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Designing Woman (The Sloan Brothers Book 2)

Page 3

by Willow, Jo

  “Austin, are you still there?...Good. Bring Chase to this address. I’d like for you to meet my friends and you’ve both been invited to a Penthouse dinner party.... Of course I’m serious.”

  Dorothy’s eyes were riveted to her and they appeared to be having a telepathic conversation.

  “There’s one thing though. I need for the two of you to do me a favor... I need for the both of you to pretend to be our dates. Chase is with me and you’re with Melody.... of course she’s pretty. Actually, she’s a knockout and she’s right up your alley. The two of you should get along nicely. She doesn’t pull any punches either. Tell Chase I’ll owe him one if he’ll do this for me.... Great! Here’s the address and I’ll see you in a little bit.”

  She rattled off the address before disconnecting. I watched her take a deep breath and plaster a smile on her face before coming into the living room. She walked directly to me as if her declaration was for my ears only, but I knew better. Pierce was seated two seats away, close enough to hear everything she said.

  “That was my brother Austin. Mel’, do you remember me telling you that one of his friends was coming to town and they wanted to take us out?”

  I remembered no such thing, but I played along.

  “I remember. That was next Saturday night after the fashion show. Right?”

  Ayla grinned, her back to everyone but me.

  “I thought so too, but I was wrong. Chase is here this weekend. I got the weekends confused.”

  I placed my wine on the end table and leaned forward.

  “Do we need to leave to meet them somewhere?”

  She shook her head no.

  “Actually, Dorothy invited them here. They’re on their way. Austin suggested that we have dinner here and then go dancing if we felt like it. What do you think?”

  I did a quick check of our dinner companions. Deacon was handing Dor’ her orange juice as she discreetly filled him in on the situation. Pierce and Anton were leaning forward trying to catch everything that Ayla and I were saying. Cat woman was doing her best not to look pissed, while Grace Kelly on the other side of Pierce, was doing her best not to look embarrassed. This evening was getting more interesting all the time.

  I smiled at Ayla.

  “I think it sounds like a great idea. I’ve missed Austin. We had such a good time the last time we went out and I can’t wait to meet Chase! Didn’t the two of you used to date when you lived in Boston?”

  Ayla looked at the floor and I saw Pierce’s nostrils flare.

  “That was a long time ago. Before I moved here.”

  I smiled and nodded.

  “Well then. It’s a good thing we didn’t bring dates, seeing as our dates are meeting us here.”

  Ayla retook her seat next to Pierce. She avoided the eye contact that Pierce was so desperately seeking. Good for her. Ayla was a class act and deserved better than he’d given her. For that matter, so did I.

  I raised my glass at Anton who was giving me the Vulcan death stare. Tough shit. If he was prepared to dish it out, he’d best be prepared to take it. He only had a rudimentary idea of what I was capable of. It was time he understood exactly who he was messing with.

  Fifteen minutes later, the buzzer alerted us that our “dates” had arrived. I had no idea what Austin looked like, but I assumed he would resemble Ayla. Everything would fall apart if I started making eyes at the wrong man.

  Deacon answered the call and quicker than Cat Woman could mutter, “Holy shit” when they walked in, our dates could be heard talking to Deacon as they walked into the room.

  Deacon was tall. All the Sloan men were. They were probably kilt wearing Scottish warriors in previous lives, they had that look about them. Tall, athletic, with menacing potential. Austin and Chase gave them a run for their money.

  Austin was close to Deacon’s height, a bit over six feet. Chase was probably standing at six feet even. What he lacked in height, he made up for in yowza. The man could have been a surfer god. Or a Nordic god. Or god. He had hair that was no less than five different shades of blonde, ranging from honey gold to a light wheat color. It was curly and messy and fell to his collar. His eyes (in my opinion his best feature) were an indigo blue. His teeth were perfect and his lips were full and kissable. If he wasn’t an asshole, then the man was a perfect specimen. He wore a v-neck sweater that matched his eyes, and black denim jeans. When he saw Ayla, his eyes lit up and Pierce made a scowly face. I was in seventh heaven.

