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Need Us (Make or Break Book 4)

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by Amanda Heath

  Need Us (Make or Break Epilogue)

  Amanda Heath

  Need Us

  Copyright © 2014 by Amanda Heath

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and for review purposes.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and events are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblances to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, are entirely coincidental.

  The use of artist and song titles throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way been seen as advertisement. Trademark names are used in an editorial fashion, with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.


  Cover design by Robin Harper

  Wicked by Design


  Nicole Bailey at proofbeforeyoupublish

  Formatting by Amanda Heath

  For Ale, Dalton, Cody, & Lee

  May our lives never be this crazy

  Table of Contents










  “We’re getting married tomorrow,” Wes whispers in my ear. I open my eyes and look down at her upturned face. Her green eyes shine with all the happiness in the world. I gave her that.

  I’m the man.

  I lift my hand up and cup her cheek. She grins and nuzzles against me. “I can’t wait,” I murmur, using both my hands to pull her face towards mine. Her soft lips meet mine and like always, the world blanks out and it’s just the two of us. Nothing can touch us here. Nothing can get in the way of us being together.

  She breaks away from my mouth and the corner of my mouth lifts up as she licks her lips. “I can’t wait to be Mrs. Royal Duke Sanders.” I chuckle and like always, she melts against me and her eyes glaze over. You never think something like a chuckle could be that powerful but for some reason Wes is always like this when I chuckle.

  I move my hands down her naked sides and start to tickle her. She giggles as I roll her over onto her back. I bring my head down to kiss along her neck until my lips meet her chin “I can’t wait to be Mr. Wesley Ann Bridges.” This sends her into a fit of giggles. I just watch as she turns bright red. “What? I’m completely serious.”

  She shoves at my shoulders until I sit up. “You’re too silly for your own good.” She moves off the bed and pads her naked ass into the bathroom. I sigh because there’s nothing sexier than a naked Wesley.

  I get off the bed myself as my phone starts ringing. “Channing calling…” appears on the screen and a piece of my heart starts hurting. It might make me sound like a cheesy pansy but I love Channing like we came from the same womb. I’d do anything for him.

  I only wish I could take away the pain I know he’s going through. “Hey,” I state once I swipe my finger across the screen.

  “She’s in town,” he says with perfect calm. That’s the one thing about Channing I can’t stand. Showing how he feels isn’t something he’s wired to do. Hell, the man isn’t even wired to talk about his feelings. I know he’s hurting but you wouldn’t be able to tell just by the way he’s been acting.

  I smooth my hand down my face, knowing this was coming. “Yeah, she got in last night. You knew she was coming.”

  Channing sighs. “I know man. I just didn’t expect for it to be this hard.”

  I feel my brow furrow in confusion. “You haven’t seen her in a year. I’d be rolling around on the floor crying for my momma.”

  Wesley pops out of the bathroom and raises her eyebrows. “Tell him he won’t even have to speak to her. She told me she didn’t plan on making his life a living hell while she’s here.”

  “If she wanted that then she shouldn’t have come at all,” Channing mutters into my ear. I feel my lips form a half smile. Finally, just a little sight into the broken heart of my best friend.

  “She’s one of Wes’s best friends. And as much as Wes loves you, she can’t not invite her. And you told her you didn’t care if she was in the wedding.” I hear him groan and I refrain from laughing. “You can’t back out now. Wes will go all Bridezilla on you.”

  I hear static and then a banging. “I’m not going to do anything to mess up your big day. I’m just saying this is going to be hard on me, not to mention everyone else. Make sure Wes knows that.”

  I sneer at that remark. I don’t think anyone has been more right about it. I’m mad at her, Rach hates her, and Pierce has probably come up with several torture devices designed for her. Hell the four of us can’t even say her name without untold hatred coursing through our bodies. Not to mention Channing’s sister Ashley. She’s gone all SAMCRO on us and has a sea of mean ass bikers behind her. The Redhead has some nerve showing up in this town.

  “I’ve talked to her. But you know my girl, has a heart bigger than the world and can’t be mad about anything for too long. Even Annabella got invited. It’s a wonder my sister even agreed to be Maid of Honor.”

  “I think it’s Matron of Honor,” Channing replies while more banging sounds in the background.

  “Huh? I thought it was Maid of Honor?” I scratch at my head in confusion.

  “Rachel is married, she’s not a maid anymore.” The banging sounds again but I ignore it.

  “How the hell do you even know that?” I let out a laugh. I’m the one getting married tomorrow, and I didn’t even know that.

  “Well I was once in your shoes.” Oh and it clicks in my head. The Redhead’s best friend got married right out of high school. I don’t say this into the phone though. We’ve spent an entire year never bringing up the wedding that didn’t happen. It causes too much rage in those not involved and too much pain for Channing.




  “What the fuck is that noise?” I finally ask, directing the converstation away from anything to do with the Redhead.

