m just glad you no longer tripping over him. It took you long enough.”
“Tre’s a thing of the past.” The sparkle in Eva’s eyes disappeared.