  I was right about Austin. His hair was a little darker than Ayla’s, but it was still red with golden highlights. His eyes were the same sky blue of Ayla’s, and he was the kind of muscular that was hewn from hard work instead of a Pilates instructor. He wore a dress shirt of white linen that hugged his muscular chest as if it were attracted to him and wanted to cuddle. The first two buttons were undone and I got a glimpse of red hair on a perfect chest. His stone washed jeans were new and fit perfectly, hugging his form and inviting a touch here and there. I could work with this.

  I stood and approached him and he smiled. He was ready to play the game and I was ready to be the perfect playmate. When I was standing in front of him, I looked up and he smiled. Then he pulled a me. He placed his hands firmly on my hips and pulled me forward until I was flush against that rockin’ body. His arms went around me in a natural gesture and I slipped my arms around his waist. He leaned down until we were almost nose to nose.

  “Baby, you look fantastic.”

  My smile was all the answer he needed before he kissed me. Right there in front of Anton and everybody. Ayla had been holding out on me. Austin was a natural and that man could kiss. I pulled back just as it was getting interesting, and made a mental note to explore my options later. He kept his arm around my waist as I moved to his side and began to make introductions.

  Chase knew Ayla. Well. That was evident in his commanding stance, his feet planted a shoulders width apart. He stood three feet from her and held his hand out. His voice was calm and deep.

  “Ayla, come here.”

  Pierce recognized something in the tone or the command and his body stiffened. She rose from her seat next to him and he almost reached out to pull her back. I could see his reaction and what was better, Grace Kelly could see it too. She looked none too pleased by his behavior. Game on.

  Ayla walked to Chase and placed her hand in his. He leaned down, gave her a sweet kiss and murmured, “I’ve missed you”, just loud enough that everyone could hear it. He put his arm around her shoulders and held her close to his side in what could only be described as a protective gesture. It would have taken a chainsaw to cut the tension in the room. Either that, or a roast beef.

  “Dinner’s ready!”

  My sister’s voice rang out and there was a tentative ceasefire for the moment as we all funneled into the dining room.

  The seating arrangement was someone’s idea of a bad joke. It had to be. We were using the formal dining room because there were so many of us. Deacon and Dorothy sat at opposite ends of the table, holding court. Directly to Deacon’s right, was Anton and Cat Woman. I sat on his left with Austin, directly across from Anton. Easily within kicking range.

  On Dorothy’s right, was Ayla and next to her sat Chase. On Dorothy’s left, you guessed it, sat Pierce with Grace Kelly next to him. Anton would be death staring me all through dinner and Pierce would be shooting Ayla the, “Why do you hate me” looks. Personally? I’d rather have the death stare. If I had to look up from my potatoes to see Pierce looking at me as if I’d wounded his pride all night, I think I’d have to stab myself with the butter knife.

  I’ve got to hand it to Deacon. He kept the conversation flowing.

  As we passed the various dishes around the table, he looked at Austin.

  “So Austin. What do you do for a living?”

  Austin speared a piece of beef and placed it on his plate before passing the platter to me.

  “I own a bar in Brooklyn. Ayla and I live in the apartment above it.”
  Although it was old news to me, evidently everyone else found it enlightening. Even Pierce. He obviously didn’t know where she lived. The plot thickened.

  “Do you tend bar or manage?”

  Austin took a sip of the wine and began to cut his beef.

  “Both. I was a bartender in Boston, so the work is easy for me. Being behind the bar, I can keep an eye on things. The neighborhood’s decent, so we don’t see much trouble.”

  Deacon smiled and swallowed, turning his attention to Chase, who was waiting for the question that Deke didn’t get the chance to ask.

  “I’m a Detective for Boston P.D.”

  A hush fell over the dining room. A theory from Dorothy would’ve come in handy right about then. Why is it that a group of law-abiding citizens begin behaving as if they’ve got a kilo of cocaine hanging out of their front pockets the minute a cop is present?