  Channing growls and I hear the bang yet again. “Your sister and my brother are fucking in the shower. And it’s loud.”

  Right on cue I gag. I hate hearing about my sister’s sex life. Sometimes in my head I pretend my nephew Asher came from the angels and that Rach is still a virgin.

  If only that were true.

  “Thanks bro. I really needed to hear that.” I can only imagine what Channing has to hear living in that house with the happily married couple. It’s coming up on their five-year anniversary. And once upon a time I thought they’d never make it to one month.

  Glad I was wrong.

  “I guess they didn’t know I came back home last night. They aren’t usually so bad about it.”

  I open my mouth to say something but Wes walks out of the bathroom with her hair all wet and water dripping down her exposed back. My dick stands at attention just like that. It’s never a slow build up with her. She walks into a room and I want her.

  “Get off the phone. I have something to show you,” she says while winking and dropping the towel to the ground. I love her ass…her flat stomach…her breasts with their rose colored nipples…all that wild blonde hair…hell you get the point.

  “I gotta go, bro. See you this afternoon, kay?” I think I might be panting as Wesley brings her hand between her breasts slowly, making a path to my favorite part of her body.

  “Yeah, bye.”

  I don’t even know if he hung up and I can’t honestly bring myself to
care. “What do you have to show me, girl?” I take a step towards her, shucking my boxer briefs along the way.

  My Duchess wiggles her finger at me and I find that I can’t stop myself from making the rest of the way to her. I put my hands on her hips right as her hand makes it to her sex. I watch, fascinated as she smooths a finger through her folds and brings her finger back out. She uses the finger to smear across my lips. I groan as I feel my balls tighten. “I’m all wet for you,” she whispers.

  Five years ago, the woman in front of me wouldn’t have been this bold. But once you get this used to someone, you can pretty much do anything to please them. All our insecurities got left behind a long ass time ago. Though I still try to make her blush every now and then.

  I plant my hands on her ass and use them to lift her off the ground. My lips meet hers and she gasps as I set her down on the dresser. There’s nothing I like more than making Wes taste herself. I tilt her hips towards mine and rub my hardness against her lower lips. I break my lips away and kiss along her jaw. “You want me inside you?” I whisper, using my hands to tease her erect nipples.

  All she can do is nod.

  I slowly start to push into her heat. Then I pull back using my hands to shove her thighs wider. I drop to my knees and snake my tongue out to tease her clit. I suck it into my mouth as her hands come into my hair, pulling the strands right at my scalp. That little bit of pain has me using my hand on myself. I tug while my mouth worships Wesley.

  I can feel her inner walls start to quake on my tongue so I pull back and stand up. Wesley is flushed and panting, just the way I want her. “You’re a fucking bastard,” she states, glaring at me.

  I push my dick into her while she’s looking in my eyes and she gasps. I pump my hips as I lean down to kiss her swollen lips. She moans right into my mouth and I go faster, bringing us to the edge. Her nails dig into my shoulders as her walls spasm around my dick. I slam a hand into the wall as I lose control of my hips.

  Afterward we hold each other up, trying to regain ourselves. “Who’s the bastard now? Hmmm, girl?”

  She laughs but the sound is breathless. “You could never be a bastard. But you can’t just deny me an orgasm like that and not expect me to call you names.”

  I nuzzle against her cheek and grin. “You can call me every name in the book, I’ll still get you off. You should know this by now.”

  She smacks my shoulder and pushes me away so she can climb down from the dresser. “I do know that. But you can’t explain that to my head when you use that mouth and then take it away.”

  I chuckle and head into the bathroom for my own shower. “Love you, girl.”

  “Love you too, baby.”

  I’m out of the shower and combing through my hair when “Fancy” by Iggy Azalea starts echoing through the bedroom. Wesley has this thing about giving everyone a song that describes them for their ring tone. I certainly wouldn’t do that, but I love how much both of us love music.

  I’ll give you one guess as to who is calling Wes.

  “WHAT?!?!?!” Wesley screeches and I drop the comb hearing it clatter into the porcelain sink. I run into the bedroom and see Wes with her pants around her hips, her lacey pair of panties around her hips. A matching bra rests on her chest. Damn she looks so good in pink.

  Down boy.

  “You can not be serious right now! I’m getting married tomorrow! Get your shit together!” She slams the phone down on the dresser and pulls her pants on the rest of the way. Her cheeks are flushed but this time it isn’t because of me; no it’s because of anger.

  Then my phone starts ringing.

  I stride over to my nightstand but Wesley stops me. “If you answer that phone I will hit you.” She says it quietly but I know she means it.

  “What the fuck is going on, Duchess?” I pick my boxer briefs off the pile of clothes Wesley laid out on the bed for me. She’s the perfect woman for me. I don’t even have to ask, not that I would, she just does it.

  She throws her black shirt on over her head. “Bride” is written across her generous boobs and I love it so much I bite my lip to stop from smiling. “Rachel and Pierce decided they are separating!” She screams this while pulling at her hair. “First Paisley, and now this. Everyone wants to ruin my wedding!”

