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Daddy's RockStar Friends ( A Reverse Harem Romance)

Page 21

by Amanda Horton

  Chapter 14

  Leo was frantic. He’d stayed away from Gemma’s room earlier in the day, intending to give her time to cool down so that they could have a reasonable conversation about her and Damien’s future. He’d spent a restless night trying to think of how to fix this situation. The prospect of never seeing Damien again was a bleak one. The child was his twin brother’sliving legacy. Having Damien close felt almost like a part of Alexi had returned from the watery grave that had taken his life.

  He’d hoped telling Gemma about the stock certificates and having her speak with his mother would somehow soften her reaction to being deceived. He had to find a way to make things work with her. Not only for Damien and his parents, but also for himself.

  Leo was warming to the idea of being an uncle, but that would require Gemma remained in Greece. With Alexi gone, Leo had no choice but to step into his twin’s shoes and start managing more parts of the company. His father wouldn’t work forever. He expected his son to take over for him when the time came.

  And then there was Gemma. The ache in his heart when he thought of never seeing Gemma again was worse than the thought of losing Damien. Leo had never considered himself a one-woman man, but since reconnecting with Gemma, the thought of bedding any other woman left him completely unaffected. Petrina had all but thrown herself at him and his body hadn’t reacted with anything but disgust. He wouldn’t name what he was feeling—but he also couldn’t ignore it.

  Couple that with how devastated his parents would be to lose contact with their only grandchild and the situation was untenable. He’d paced his rooms, going over one scenario after another until he’d finally come up with a workable solution.

  He’d planned to discuss his thoughts with Gemma, but she wasn’t in her rooms. He asked the maids where she was and learned Petrina had spirited her away earlier that morning. He’d asked where they’d gone, but it wasn’t until he’d called her uncle that he’d learned Petrina had borrowed his yacht for the day.

  Leo took one look at the gathering clouds and raced for the docks. His worst fears were confirmed when he learned that Petrina had not returned. He’d contacted the Hellenic Coast Guard, using his considerable wealth and the family name to enlist their help. Petrina’s ship didn’t answer any of the radio calls sent to it, and the storm continued to come towards them.

  Leo headed for his own yacht. He gave his crew the choice to come with him or remain. All three men solemnly readied the ship for departure from the marina. Leo vowed to reward their loyalty when they returned.

  Almost two miles out, he received a call from the Coast Guard, notifying them that they had intercepted Petrina’s boat. She claimed Gemma had chosen to stay on the Moustakas family island. The échase parádeisos, also known as the Lost Paradise, was a good three and a half hours away from the mainland. Leo was furious. What was Petrina thinking, attempting such a long jounrey as a day trip?

  Not to mention, not checking the weather in advance... Leo frowned. Her actions showed just how unstable Petrina really was. Upon returning from rescuing Gemma, he would be speaking with his uncle. The woman needs professional help... Provided she wasn’t being brought up on charges that could see her imprisoned for the rest of her life. The full repercussions of today had yet to be seen. Leo forced his mind away from how devastating they might be. He needed all his wits to navigate the storm.

  Halfway to the island, the storm hit full force. The crew wore worried expressions, but not one of them voiced the desire to turn back. Unfortunately, after travelling for another forty-five minutes, they were intercepted. The Hellenic Coast Guard demanded they turn back as the storm was worsening.

  I refuse to give up the search. They were only a few miles from the island. If Gemma stayed on the island, she would at least be dry, but without knowing how to engage the generator, she would be left to fend for herself in the dark and cold.

  Leo thought fast. The coast guard had a very fast skipper, used to navigate rough seas when a rescue was needed and a larger boat would have been a danger to life and property. “Let me have your skipper. I’ll be able to reach the island in less than thirty minutes. I’ll radio in once I’ve located the missing woman.”

  The captain radioed his response immediately. “Sir, that is ill-advised.”

