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Page 20

by Patricia Haley

  When he entered the room, Zarah was awake, with Sherry on one side of the bed and Tamara on the other. Zarah saw him and reached out for him. He didn’t hesitate in responding.

  “Joel, is our baby well?” she asked, appearing very troubled.

  Tamara stepped out of the way to let Joel slide as close to the bed as he could get. He nestled his wife’s hand in his. “Don’t worry about our baby. Don’t worry about anything.” He leaned close and kissed her forehead, letting the affection linger. “Let me do the worrying. I want you to rest, Mrs. Mitchell.”


  “Shh,” he whispered. “We’ll get through this together.”

  Sherry and Tamara stood quietly on the other side of the bed. He was glad to have the support. Zarah must have believed him. She nestled her face against his hand and closed her eyes. A sense of relief filled Joel when he felt the strength of God stirring inside.

  Chapter 45

  Shortly after midnight, Zarah was moved from the emergency center to a private room in the maternity ward for overnight observation. Around 2:00 a.m., Joel convinced his mother and Tamara to go home. They put up some resistance but eventually listened to reason and went home. They couldn’t help Zarah tonight. Joel preferred that they go home and get prepared to help him when Zarah went home. He insisted on walking them to the parking lot. Tamara accepted a ride from his mother, and they were on their way.

  Instead of rushing back inside the hospital, Joel stayed outside to think. He wasn’t thrilled with the care Zarah had gotten thus far. He wanted more done sooner. He wasn’t sure if another hospital could do any better, but other care would be considered. He wanted Zarah to receive the best treatment. Joel wasn’t going to take less for his wife and child. With the way things had played out in slow motion, he definitely wasn’t going to be too far from Zarah’s side. In the middle of the night, she’d called for him several times. The best he could do was climb slowly onto the bed and gently place her head on his lap. He had attempted to ease her head onto the pillow without waking her but was unsuccessful, and so he had been forced to sleep practically in an upright position. Joel was ready to get back inside and resume his watch over Zarah.

  Before Joel knew it, it was six in the morning. He was anxious for more answers but not crazy out of his mind with worry. He sincerely wanted to give faith a try. Throughout his years of wandering, strategizing, and trying to claw his way out of his grave of failures, there was one person who’d consistently popped up in his path at the oddest times, Mother Walker. Today was no different. She was a woman who didn’t appear to have much advanced education, but it was evident she had a special relationship with God.

  Joel slowly opened the door to Zarah’s room and walked out into the hallway, thinking. Mother Walker had given him the most meaningful advice of anyone he’d known with the exception of his dad. Joel was certain she could get a prayer through to God for him. Strangely, Joel had stored her number in his phone two years ago, not realizing he’d need it today. It was early, but he bet she was an early riser. He’d take a chance on reaching her. He dialed, and thank God, she answered. He identified himself, and she knew who it was immediately.

  “Mother Walker . . . I’m sorry.... I mean Big Mama.” She’d reminded him to call her Big Mama on several occasions, but he kept forgetting. He found a quiet refuge near the waiting area. He leaned against the wall for support. “I apologize for calling you this early.”

  “It’s all right. I’ve been up for several hours, praying and meditating on my scriptures. Can I help you with something?” she asked with such a genuine tone that he was put at ease.

  “I have a situation, and I’m hoping you can pray for my wife. She’s having challenges with the pregnancy, and I’d like for you to pray for us. I’m afraid my prayers might not be working, and I don’t want to take a chance with something so important.”

  “I will surely pray for you and your family, but you don’t need me to reach God for you. You know the Lord for yourself. You have always had an anointing and a calling on your life. He knows you and will hear your prayer.”

  “I used to think so, but I’ve had some challenges these past few years.”

  “The Lord knows who you are and where you’ve been. We weren’t born perfect, son. Jesus died that we might be redeemed from sin and saved from the consequences that come from sin. Yes, you’ve made your mistakes, but you’re alive. You have breath in your body. That means you have time to get back on the path God has created for you.”

