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Blurred Lines (Blurred Lines Volume 1)

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by Breena Wilde

  I gently open the door. It’s steamy. The mirrors and the glass on the shower door fogged over. I place my purse on the counter and walk over to the shower. I can see his head. His blond hair darkened by water. I pull the door open. He turns my direction and his blue eyes slowly drink me in.

  “Mind if I join you?” I wait, suddenly shy for him to agree, wondering if he’d rather have some privacy. His cock welcomes me before his lips do.

  “Of course.” He holds out a hand to help me in. So gentlemanly.

  “Can I wash your hair?”

  He hands me the shampoo. I squeeze some into my hands and rub them together. There’s a bench in the shower, and I step up so I’ll be able to reach. He grabs my elbow to steady me.

  I grin at his thoughtfulness. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.” He turns around and I put the shampoo in his hair, massaging my fingertips into his scalp.

  He groans. “You’re good at that.”

  “I try,” I say, watching the contentment on his face. His eyes are closed, his lips slightly parted. He looks like a God. If Eros, the god of love, sexual prowess, and dirty thoughts, had a child with Artemis, I’m quite certain John would be him.

  His long lashes are wet and clump together. He licks his full lips. Strong shoulders are attached to sculpted arms and a perfect back with muscles in all the right places.

  “Rinse,” I say. My voice is hoarse and I clear my throat. He turns and puts his head under the water. His eyes open briefly and he reaches a hand to my breast, taking a nipple between his thumb and first finger. I gasp as the feeling of desire courses through my body.

  He gives me a lopsided smile and closes his eyes, quickly rinsing out the shampoo. Helping me down from the bench he places me under the water, running his fingers through my long dark hair. “Your turn.”

  I’m thrown off balance by this guy. Usually if a man is paying for a hooker he’s out to be pleasured. I’m okay with that. I didn’t go into this job blind. But he’s tenderly making sure my hair is soaked. When he’s satisfied he grabs the shampoo and squirts some in my hair.

  “Turn around, please.”

  I do as he asks. His fingers massage the soap into my hair and I work not to moan in pleasure. “Wow, that feels amazing.”

  He chuckles. “Haven’t you ever had someone wash your hair before?”

  I shrug. “Nope. This is my first time.”

  His erection gets harder and presses against my back.

  “Rinse,” he says turning me into the water.

  I do, lifting my arms and working the soap out. As I work, his lips suckle one of my nipples. He teases it with his teeth. I can’t concentrate on rinsing out the soap any longer and grab his shoulders, digging my nails in.

  He moves to the other one and I gasp again. He uses just the right amount of pressure and teasing, not too hard and not too soft. The tension between my legs builds and I’m shocked.

  He’s my client and I’m supposed to be pleasing him, I tell myself, trying to regain my composure. I open my eyes and see he’s watching me. Biting my tongue, I rein in my needs and move my hands to his hardened cock.

  “Let me suck your dick,” I say, smiling sweetly.

  His eyes go wide a moment. He nods. I waver, realizing I’ve momentarily forgotten my own rule: protection at all times.

  And I have an internal debate with myself. He has to be clean. Surely a guy who stays in such an expensive hotel would keep himself free from STDs.

  John seems to sense my hesitation. “I have condoms. Hang on.” I’m about to insist on my own but he’s already gone and back before I get the chance to say anything. He tears the wrapper open and rolls it on. It’s then I notice just how big he is—like huge. No medium for him, and the heat between my legs gets stronger.

  John closes the shower door and I kneel in front of him, wrapping my hands around the shaft and taking the tip in my mouth. I move my tongue around it and then take him all in so he’s touching the back of my throat.

  My eyes are on his face and he throws his head back.

  Better, I think and move up and down, swirling my hand as I move my mouth.

  “Oh my God, that feels good. Shit.”

  I grin internally. Happy I’m turning him on. Making him hot.

  After a few minutes, I sense his body tensing. He grabs my hair in a ponytail and pulls me off.

  “God, Cadence. You’re going to make me come too fast.” He puts his hands under my arms and helps me stand. Then he moves me to the bench. “My turn.” John pushes my legs open and bends my legs so my heels are on the bench touching the backs of my thighs. He kneels in front of me, licks my clit once. I put my hands in his hair.

  “May I?” he asks, and I nearly faint. His touch is different in a good way. More than good, really, but I’m not going there right now.

  “Of course,” I say.

  He licks my clit again and sticks two fingers in my pussy, moving his tongue and his fingers in unison. The tension builds and my orgasm comes almost before I realize it.

  “Holy fuck.” My legs are trembling and I’m nearly pulling his hair out.

  He smirks and leans in for a kiss. This is another shocker. Most men just assume there’s no kissing—like it’s an unwritten rule. But I meet him halfway, tasting myself on his succulent lips. He’s an amazing kisser, teasing with his tongue. It makes me hotter and I wrap my legs around his hips, pulling him closer. He lifts and carries me out of the shower, laying us both on the bed, soaking wet. We’re wet, slippery and I move all over, unable to get enough of him. He kisses me everywhere: my neck, my breasts, my stomach and then back to my lips.

