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The Tear of Gramal

Page 13

by Phillip Jones

  Prancing in front of the mouth of a cave was a silver-backed beast with dark, spotted markings and a flowing mane that matched the color of Clandestiny’s hair. Medolas had seen beasts of this nature when the wizards from Luvelles showed the Isorian people drawings of their homeworld during their last visit. Though the creatures on Luvelles looked similar in stature, their colors were brown, black, and in some cases, white, but none had markings like the one before him. They had called their beasts horses.

  Medolas continued to stare at this new kind of horse as Clandestiny caught up. She lowered the snowhound next to her feet and slapped Medolas on the arm. “How dare you leave me behind!” she scolded.

  Medolas turned and placed his hand over her mouth. “Shhhhh. Must you speak so often?” he whispered. “Danger lies ahead.”

  With his hand still across her mouth, Medolas lifted Clandestiny and turned her head in the direction of the silver-backed beast. He leaned in and placed his mouth next to her ear. “I’m going to let go now.”

  Medolas grinned as he pulled his hand away from Clandestiny’s mouth. Clanny’s heated glare was strong enough to burn a hole through everything in its path, but nothing could ruin Medolas’ enjoyment of the moment until a gust of wind passed between them carrying the silver-backed beast’s scent.

  Keeba reacted. The snowhound bolted from behind the bushes and headed in the direction of the beast with his leash dragging behind him.

  In the heat of the moment, Clanny’s fear for the hound’s safety caused her to call out. “Keeba, return to me at once!”

  Medolas slapped the top of his forehead. “Clanny! Have you become dense? I said to shhhh!”

  Clanny slapped Medolas on the arm again. “Don’t you shush me, Meddy!” She pointed overtop the thicket toward the hound. “Now, fetch him!”

  Medolas crossed his arms, smirked and then nodded his head in the direction of the silver-backed horse. “It’s too late. Friends have been made.”

  Clanny pried her eyes away from Medolas’ cocky stance. To her delight, Keeba’s nose was nuzzling against the nose of the horse. Excited, Clanny stepped from behind the bushes and approached the beast with caution.

  Upon seeing Clanny, the horse lifted its head. Its demeanor was peaceful while it trotted toward her. What happened next caused Clandestiny to stop and stand in silence. The silver-backed beast spoke in her native tongue as it circled her. “Thou art not the child I expected. Tragedy must have befallen the man who bore the burden before thee. I see thou doest possess the Tear.”

  Clandestiny placed her hand over her chest. A long moment of silence passed as she fondled the Tear of Gramal. Eventually, she turned around and found Medolas’ eyes which were still peeking over the thicket. “Meddy … our journey is complete! We must thank Helmep!”

  The Ko-dess added, “Art thou not the protector of this girl, boy?”

  Medolas stepped from behind the thicket. “I am.”

  The Ko-dess snorted. “Doest thou always do thy duty from a coward’s position?”

  Before Medolas could respond, the Ko-dess nudged Clanny with his nose and walked into his cave.

  As she turned to follow, Clanny grinned. “You may want to hide again, Meddy. It’s dangerous in there.”

  Medolas’ jaw dropped as Clanny disappeared into the shadows with the snowhound on her heels. After a few moments, he began to mumble, “No, no, no … don’t defend me, Clanny. It’s not like I’ve ever saved your life’s source or anything.”

  17 Peaks Later

  The Under City of Hydroth

  The Peak of Bailem

  Shiver and the Frigid Commander slid into the depths of the ice and landed on their feet at the entrance to the undercastle. Their journey to the city had given them the moments to bond and the child-king had accepted Darosen as his father.

  Opening the massive, chiseled doors that arched toward one another at their tops, Darosen led Shiver through the castle and into the dining hall. Snapping his fingers, the Frigid Commander sent a middle-aged male servant to fetch a platter of blubber and a pouch filled with sour ale.

  Taking a seat, it was not long before the servant returned with the pouch. “Commander, your meal will arrive momentarily.” The servant turned and bowed to Shiver. “Your Majesty.”

  Nodding, the young king dismissed the Isorian.

  After filling two goblets, Darosen handed Shiver a drink. “You’ve earned this, my son. Despite the trials laid before you, I watched you become a man in the wilderness. I’m proud of you.”

