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Designing Woman (The Sloan Brothers Book 2)

Page 5

by Willow, Jo

  He patted me on the back and continued towards the booth, while I dodged drink waving patrons to find a seat at the bar. I found one close to the door end, and hoisted myself up onto the stool. A petite woman with white blonde hair wearing a black t-shirt with a sparkly monkey on it, approached me. She smiled and I returned the gesture, pointing to her monkey.

  “Nice. I like it.”

  She wiped down the bar in front of me and laughed.

  “Yeah, the boss has a wicked sense of humor. I’m Deb. What can I get for you?”

  “I’ll have a Margarita please. No salt, on the rocks.”

  “Comin’ right up.”

  She walked away and I crossed my legs while looking around. The place had ambience. A nice neighborhood watering hole kind of feel. Every age group was represented and everyone appeared to be getting along. We were in the main room, but I could see people bent over a couple of pool tables through the doorway of the adjoining room. There was a jukebox on the far wall and a handful of people were perusing the selection. The floors were a dark polished wood of some kind, as were the booths and the bar tables. The walls were a pale rose color that looked textured in a loose swirled stucco kind of pattern. Stained glass lampshades hung over the booths casting enough light to see, but not so much as to spoil the illusion of intimacy. Recessed lighting lit the rest of the place. The front window was long and had a rose colored curtain hung on a brass rod, halfway down. You could easily make out the blushing monkey painted on the window and the name of the bar in an arch above him. Casual and clean. I liked it. I had a feeling it reflected the man that owned it.

  My new friend Deb was just placing my drink in front of me, when I felt a hand on the small of my back. I lifted my eyes to the sky blue ones that belonged to Austin. He smiled and I smiled back. He left his hand where it was.

  “I saw you looking around. What do you think?”

  “I like it Austin. It’s comfortable and has a good vibe to it. People are having a good time and nobody’s hassling anyone. I’m comfortable here. Where are you putting the live music?”

  “In the other room. It’s larger than it looks and there’s a small stage at one end. We’ll have small groups on Friday and Saturday nights. You should come in one night and check it out.”

  “If you’ll be here, I’d love to.”

  He moved a half of a step closer and I took a sip of my drink. He lowered his head to the side of mine and sniffed me. I turned towards him and our noses brushed before he pulled back abruptly.

  “Did you just sniff me?”

  “Mel’, you smell incredible. It’s like vanilla and coconut, but it’s subtle.”

  I sipped again and placed my drink back on the bar.

  “It’s my shampoo and body wash. I can’t keep track of trendy scents, so I stick with scented shampoo and body wash. Do you like it? Is it too strong?”

  “It’s perfect. It makes me want to lean in for a nibble.”

  I grinned at him and raised my eyes up and down once.

  “Remind me to check and see if they make deodorant and lotion in that scent.”

  His laughter was loud and it was real. The hand that was on my back slipped a little sideways and he squeezed my waist. I leaned into him and laughed along. Now we were nice and cozy.

  He looked at me with twinkling eyes that were lit by the smile he still had on his face.

  “I hear you want me in your personal space for awhile.”

  “You’re talking about nibbling on me Austin. My space is your space. You game?”

  He studied me for a long couple of minutes and it was a look I recognized. He was trying to decide if I was trouble with a capital “T”. If I was, he was doing the math to see if I’d be worth it.

  I could have downed my drink before I did this next bit. That way, if it hadn’t have worked out, I could have blamed the alcohol. I could have, but I didn’t. I swiveled on the stool and ran my hands up his chest to his neck. His eyes never left mine and his hand stayed on my waist. He raised his other hand to join it and he pulled me a little closer. My thumbs were slightly moving up and down below his ears and his eyes left mine and went to my lips. I gave the hint of a tug and that’s all it took. His lips were on mine.

  He was tentative at first, still not sure if he was dealing with a psycho hoarder, a nymphomaniac, or his kid sister’s best friend. Talk about Mystery Date... I went for the nympho. I was still reeling from Anton’s second betrayal in one night and I figured I had nothing to loose. It had already been lost.

  I moaned against his lips and touched his bottom lip with my tongue. I felt his hands pull me in tighter and away we went. It was his bar, what were they gonna do? Throw us out? Highly doubtful.

  The kiss was possessive on his part and I liked it. Most men were afraid to kiss me like Austin was kissing me. He was asking me a metric shit-ton of questions and I was answering every single one of them. It seemed I had me a new roomie.

  He stepped between my legs to get closer and tugged my hair with one of his hands to pull my head back for a better angle. That’s when we heard someone clear their throat. Then another person, a female person, cleared their throat too.


  If it was his girlfriend, I was gonna go postal. My disappointment card was full for one night and one more would be pushing my limit.

  He leaned back but held on to me. I liked that. I held on right back. He turned his head at the same time I did, and there stood Chase and Ayla. He pulled me into his chest where my cheek rested quite nicely. He smelled of leather and forest. Clean, but deep. I sniffed him again.

  He put one finger up at his sister and grinned down at me.

  “Did you just sniff me?”

  “Turnabout is fair play handsome.”

