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Forever Series 4: The Forever Quest

Page 21

by Craig Robertson

  “I live by you pleasure, lord.”

  Anganctus thumped his nose with his tail. “Do you somehow see pleasure in this face, slime?”

  “I see, lord, only the face of knowing justice. The very face of…”

  “Silence!” He stood on all four legs and paced in a tight figure eight. “I see I shall have to take matters into my own paws. As no one is competent, no one is brave enough, I must destroy the Deavoriath personally.”

  “Your opinion is fact; your will is our next act…”

  Lopricious stopped speaking when Anganctus growled deeply, threateningly.

  “…and, haste might be incautious. The Faxel can lose much, but not our righteous king.”

  “So, I would fail as miserably as the rest. Is that your final thought, chamberlain?”

  “Never. There is no failure in Anganctus. I would mention, however, the facts as points of reference.”

  Another deep growl followed. Anganctus’s tail swept madly from side to side.

  “The Deavoriath of today seem to possess weapons against which we cannot win. They exterminate and crush whatever we send at them. Surely there is honor in, err, delaying our next assault pending the development of superior tools and a greater understanding of their wicked devices,” Lopricious said, cowering.

  “Another, say, million years?” the predaceous king asked.

  Lopricious avoided the trap. “Never, mighty lord. Your wrath must never wait that long. But vengeance completed is vengeance attained.”

  “I shall kill you now,” howled Anganctus. “The Faxel are beasts of action, not old she-cat’s words.” He sat back on the throne. “I see reports of but one vortex. One vortex, ten ships cannot defend an entire sector of the galaxy from the might of the Faxel. Such is not possible.”

  “When the impossible is observed, lord, one is best advised to stand at a distance and consider it.”

  “I am not one,” thundered Anganctus. “I am king.”

  In the belief that it was better to die another day, but not that particular day, Lopricious bowed deeply and spoke. “What are your commands, bearer of correctness?”

  “I shall lead all of our ships and all of our warriors into battle. Let one Deavoriath vortex attempt to be everywhere at once. Let it dance in troubled spirals trying to stop the unstoppable storm.”

  “Ah, magisterial lord, that one vortex is Wrath,” Lopricious dared to remind.

  “Even the most cursed ship in Haldrob’s hot fires cannot stand against ten million Berrillian warships. Victory will be ours. The sentients imposters who in my place now will know only swift, painful, and certain death, and they will know it soon. This I swear. I shall eat the flesh of all who oppose me and shit their remains on the scorched earth of Oowaoa.”

  To Be Continued…

  List of Main Characters and Places:

  Number in parenthesis is the book the name first appears.

  Ablo (2): Led Uhoor to attack Azsuram after Tho died. Female.

  Almonerca (2): Daughter of Fashallana, twin of Noresmel. Name means sees tomorrow.

  Alpha Centauri (1): Fourth planetary target on Jon’s long solo voyage on Ark 1. Three stars in the system: AC-A, AC-B, and AC-C (aka Proxima Centauri). AC-B has eight planets, three in habitable zone. AC-B 5 was initially named Jon by Jon Ryan until he met the falzorn. AC-B 3 is Kaljax. Proxima Centauri (PC) has one planet in habitable zone.

  Alvin (1): The ship’s AI on Ark 1. aka Al.

  Amanda Walker (2): Vice president then president, a distant relative of Jane Geraty. Wife of Faith Clinton.

  Anganctus (4): King of the Faxel, ruler of Berrill. Mean cat.

  Azsuram (2): See also Hodor, Groombridge-1618, and Klonsar. BG 3 was discovered by

  Balmorulam (4): Planet where Jon was shanghaied by Karnean Beckzel.

  Barnard’s Star (1): First planetary target of Ark 1. BS 2 and 3 are in habitable zone. BS 3 was Ffffuttoe’s home, as well as ancient, extinct race called the Emitonians. See BS 2.

  Beast Without Eyes (2): The enemy of Gumnolar. The devil for inhabitants of Listhelon.

  Bin Li (2): New UN Secretary General after Mary Kahl was killed.

  Bob Patrick (2): US senator when Earth was destroyed. One of The Four Horsemen, coconspirator with Stuart Marshall.

  Braldone (1): Believed to be the foreseen savior on Kaljax.

  Brathos (1): The Kaljaxian version of hell.

  Brood-mate (1): On Kaljax, the male partner in a marriage.

  Brood’s-mate (1): On Kaljax, the female partner in a marriage.

  BS 2 (1): The planet Oowaoa, home of the highly advanced Deavoriath race.

  Calrf (2): A Kaljaxian stew that Jon particularly dislikes.

  Carl Roger (1): Chief of staff to President John Marshall before Earth was destroyed.

  Carl Simpson (1): Pilot of Ark 3. Discovered Listhelon orbiting Lacaille 9352.

