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A Heart So Innocent

Page 36

by Charlene Cross

  “There’s a difference between your parents’ love—if it was love—and what we share, Justin. I, too, have felt all the things that you’ve just described. And no matter how hard I tried, I’ve been unable to erase you from my mind. I want to be with you always, to have your children, to be a special part of you …your life. Our heartache has been that we haven’t been honest with one another. We’ve been hiding our real feelings from the first day we met. I love you,” she confessed, the emotion shining in her eyes. “I’d never purposely hurt you. Nor would I willingly leave you—never again. I’ll always be faithful to you. Please, you must trust in what I say, for it’s true.”

  His pained gazed raked over her, and to his wife it seemed even more tormented than before. “Oh, Aidan, make me believe it’s true. Make me believe it, love.”

  Wanting her love, needing her to prove it, Justin quickly pulled Aidan into his arms. His mouth descended, capturing hers in a searching, hungry kiss. The taste of her sweet lips, opening themselves under his, showing their desire to please, inflamed him. His hand slipped up over the silk-clad middle to her breast. Tenderly he held it, marveling at how she fitted perfectly into his hand. Then, with a whimper of need, she pressed her aching body to his.

  “Make love to me,” she urgently breathed against his lips, and Justin could not deny her request.

  Their clothing fell away, and gently, slowly, he laid her onto the quilts, his hard, hair-roughened thighs settling between her soft, sleek ones. The sweet smell of hay, plus her intoxicating fragrance, instantly filled his head, and an earthy form of excitement vibrated through him. Soft violet eyes, luminous in the dim candlelight, gazed up at him; then her open arms and legs surrounded him, urging him to her.

  With an agonized groan, he went willingly into her accepting embrace; his silver gaze devoured her beauty as he positioned himself. “You feel like hot satin,” he rasped as he slowly eased upward, settling deep inside her. “God, I want you.”

  “I’m yours, Justin,” she whispered softly; then her hips moved enticingly against him and he was lost.

  With long fluid movements he withdrew, then drove into her, again and again.

  “Make me believe, Aidan,” he demanded as his splayed hand lifted her rounded bottom, urging her closer. “Show me it’s true.”

  “I love you, Justin,” Aidan whispered near his ear. Fearing she might somehow lose him, she held fast to his sinewy neck and rose to meet each of his hard, purging thrusts. “I’ll love you always. Love me too. Oh, please, say you will.”

  Her soft plea, which seemed torn from her heart, spun through Justin’s head, then spiraled straight to his soul. Wildly, provocatively, poignantly, he laid claim to her. He wanted her, needed her, desired her with all that was in his being!

  Frantically she writhed beneath him, her sweet voice calling to him, her soft form beckoning. He tried to hold back, but he found he couldn’t. He was lost in her, lost to her. And with one last driving plunge, his hard body jerked convulsively. A shout climbed from his throat, and as the litany of her name ascended above them, his seed spilled forth. Miraculously, all the dark emotions he’d harbored deep inside him released themselves as well. Instantly his heart rejoiced. He believed! Oh, God, how he believed!

  Say the words, his heart demanded. “I love you, Aidan,” he whispered huskily, his silvery gaze reflecting that wondrous, exciting feeling. “Oh, how I love you.” As his passion-glazed eyes slowly focused, he noticed her tears. “What’s wrong, love? Why are you crying?”

  Liquid violet stared up at him. “You said you loved me, Justin. But because of me, those words might never have been said. I … I almost caused your death. I’m so ashamed.”

  A deep chuckle rumbled from his chest, but noticing her seriousness, he sobered. Gently he wiped her tears from beneath her eyes. “Love, in truth, you did cause my death, but my old life came to a welcome end. I’m no longer the man I once was. Through your love, I’ve been given a new life—one filled with promise and hope.” Suddenly a roguish grin spread across his face. “And one that will bring me great rewards. My Queen has ordered it so.”

  Smiling up at him, Aidan laughed; her crystal tone filled Justin’s head. “Then, sir, we should not disobey your Queen. I hear she can be quite adamant about certain decrees which she has handed down. No one crosses her. So, unless you wish to lose your head, I suggest we go about fulfilling her wishes.”

  Justin’s silvery gaze danced merrily. “My dear duchess, I’ve already lost my head—my heart as well. But in keeping with what is considered proper, I shall most happily make certain Her Majesty’s wish is granted.”

  As his lips lowered toward his wife’s, Justin grew serious. “I love you, Aidan. I will always love you.” Then his mouth claimed hers in a poignantly endearing caress.

  As the candles burned low on their wicks, Apollo blew a soft whinny, his hoof striking the straw-covered earth in his stall; a light rain beat against the roof in a gentle rhythm.

