Book Read Free

The Tear of Gramal

Page 26

by Phillip Jones

  “Did you miss me?” Lasidious responded.

  George shook his head. “‘Miss’ is a strong word. What’s going on?”

  Lasidious frowned. “Isn’t our friendship strong enough to miss one another yet?”

  The warlock rolled his eyes. “Cut the garesh, Lasidious.”

  The god shrugged. “As you wish. You could’ve at least asked me how I was doing.”

  George stood and descended the ladder. “I think we both know I don’t care.”

  “Then why speak to me at all,” the god rebutted.

  George slapped his own forehead and referred to Lasidious as a character from a movie he loved on Earth. “Hello! McFly! I speak to you because you have something I want. When will I see my Abbie?”

  Lasidious laughed at George’s antics. “Soon, George, soon. It won’t be long before I have the power to release her soul from the Book.” The Mischievous One walked to the railing and looked over. “You’ll know the warmth of your daughter’s touch before night falls 60 Peaks from now.”

  George clapped his hands. “That’s great news, man. Maybe you’re not such a prick after all.”

  Lasidious crossed his arms and turned to take a seat on the railing. “Is your opinion of me truly so low, George?”

  “Of course it is. I’ve done too many terrible things for you for it to be otherwise. Did you really expect me to warm up to you?”

  “I suppose not.”

  “Look, man … it’s not like you really care what I think. You want something, and so do I. Let’s just finish the job that needs to be done and stop screwing around.”

  Lasidious nodded. “Agreed.”

  George looked past the god at the ocean and pointed to a long-necked bird. The bird had been diving for food and its bottom half was sticking out of the water with its head buried beneath it. “What the hell’s going on around here anyway? Why is everything frozen?”

  The Mischievous One looked around. “The gods are creating.”

  “Creating what?”

  “They’ve pulled Dragonia out of its orbit and are moving it to a new location. I believe Dragonia has become the new Hell.”

  George threw up his hands. “Kepler is on Dragonia. How will he get back? Will he be able to teleport home?”

  Lasidious shook his head. “Kepler is doomed.”

  “Doomed? Can’t you do something about it?”

  “I cannot. Well, not right now anyway. The cat will have to figure out a way to survive until I have the power to control the gods. Once I can, I’ll return your friend to you.”

  George walked to the edge of the ship and placed his hands on the railing. “Kep is going to be pissed off. I pity the fool that’s in front of him when he figures it out.”

  Lasidious could not stop focusing on the scruff on George’s face. He closed the distance between them and touched the warlock on the shoulder. A moment later, the stubble fell to the deck of the ship and left George clean shaven. Satisfied, the Mischievous One continued with the conversation. “The cat isn’t alone. The King of Brandor is with him.”

  George rubbed his hand across his face as he responded. “Why would Sam be on Dragonia?”

  “Sam fled to that world after he ended the old man. He fled to escape the consequences of his kingdom’s laws.”

  A look of understanding appeared on George’s face. “So that’s where he bailed to. I was wondering where he was. I bet Sam will be just as pissed once he realizes he’s stuck.” The warlock turned to take a seat and then scanned the frozen figures of the crew. “Tell me. Why am I not frozen like they are?”

  Lasidious moved to stand next to one of the officers who had been yelling at a member of the crew while he climbed a rope ladder. “I was going to ask you the same thing. I only came to see if my suspicions were correct.”

  “What the heck are you talking about?”

  “Only those with godly memories did not fall into stasis. You know more than you’re telling me, George.”

  The warlock’s brow furrowed. “What the hell are you talking about? I know of the gods, sure, but I don’t have any of their memories. I know only what I’ve learned from you since my arrival.”

  Lasidious scowled. “So you claim.”

  “And that’s the truth!”

  The Mischievous One fell silent as George stared him down. A long series of moments passed before Lasidious spoke again. “Perhaps there’s more to you than even you know. For now, I’ll trust you.” He moved to George and placed his hands on the warlock’s shoulders. “Whether you can recall your memories or not, they exist. At one point or another, you have employed the use of these memories since you’ve arrived, or you would be standing in stasis like the others. Perhaps Bassorine knew that I had chosen you. I only wish I knew the depth of his manipulations.”