  Carlos De La Frontera (2): Brilliant assistant to Toño, became an android to infiltrate Marshall’s

  Charles Clinton (1): US President during part of Jon’s voyage on Ark 1.

  Chuck Thomas (2): Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, one of The Four Horsemen, and the first military person downloaded to an android by Stuart Marshall. evil team.

  Command prerogatives (2): The Deavoriathian tools installed to allow operation of a vortex. Also, used to probe substances. Given to the android Jon Ryan.

  Cube (2): See vortex.

  Cycle (2): Length of year on Listhelon. Five cycles equal one Earth year.

  Cynthia York (1): Lt. General and head of Project Ark when Jon returns from epic voyage.

  Davdiad (1): God-figure on Kaljax.

  Deavoriath (1): Mighty and ancient race on Oowaoa. Technically, the most advanced civilization in the galaxy. Used to rule many galaxies, then withdrew to improve their minds and characters. Three arms and legs. Currently live forever.

  Deerkon (4): Planet where Karnean took Jon to deliver a shipment. Home of Varrank Simzle.

  Devon Flannigan (2): Former baker who assassinated Faith Clinton.

  Delta-Class vehicles (1): The wondrous new spaceships used in Project Ark. Really fast!

  Dolirca (2): Daughter in Fashallana’s second set of twins. Took charge of Ffffuttoe’s asexual buds. Name means love all.

  Draldon (2): Son of Sapale. Twin with Vhalisma. Name means meets the day.

  Enterprise (2): US command worldship.

  Epsilon Eridani (1): Fourth target for Ark 1. One habitable planet, EE 5. Locally named Cholarazy, the planet is home to several advanced civilizations. The Drell and Foressál are the main rivals. Leaders Boabbor and Gothor are bitter rivals. Humanoids with three digits.

  Exeter (2): UN command worldship.

  Faith Clinton (2): Descendent of the currently presidential Clintons. First a senator, later the first president elected in space. Assassinated soon after taking office.

  Falzorn (1): Nasty predatory snakes of Alpha Centauri-B 5. Their name is a curse word among the inhabitants of neighboring Kaljax.

  Farmship (2): Cored out asteroids devoted not to human habitation but to crop and animal production. There are only five, but they allow for sufficient calories and a few luxuries for all worldships.

  Fashallana: First daughter of Sapale. Twin to JJ. Name means blessed one.

  Faxel (3): Name of the fierce giant cat species of Berrill.

  Ffffuttoe (1): Gentle natured flat bear like creature of BS 3. Possesses low-level sentience.

  Fontelpo (4): Bridge officer aboard Desolation. A native of Kaljax. He was demoted after discussing ship’s business with Jon.

  Form (2): Title of someone able to be the operator of vortex using their command prerogatives.

  Gallenda Ryan (4): Jon’s daughter with Kayla Beckzel.

  General Saunders (1): Hardscrabble original head of Project Ark.

  Groombridge-1618 3 (1): Original human name for the planet GB 3, aka Azsuram.

  Gumnolar (1): Deity of the Listhelons. Very demanding.r />
  Habitable zone (1): Zone surrounding a star in which orbiting planets can have liquid water on their surface.

  Haldrob (4): Faxel version of hell.

  Havibibo (3): Commander of the Berrillian fleet that attacked Azsuram.

  Heath Ryan (2): Descendant of original Jon Ryan, entered politics reluctantly.

  Indigo (1): Second and final wife of the original Jon Ryan, not the android. They have five children, including their version of Jon Ryan II.

  Infinity charges (2): Membrane-based bombs that expand, ripping whatever they’re in to shreds.

  Jane Geraty (1): TV newswoman who had an affair with newly minted android Jon. Gave birth to Jon Ryan II, her only child.

  Jodfderal (2): Son in Fashallana’s second set of twins. Name means strength of ten.

  Jon Junior, JJ (2): Son of Sapale. One of her first set of twins. The apple of Jon Ryan’s eye.

  Jon Ryan (1): Both the human template and the android who sailed into legend.

  Jon III and his wife, Abree (2): Jon’s grandson, via the human Jon Ryan.

  Katashi Matsumoto (2): Fleet Admiral in command of the UN forces when the Listhelons attacked and later the worldfleet defenses.

  Karnean Beckzel (4): Pirate captain of Desolation. Shanghaied Jon.

  Kashiril (2): From Sapale’s second set of twins. Name means answers the wind.

  Kayla Beckzel (4): Sister to Karnean and first officer of Desolation. A real looker.

  Kelldrek (3): Second, and hence mate of, Havibibo. Captured by Jon.

  Kendell Jackson (2): Major General who became head of Project Ark after De Jesus left. Forced to become an android by Stuart Marshall.