  I felt obligated to elevate the mood for some reason. I don’t know why, he wasn’t my date. Austin was eating dinner and grinning ear to ear. He’d seen this reaction before. I liked Austin. I could stir up some real shit with this guy. He was playful. Like me. Still, I had to say something. Everyone else looked like they were about to confess to something.

  “Unless there’s a meth lab in your office, smile Deacon. Jeebus. He’s a Detective, not the Grim Reaper.”

  Dorothy started laughing and Ayla stifled a giggle. Pierce zeroed in on it and licked his lips before he could stop himself. Grace Kelly looked like she was getting ready to beat him to death with a candlestick.

  I glanced at Anton who was grinning at Austin. Cat Woman looked like she was calculating what her and Austin’s children would look like. What was the deal with my date? The candlestick that Grace was looking at had a match down at my end of the table and I was not above taking out two for one. Cat Woman already had her claws into Anton, she’d better get her eyeballs off my psuedo date. And what was the deal with Anton? I did not need him and Austin buddying up. Austin was shaping up to be my ace-in-the-hole. I didn’t need him getting friendly with my acehole. Pardon the pun. Speaking of which...

  “So Austin, what’s the name of your bar?”

  “The Cheeky Monkey.”

  Anton’s eyes grew three sizes. Great.

  “Shut the door! You own the Monkey?! I love that place! A couple of guys I work with live in Brooklyn and we go there when we have a guy’s night out!”

  He looked at me with a new-found respect. Like I’d invented the morning after pill or something.

  “Nice pull there Mel’. This guy owns the hottest bar in Brooklyn.”

  I narrowed my eyes and Anton’s grin grew. I could feel Austin’s chest puff out beside me. Oh goody.

  “Anton, you and your friends should try and make it in on a Friday night sometime. We’ll be hosting live music from local bands starting New Year’s Eve weekend. Come to the bar and your drinks are on the house.”

  Anton and Austin high-fived, completely oblivious to the fact that I had a steak knife in my hand. When Austin settled back down, I kicked him under the table. He narrowed his eyes at me and I narrowed mine right back. Anton had a date, he didn’t need mine.

  Austin leaned over and whispered in my ear.

  “What the hell was that for?”

  “You’re supposed to be making him jealous you idiot.”

  Austin shrugged and turned his attention to Cat Woman.

  “Liza, wasn’t it? You should come with him. Or come alone for that matter. The Monkey can’t have too many beautiful women around.”

  She leaned too far towards Austin and her leather clad chest dipped into her gravy covered potatoes. I lost it. I started laughing so hard, the room became blurry from the tears. Anton was attempting to blot at the mess with his napkin and he was making it worse, which in turn, made me laugh harder. Deacon looked like he’d swallowed a peach pit.

  I felt a brief breeze near my leg and I glared at Anton.

  “Did you just try to kick me under the table, Sloan?”

  He gritted his teeth at me.

  “Stop laughing at my date Mel’! You’ve done nothing but try to ridicule her since we got here.”

  I put my hands up in a stop motion and sat back.

  “I didn’t do shit. I can’t help it if your stripper dresses like a... stripper. If she doesn’t have any more class than that, then I’d say you’re a perfect match. You should put a ring on it. Or through it. Or around it. In that get-up she could take center ring in any circus. Especially with that makeup she’s wearing. All she needs is four more clowns and a tiny car.”

  Cat Woman stood up and tossed her soiled napkin on her plate.

  “That’s it. I don’t have to take this abuse from anyone. I don’t care how famous you are you spiteful cow!”

  “Cow? Have you checked out your ass in that ridiculous leather get-up?”

  My sister was doing her best not to laugh and Ayla was patting her hand as if that would help. Deacon was watching me closely and begging Anton with his eyes. Grace Kelly decided that this was her opportunity to get the hell out of ground zero as well. She stood and turned to Liza.

  “It’s obvious we both made poor choices in dinner companions this evening. Why don’t we share a cab home?”

  Now that was one classy lady. Pierce had good taste. Liza nodded twice quickly and shot daggers at Anton and myself before storming from the room. Grace stayed long enough to thank Dorothy and Deacon for having her in their “lovely home” before exiting like a lady. Nobody walked them to the elevator, not even their dates. That was par for the course for Anton, but I expected more from Pierce who still had his eyes glued to Ayla.