  George shook his head. “Dude, you’re freaking me out. What the hell are you talking about?”

  Lasidious rolled his eyes. “It doesn’t matter, George, does it? You want your daughter, right?”

  “Damn straight. I’ve busted my butt for you, because that’s all I care about.”

  Lasidious smiled. “And you’ve done a fine job. Everything else that needs to be done, I can handle from here on out.”

  George clapped his hands again. “Great! And I can’t wait to hold Abbie.”

  After a moment of enjoying the warlock’s excitement, Lasidious’ candor turned serious. “George … I went to Susanne’s home and took Garrin. The boy will be with me and his mother for the next 60 Peaks.”

  “Why now?” The warlock pointed at his own chest. “Garrin has become a part of my family. You can’t just take him.”

  Lasidious nodded. “I know you love the boy, but you knew this Peak would come. I’m only telling you as a courtesy. I didn’t want you to worry.”

  George’s face tightened. “Of course, I’m going to worry. I love Garrin.”

  The Mischievous One adjusted the hood of his robe. “The boy is safe. I’ll return the child to you after I accomplish our goals.”

  George pointed at the Lasidious. “You’d better … because if you don’t, I’ll blow the whistle. I’ll make sure the gods know what you’re up to.”

  Lasidious ignored the threat and then reached into the pocket of his robe and removed a small stone. It was black, smooth and perfectly round. He tossed the pebble to George. “When you get home, all you need to do is place this stone into the hands of each member in your family. Once this has been done, peace will fall upon them. They won’t feel the loss of Garrin until he’s returned.”

  George threatened again. “Don’t think for a moment that I won’t sacrifice getting my Abbie back if you don’t give Garrin back to me. I’ll turn on you so fast it isn’t funny.”

  Lasidious grinned. “As I have said … Garrin will be returned once our goals are accomplished.” The Mischievous One closed the gap between them and placed his hands on the warlock’s shoulders. “You’ll have both Garrin and Abbie within 100 Peaks. I have no desire to lose my immortality because I angered you.” Lasidious vanished.

  George stared at the spot where Lasidious had been and scoffed. “What an ass.”

  Meanwhile, a Location Unknown

  The Shack of Anahita

  When Anahita opened her eyes, she was the only one inside the shack—or so she thought. The part human, part angel rolled to the edge of the cot and placed her feet on the dirt floor. After wiping the sleep out of her eyes, she stretched. Her arms extended to either side, and though she did not realize they were there, the wings on her back spread to stretch as well. It was not until the tip of one of her feathers touched the wall that she jumped to her feet and ran away from the cot.

  Spinning around, the confused angel looked toward the bed. As she did, she caught a glimpse of the end of her right wing. For the next series of moments, she looked like a dog chasing its tail, spinning while she peered over her shoulder to get a better look.

  Anahita stopped spinning only after sh
e was out of breath and realized that her wings were not a threat. She took another moment to scan her surroundings. Seeing the dressing mirror at the back of the shack, she rushed across the room and stopped in front of it.

  “Oh, my goodness-gracious!” she exclaimed while grabbing her face. None of her features were the same. Her eyes were green, her hair was brunette, and her skin was olive.

  She caressed her cheeks and her new neckline for a long series of moments before her wings regained her attention. Turning from side to side, she studied them. “They’re beautiful,” she giggled. Anahita touched her face again. “I’m beautiful.”

  Spinning around and around, she eventually stopped and faced the mirror. She tried to spread her wings but found that she was unable to do so. Again, she focused, and again, she failed. Anahita sighed. “Well if that don’t beat all. What good are they if I can’t use them?”

  As she continued to study the splendor of her new anatomy, her eyes had no choice but to fall onto the reflection of her gown. Reaching down, she pulled at the fabric. “Figures,” she muttered. “Only he would put such beauty in horrible fashion. How can an angel be expected to represent in terrible fabrics?”

