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Tokyo from Edo to Showa 1867-1989

Page 77

by Edward Seidensticker

  snow viewing, 134-35, 139

  Society for Improving the Theater, 155-56

  soaplands, 531, 532, 556, 583

  Socialist Party, 520, 529, 548-49

  Soeta Azembō, 353

  sōkaiya (general-meeting business), 524, 525, 587

  Somehow Crystal (Tanaka), 555-56

  Spencer (balloonist), 117, 154, 157, 267, 271, 346

  spiritual mobilization, 384, 403

  sports, 399; golf, 591; see also baseball; Sumō wrestling; swimmers

  spring, 135-37, 140-41, 144-45

  standard of living, 439

  “stick girl,” 311, 323, 324

  Strange Tale from East of the River, A (Kafū), 323, 527-28

  street life, 235, 397, 570, 571, 582, 583

  street lights, 92-94

  street minstrels (enkashi), 167-68, 171

  street numbers, 105-06

  street pattern, 50-51, 96, 233, 298, 422, 423

  street performers, 509

  streets, 96; High City, 233; house numbers on, 195-96; naming of, 561-62; widening of, 499-500; traffic on left side of, 105

  strip shows, 354, 395, 556, 566, 594

  students, 237-38, 271, 344, 473, 548 and illus., 552-53, 601-02

  student uniforms, 111

  suburbs, 326-29

  subways, 34, 497, 501, 528-29

  sufu (staple fiber), 403, 409

  Sugamo Prison, 409, 491and illus., 519, 551, 564

  Sugawara Michizane, 136

  Suginami Ward, 419, 573, 574

  suicide, 319-23, 412, 534-35

  Sullivan, Arthur, 44-45

  Sukiyabashi (Sukiya Bridge), 498, 500

  Sumako (actress), 172, 266-67

  Sumida embankment, 135, 136, 139, 216, 273, 274, 567

  Sumida Park, 293, 308, 312, 345, 369

  Sumida River, 24, 41, 142, 159, 295, 308, 323, 369, 415, 434, 440, 441, 450, 457, 459, 468, 501, 503, 526, 531, 546, 593; flood-control devices on, 216-17, 257; flooding of, 72; “opening” of, 115, 142, 247

  Sumō wrestling, 156, 168-69, 214-15, 274, 347-48, 399, 468-71, 471, 544, 590-91

  Sunshine Building, 535, 564 and illus.

  Suntory (whiskey maker), 599

  super high-rises, 551

  supermarkets, 494, 538, 560

  Supreme Court, 239, 480, 532

  Susaki district, 457, 530-31

  Susaki licensed quarter, 218

  Suzugamori, 528

  Suzuki Shunichi, 486-88, 573, 575, 600

  Suzumoto, 450-51

  sweet potato, 432, 433

  swimmers, 495

  swordplay troupes, 365

  Tachikawa Base: Ten Solid Years of Rape, 520

  Taihō, 544

  Taira Masakado, see Masakado

  Taishō democracy, 255, 276

  Taishō emperor, 250-51

  Taishō era, 298, 304-06 and illus., 305, 317, 323-26, 329-30

  Taishō Hakurankai (Taishō Exposition) (1914), 251

  Taishō look, 251-53, 276

  Taishō Period, 251-77

  Taitō Ward, 441, 456, 566, 567

  Tajiri Inajirō, 254

  Takahama Kyoshi, 89

  Takahashi O-den, 154, 165, 166, 209, 401, 491, 534

  Takami Jun, 389, 412, 421, 535, 569

  Takano Fruits Parlor, 334, 429

  Takarazuka theater, 117-19, 176, 178, 305-6, 335

  Takeda Rintarō, 341, 342, 344, 535, 569

  Takehisa Yumeji, see Yumeji

  Tama district, 47

  Tamanoi district, 321-22, 336, 388

  Tameike Pond, 137

  Tameike reservoir, 68

  Tamura Taijirō, 459, 569

  Tanaka Giichi, 301

  Tanaka Kakuei, 586

  Tanaka Kinuyo, 451

  Tanaka Yasuo, 555-56

  Tange Kenzō, 517 and illus., 603

  Tani, Tony, 453

  Tanizaki Junichirō, 29, 46, 69-70, 153, 199, 293, 310-12, 339-40, 494; at English school, 56; and fire baskets, 78; on shadows and dark places, 92-93; see also Makioka Sisters, The