  Leo gave the boat a steely glance. His voice dripped ice. “So is allowing an American citizen to perish due to the foolishness of a Greek citizen. I’m trying to stave off an international incident.” Leo knew he was stretching the truth. He prayed the captain wouldn’t ask for more details about the lost woman’s identity. That could be disastrous.

  Luckily, the captain wasn’t willing to risk his career over such a manner. He ordered his crew to drop the skipper into the water.

  “Efkharisto. Your kindness will be repaid.” Leo readied himself to enter the boat. Each of his own crew offered to accompany him, but he refused, knowing each had a wife and children back home. “Be safe and pray the gods show me favor this day.” He climbed into the skipper and immediately set a course for the island. I only hope I’m not too late.

  The darkening sky hindered his visibility. If not for a flash of lightning, he might have missed the small boat floating aimlessly amidst the terrible waves. He turned towards it. As he neared, his heart plummeted. He recognized the boat as one kept on the island. Theós!

  It appeared Gemma had attempted to return back to the mainland. Leo’s felt tears sting his eyes. He didn’t see anyone steering the boat. Please, don’t let her die. Damien needs her. I need her.

  He pulled alongside the boat, a task made difficult by the crashing waves. Somehowhe managed. Only then did he see the figure crumpled in the bottom of the boat, surrounded by several inches of water tinged red with her blood. Theós! It was Gemma and she was almost blue with cold.

  He tied the small boat to the back of the skipper with shaking hands, unable to board the other boat without risking his own life in the process. He desperately wanted to check her for a pulse, but doing so would put them both in grave danger. The waves were only getting bigger and he wouldn’t be of any use to Gemma injured. The next twenty minutes as he towed the boat back to the island were some of the longest of his life.

  As soon as he could safely board the other boat, he did. He kneeled beside Gemma in the rain, feeling for a pulse. Her skin was cold and her lips blue. A large gash on the back of her head explained the blood he saw.

  “Gemma!” he hollered over the storm. When he finally found a pulse, his heart heaved a sigh of relief, but he couldn’t make her wake up. He moved the boats into the safety of the lagoon and then set the skipper free, taking the smaller boat into the enclosure of the estate house. He killed the engine and carried her back into the house, praying to every God he could name for mercy and favor for Gemma.

  “Hang on, Gemma!” he told her. “You’re so cold!” I have to get her warmed up. He lay her on the rug in the living area. He tugged at her sodden clothing. “We…need…to get these…wet clothes…off of you.” He finally worked her clothing off, skimming his hands and eyes over her prone form, looking for visible signs of injury.

  He gently turned her head, locating the cut and a large bump on the back of her head. “If only you would wake up and tell me what happened.” He grabbed a nearby blanket and draped it over her. Standing up, he stripped out of his own soaked clothing.

  I need to call for a helicopter. A quick glance outside dashed that thought away. Not in this weather! No one is going to risk their life flying in these winds and storm. He looked back at the woman, shivering on the floor. I can’t lose you now! I just found you. “Stay with me, Gemma. I’ll get you warm.”

  He picked her up, blanket and all, and carried her into the nearest bedroom. He settled them both between the sheets, piling the quilt and blankets over their bodies and wrapping himself around her icy cold body. She shivered violently. “You’ll feel warm in a few minutes,” he whispered against her temple.

  He smoothed his h
ands over her arms and back, trying to instill some warmth into her body. “Gemma?” he asked every few minutes, hoping she’d open her eyes and talk to him. “Gemma, you need to wake up. You’re safe now.”

  Twenty minutes later, her lips lost their bluish tint and her shivers had slowed down to just the occasional body-wracking quake. He slipped from the bed and stalked to the window, cursing the storm that still raged outside.

  She needs medical attention! But for once, he was helpless to get what he wanted. Not even the Moustakas name can hold up against Mother Nature.

  He returned to the bed, a towel in his hands. Carefully, he began to dry her hair. It was matted with salt water. He considered carrying her into the shower to give her a proper bath, but was afraid she would get chilled again. He cared too much for her to stop trying. Suddenly, keeping his feelings locked inside was impossible.