  Anahita was about to use her power to turn the gown into something far more fashionable when another entity inside her being took control. Her head snapped away from the fabric and turned toward the mirror. Her eyes widened, and then her mouth opened. “Child, Child, Child, Child, Child! What has he done to me?”

  Hearing the familiar voice, Anahita tried to answer, but Helga’s emotions would not allow Anahita to regain control of the body they now shared. Helga continued to shout as she turned away from the mirror. “Shalee, where are you, Child?”

  When Helga paused to wait for an answer, Anahita had the chance to regain control. “I’m right here, Helga. Stop shouting.”

  Again, Helga’s anxiety took over. She spun, looking in every direction. “Where, Child?”

  Yet again, Anahita was able to respond. “Would you stop flailing all about? You’re fixin’ to make me sick. Just turn us around and look into the mirror.”

  It was a while before Helga’s emotions would allow her to comply. Facing the mirror, she stared at their reflection. “Now what?”

  Helga watched Anahita take control of their lips. “Something is telling me that Michael messed up. We’re stuck in the same body.”

  “That’s impossible,” Helga retorted.

  Regaining control of their mouth, Shalee frowned. “Don’t tell me that’s impossible. I’ve seen some pretty crazy things since I got to these worlds.” Anahita stomped her foot. “This really chaps my hide.”

  “There must be another explanation, Child.”

  “Is that so? What kind of explanation are you talking about?”

  “Perhaps we’re dreaming.”

  Anahita forced their right hand to reach over and pinch their left forearm.

  “Ouch! Stop that!” Helga squealed.

  “See? Told you. Looks like we’re not dreaming after all.”

  “It’s just not possible, Child.”

  “Really? Then tell me why I’m watching you fuss at me with the same mouth I’m using? Explain that one, why don’t you?” Anahita crossed their arms. “And stop calling me, Child.”

  Anahita’s short temper brought an awkward silence to the room. They stood there staring at the mirror for a long series of moments when suddenly, they both lost control of their body. Their eyes narrowed as they dropped toward the reflection of their bosom.

  “Aaaahhhh! I have breasts!” BJ screamed in yet another voice that sounded like his. As the old trainer’s emotions continued to keep control, he grabbed them. A moment later, his eyes dropped further down their reflection. All three personalities felt their heart fall as BJ reached down between their legs. “No, no, no, no, no! It’s gone!”

  The emotions of the moment allowed Helga to regain control. “BJ, is that you?”

  “Of course, it’s him!” Anahita snapped. “It sounds just like him.” Able to take control of their free hand, she used it to slap the one that BJ was controlling. “Stop feeling us up, you pervert!”

  Admonished, BJ stopped fumbling.

  Once again, an awkward series of moments passed before Anahita spoke. “Look, y’all, it’s obvious we’re all a little tense. We need to take a step back and settle down. Helga, I’m sorry for yelling at you, and BJ, I’m sorry for hitting you … or us … I guess.”

  Helga’s response was soft. “It’s okay, Child. I still love you … love us.” She took a long, deep breath. “This is so strange.”

  “I agree. I’m feeling a little crazy,” Anahita replied. “BJ, are you okay?”

  The weapons trainer did not respond.

  “I said, BJ, are you okay?” When he never answered, Anahita barked, “Answer me, doggonit!”

  Another silent series of moments passed. Eventually, Helga took control and stepped closer to the mirror. She gazed at the reflection of their eyes and spoke in a soft voice. “BJ, talk to us. We know you’re there, honey.”

  BJ’s emotions took control. Their hands lifted and covered their eyes. He started to sob.

  Helga and Anahita took pity. They did not try to regain control to stop the trainer from crying. Instead, they allowed him to mourn the loss of his manhood.

  Now, fellow soul … I feel I need to stop the telling of this tale to clear a few things up. If Grayham, Harvestom, Trollcom, Luvelles, and the new Dragon World had not fallen into stasis, it would have been the following morning for those beings who were experiencing night when stasis began. Instead, when stasis lifted, each being continued the rest of their Peak as if nothing ever happened.