  Shiver was unable to respond as the sour ale tore at his taste buds. The Frigid Commander chuckled, only to have his amusement stolen as Blandina appeared out of thin air, standing beside them.

  Both males jumped from their seats and took a step back.

  The sorceress laughed. “Does my company frighten you so?”

  Shiver frowned and reclaimed his seat without answering. He grabbed his goblet and took another drink before he motioned for his father to join him.

  Upon watching the commander reclaim his seat and sit in silence, Blandina moved to the opposite side of the table and sat in the seat across from Darosen. “Did you not miss me, my love?” She looked at Shiver. “Your return pleases me. I trust your journey has strengthened your relationship with your father. Have the last 60 Peaks offered you the moments to make a wise decision? Do you now see the wisdom of fulfilling your grandfather’s wishes?”

  Shiver lowered his goblet to the banquet table of ice, stained auburn, and stared at the rim of his wooden glass for a short series of moments before he found his mother’s eyes. “If I have failed to see the wisdom in your father’s desires, what then? Would you end your own son?”

  Blandina’s face hardened as she leaned forward. Out of the corner of her left eye, she saw the servant carrying the platter of blubber toward the table. Keeping her gaze fixed on Shiver’s, she reached out with her left arm and flung her wrist to the side. The servant lifted off the floor, dropping the platter as he flew across the room and smashed into one of the pillars that supported the ceiling. The middle aged Isorian’s head cracked open on impact.

  Shiver could only focus on the splatter of blood as the father to 11 Isorian boys fell lifeless to the floor.

  50 Peaks of Bailem Have Passed

  The Cave of the Ko-dess

  Early Bailem

  Sitting on a rock toward the back of the cave, Clandestiny lowered the Tear of Gramal and watched as the red glow emanating from within it faded. She sighed and allowed her eyes to fall to the floor. “I can’t feel anything, Blazzin. It speaks not to me.”

  From the far side of the cave, the Ko-dess walked over to Clanny and nuzzled the right side of her face. “Didst thou truly believe thou wouldst command the power of the dragon before the end of thy first season? Sit not in sadness nor despair, for thy will is strong. Lift the Tear and start again.”

  Sitting against the wall at the back of the cave, Medolas scratched beneath the chin of the growing snowhound as he watched Clandestiny cup the Tear in the palm of her hand and lift it level with her eyes. Once again, the Tear began to glow, causing the crystallizations in Clanny’s face and body to turn purple.

  As Clanny focused, the Ko-dess moved behind her. The horse shut his eyes and lowered his head. A soft white light, one not powerful enough to overtake the glow of the Tear, appeared around Blazzin’s form. A moment later, Clandestiny’s arms flew to her sides. Her chest pushed forward and her muscles started to quake, causing the young Isorian to fall to the floor. Clanny’s mouth opened and a treacherous sound erupted from it.

  Keeba pulled away from Medolas’ hand and darted for the gap between the small of Medolas’ back and the cave wall. The snowhound’s body shivered as he forced his head between them with his front paws placed over his ears.

  Medolas had no choice but to cover his own ears. The noise was loud enough to cause the snow sitting on top of the mountain above the cave to fall. The rumbling of the avalanche was overshadowed b
y Clanny’s roar as the snow settled into the canyon and sealed the mouth of the cave.

  As Clanny’s growl stopped, the white light encompassing the Ko-dess faded, yet the glow of the Tear remained strong and Clandestiny’s eyes remained shut. Her body no longer trembled, but her eyes moved rapidly behind her eyelids.

  Medolas stood, leaving Keeba behind. The snowhound refused to look up from beneath his paws as the Isorian walked over to the Ko-dess. Seeing the horse lift his head, Medolas uttered, “Blazzin, is her life’s source in jeopardy?”

  “No. The affection of thine heart hath not been lost.”

  Medolas sighed with relief. “In my 16 seasons, I have heard that sound before. My father had to comfort me on the first night. For upon telling me the sound was that of the gashtion, I cried tears of fear.”