  Tatsuno, 64

  Taut, Bruno, 400-01

  taxis, 60, 160-61, 259, 409, 433, 493, 537, 582

  Tayama Katai, 96, 193

  tea bushes, 231-32

  tea ceremony (chanoyu), 36, 292

  teahouses, 55, brothels and, 173, 175, 178, 238; rendezvous (machiaijaya), 181; shady (kagemajaya), 238; theater, 152, 153-54, 157-58

  tea shops (kissaten), 344, 461

  teeth, blackening of, 101, 102, 207

  telephone service, 120, 270 and illus., 317

  television, 397, 451, 452, 511-12, 545, 558, 566, 594

  temples, 139, 163, 191, 206, 209-10, 241

  Tempō sumptuary edicts, 39

  Tennōji Temple, 209

  tenkō (recanting), 405

  Terajima, 527-28

  Terry, Philip, 74-75, 252, 257-58

  theaters, 248, 394-97, 446-49, 566-67 and illus., 593; of Edo, 37-38; Kabuki, see Kabuki theater; movie, 128-29, 260; Nō, 133; Western, 265-67; see also movie theaters; Nō drama; reviews; Yose theater; and individual establishments

  “third nationals,” 429, 463, 568

  Tiger Gate Incident (1926), 301, 302, 303

  Tochinishiki, 470, 544

  Tōhō, 394-95, 449, 560

  Tōjin O-kichi, 358

  Tōjō Hideki, 414, 420, 491, 519

  Tokaidō highway, 178, 186, 223

  Tokiwa bridge, 29

  Tokuda Shūsei, 234, 238

  Tokugawa castle, 77

  Tokugawa cemetery (tombs), 126, 221

  Tokugawa Musei, 393

  Tokugawa regime, 28, 32, 40, 42, 43, 130; end of, 40-45, 46

  Tokutomi Roka, 232

  Tokyo: boundaries of, 47, 254; as capital district, 48; as a collection of villages, 51, 269, 276; establishment of, as capital, 44-46; government of, 48, 269; pronunciations of name, 44; see also Edo; High City; Low City

  Tokyo Central Station, 62, 63, 76, 82, 87, 89, 90, 123, 225, 294, 332, 377, 384, 422, 423, 490, 498, 501, 513, 515, 517, 520, 569, 577, 603

  Tokyo Hotel, 229

  Tokyo International Airport, 585

  Tokyo March, 351

  “Tokyo Ondo” (“Tokyo Dance”), 320-21

  Tokyo Onsen, 424-25

  Tokyo Prefecture, 47

  Tokyo School of English, see First Higher School

  Tokyo Shibaura (manufacturing firm), 223

  Tokyo Stadium, 545, 579

  Tokyo Theater (Tōkyō Gekijō; Togeki), 545, 579

  Tokyo Tower, 223, 479, 492, 510-11, 517-18 and illus., 551, 564, 569

  Tokyo University, 33, 53, 126, 348, 443, 479, 540, 548 and illus., 601, 602

  Tomioka Hachiman, 219

  Tōkyū (Tokyo Express), 328, 336, 489

  Tōkyū (Shirokiya) department store, 516, 562, 563

  totalitarianism, 384, 403

  tourist buses, 435, 594

  Tōyoko department store, 330, 336

  traffic, 492

  traffic on left side of street, 105

  transportation, 58-65, 97, 275-76, 483, 488-90; in Edo, 37-38; Olympics (1964) and, 496-502; see also public transportation; specific modes of transportation

  Treaty of San Francisco, 334, 459, 461

  tribes (zoku), 493-94, 508, 516, 536, 553, 560, 583

  trolleys, 60-62, 223

  trolley system, 60, 62, 94, 275, 332, 486-87, 492, 578

  Tsubouchi Shōyo, 266, 341-42, 349

ji fish market, 370

  Tsukiji quarter, 53-58, 53

  Tsukuba university and research complex, 601-02

  tuberculosis, 494

  Turkish baths, 34, 531, 532, 556

  Twelve Storys (Ryōunkaku), 26, 84, 85-86 and illus., 129, 249, 264, 296-97, 353

  typhus, 430-31

  uchigeba (politically motivated fights), 584, 585

  Ueno, 45, 91, 124-25, 208, 324, 326, 330, 331, 567-68

  Ueno Park, 25, 45, 113, 125, 126, 137, 206, 208, 312, 317, 352, 466, 478, 519, 566, 568

