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by Shameek Speight

  The men were hurt pretty bad, but by the time they got better to do something about it, Snow was home and they wanted no part of it. Still up to this day, when they see Daytona and Livewire coming, they go the other way.

  Daytona pulls up and parks three houses down from the trap house, and lowers his seat so no one can see him. Livewire does the same, even though he doubts that anyone could see through the black tinted windows.

  "Look, you see that fat nigga Chambers out there with his niggaz. The stupid fool is selling shit right on the strip in front of the trap house when he should be inside," Daytona says, as anger rises through his body as he watch Chambers from across the street.

  Chambers had a light skin complexion with long braids in his hair and stood 6'3" tall. He weighed 295 pounds, all fat, and he was shaped like a ball, but no one could tell him he wasn't diesel. He likes to take off his shirt and wear tank tops in the summer. People would laugh because his arms were too skinny for his body, but he gets money and loved to talk shit, so he had no problem getting pussy.

  "I told you we Bellport niggaz will take over Amityville. There's no way to stop us with Snow and G-Boog locked up and Mel-Murder nowhere to be found. Bellport niggaz will make a come up, we're fly as hell," Chambers says popping the collar of his jacket causing his team to laugh.

  "We're going to fuck this town dry…" Chambers notices a black Lexus from the corner of his eye parked three houses down, "Yo, no one turn your heads, I want two of you to go through the back yard and sneak around the back and come up on those fools in the black Lexus across the street, aight," Chambers says giving orders to two of his men.

  They sneak off leaving Chambers standing there talking to five of his men from Bellport, while they serve the fiends pulling up in cars.

  "You see how much money these fools are making? Look, they only been here for two months and there's like four brand new Chrysler 300c's with 22 inch chrome rims on them," Daytona states.

  "Yea I see, now what we need to do is get to that crack head Erica. It's her house and if we can get to her, we'll be straight," Livewire replies.

  "Yea, but that bitch stay in her room smoking crack all day, she barely leaves the house. How the fuck are we going to get to her? I know Chambers got someone in that house 24/7," Daytona responds.

  "Yea, but that bitch has to come out sooner or later," Livewire said as he turned his head and noticed a man standing at the passenger door pointing a gun at him, "Oh shit!" Livewire yells.

  Daytona looks over in his direction and sees the gun aiming at Livewire, then his door flew open, and now he was looking down the barrel of a gun.

  "You two get the fuck out of the car with your hands up now!" one of the young thugs with the gun pointed at them yells.

  Daytona and Livewire slowly exit the car with their hands up, and then they were grabbed by the neck by the men that were pointing their guns at them.

  Daytona looks across the street and could see Chambers and his five men walking toward them. Chambers stood in front of Daytona and smiles, he was three years older than them, but he still knew who the two young men were, everybody did.

  One thing about Long Island, everybody knew who everybody was, don't matter what town they came from. If your name rings a bell, then you are somebody. So everybody made it their job to make their name ring bells.

  "Yo, what the fuck are you and this fool doing over here?" Chambers yells while pointing to Livewire.

  "None of your fucking business, this is my hood, I can go wherever I fucking want!" Daytona yells back while shaking free of the man who had his gun pointed at him, "Don't fucking touch me!" he yells at the gunman.

  Once the gunman that was holding Livewire by the neck, realized who he was he quickly lets go. He had heard too many stories about Livewire and feared him. Chambers sees the fear in his gunman's eyes and gets angry.

  "Yo unless you two buying some crack, y'all shouldn't be over here, this is my block pussy and no one cares that this used to be your brothers trap house. This shit belongs to me and my team now and nobody's going to do shit about it. Don't come over here thinking you're tough. Just because you both got gangster tattoos on your hand don't make you a gangster!" Chambers yells causing spit to fly in Daytona's face.

  "Fuck you motherfucker take your ass back to Bellport," Chambers is even more mad that Daytona is talking shit back while he's outnumbered, but there is something that he fears when he looks at Daytona and Livewire, but he can't put his hands on it. 'Fuck this, I ain't about to have these two little pussy's play me in front of my crew,' Chambers thinks to himself and in one swift move he swings hitting Daytona in the face, then punches him in the gut.