  Klonsar (2): The Uhoor name for Azsuram, which they claim as their hunting grounds.

  Lilith, Lily (2): Second AI on Shearwater. Al no likey!

  Listhelon (1): Enemy species from third planet orbiting Lacaille 9352. Aquatic, they have huge, overlapping fang-like teeth, small bumpy head, big, bulging eyes articulated somewhat like a lizard’s. Their eyes bobbed around in a nauseating manner. His skin is sleek, with thin scales. They sport gill a split in their thick neck on either side. Maniacally devoted to Gumnolar.

  Luhman 16a (1): The second target of Ark 1. Eight planets, only one in habit zone, LH 2. Two fighting species are the Sarcorit that are the size and shape of glazed donuts and Jinicgus, looking like hot dogs. Both are unfriendly be nature.

  Manly (2): Jon’s pet name for the conscious of an unclear nature in the vortex. He refers to himself the vortex manipulator.

  Mary Kahl (2): UN Secretary General at the time of the human exodus from Earth.

  Matt Duncan (2): Chief of staff for the evil President Stuart Marshall. Became an android that was destroyed. Marshall resurrected him in the body of Marilyn Monroe. Matt no likey that!

  Monzos (4): Port city on Deerkon and home base for Varrank Simzle.

  Noresmel (2): Fashallana’s daughter, twin of Almonerca. Name means kiss of love.

  Offlin (2): Son of Otollar. Piloted ship that tried to attack Earth and was captured by Jon.

  One That Is All (2): The mentally linked Deavoriath community.

  Otollar (2): Leader, or Warrior One, of Listhelon. Died when he failed to defeat humans.

  Owant (2): Second Warrior to Otollar.

  Oowaoa (1): Home world of the Deavoriath.

  Pallolo (4): First destination for Desolation after shanghaiing Jon.

  Phil Anderson (1): TV host, sidekick of Jane Geraty.

  Phillip Szeto (2): Head of CIA under Stuart Marshall.

  Piper Ryan (2): Heath Ryan’s wife.

  Plo (2): First Uhoor to attack Azsuram.

  Prime (2): Pet name for the android of Carlos De La Frontera.

  Proxima Centauri (1): Last system investigated by Jon at the end of his Ark 1 mission. PC 1 is where he met Uto.

  Quelstrum (4): Planet of origin for some of Varrank’s guards. Big, tough guards.

  Sam Peterson (2): Chief Justice at the time of Earth’s destruction. Member of Stuart Marshall’s inner circle, The Four Horsemen.

  Sapale (1): Brood’s-mate to android Jon Ryan. From Kaljax.

  Seamus O’Leary (2): The pilot of Ark 4, discovered Azsuram.

  Shearwater (2): Jon’s second starship, sleek, fast, and bitchin’.

  Sherman Collins (1): Secretary of State to President John Marshall when it was discovered Jupiter would destroy the Earth.

  Space-time congruity manipulator (1): Hugely helpful force field.

  Stuart Marshall (1): Born human on Earth, became president there. Before exodus, he downloaded into an android and became the insane menace of his people.

  Tho (2): The head Uhoor, referred to herself as the mother of the Uhoor.

  Toño De Jesus (1): Chief scientist in both the android and Ark programs. Course of events forced him to reluctantly become an android.

  Tralmore (1): Heaven, in the religion of Kaljax.

  Uhoor (2): Massive whale-like creatures of immense age. They feed off black holes and propel themselves though space as if it was water.

  Uto (1): Alternate time line android Jon Ryan, possibly …

  Varrank Simzle (4): Insanely cruel crime boss on Deerkon.

  Vhalisma (2): From Sapale’s third set twins. Name means drink love.

  Vortex (2): Deavoriath vessel in cube shape with a mass of two hundred thousand tons. Move instantly anywhere by folding space.

  Vortex manipulator (2): Sentient computer-like being in vortex.

  Wolf 359 (1): Third target for Ark 1. Two small planets WS 3, which was a bad prospect, and WS 4, which was about as bad.

  Wolnara (2): Twin in Sapale’s second set. Name means wisdom sees.

  Worldships (1): Cored out asteroids serve as colony ships for the human exodus.

  Yibitriander (1): Three legged Deavoriath, past Form of Jon’s vortex.

  Shameless Self-Promotion

  (Try and picture me as the OxiClean spokesperson,

  British accent and all.)

  Thank you for joining me on the Forever Journey! I hope you’re enjoying the ongoing saga. Books 1, 2, and 3, The Forever Life, The Forever Enemy, and The Forever Fight are available on Amazon now:

  The Forever Life:

  The Forever Enemy:

  The Forever Fight:

  Book 5 will be out in early 2017. It’s going to be massive!

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  Don’t be a stranger, well, at least any stranger than you have to be …craig




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