  “Lígo gáta, please wake up. De exo niosi pote etsi os tora. I’ve never felt this way before. I need you to help me make sense of these feelings.”

  He’d never felt so protective as he did right then—or so useless. For the first time that he could remember, he was scared. Gemma isn’t out of the woods yet. She could die. The fact that she won’t wake up cannot be a good sign.

  His fear was like a physical pain in his chest. He sucked in a long breath. Laying his palm against her neck, he relaxed only when he felt her pulse beating steadily beneath his fingers.

  As soon as this storm breaks, I’ll call the helicopter and get you back to the mainland. You’ll have the best medical care available…I promise. You have to wake up so I can tell you how I really feel.

  “I want to raise Damien with you, by your side. Together, we’ll make sure he knows what a wonderful man his father was. He’ll have the best of everything, go to the best schools, and you won’t have to work unless you want to.

  “We can take him to visit all of the places that bring a spark to his eyes. And maybe one day, we could have a few children of our own.”

  He paused, tears filling his eyes. “Gemma, you have to be here to make this possible. Please, wake up. You have to fight.”

  He dropped his head down, laying it against hers. He stayed vigilant over her all night long. When the winds finally died down close to sunrise, he fell asleep with her cuddled in his arms. Where you belong. I’ll always keep you safe. Nothing like this will ever happen again. You have my word.

  Chapter 15

  The next day…

  Gemma woke slowly. Her head was beating like a painful drum. Her body was sweltering hot. She pushed at the covers, only to realize they weren’t blankets, but a man’s arms holding her tightly. She turned her head slowly, groaning at the pain the movement caused, and came face to face with Leo. She gasped.

  His eyes popped open. He hugged her tighly, muttering to himself in Greek for several minutes before releasing his grip. He searched her eyes. “You are awake!”

  “Apparently so. Could you please let me go? It’s really hot under these covers.” Her voice was scratchy, making her head ache something fierce.

  Leo loosened his arms. Gemma pushed the blankets back, realizing too late that she was completely naked underneath. “Where are my clothes?”

  Leo pointed to a sodden heap of clothing lying on the tiled floor. “I didn’t have the foresight to hang them up to dry last night. I was too worried about you. Gemma, how do you feel?”

  Gemma pulled a blanket around her naked torso. How do I feel? Everything that had happened the day before rushed back. “Petrina! She brought me out here and then left me here.” She gripped Leo’s arm. “She had a gun! Leo, she was going to shoot me!”

  Leo looked grim. “The authorities have already questioned her. Once you have given your statement, she will be held accountable for her actions. Why would you go sailing with her after the way she treated you?”

  Gemma flushed. “She said she was sorry and that she wanted to be friends. She seemed nothing like the woman I had originally met, and I wanted to get away….”

  Leo’s eyes softened. “From me?”

  “I just needed some time to think. Your parents took Damien…” She looked around frantically, as if she expected to see her son. “Leo, I need to make sure Damien is okay.”

  Leo pushed himself to his feet. “I will try the radio, but I warn you, the storm was vicious last night. It might be a while before we get reception back.”

  Gemma tried to stand, crying out as sharp pain lanced through her skull. She gripped her head with both hands. It was several seconds before she could speak. “What happened to my head?”

  “You were bleeding when I found you floating at the sea. It’s a wonder the boat didn’t capsize.”

  Gemma blanched. “I thought several times it might. Oh, God, Leo! The waves were so big…”

  Leo pulled her into a hug. Gemma closed her eyes, basking in the comfort he offered. I’ll remember this feeling. I’ll need it in the days to come. She was pretty sure she would be having more than one nightmare about being trapped on the boat during the storm.

  “Shush, lígo gáta. You are safe now.”

  Gemma nodded gingerly. She allowed him to comfort her for several long moments. “Did you come after me?”