  Justin lay awake, listening to the pacifying sounds, content to have his wife tucked close to his body. Lazily he gazed at Aidan’s slumbering form; his heart expanded fully in his chest. Nothing could ever have prepared him for the marvelous feelings filling him now, in mind, in body, and in soul. Indeed, no one could ever have made him understand the true meaning of love—its gladness, its joy, its ecstasy. And, yes, its sorrow. Not until Aidan. Only she could bring about the change in him. Prior to meeting her, he had been only half a man, cynical and empty. But now, through her love, he was whole and happily complete.

  While she lay under his tender regard, Justin thought of all the times he’d foolishly said he wanted to be rid of her. Through his own callousness, he’d almost lost her! Thank God, he hadn’t. As his arms drew her closer to his heart, he placed a gentle kiss on her untroubled brow. Slowly his eyes drifted shut, and he decided, most adamantly, he would keep her.


  Christmas 1840

  Warfield Manor

  “Well, Alastair,” Aunt Patti said as she sat by the warmth of the crackling fire, “I’d say we’ve done a good job of it.” Her gaze shifted to her nephew and his wife, who stood by the win-dow, watching the drifting snowflakes. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

  Alastair chuckled. “On occasion, I had my doubts, Pattina. But yes, I do believe we managed quite nicely in the end.”

  “Oh, tosh, there was never any uncertainty in my mind. They were meant for each other. Just needed a little prodding, that’s all.” She raised her glass of sherry. “A toast to you, sir, for having the wisdom to unite them.”

  “And a toast to you, madam,” he returned, lifting his brandy glass high, “for having the wisdom to make certain they stayed united.”

  “Hear, hear!” they both cried in unison.

  “By the New Year we’ll be at Sommerfield. I can barely wait to see Eugenia and David again,” Aidan said, snuggling deeper into her husband’s arms, her back resting against his solid chest. “And to think, in two months I shall be a godmother.”

  “And I shall be a godfather,” Justin returned, chuckling. “The term sounds a bit doddering to me. Whenever we visit the little scamp, I shall be tempted to lean upon a cane and chuck his chin.”

  “Or to kiss her cheek,” Aidan countered, smiling up over her shoulder at her husband. Suddenly Pattina’s and Alastair’s salutes erupted into the air. “What do you think they’re up to?” Aidan asked, frowning.

  Justin’s face lowered closer to hers. He nuzzled her ear, almost dislodging one of the amethyst earrings he’d given her. “They’re probably making plans for us again,” he said disinterestedly, for his wife’s creamy neck seemed far more appealing. “Since my reward is on its way”—he smoothed his gentle hand over the purple velvet gown and Aidan’s slightly rounded belly—”I suppose they’re choosing a name for him.”

  “Her,” Aidan countered haughtily.

  “Him,” Justin insisted, arching a brow.

  Aidan smiled. “It matter
s not. Aunt Patti says, because of the way I’m blossoming, there might be one of each.”

  “Twins!” he exclaimed incredulously.

  “A double reward, sir. Our Queen should be most pleased.”

  “Indeed, she should be. Perhaps I shall ask her for a loan so I might support my issue …uh, issues.”

  “The only loan you’ll receive from our Queen is a wealth of advice. As I recall, it nearly tore us apart. Henceforth, I’d prefer you kept your own counsel.”

  “Had I done that, sweet wife, the two of us would not be standing here now. Nor would I soon be receiving my reward. It was she who suggested I bed you, love, and get you with child—along with your father.”

  Aidan sputtered. “My father!”

  He grinned. “Yes …said it was the only way to control you.”

  “And I suppose Aunt Patti suggested something similar.”

  “She may have. I don’t recall.”

  Violet eyes assessed him at length. “It took all those people to convince you to make love to me.”

  “Not really. Had your father not come upon us when he did, I most likely would have had you before we were married.”

  “In the coach?”

  “I’ve heard that somewhere before,” he said, grinning. “Yes, madam, in the coach.”

  “Sounds interesting,” Aidan teased, returning his smile. “Shall we give it a try?”

  “And risk frostbite?” he asked, affronted. “I assure you, madam, there are certain parts of my anatomy I’ll not purposely expose to such a possibility.”

  “Oh, but, Justin,” she cooed, a mischievous twinkle centering itself in her eyes, “where it will be nestled is like hot satin. You said so yourself.”

  An agonized groan vibrated in his throat, then flowed through his lips. “Behave, madam, or I’ll discover the truth of it, here and now.” His arms tightened around her, his hands linking at her waist. “Watch the snow, Aidan. It will cool us both—I hope.”

  Her light laughter filled the room as Aidan cuddled against Justin. While her hand caressed her husband’s, a flash of red caught her eye, and she gazed down at the large ruby. Explaining how the ring had come into his possession again, he’d vowed his eternal love and returned it to her finger. There it would stay, forever.

  Then, as serene violet eyes looked out over the snow-covered lawns of Warfield Manor, Justin’s protective arms surrounding her, his love filling her heart, Aidan knew she was home at last.

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