  I want him inside. I want to feel his huge cock rock me to my core.

  “John, fuck me. Fuck me, please.” A part of me wants to feel bad that I’m so turned on by him. This was supposed to be all about him, but God he’s got me so turned on I can’t think. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this way.

  He kneels up and presses his thumb to my clit, rubbing me softly. “You’re beautiful, Cadence. Your eyes are the loveliest shade of hazel. Not quite gray, not quite blue, not quite green. They’re bewitching.”

  “Thanks,” I say, and gasp as he slides a finger inside.

  “You ready to come again?” He moves closer, spreads my pussy slightly and slides his cock into me.

  We moan together.

  He’s still kneeling and grabs my thighs, pulling me further onto him as we move in unison.

  The tension between my legs builds. I’m so hot, so ready. I want him harder, faster, and I encourage him on.

  He lifts my butt with his hands so he’s totally buried and slamming his body into mine and I’m right there with him, slamming back.

  I’m going to come again. So quick. I don’t understand how he can do this. He’s a good fuck, sure. Usually my orgasms take a little more work though. And I have to be the one to do it, because I trust myself. But my second orgasm is coming whether I want it to or not. And trust me, I fucking want it.

  “Cadence, you’re so hot. Fuck, I’m going to come.” And he does, and I do.

  After his is over, he lays on top of me, stroking my hair between his fingers.

  “You rock,” he whispers, and I can feel his smile in my hair.

  “So do you,” I reply.

  Chapter 5

  After the amazing sex, I don’t know what to expect. A part of me is worried that now the real fun will begin, and by fun I mean the opposite, like his crazy side will come out and he’ll tie me to the toilet and pee on me. Trust me, it’s happened.

  But it doesn’t. And he is perfectly gentlemanly. Again. He gives me one of his t-shirts, and after we clean up he asks if I want to watch a movie.

  “Okay,” I agree. Then think better of it. “Are you sure you don’t want me to leave? Let you have your privacy? I don’t want to intrude.”

  He grins, flashing his dimple. “I’d love it if you stayed. Maybe, after the movie, we could go another round?” He
wiggles his eyebrows playfully.

  “Deal,” I say, thinking I finally understand. He wants more, but he needs some down time. I’m more than happy to oblige.

  We choose a movie together, some romantic comedy. He pats a spot on the couch next to him. We eat cheese and snuggle under a blanket for an hour. It’s a cute movie, but all I can think about it the way he touched me. The feelings he brought out, and what he has planned next.

  I get my answer.

  John leans in and covers my mouth with his lips. He tastes like wine and cheese. I push him back on the couch and straddle him. My hands run through his hair, and I press my pussy into his pajama pants. He’s already hard and I rock into him, using the cloth between us as protection.

  We make out for a long time.

  It’s fun. Something I don’t normally do. Something I haven’t done in years. And I’m in ecstasy. I could kiss his amazing lips forever, I think, gently biting his lower lip.

  Her growls and suckles my tongue, taking it into his mouth.

  I sigh happily.

  A part of me worries that Fileze was just messing with me. That such an amazing experience can’t be what he had in mind as a payoff. But I’m making the most of every minute.

  John is shirtless and I take the opportunity to explore his toned chest and run my fingers over his exceptional abs. He removes my shirt and I press my breasts into him, my hardened nipples rubbing against his tanned skin.

  “I’ll go get a condom,” I say after a few more minutes and jump off him.

  “Hurry.” He slaps me on the ass teasingly as I move past him and I giggle. Fucking giggle. It isn’t a sound I usually hear coming from myself.

  I run through the living room and the glorious view into the bedroom, where the bed is rumpled and probably still wet, and into the bathroom where I left my condoms.

  What I hadn’t planned on was the floor still being wet. My foot catches a patch of water and I go down, my head smacking against the marble floor.

  “Ouch. Shit.” I try to rise, but a wave of dizziness overwhelms me, and I have to lie back down.

  “Dammit,” I say. It feels like I’m in a tunnel. The lights in the bathroom are still on. It’s a shimmering chandelier. Sparkly, I think. Everything gets blurry. I close my eyes.

  Chapter 6

  When I open my eyes I notice right away I’m not with John anymore. I’m in a room. There’s an IV in my hand. I try to sit up and notice I’m wearing a hospital gown.

  “Shit. How did this happen?”

  There’s movement to the left and I turn my head. John is there. He stands and walks over. “Are you alright?”

  “I don’t know. What happened?” I ask again.

  “Don’t you remember? You went to get a condom. We were…” He trails off and runs a hand through his hair. It’s almost dry and he’s wearing the t-shirt I had on before he took it off me, as well as a pair of jeans. He looks amazing. “You must’ve slipped and hit your head. When I came in you were unconscious. You fucking scared the shit out of me.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Shit. Shit. Shit. I can’t believe I was so stupid. That’s what I get for allowing myself to have fun. Forgetting our time together was my job. “I’m so sorry,” I say again.

  He sits on the bed and grabs the hand that doesn’t have a needle in it. “Don’t be sorry. It wasn’t your fault. Last night—” he pauses and smiles, his dimple appearing in all its glory. “Was amazing. At least up until I had to call nine-one-one.”