  Ueno Station, 125, 206, 316, 419, 431, 597

  Ueno Zoo, 412, 500

  Uguisudani (Warbler Valley), 137

  Umesao Tadao, 518

  Umezaki Haruo, 475

  Under What Stars (Takami), 389, 390, 392

  underworld, 268, 429, 463, 470, 525

  uniforms, student, 111

  United States embassy, 148, 228, 231, 439, 446, 551, 563

  United States legation, 51, 58, 229; attack on (1905), 148

  universities, 212, 237, 328, 566, 601-02

  unlicensed quarters, 335-36, 457-58

  Ushigome Ward, 325, 413, 479, 527

  vacant lots, Kafū on, 132

  variety or vaudeville halls (Yose), 37

  vending machines, 316, 503-04, 539

  violence, 205-6, 253-4; see also crime

  vogues: happenings and events, 508-09; pachinko, 463-64 and illus.; suicide, 319-23, 534-35; yo-yos, 320; see also tribes

  Wakanohana, 470, 544

  Wakayama Tokugawa estate, 230, 236

  wards, 226-27, 240-41, 375-76, 442-45

  Waseda, 139

  Waseda University, 366-67, 579

  Washington Heights, 489, 504, 507, 510, 561

  waste disposal, 95, 274-75

  watch of the twenty-sixth night, 140

  Waters, Thomas, 73, 81

  water supply, 47, 95, 502

  water vendors, 95, 275

  waterways, 37-38, 68, 69, 106, 218, 299, 314, 498; see also canals

  weddings, 105, 412

  weeds, Kafū on, 132

  wells, 27, 32, 95, 237, 275

  Westerners, see foreigners

  Western influences, 101-49

  westernization, 131, 201, 311, 312, 328

  Westmouth (Ikebukuro,) 565

  What Happened the Night the Lights Went Out (Kafū), 387, 388

  What Is Your Name? (radio serial), 498

  white-collar crime, 524, 587

  Whitney, Clara, 110-11, 116-17, 144, 154, 215, 222

  willows, 76, 259 and illus.

  Wirgman, Charles, 66

  wisteria, 136, 219, 264

  Woman in the Rented Room, The (Kafū), 300

  women: clothing of, 107, 319, 326, 510; cosmetics and, 326; department stores and, 316; in the performing arts, 167, 172; in police force, 442; in reviews, 356-58; in sakariba, 325-26; Sumō and, 168; during Taishō, 252, 266, 270-71; tooth-blackening by, 102; working, 317-18

  Women’s Higher Normal School, 237

  woodcuts, 32, 68, 126, 194

  World Trade Center, 551

  World War I, 254, 255, 262

  World War II: air raids. 413-20, 416; Asakusa and, 385-93, 394, baseball and, 398-99; government reorganization and, 408-09; reviews and, 385-87; surrender, 420-21; see also postwar period

  Wright, Frank Lloyd, 268, 507, 577-78 and illus.

  writers, 244-45

  xenophobia, 27, 146, 403, 404

  Yaesuguchi (Yaesu Mouth), 333

  Yamamoto cabinet, 300

  Yamanote, see High City

  Yamanote line, 332, 578

  Yamazaki, 479

  Yanagibashi 69, 225, 225, 543-44; geisha quarter in, 182-83

  Yanaka district, 209, 244

  Yanaka Pagoda, 534, 535

  Yasuda Castle, 548, 553, 585

  Yasuda Zenjirō, 49

  Yasui Seiichirō, 421

  Yasukuni Jinja (shrine), 133, 135, 139, 274, 384, 589

  Yayoichō, 528

  Year of the Wild Boar (Mears), 405

  Yodobashi reservoir, 483, 552

  Yokohama, 44, 56, 60, 62-63, 63, 106, 602, 604

  Yomiuri Giants, 170, 348-49

  Yomiuri Shimbun (newspaper), 302-03, 369, 476

  yoromeki, 536

  Yose (variety or vaudeville halls), 37, 160-61, 162, 349, 450-51, 528, 566, 571, 594

  Yoshichō district, 592

  Yoshida Shigeru, 444

  Yoshiwara, 28, 37, 39, 40, 47, 77, 171-78, 173, 177, 210, 487, 511, 528, 530, 532, 533; after 1923 earthquake, 297, 321-23; festivals in, 175-77; fires in, 77 and illus., 177-78; rebuilding of (after 1911 fire), 178

  Yotsuya Ward, 47, 52, 178, 232, 236, 486

  Young, John Russell, 51-52, 269

  Yoyogi, 517

  yo-yos, 320

  yukaihan, 588

  Yumeji (artist), 252, 259

  Yumeji girl, 252, 253 and illus., 260, 276

  Yūrakuchō Mullion, 559, 563

  Yūrakuchō Station, 459

  Yushima quarter, 238

  Yushima Shrine, 136

  Zephyr (film), 452

  Zero Year celebrations (1940), 382-84

  Zōjōji temple, 222

  zoku (tribes), 493-94, 508, 516, 536, 553, 560, 583




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