  I flinch at the use of the Redhead’s name. I kind of fucking hate that bitch but that’s not important right now. “What do you mean they are separating?”

  “Rach called and said they got into a huge fight and she refuses to be with him anymore. She was hysterical but I think she’s serious.” Wesley stops pacing to look up at me. “Why must they do this to me? They couldn’t have waited two days?”

  I don’t answer her.

  If push comes to shove, we’ll go to Vegas. We are getting married tomorrow if I have to tie everyone up and lock them in closets.

  Welcome to the dramatic, overbearing, crazy as shit family!


  My eyes open and I wish I were dead. This happens every day I wake up with the bitch. Most days I can turn it off, all the emotions inside of me that want out. I hold them in and I don’t feel anything.

  It happens every day, no matter how hard I try to make it not so. I wish she didn’t exist, I wish I didn’t exist. I want to crawl inside of myself and implode. My other half was ripped away from me. I feel like I was holding on to her so hard but it wasn’t enough. She just gently took her arm out of my hold and walked away.

  She didn’t even look back.

  Fucking bitch.

  I thought I would get over it. Forget what it was like to be with her. How happy she made me, and in my life it’s always hard to be happy. I have more to be happy about now than I used to, but it’s still not enough.

  I need her, I love her, and I want her. Where is she? I have no idea. She broke me into a million pieces, packed her shit and left. She left me in a house that she picked out, her memory following me around like a fucking ghost. So I sold it and burned everything she left behind. It didn’t help.

  You’d think after a year it wouldn’t be like this. That I wouldn’t feel this much heartache and absolute misery, but I do. I can’t seem to leave it behind.

  I’ve tried dating other women, I’ve tried writing about it, and hell I’ve even tried being an alcoholic. None of it worked.

  I pick up my phone from the bedside table. I click on the photo app and I have to shut my eyes at the first photo. Her red hair shining in the sun, those blue-green eyes showing me her love. It wasn’t real though. It was all some twisted dream that didn’t mean anything to her.

  She was my entire world. But what else is new? I just wish I could move on. I wish I could find a place in this world without the bitch beside me.

  But I can’t.

  I exit out of the photos. I look at them every morning and night. As much as I hate her, I still love her too. I don’t want to forget what she looks like. I don’t know why I try though, considering I still remember what she tastes like and how she feels.

  I pull up my Facebook app and scroll through the newsfeed. Ashley posted a picture of her and Damien, her husband, on his bike. Her smile lights up my heart for a moment in time. I know I spent most of my life causing her pain and I wish I could take it back. But I can’t, I can only make up for it. I like the photo.

  I see a post from Royal and Rachel’s mom talking about how her last baby is getting married tomorrow. I’ve never felt more happiness and dread at one time. I’m happy for Royal and Wesley. I know they postponed their wedding because of me, not that I blame them. I was a wreck around the first date. And Royal refused to get married without me standing next to him.

  That bitch ruined everything.

  I come across a post with Paisley tagged in it. She deleted me before I had the chance to delete her. She didn’t block me though so sometimes I get to see her posts when I feel like being a stalker. Maybe that’s my problem, I’ve always felt like a stalker when it came to her. I always wonder if she wasn’t int
o me as much as I was into her.

  The post is by Wesley and I’m tagged in it too. She just states how excited and blessed she is. When in reality we are the blessed ones. That girl has been through enough to bring anyone to their knees and she still stands tall. Her head held high and I wish I could stand like that too but I can’t.

  I get a message icon and switch over to my messenger app. It’s from Lola Montez. Lola is Ashley’s best friend. I don’t know a whole lot about her, other than she’s been with Damien’s brother for years. They are all a part of the same MC as Damien.

  The message is a picture and I grit my teeth. I knew she was coming but I didn’t know how to prepare myself for seeing her. I haven’t seen a recent picture of her in months. The picture features her and her little sister BeeBee. When I first met the bitch her sister was two, now she’s seven and a little version of her older sister. They are holding hands while the bitch is on her phone. They are coming out of their grandfather’s house.

  She’s already in Meadows.


  I send Lola a quick thank you before calling Royal. I don’t know why I do; sometimes hearing his voice makes me feel better. I know no matter what he’ll be there. I have a lot more people who will be there than I did when I first got with the bitch.

  Pierce, Rachel, Wesley, Ashley, Donovan and Lily.

  About five seconds into my conversation with Royal, I hear loud noises coming from Pierce and Rachel’s room. When I sold the bitch and my house, I moved in with Pierce and Rachel. I could have gone back to Margret and Richard’s house but they still talk to the bitch. I don’t want to make them choose sides, so I keep a safe distance.

  It’s not like I’m here all that much. Book tours and signings keep me pretty occupied. I even bought a cabin out in the middle of nowhere so I could write in peace. I’m just here now for Royal and Wesley’s wedding.


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