  “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” My head feels like a freight train is running through it and it’s all I can think about. “I’ll pay you back, I swear.”

  He chuckles. “Don’t worry about it.” Then his perfect features turn worried. “There is something you should know.”

  “Oh, shit. What else did I do?”

  John squeezes my hand. “Nothing. Please don’t worry about it. It’s just…” He clears his throat. “I’m sort of known in this town and well…” he pauses again, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “What is it?” Inside I’m freaking out. Fileze said his friend was from out of town. How could he be so known? Unless he’s mafia. Or some drug lord’s son. What have I done, I think, closing my eyes.

  He leans in and kisses my cheek. I open my eyes. “There’s pa—”

  Before he can finish the doctor and a nurse come in. The nurse is flushed and keeps fiddling with her smock. She shyly glances at John and then at the computer in the corner she’s typing on.

  “I’m Doctor Evans.” He holds out his hand for John first and then me. I shake it, admiring the smoothness. The doctor is handsome. Dark hair. Dark eyes. Dark skin. “How are you feeling, dear?” the doctor asks, placing the end of the stethoscope on my chest over the hospital gown.

  “My head is killing me.” I move my hand to the back of my head and feel the huge lump.

  “I’m sure. From what I understand you had a nasty fall.” He gives John a sideways look. There’s a hint of disapproval in his expression and I wonder if he’s worried John hit me.

  “Yeah, I’m such a klutz. I went to grab something in the bathroom and slipped on some water. It was totally my fault.” I give the doctor a sweet smile, one that exudes calm affirmation.

  “I see. Well, I’m going to schedule a CAT scan to make sure everything is okay in there.” He points at my head. “If everything’s fine, we’ll release you tomorrow. Sound good?”

  I try to shake my head. There’s no way I can afford a CAT scan and I sure as hell don’t want John to pay for it. Not that he would, but I don’t want to put him in the situation. “No. I’m fine. Don’t bother with any scans. Just find me my clothes and I’ll get out of your hair.”

  The doctor glances from John back to me. “You aren’t ‘in my hair,’ dear. This is a hospital, and we need to check you out.”

  I sigh heavily and place my chin on my chest. “I don’t have insurance. I can’t afford any tests. I’ll be alright.”

  John squeezes my hand again and I look at him. There’s kindness in his eyes, genuine affection, and I can’t stand it because it melts some of the ice around my heart. It messes with another one of my rules: don’t fall in love. It’s a simple rule, really. And I’m not in love. Seriously. I’m an idiot, but not that big of a fucking idiot. I don’t believe in the insta-love phenomenon people talk about. Insta-love is code for I want to fuck your brains out. Nothing more.

  John brushes his thumb along my jaw. Without thinking, I flinch. He notices and pulls his hand away. “You will get the CAT scan and I will pay for it. You were in my room when this happened and you slipped on my bathroom floor. It’s the least I can do. No arguments. Okay?”

  I’m mortified. What will he tell Fileze? Will he make him pay? “I don’t think I need it. Really, my head is feeling better already.” I pull my hand from his and make like I’m going to stand. A wave of dizziness rushes over me and I have to lay back. “In a minute. I swear.”

  John whispers in my ear. “I won’t take no for an answer. Got it?”

  I nod. I’m in no shape to argue. But I will find a way to pay him back. The whole reason I went to his room last night was to get out from under one obligation. I fucking can’t believe I was stupid enough to find myself in another.

  The nurse comes over and fluffs my pillows. Keeping her eyes on John, she says, “If there’s anything you need, anything at all, just let me know.”

  John squeezes my hand and gives the nurse a nod. “Excellent. Thank you.”

  “I’ll have Amanda bring you something for the pain. And a tech should be here in a while for the CAT scan. In the meantime, stay down, and we’ll bring you something to eat.”

  “Thanks, but I’m not hungry.” I know from experience they charge an arm and a leg for the food here.

  “If she can eat, would you mind if I brought her something?” John asks, winking at the nurse.

  “That would be fine,” the doctor says.

  John smiles encouragingly.

  “Thanks, John,” I say for the benefit of the doctor and the nurse. Once they’re gone I’ll tell him not to bother.

  Doctor Evans pats my foot. “We’ll get you fixed up in no time.”

  Chapter 7

  John wouldn’t take no for an answer on the food. Said he knew a great place and that he’d bring me back something delicious.

  Not too long after he left the techs came. They switch me to a rolling bed and wheel me down the hall.

  As we go I watch the people around me. An older woman with thin white hair walks with a nurse and an IV drip stand. A man sits in a chair outside a room, clutching his hands together, rocking back and forth. He mumbles something indiscernible. Behind me I hear shouting and the techs stop. They are both male. One is tall and super buff. He looks like a linebacker, not part of the hospital staff.

  He glances at me and then at the other tech. “Give me just a second, Emmett.” Emmett nods. The linebacker pats me on the shoulder. “I’ll be right back. Hold tight.”

  “Sure,” I say, trying to twist around and see what all the ruckus is. I don’t have to though.


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