  Livewire tries to rush Chambers to only get hit in the back of the head with the butt of a gun, knocking him to the ground. Three of Chambers men began to stomp him. Chambers picked Daytona up and slams him into the concrete sidewalk kicking him in the ribs and face. Daytona tries to ball up and cover his face as Chambers and his team beat him and stomps him out.

  "Aight, that's enough!" Chambers yelled as he sees Daytona and Livewire covered in blood and bruises, barely moving, "We don't want to make the block hot. Moneybag," Chambers calls out to his right hand man.

  Moneybag was what they called a pretty thug. He looked just like Snoop Dog. He was tall and had a long nose, and always wore his long hair out. His hair texture was what they called good hair, like Snoop's.

  "Moneybag, I need you to throw these two in the back of their car and drive it somewhere and leave them. Have one of the guys follow you so you can ride back with them, aight," Chambers orders.

  "Yea I got you."

  Four of Chambers men helped lift Daytona and Livewire's bodies and put them in the back seat of Daytona's Lexus.

  Daytona could barely move as he lay on the floor in the back of his car. He looks up to see Livewire lying on the back seat of the car with his eyes closed. He was sure that Chambers men were long gone. He felt his car take off driving down a few blocks, or so, he thought, then the driver gets out and he then hears another car pull off.

  He uses the last of his energy to get up and open the door to try and climb out the car to see where he was and get some help for him and Livewire. He opens the door and falls out halfway and then passes out.

  Daytona lay weak; when he opened his eyes he could see a beautiful woman wiping his face with a hot rag. He tries to keep his eyes open but he couldn't and blacks out again.

  Voices could be heard and Daytona pops up and realizes he is in a bed. He looks around the room he was in and knew he had been there before, but where, he wasn't sure of. He noticed his clothes on the floor. He grabs them and gets dressed. Both voices were getting louder as he walked to the bedroom door and opens it.

  He sees Livewire on a couch smoking a blunt talking to someone. Daytona tried to make out who the man was that Livewire was talking to, but couldn't, his head was still spinning. He continues to walk toward them.

  Livewire turns his head and looks at Daytona, "What's up my nigga? I see you finally got up," Livewire says.

  "What's good?" says the man sitting next to Livewire.

  Once the man spoke, Daytona realizes who he is, "Yo 'E', that's you, shit where we at, and who was that woman I saw?

  'E' and Livewire smile, "We see you're better, because you already thinking about a female," 'E' says.

  'E' was Daytona and Livewire's friend they grew up with in their younger days. They were real close until 'E' moved to Wyandanch with his older sister, Scarlett. 'E' had short dreads and had a dark brown complexion and medium build. He was 6' and 160 lbs.

  "You're in the Danch," 'E' says, calling Wyandanch by its tag name.

  "I was driving two days ago dropping Scarlett off to school, you know she goes to Stony Brook College. Anyway, I saw your car and you were hanging out the back door half way looking dead and shit. So I jumped out my car and ran over to help you, then I saw Livewire in the back seat. So, Scarlett and I brought you two back to our pl
ace to rest up until you got better. I figured you didn't want your mom's to see you all fucked up like that and you already know I wasn't going to call no cops to help you, we don't get down like that!"

  Daytona's mind raced as he tries to comprehend everything he just said, "Shit I'm in Wyandanch. That means Chambers and his boys didn't just drive me a few blocks, they drove me to the next fucking town, and I've been sleeping for two days. Wait 'till I get my hands on those fools."

  Livewire looks at Daytona and could see that angry expression on his face, "Here dawg, smoke this, it's some purple haze, it will help you to relax my nigga," Livewire says while handing him the blunt.

  Daytona placed the blunt in between his lips and inhaled deeply and held it in savoring the taste of the haze, then lets it out. He repeated this until he felt high and mellow, "Damn I'm going to get them Bellport niggaz," he says out loud.

  "Shit I'm down with that, nigga. Chambers and those niggas didn't only take over the trap house in Amityville, but they killed a few dudes out here and took some trap houses out here. The real money for them is your brother's old spot. That's where they pull the most money, but they have niggas that live out here barely eating," 'E' replies.