  Leo nodded. “Yes, as soon as I realized what had occurred. I feel that this is all my fault.”

  Gemma didn’t give him a pass on his feelings of guilt. It was pressure from him that had brought her to Greece in the first place. She pulled away. Immediately a wave of nausea hit her. “Oh, no.”

  “What’s wrong?” he inquired, holding her up as her knees started to buckle.

  “I’m going to be sick.”

  Leo immediately swept her up in his arms, carrying her through to the closest bathroom. He deposited her by the toilet, holding her hair as she emptied her stomach.

  When she was finished, he handed her a cup to rinse her mouth out with and then a damp rag to wipe her face. He then carried her back into the bedroom and settled her in the bed once more.

  Gemma felt like a damp cloth. She could only huddle in the bed as shivers wracked her body. Her body was hurting everywhere and her headache was becoming more intense. “Leo, I don’t feel very well.” She closed her eyes, finding the effort to keep them open more than she had in her.

  “I know.” His voice was soothing, and he gently massaged her hands. “Let me go try the radio and see if I can get some help headed this way. I could take you back in the boat…”

  Gemma moaned in distress. “No boat!”

  “I didn’t think you would be up for that and to tell you the truth, neither am I. Hang on, and I’ll get help coming as soon as possible.”


  Leo was frantic about Gemma. She didn’t look well at all. She needed medical attention soon. He fired up the radio, trying the first two of the three emergency channels, and getting no response. As he dialed in the third and final frequency, he offered up a prayer to the Gods for help. He sent the distress call and when a voice came back, he was so shocked that it took him a moment to respond.

  “Ya sou. Is anyone there?” the voice called a second time.

  “Neh! I’m here. This is Leonidis Moustakas. I have a woman in urgent need of medical attention on the island échase parádeisos. How soon can you send a helicopter?”

  “Mr. Moustakas, we are pleased to hear that you did not perish during the storm.” It was the Coast Guard captain. “I trust you found the American woman?”

  “Neh! She was unconscious. She’s awake now, but is nauseated and needs to see a doctor soon. Is the storm over?”

  “It is. I will have a chopper headed in your direction as soon as we end this transmission. Is there a place on the island for it to land?”

  “There is a helipad on top of the main house. You’ll see it marked clearly.”

  “Very good. Safe journey, and I look forward to meeting this woman you risked your life for one day.”

  Leo signed off and then headed to tell Gemma the good ne
ws. He stood in the doorway, watching her for several minutes. The thought of how close he’d come to losing her forever almost brought him to his knees.

  She stood at the window, seemingly lost in thought too. Even in her disheveled condition, she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

  Leo stepped toward her, hoping his words would give her relief. “I was able to make contact. A chopper is on its way right now. You need to sit back down before you fall over.”

  Gemma tried to smile at him, but only tears came. “Damien?”

  “I need to radio home and let them know what is happening. I will have them bring Damien to the hospital.”

  Gemma’s tears fell faster. “No, please. I don’t need to go to a hospital.”

  “The doctor…”

  “Please, Leo. I don’t want to go to a hospital.”

  Leo warred with himself for only a moment. “Very well. I will have the doctor come to you.” He grinned at her confused expression, smoothing her hair back from her face and using his thumbs to wipe away her tears. “Another benefit of having lots of money. You can pay people to do things others can’t. We have a family physician who loves making house calls. He’s been my doctor since I was born.”

  Gemma smiled gratefully at him. Her tears started to subside. “Thank you. How do you say that in Greek?”

  “Efkharisto,” he told her. “I will be happy to teach you all the Greek you want to learn, but first you must get better.”

  “Could I… Could I talk to Damien?”

  Leo nodded. He picked her up, covers and all, and carried her to where the radio was setup. He positioned her in the chair and then placed the call. The call was connected via a transfer station and shortly thereafter he was speaking directly to his father. He informed him of their situation and asked that the doctor be summoned to attend to Gemma’s injuries upon their arrival.


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