  “I’m sure it’s not quite that easy.”

  “Why isn’t it? If the God we serve can create the heavens and the earth and part the Red Sea, then surely He can fix your little stuff. Son, you have to know God is bigger than your problems. He loves you, and He’s right in front of you with his arms wide open, waiting for you to fall back into His arms, into His grace. Let your Father love you, son. This is your time to rise up and take authority. God’s call on your life didn’t change just because you walked away from Him.”

  “I know, but I’m not worried about my role or future. I’m calling to ask for your prayers regarding my child and Zarah.”

  “I will gladly pray with you, but the plans God has for you might not be what you’ve planned for yourself. The way He answers might not solve the problem that you see. Do you understand?”

  He did, but he didn’t. Joel had learned to believe what she said, although it might take months or years for the revelation to materialize. She’d never told him what he wanted to hear, but Big Mama always told him what he was supposed to hear. He acknowledged this as one of those instances.

  The sun’s rays snuck into Zarah’s room around seven thirty that morning, robbing him of privacy. He would have preferred that the room remain dark so Zarah could continue sleeping but didn’t have the power to constrain the light of day.

  He heard her whimpering but wasn’t able to decipher the comment. “Zarah,” he whispered, “are you awake?”

  “Ohhh,” she moaned.

  “You are awake,” he said, sitting at her bedside. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” he said with laughter that wouldn’t be silenced. Joel was ecstatic to see her awake. They’d suffered through a long night, and finally it was day. Thank the Lord, he thought. Prayer worked.

  “Is our baby well?” she asked, popping up.

  He touched her shoulder, hoping to soothe her. “Why don’t you lay back and rest? The doctor doesn’t want you to become overly excited. It’s not healthy for you or our baby. He wants you to take it easy,” he told her.

  She took his advice and lay back, placing her hand snugly on her abdomen. “What about the blood?”

  Joel didn’t have an explanation, not that she needed to have extra information to think about. However, he didn’t like being ignorant about important matters that impacted his life and those he loved. He’d deal with getting a second, third, and fourth opinion later. Right now, Zarah had his undivided attention, which he was freely giving.

  He squeezed her hand and stroked her face, pleased at his calming abilities, until she popped up again. “What day is it?” she asked, exhibiting a gush of fear. She caused his heart to beat fast. He wondered what had her so alarmed.

  “It’s Wednesday.”

  She tried getting out of bed, and he stopped her.

  “What are you doing?” he asked forcefully.

  “I have a meeting with the DMI board of directors tomorrow. I can’t miss it,” she said, appearing frantic.

  “Wait a minute,” he said, blocking her path from the bed. “You’re in no condition to attend a board meeting today or tomorrow. Didn’t you hear me say the doctor wants you to take it easy?” he said, working hard to contain his frustration.

  “But I must be ready for the meeting. We are discussing Harmonious Energy and the offer they are proposing. I can’t miss this opportunity to own my father’s company. It is most important to me,” she said, pushing against him.

  “Is it more importan
t than keeping our baby safe?”

  In a split second, her anxiety melted. She stopped pushing against him and slowly eased herself down on the bed. “What can I do?”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of the meeting for you,” he said.

  “You?” she said, sounding very unsure.

  “Yes, me. Remember, I know a thing or two about the board of directors,” he said, which was accurate since he’d been a former member. “Once upon a time I was a master at structuring deals.” She showed hints of a smile. “And let’s face it. Nobody knows more about unraveling DMI and Harmonious Energy than I do, since it was my vision to merge the two companies in the first place.”

  “You are right,” she said, hugging him tightly.

  He offered no opposition. Actually, he soaked up her heartfelt appreciation. Joel was glad he had something of value to offer her in the hour of her greatest need. For the first time in a very long while, he was satisfied with his actions. The feeling was like an addictive drug. The more he got, the more he desired.