  "Shit!" Daytona said out loud then hears a door open and turns his head in the direction of the noise to see Scarlett come out her room.

  Daytona couldn't help but to stare at Scarlett. She was 5'4" tall, 160 lbs. with a banging ass. She has a beautiful face and long hair. Scarlett looked like Naughty Neshelle the model, in the Straight Stunting Magazine. Her brown skin just glowed.

  "I see you're up and feeling better," Scarlett says while walking over to him wearing a short skirt that shows off her beautiful thick thighs and a DKNY t-shirt that hugs her size C breast.

  "Oh yea, thank you," Daytona says while hugging her and then kisses her on the cheek.

  He had known Scarlett for years, she was 24 years old and since he was a kid he had wanted her bad, but she only fucked with men who had serious paper. If you didn't have a house or apartment and a fly car with money to go with it, you would never get close enough to even smell the perfume on her body, let alone fuck her. As of now, Daytona knew he had none of these things. He was younger than she was, but he had a fly car but still lived at home with his moms.

  Scarlett had her own house from money that different ballers gave her, so she couldn't see herself messing with a man who didn't have his own.

  "No problem, I was worried about you. I was wondering if your ass would ever wake up. You opened your eyes a few times when I was wiping you down with a hot rag, but then you shut them again," Scarlett says while holding her hip.

  "Well I'm fine now," Daytona replies.

  "That's fucked up what Chambers and his crew did to you, but I can talk to him if you want. I started fucking with him off and on since he started getting that money," Scarlett states.

  "I don't mean any disrespect and I am thankful you helped me, but I don't need any one to talk to Chambers and those niggaz for me. I'm a fucking man and I handle my own business, aight!" Daytona barks.

  "My bad, I didn't mean anything by it, shit," Scarlett says trying to hide the fact that she gets turned on by his manliness, 'Damn if only the nigga was older and getting money, he's cute as hell, but that don't pay my bills,' Scarlett thinks to herself.

  Daytona felt around in his jeans pocket and pulls out his car keys, "Yo 'E', you said you drove my car here, so it's outside right?" Daytona asks.

  "Yea it's out front dawg."

  "Yo, good looking out, but I'm about to break out. I'll get with you. Yo, Livewire you straight, do you need a ride?"

  "Naw, 'E' is going to drive me back to my crib later."

  "Aight then, talk to you later, one."

  Scarlett, Livewire and 'E' watch Daytona storm out the house with an attitude and thought he was crazy.

  He hops in his car even madder than before. Not only had Chambers and the Bellport niggaz taken over Amityville and Wyandanch, but he also has the woman of Daytona dreams.

  Chapter 4

  Two weeks had passed since Chambers and his team jumped Daytona and Livewire. Scarlett sat on a blue leather couch in Chambers new house in Bellport, everything in it was new, from the 62" television, to the black carpet on the floor. Scarlett loved everything about it.

  Chambers was rolling up a blunt of haze while looking at Scarlett's thick thighs. She had on a blue Prada dress that matched his living room set.

  "Chambers, I don't know why you had to beat on that boy like that. He's so much younger than you or anyone in your crew. You were wrong, you could've killed him. He was passed out in my house for two days," Scarlett states.

  Chambers pulls on the blunt and inhales the smoke from the haze and lets it out, "Fuck that! That nigga was parked across the street from the spot, he think because his brother used to run shit he's supposed to be next to take over. Shit his brother is old news and so is he. His ass is lucky I didn't put a bullet in him with his smart ass mouth. And why the fuck we talking about him, are you on his dick or something?" Chambers yells.

  'Schmmp,' Scarlett sucks her teeth, "First of all don't be yelling and talking to me like I'm one of those hood rat bitches you're used to. And no, I'm not on his dick," Scarlett says, 'Even though it's probably better than your shit,' she thinks to herself.

  She knew the only reason she was fucking with him is because he's balling out of control. If he didn't have money she wouldn't even say hi to him if he tried to holla, "Anyway I need some money," Scarlett says.

  "Damn! How much you need?" Chambers replies.

  "I need twenty thousand," Scarlett responds.