  “Thy father was a wise man to comfort such a young lad. Twenty-nine more roars must our ears suffer before thy love hath the power to withstand the Tear’s greatness. To master the gashtion’s call is a path filled with memories of old. These memories must become one with her being. Only then, canst thou return to Hydroth.”

  Medolas pondered as he knelt next to Clanny to clear the hair from her face. “How long will she sleep?”

  The Ko-dess lowered his head and sniffed Clanny’s scent. “Perhaps beyond the Peak beyond the morrow.”

  “So … 2 Peaks,” Medolas confirmed. “And the Tear? Shall it remain as it is until her eyes open?”

  The Ko-dess nodded. “The Tear shall emanate its glory until Clandestiny commands it once again.”

  Medolas thought in silence while he stroked Clandestiny’s hair. “When will she roar again?”

  The Ko-dess started walking toward the mouth of the cave. “Clandestiny shall not call out again for another 10 seasons.”

  Medolas stood and did the math. “Do you mean that we shall reside in the wilderness for 290 seasons before our eyes see home?”

  The Ko-dess continued to walk toward the snow-covered entrance. “It is mine hope that our seasons together shall feel short-lived. Follow me, young one. There is work we must suffer before we shall see freedom beyond these walls.”

  Medolas nodded. As he walked with Blazzin toward the mouth of the cave, he noticed something from within the Ko-dess was glowing. “Blazzin, why does your belly illuminate?”

  The Ko-dess stopped and dropped his head. “The Tear hath a kindred spirit that exists within mine being. If ever there was a Peak when thine love was to fall in battle while protecting thine existence, it is I who would bear the burden of the Kindred Tear.”

  Medolas stood in silence for a short series of moments as he pondered Blazzin’s words. “What would happen to Clandestiny’s Tear if she fell?”

  The Ko-dess lifted his head and found Medolas’ eyes. “The gashtion would ravage thine lands until the moment of mine arrival. Thou doest not want to know the suffering the Isor would face.”

  “Are you saying that only you could save the Isor?”

  Blazzin whinnied. “One could only hope. It would be mine steadfast desire to do all that is within mine might...”

  Fellow soul, those were the events that happened

  just over 290 seasons ago.

  Let us now return to the season from whence we last left the

  Worlds of the Crystal Moon—the same

  season when George trapped Shalee inside the Eye of Magic.

  5 Peaks have passed since that event.

  George Nailer—After the warlock trapped Shalee in the Eye of Magic, he returned to the family homes on the northern shore of the Head Master’s island on Western Luvelles. The warlock spent the first few Peaks relaxing—but over the last 2 Peaks, he has been constantly looking for baby Garrin. The child keeps teleporting out of his crib.

  With a new sun rising, another dose of Brayson’s potion will be given to the toddler to bind his magic, but during this series of moments, they plan to administer a heftier dose.

  Kepler is lying on top of the rocks at the center of the family homes. The demon-cat has a full belly, and he is waiting for George to finish breakfast with Athena, baby Joshua, Mary, Brayson, Susanne, Gregory, baby Garrin, and the fairy-demon-child, Payne. Kepler plans to travel with George to the city of Brandor. George needs to speak with the king of the newly named United Kingdom of Southern Grayham, Sam Goodrich.

  Mosley—the night terror wolf, also the former God of War—After befriending Rash, the ormesh of the mightiest saber clan to occupy the Cat Plains on Southern Grayham, Mosley traveled with the saber lord to his lair. Rash then commanded four of his strongest subjects to accompany them across the Isthmus of Change. Over the last 135 Peaks, Mosley’s feline escorts kept all threats at bay until Mosley entered the village of Edsmar on the southern shore of Northern Grayham, just north off the coast of the Blood Sea.

  Mosley entered the village to question the locals about the frozen lands beyond the Cave of No Return. His queries regarding the Isorian people and the Tear of Gramal landed the wolf inside a frozen prison beneath the undercastle of Hydroth. He has been beaten over the last 11 Peaks by the Frigid Commander, Darosen.

  As for Rash and his saber tooth subjects, they did not have the ability to protect themselves from the extreme cold. As a consequence, they froze to death during the journey to Hydroth after being separated from Mosley. The group was ambushed by Darosen, Blandina and 400 sentries when they exited the Cave of No Return. Mosley has survived only because he uses what little magic he commands to warm himself while he suffers in the depths of the Isorian icy dungeon.