  Every soul without godly memories now had no recollection of Dragonia’s existence. Every book, scroll, letter and map was altered. The leaders of every village, town, and city were given new processes to deal with criminals since they would no longer be sending them to Dragonia, and these changes felt as if they had always existed.

  Regarding the new Hell—this world continued to travel through space for a period of moments equal to 4 Peaks before the gods stopped it. Once that happened, the gods created a new star and placed it far enough away from the planet to ensure Hell was capable of supporting life. Next, three additional moons, all various sizes, were created. They were set to rotate around Hell on different orbits at different distances, but not all of the moons triggered the weres’ transformations.

  Before those who stood in stasis on Hell would be allowed to reanimate, the gods had to set this minor solar system in motion. They had to watch it function for 10 Peaks while they made final adjustments. Because of the increase in size to the planet, Hell’s equator split what was once known as the mainland of Dragonia. This world’s Peaks became much longer, doubling what they once were. Never again did the beings on Dragonia experience the same length of seasons they once knew.

  For Sam, it was good that Lasidious left him with enough food and water to survive. In total, Sam sat for a period of moments equal to 14 Peaks before Kepler stepped out of stasis. But as I move forward with this tale, I must continue during a series of moments that passed while the new Hell was still sitting in stasis.

  Fellow soul … allow me to explain the chain of events in order to bring you up to speed. After leaving the frigid lands of Northern Grayham, Lasidious took the sleeping Mosley to Alistar’s palace in the Plains of Bounty on Ancients Sovereign. With the Collective busy, Alistar’s home was vacant. The Mischievous One laid the unconscious wolf on his brother’s bed and then vanished to find George on the Agregan Ocean.

  Once stasis lifted from all the worlds, except Hell, the Mischievous One returned to Alistar’s home to retrieve the wolf. He scooped the wolf into his arms and then teleported to the priestess’ palace on Harvestom.

  The World of Harvestom

  The Priestess’ Palace

  Lowering the wolf to the floor of the foyer, Lasidious took a moment to look at his reflection in th
e granite. Smirking, the god stood and admired the many yellow hues present throughout the stone work of the palace. To his right and left, staircases ascended to a second level that followed the length of the corridor before they turned toward one another and met at the far end of the foyer. From this point, two other staircases rose to a third level.

  A long, wide, red tapestry with gold trim and black lettering cascaded past the second level and stopped just above an entrance to a great room that had pillars spanning its length. The tapestry read:

  All Praises be to Helmep

  For Through his Loving Grace

  The Wretched are Healed

  “Loving grace, indeed,” Lasidious sneered. “How pathetic.”

  The Mischievous One knew the priestess’ palace was grand. With more than 50 bedroom chambers to the west, the east side of the palace was equally as large, housing an enormous kitchen, spacious dining hall and a massive painting room.

  The priestess’ prayer chamber was unlike any other on the worlds. At the center of the room was a large stone with a flat surface that hovered above a deep shaft that fell more than 300 paces into the darkness below the palace. At the center of the stone was a symbol that had been etched into its surface. Only the priestess and Helmep knew the meaning of the symbol. Lasidious had spent many of his moments trying to pry this information out of both the God of Healing and the priestess, but neither would divulge its meaning.

  Lasidious’ voice echoed throughout the palace as he announced his arrival. “There are visitors amongst you, Priestess!”

  It was not long before a lovely woman with black and red hair walked through a door and stopped at the railing on the third level. Looking down and seeing her visitors, the priestess turned from the railing, snapped her fingers and then called out to an unseen being that had remained in the room from which she had emerged. “See to their studies, Daydoden! Upon my return, I shall administer a test!”

  The priestess vanished and reappeared at the center of the foyer. As she approached, the Mischievous One took note of her red dress. The garment had a high collar, laced with gold, and it swayed gracefully as she walked.


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