  Chapter 46

  The atmosphere in the hospital room unnerved Joel, causing him to feel restless. It was 9:20 a.m. He looked over at his wife and found her sleeping comfortably, which put him at ease. Joel was about to get up and go grab a cup of coffee when there was a tug in his spirit. He hadn’t experienced such a sensation since the earlier years of his tenure as CEO of DMI. Those were the days when he and God spoke daily, when he trusted the Lord to confirm each decision he made. He reared back in the seat, tapped his fingertips together and reflected. Those days had passed, but God was still God. And Joel was still alive, which meant there was time to make amends.

  The tug in his spirit grew stronger, and he chose not to resist. The church mother’s admonishment had stuck to him like premium Velcro. He’d done too much on his own for too long. He gave a deep sigh. He was tired of running and clamoring for solutions to his man-made problems. Only a fool would find himself in a hole and keep digging. Well, Joel resigned himself to the fact that his foolish days were over. As of right now, this instant, he decided this was his day, his time to fix the root of his problem. Marrying Zarah for professional purposes, chopping up DMI for financial gain, and fighting his brother for control of DMI weren’t at the core of his struggles. He couldn’t even blame Madeline, regardless of the slander and malice she’d mercilessly released over the years. She wasn’t his problem. Zarah, Don, and Abigail weren’t the source of his anguish. Truthfully, Tamara wasn’t, either.

  As Joel sat back and meditated on his path to destruction, the road ahead, which had seemed blurred and rocky a few hours ago, was quite clear. If he traced his missteps to the source of his despair, Joel was certain they would lead directly to the feet of Jesus. When he had elected to abandon God’s plan for his life and to pursue his own agenda, the anointing and unprecedented favor he’d relished for months had left him. It dawned on Joel that his plan represented his will. God’s plan represented God’s will. The revelation was like an anvil dropping from the sky and waking him into consciousness. So many decisions flashed before him. He felt spiritually naked.

  Zarah stirred and turned from lying on her left side to her right, but she didn’t wake up. Joel continued with the spiritual purging exercise in progress. He prayed that she would stay asleep awhile longer, because Joel didn’t want to abandon this self-assessment he was undergoing. His spirit was leaping within as his soul cried out for redemption and salvation. They were double-teaming him. He had no choice but to seek God for forgiveness and restoration, confident he didn’t have the knowledge, strength, or temperance to manage his life successfully.

  In that moment a water main burst in his soul, and he was humbled and fell to his knees. Tears streamed down Joel’s cheeks as he prayed silently so as not to wake Zarah. He repented and pleaded with God for forgiveness, even though Joel knew begging wasn’t God’s way. He had to ask his Father only once and believe by faith that it was done, according to His will. Joel thought about the countless instances when he hadn’t been obedient. He’d grown accustom to ignoring God’s messages and blowing right through blockades in his path. The results hadn’t been pleasant, but that was the Joel of old. This Joel, the one humbled before God, had suffered sufficiently. He was eager to listen, to take instruction.

  Joel rose from his knees with a twinkle in his eyes and vigor in his step. He believed his burden had been lifted and his restart button had been pressed. He was alive and couldn’t wait to show God how serious he was about making changes and being a faithful steward of his second chance.

  He checked on Zarah once again. She was in a tranquil state, and he was grateful to see her resting. He’d use the break to make a few calls. He went into the hallway to call his mother. Joel knew she’d want an update, and he was pleased to give her some good news.

  “Mom, Zarah is resting comfortably.”

  “Good, good,” she said. “How long does she have to stay in the hospital?”

  “I’m not sure, but the doctor said the baby’s heartbeat is strong.”

  “Well, that’s good, but did you find out why she was bleeding?”

  Joel’s glee dipped. The uncertainty about Zarah’s condition was bugging him. He had continuously contemplated moving her to Henry Ford and hadn’t ruled out the possibility. “No, not yet.”