  Gage the badger and Gallrum the serwin—goswigs freed of their corrupt masters—have arrived on the Merchant Island of Grayham. They will journey to the frozen lands of Northern Grayham because of the dream the Book of Immortality planted in the badger’s mind. They have no knowledge of the territories of Grayham, thus making teleportation an unacceptable risk.

  Lasidious, God of Mischief, Celestria, Goddess of Beasts, and Alistar, God of the Harvest—Over the last 135 Peaks, the group has enjoyed success. The number of those who worship Lasidious continues to grow on Harvestom, Southern Grayham and Western Luvelles. The moment has come for the trio to implement the next part of their plan to take control of the Book of Immortality. A meeting of the gods has been called in Gabriel’s Hall of Judgment on Ancients Sovereign.

  Lord Boyafed, Chancellor of Dark Magic, and Lord Dowd, King of Lavan—Boyafed and Dowd are standing on the Battlegrounds of Olis that are located on Western Luvelles. They are monitoring the creation of the Protector of the Realm’s new home. Kepler has requested that his palace be completed before his return from Dragonia. The jaguar has informed them that he will be seeking a mate.

  Shalee, Queen of Brandor, Helga, Shalee’s former teacher of the magical arts, BJ, Sam’s former trainer of weaponry, and the unknown Fourth Figure—Upon announcing Shalee’s quest to create a new Heaven, the fourth figure inside the Eye of Magic commanded Shalee to sleep. Helga and BJ have been waiting for the sorceress to wake. When this happens, a revelation will occur.

  Medolas and Clandestiny—Both Isorians are now 305 seasons old. Clandestiny blossomed into a mesmerizing woman while studying under the Ko-dess to understand the power of the Tear. With her final roar complete, Medolas and Clandestiny have decided to return to Hydroth. They will travel without their pet snowhound, Keeba, since he passed of old age many, many seasons ago. Upon their arrival, Clandestiny has agreed to form a union with Medolas and surrender to him that which he has desired for so long.

  Clanny and Medolas have no idea the turmoil Hydroth has seen since their departure. With the Tear resting on Clanny’s chest so many Peaks from Hydroth, many lives have been lost to the belly of the gashtion.

  Shiver, King of the Isor—Shiver lived in fear of his mother for more than 287 seasons before he decided to take a stand. For the last three seasons, he has stood in defiance of his mother—ever since he realized that she will not harm him and that her threats against him are empty. But no mat
ter how empty his mother’s threats are against the king, many of the men in Shiver’s army are scared of Blandina. This has creating constant struggle while trying to create alliances within his own kingdom. Shiver is now 306 seasons old.

  The king’s relationship with Darosen never flourished. Though the pair bonded on their journey back from the Caves of Carne so many seasons ago, the Frigid Commander feared Shiver’s mother. Because of this, Darosen chose to devote himself to Blandina rather than be a good father to Shiver. The result: Shiver despises Darosen and has had to confide in Gablysin for the last 290 seasons.

  Though Gablysin does not know it, Blandina considers the ruby eyed man her enemy. She has never expressed any ill-will toward Gabs, yet she keeps Gablysin under Darosen’s watchful eye in case the prophesy is true.

  With the absence of the Tear of Gramal, Gablysin has fought with the army over the last 30 seasons to fend off the gashtion’s attacks. The ruby eyed man now stands beside Darosen as the Frigid Commander’s second in command. Because of the Frigid Commander’s training, Gabs has become a powerful warrior and a mighty hunter. The commander has kept Gablysin occupied so the ruby eyed man would not be able to develop his talent as a singer—a talent that was mentioned in the prophecy.

  Now, at the age of 305 seasons, the ruby eyed man is worried about Shiver—for tonight, at Late Bailem, Shiver will meet his grandfather, a withered, feeble-looking, King Meerum Bosand, for the first moment in his life.

  Slips, the child born without pysples, the small suction cups on the bottom of his feet—Slips has spent the last 7 Peaks tunneling through the ice beneath the undercastle. He now wears special shoes that grip the ice to ensure his footing. What he is about to do could be considered heroic—or stupid.


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