  "Damn, why so much?" Chambers asks.

  "Nigga please, I have things I need and you knew I was no cheap bitch when you hollered at me. So if you want to play like you're daddy to all of this, you're going to have to pay and take care of me like you daddy," she said while standing up. She removes the straps on her shoulders and let her dress fall to the floor, leaving her standing there wearing only a thong and her blue Prada high heels.

  Chambers looks at her voluptuous hourglass figure and his dick gets hard as a rock. At 160 lbs. Scarlett had no body fat on her, her ass was thick, and she knew how her shape drove niggaz wild.

  She moves the hair from her shoulder and swings it to her back and walks over to Chambers. She bends down and unbuttons his jeans and pulls his dick out through the hole in his boxers and slowly placed it in her mouth.

  He lets out a moan as he felt her wet, warm mouth wrap around his dick. She knows she gives the best blow jobs in the world. She sucked it slow with long strokes, in and out of her mouth deep throating it.

  'Damn, this bitch definitely knows what she's doing.'

  She looks up in his eyes as she slurps it in and out.

  "Damn baby, you taste so good, I want you to release your cum down my throat."

  "Damn," Chambers moaned loudly as she picks up her pace, swallowing extra saliva that builds up in her mouth.

  Chambers felt himself reaching his climax and couldn't hold it anymore. He thrusts in her mouth hard as he bust his nut. Her mouth fills with the warm bitter taste of his cum and she swallows it, then stands up and turns around making her ass face him.

  She pulls down her thong and steps out of it, and then made her ass cheeks clap, "Fuck me! Fuck me!" she moans.

  Chambers grabs her waist and pushed her in the couch and enters her from behind. She lets out a moan as he works himself inside her warm, wet pussy, pushing his dick in and out of her.

  She began to move in rhythm with him, "Yes, fuck me," she moans repeatedly.

  She got louder as he pounds in her picking up speed. He began to slam in her harder and harder.

  "Oowee," she moans.

  "Shit, I'm about to cum!" Chambers yells thrusting in and out then releases his load inside her. He then pulls out and lay on the couch out of breath, sweating and breathing hard.

  "Don't stop daddy I need more," Scarlett moves
in a sexual way while rubbing her clit, turning her head to look at him.

  "Shit, not now baby, I'm done, maybe later," Chambers replies.

  "Shit, I need it now," Scarlett says pouting and getting mad.

  She was in heat and felt like he just teased her pussy. Now she needed more, she looks at him and knew it wasn't going to happen, "Okay I'm about to go, you got that money I need," she says while getting dressed and trying not to show how pissed she was.

  "Yea baby I got you," Chambers forces himself off the couch and walks into his master bedroom and returns with two large stacks of money, "Here baby, there's twenty five thousand there for you," he says passing her the money and watching her put it in her blue matching Prada purse.

  He knew it was a lot of money just to give a woman or a piece of ass, but Scarlett's sex game was the truth and he knew she only messed with real ballers. To have her on your arm was like having a prize, and niggaz knew you had made it. So he was going to do just that to keep her on his arm to floss in the hood.

  "Later Daddy," Scarlett says kissing him on the cheek and walks to the door to leave.

  He watches her ass jiggle as she walked out his house. He locks the door and went back to his bedroom to sleep. Scarlett hops in her blue 2001 Mustang that a drug dealer named Flip got her before he went to jail and was now doing 20 years in a Federal Prison. He would call her phone every now and then which she would never pick up. Scarlett's motto was what can you do for me now? Not what you did for me. She felt a man in jail or without money was no use to her.

  'Damn I'm so horny, that nigga didn't even finish the job. His ass needs to do some pushups! He has to have energy to tap this ass,' she thinks to herself as she drives home.

  She pulls up on her block and notices a black Lexus parked in front of her house. She pulls in her driveway and turns off her car and hops out. She looks at the Lexus and already knew whose car it was. She could see a figure moving through the tinted windows, so she walks over to the car. As soon as she got there, the passenger window rolls down.

  "How are you doing Scarlett?" Daytona says while licking his lips while she's bent down inside the window, giving him a full view of her cleavage.


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