  He kissed me once more quickly, then turned back to his sister. Chase looked like he was working a Rubik's Cube that had fourteen different colors.

  “Ayla, you’re staying with Pierce and I’m moving in with Mel’. Chase, you can stay with us until you have to go back on Sunday. Is everybody okay with that?”

  Ayla was running her fingers through her hair in a nervous gesture while Chase grinned as if he wanted to say, “You sly dog you”. He winked at Austin and then caught my eye.

  “Mel’, is that okay with you?”

  “Mi casa es su casa Detective. I’ve got plenty of room. We can stop at the desk on the way in and I’ll make sure you both have keys.”

  Chase put his hands in his pants pockets and tried to look casual in that, good-cop-bad-cop sort of way. He was being the good-cop at the moment.

  “How many people have keys to your place Mel’?”

  I had to seriously think about that, and I counted on my fingers.

  “Dorothy, my folks, Ayla, Sean, Anton, and now you two. Seven if you don’t count me.”

  He relaxed and smiled again. Austin was watching his friend carefully.

  “Is this a major deal Chase? Is he close?”

  Chase gestured to the bartender and ordered a beer, trying to appear fearless yet casual. He was so not pulling off Indiana Jones here, but I’d give him points for trying.

  “He’s in the city. I don’t think he’s found this place yet or you’d have seen him. It’s best if we get you guys moved ASAP though. It’s one thing for him to know you own this place, you’ll probably never be alone here. Knowing that you live above the place with one exit? That’s entirely different. Splitting you two up is probably a wise move. He knows that you helped her escape and you never came back. I imagine he’s got a bone to pick with you as well.”

  Ayla visibly paled. This problem had a male face, now all I needed was a name and a story.

  Our little corner of the universe got crowded when Pierce saw Ayla. I never saw him approach, but he made his presence known in a big way. He came up behind Ayla and slid his hands around her waist. She tilted her head back to look up at him and smiled.



  “Are you ready to go up and start packing?”

  “I am.”

  “Then let’s go.”

  He took her by the hand and just like that, they were gone. Not much in the way of conversation, but the outcome was effective. I turned to the man with his arms around me and noticed Anton approaching with his date.

  “How about you? Do you need to pack?”

  He kissed me once and smiled.

  “I’ll throw a few things in a bag and grab my razor and toiletries. Every night I leave work I’ll bring a few more things over. Will that work?”

  “Whatever works for you, works for me. Do you want me to go up with you or wait here?”

  “Chase will keep you company, I won’t be a minute.”


  I actually said, “M’kay”. Hello? Someone turned my brain to mush while I wasn’t looking. At this rate, I’d be a valley girl by the end of next week.

  Chase moved in closer and placed his beer on the bar. Anton and whoever, filled the spot that Pierce and Ayla had occupied a few minutes earlier.

  “Melody Lincoln, Chase McCartney, this is Amy Horner. Amy, Chase and Mel’.”

  She reached out and shook our hands and I had to give her credit. She was pleasant, well dressed, and had impeccable manners. I wanted to hate her, but I couldn’t. Not yet.

  “Amy and I dated in college. Imagine my surprise to see her here! She only lives a few blocks away and this bar is her local! We’re thinking that we might head on over to her place where it’s quieter and catch up.”

  His eyes were on me waiting for my reaction. He got nothing and it threw him off kilter, I could see it. Chase interceded on my behalf.

  “That’s fine Anton. We’re waiting on Pierce, Ayla, and Austin. Ayla’s moving in with Pierce for awhile and Austin’s bunking with Mel’.”

  Oh Chase you sweet talker you, if I wasn’t currently working on your best friend, I would so make your night simmer...

  Anton blinked several times in rapid succession and looked at me as if he hadn’t heard correctly.

  “Austin’s spending the night at your place?”

  I sipped my drink and smiled the most sincerest smile I could muster.

  “Nope. He’s moving in with me for awhile. We’re gonna be roommates.”

  “You’re moving kinda fast aren’t you Melody?”

  Oh my. He used my whole name. Somebody was getting cranky...

  “Not at all. Austin needed a place to stay and I’m in the mood for It’s a win-win as far as I can tell. Besides, I have plenty of rooms. You know that. He can sleep wherever he wants.”

  Alright, that last part was probably uncalled for. It was a nice touch though, if I do say so myself.

  As I watched him read into my words, I noticed something. His eyelid began to twitch. Amy was making small talk with Chase, talking about Boston and whatever else they were discussing, while Anton had his baby blues focused on me. Bottom rail was on top now folks, and I was lovin’ it.

  Anton leaned in and spoke softly.

  “This has gone far enough Mel’. You need to be backing off.”

  “I disagree babe. You bringing that slut to my sister’s house was far enough. You hooking up with an old flame ten minutes after we walked in here tonight was far enough. This thing with Austin? This is me moving on. Just like it appears that you’ve moved on. If you think I’m wasting any more time alone at my place waiting for my turn on the carnival ride that is Anton, then you are sadly mistaken.”

  “Melody... you’re pushing a dangerous button here.”

  “I’m not pushing anything babe. I thought we had something, you and me. It turns out I was wrong.”

  “No you weren’t. You know how I feel and I know you feel the same way.”