  “Well, then, we’ll have to keep a close eye on Ms. Zarah.”

  “I guess so,” he said, wanting to do more.

  “I’ll let you get back to Zarah. And I’ll see you at the hospital in a few hours. Then you can get some relief and let me sit with her this afternoon.”

  “Mom, I don’t want to burden you with my responsibilities.”

  “Don’t insult me, son. You and Zarah are my family, which makes you my responsibility.”

  He was glad to have her and wouldn’t complain. He graciously accepted her support and ended the call.

  Next up was Don, who happened to be in his office when Joel called.

  “Don, I’m glad I caught you.”

  “What’s up?”

  Joel didn’t want to mince words. He wanted to be direct, without revealing too much personal information about Zarah’s condition. It was a private matter and didn’t warrant public attention. He’d safeguard his immediate family’s business. “I’m calling about the board meeting Zarah has with the board of directors tomorrow.”

  “What about it?” Don asked. Joel detected the sharpness in his brother’s voice, but he wasn’t going to be drawn into a verbal feud.

  “Zarah has been ill the past couple of days and can’t attend the meeting.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that she’s sick. I hope she gets better soon.”

  Joel thanked Don for the well wishes.

  “As you probably know, we were going to discuss the Harmonious Energy and West Coast division acquisition proposals.” Don hesitated before adding, “I guess we’ll have to cancel this session, but the DMI board is eager to walk through the proposal details. How soon can we reschedule?”

  Joel hated to tell him the truth, but he had no choice. “Zarah’s going to be out indefinitely.”

  “Really? Just how sick is she?”

  Joel had already opened the box marked PRIVATE. He might as well pour out the contents for Don. “She’s in the hospital due to complications from the pregnancy.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear this. She’ll be in my prayers.” Joel welcomed prayers, especially from someone who he knew had a love for the Lord and could get a request beyond the ceiling. “Is there anything I can do to help?” Don asked.

  “Not much. Just pray. The rest is on me. The doctor says she’s under too much stress. So she’ll have to ease up on the DMI and Harmonious Energy front.”

  “I totally understand,” Don said, sincerity ringing out.

  Joel was encouraged. “If the baby has any chance, she needs take it easy for quite a while.”

  “Agreed, so take care of home and let me know what I can do to help. A
nd don’t worry about the board meeting. I’ll take care of it. When the timing is right, we can reschedule. God will work it out. All right?” Don told him.

  “All right,” Joel replied.

  After the conversation was over, the old Joel wanted to rear his head. A notion popped into his mind. He could go ahead with the meeting and use the situation as an opportunity to assume control of Harmonious Energy while Zarah was out of commission. As quickly as the notion flew into his mind, Joel’s spirit kicked it out. He wasn’t going to betray Zarah. More importantly, he wasn’t going to squander the second chance God had given him. This was his turn to make things right, and that was precisely what Joel intended on doing with God’s help.

  Chapter 47

  Don was stunned. He pondered the news from Joel. He couldn’t ignore the adverse implications for DMI and the family. The Harmonious Energy divestiture was officially on hold, and there wasn’t a single thing Don could do. He trotted off to his mother’s office.

  When he plopped into a seat, she asked, “What’s that look for?”

  “What look?”

  “The one that says we have trouble,” Madeline said, taking off her reading glasses and setting them on the desk. She clasped her hands together and placed them on top of her notepad. “Come on. Out with it. Tell me what’s on your mind. I’m ready.”

  Don chuckled at how well his mother knew him. “You’re right. We have trouble.”

  Madeline squirmed in her chair but kept glaring at him.

  “The Harmonious Energy and West Coast division deals are on hold.”

  “What?” she shouted, forgoing decorum. “Why?”

  “I just received a call from Joel.”

  “I should have known this has something to do with him.” She tossed a bunch of paper clips in the air, and Don watched as they landed on the desk. “What has he screwed up?”


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