  The next chain of events is sketchy. Dinner for most of us was over, our appetites as good as gone. Chase dabbed his mouth and turned to Ayla.

  “I need to talk to you about something in private if that’s alright. I’m leaving Sunday and I don’t know if I’ll get a chance to see you again.”

  He turned to Deacon and smiled.

  “Is there an office or den we could borrow for a few minutes?”

  Pierce’s jaw stiffened but he never said a word. Deacon stood and led the two of them away. Dorothy sipped her water and looked at Pierce in sympathy. Then it got weird.

  Anton finished his wine in two gulps and leveled his eyes on me.

  “It seems my date’s been cut short.”

  “I blame it on your budding bromance with my date.”

  He grinned and I swallowed. That grin could con me into anything and had on more than a few occassions. I was on thin ice and I felt the chill. When he made his proposal, he made it to both of us.

  “Why don’t the three of us head on over to The Monkey? There’s not much left to do here and Chase can find his way over with Ayla later. He can bring her home. What do you say?”

  Austin finished his meal and grinned at Anton. That was me, done. I’d lost both men and I’d lost them to each other. Could this night suck any harder? I didn’t think so.

  I looked toward the other end of the table where both Dor’ and Pierce were watching us closely. Dor’ seemed faintly amused judging by the hint of a grin she wore, her eyes twinkling at my expression. She knew I was failing miserably, but I still had one or two tricks up my sleeve. Anton had included me in his invitation, had he not? Once we got Austin back on his home turf we still had to leave at some point. Would we leave together? That was up to me and how I’d finagle this thing to play out. Either way I had nothing to lose. I wasn’t with either of these clowns in reality and even if they ended up with each other, there was still Chase.

  Pierce was lost in his own mind fuck. Ayla was doing god knows what with Chase and Deacon still hadn’t returned. I could see that offered him cold comfort, but he wasn’t looking at the big picture. It was highly doubtful anything was going on with Deacon present. Still, I was curious what Chase was talking to Ayla about.

  I liked Pierce. He might be a closet freak, but I had no room to talk. I was weighing my op
tions with three different men. Hey. Nobody said I wasn’t a player, my sister was the goody-two-shoes of the family. Like I said earlier. Anton and I were two halves of the same whole.

  Getting back to Pierce, I decided to throw him a bone.

  “Hey teddy bear.”

  Pierce looked up at the nickname he wasn’t sure how to take. Especially from me. When Dorothy called him that, he smiled. When I called him that, he narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

  “What are you thinking Melody?”

  He did his best to make it sound menacing, but I suppressed a smile. Picture that cute Build-a-Bear in black leather trying to threaten you. It just wasn’t happening.

  “Bear, you should come with us. If Chase is bringing Ayla back, you can catch up with her there. Do you really wanna ride over in a car with those two? All that testosterone in one closed area might give her a rash or somethin’. Ride with us and keep me and your brother from killing each other.”

  He looked at Anton who was grinning ear to ear, then he rolled his eyes and focused on me.

  “I suppose the possibility exists. It’s not like we haven’t shared a jail cell before because of you two. Very well, count me in.”

  Dorothy slapped the table and hooted in a very unladylike, unDorothy-like fashion.

  “Finally. I get my damned house back. You people with your sneak attacks and jealous dates were starting to freak me out. While I have the majority of the Sloans here, everyone’s invited for Thanksgiving. We’ll do Christmas out at the farm. Our folks always go on a Christmas vacation of some sort and Mel’ and I usually celebrate together. This year we’re goin’ to the farm.”

  She stood up and leaned over the table.

  “Meeting adjourned, thanks for coming, you know your way out, come back any time. Austin? You’re welcome in my home whenever you like.”

  Austin smiled at Dorothy and stood, pulling out my chair like a perfect gentleman. Anton should’ve been taking notes. Instead, he was playing with his phone. I snapped my fingers at him and he looked up, in annoyance.


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