  “It turns out that truer words were never spoken. You feel like you can walk all over me and come in and out of my life when it suits you. I’m gonna try and get a handle on your ‘feelings’ and see if they work for me.”

  “Are you gonna sleep with him?”

  “Are you gonna sleep with her?”

  We were practically nose to nose and the electricity crackled between us. If we’d been alone, we’d have been naked and deciding between the sofa and the wall. We both knew how these moments played out between us and I could see him remembering the last time we’d been together. It was there in his eyes just as it must have been there in mine.

  His voice was low, deep, and growly. I wiggled on my barstool.

  “What if I told you I’ll be over later?”

  “I’d tell you I won’t be alone.”

  He leaned back and pounded his fist once on the bar making me jump.

  “Damn it Mel’!”

  Austin had perfect timing. He moved around Chase and stood beside me, sliding his arm around my waist. Anton watched his every move and his eyes darkened. Austin never took his eyes off of Anton while he leaned down and kissed my temple.

  “Is there a problem here?”

  Anton wasn’t smiling when his eyes moved to Austin’s.

  “You move kinda fast don’t you Austin? You met our girl tonight and you’re already moving in?”

  “Our girl?”

  Austin’s eyes skimmed over Amy who was enthralled with our conversation.

  “You brought a date to her sister’s house and now you’re leaving with someone else entirely. I’ve been orbiting the same woman all night my friend. I know quality when I see it and I’m not letting quality this fine out of my sight.”

  He looked down at me and winked. Did I say Chase was a god? It seems I short-changed Austin. He planted a sweet, firm kiss on my lips and brushed my nose with his.

  “You ready to go home babe?”

  I sighed. Yes sighed. I was “quality” and he kissed me, then called me babe. I was trying to decide what to cook him for dinner tomorrow night.

  “Ready when you are. Have Pierce and Ayla left yet?”

  “They took off before I came in to get you. Let’s get out of here Mel’. I want some alone time.”

  It was the way he said it. No wait. It was the look in his eyes when he said it. Whatever it was, I believed it and I wanted it.

  He picked up his duffel bag and handed Chase his suitcase.

  “You ready to go big guy?”

  Anton hit defcon four. I stood up and was turning to follow Austin and Chase out the door. Anton grabbed my upper arm and turned me around.

  “You’re taking them BOTH home with you?”

  I shrugged and winked at Amy who blushed. Then I turned back to Anton and patted his cheek lightly.

  “What can I say? They’re both yummy and I can’t decide. Have a nice evening you two. Bye now.”

  I sauntered out giving it a bit more wiggle than normal because I could feel his eyes on me. I had no idea what kind of “catching up” they’d be doing back at her place, but I was willing to bet his heart wouldn’t be in it. Not tonight anyway.

  Chapter Four

  I walked them through the downstairs, explaining what I used each room for. They were impressed with the organization and my ability to run my business from my home. I showed them Ayla’s office, then mine, and showed them an empty room that had a desk and computer in it, as well as a locking file cabinet with the key dangling from the lock.

  “If either of you needs an office while you’re here, feel free to use this one. The computer is new and has nothing on it other than Office and the operating system. There’s packages of new thumb drives in the desk drawer, use whatever you need. There’s a printer and fax machine behind the desk and the door locks for privacy. Any questions so far?”

  Austin walked around the desk to check out the computer and Chase turned to me.

  “Why do you have a spare office that’s obviously not being used?”

  I was smiling and watching Austin boot up the computer like a kid at Christmas.

  “It’s my version of planning for expansion. I’d rather set certain roo
ms aside in case we need them, than have to scramble for space later. As you can tell so far, the place is big, but I don’t have expensive art or chandeliers everywhere. This is a home and a business. I want it to be comfortable for everyone that occupies the space.”

  “And that’s it?”

  “That’s it. There’s another office just like this one upstairs. If you need something in the middle of the night or just want to surf the net when you can’t sleep, you don’t have to come downstairs if you don’t want to. Every computer here has high speed internet and a secure server that’s located here in the building. I had an expensive team of experts check everything out before I bought the place. If my designs are leaked, it would compromise my company. It’s all locked down tighter than the White House.”

  I turned to Chase because I could feel his eyes on me and I’m all about eye contact in conversations.

  “Chase, you have a key now. I want you to know that you’re welcome here anytime you want or need to visit. You’re one of Ayla’s oldest and closest friends and that makes you alright in my book. Please feel free to come and go as you please. I don’t know what’s going on with her and Austin, and it’s none of my business unless they want me to know, but it doesn’t change the invitation. Alright?”

  He did something I never expected. He smiled, relaxed and hugged me.

  “Thanks Mel’. I appreciate the offer and the open door. I’ll probably be taking you up on it, at least until this thing is settled one way or another. Their apartment is okay for two people, but we were noticing the pinch with three and I hate staying in hotels. You’ve saved all of us a world of trouble.”

  He released me and I smiled up at him.

  “It’s my superpower. That, and causing worlds of trouble.”

  He laughed and Austin looked up from what I had a feeling would be his new favorite place in the apartment.

  “Can I play games on this thing?”


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